'HOVNCIAL LIBRARY PROVISCIAL L133A3TV r ricTom. c. onr.iES3lppGs DaiJy Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S N2WSPAPKB - PHOIIE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVIII, No. 108. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 9, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS u Construction Speeded lip Mill ninum Factory Plus Pulp Paper Mill, Steel Plant Two Shifts To Start At First of Next Week Construction work on the high alpha cellulose pulp plant of Columbia Cellulose Company Ltd. will be increased to two daily shifts of eight hours each Uv Dubose. Suggests Even A PRINCE RUPERT ler Undertaking un i nis v-oasi at the beginning of next week, engineers of the com ,f fL 1.1, e Aluminum Co.' of Canada, said, GOES OUTDOORS pany announced today. Engineering work on the project is well advanced, hit several new iiiuumiicj, mciuuniy Company spOKesmn HRKPri., aim Prince Rupert took to the outdoors yesterday, the first Sunday of real spring weather. Cars of all descriptions were moving per plant, a steel mm, a ierunzer plant, thp establishment of an aluminum plant orders for long-dated equipment have been placed. By the middle of the month , i & ' 7 . t J 'a A the major evacuation work for Coast of British Columbia. :rS- CITY PTONEER the laying of pipe lines will be completed and an expansion of 00.000 project on Jjlvj UN OUU 1 H i Kitlinuat. south carpentry and concrete work along the highway in both directions between Prince Rupert and Terrace from morning until night. Port Edward also was the centre of interest for local pepole anxious to see how the celanese mill construction is proceed- the K J0"l's. ''r'"cc nupcii. tn as one of will get under way, it Is stated. A camp housing several hundred construction workers, as jjiwiifti wnu ojttiiv Alio iaov jxai ci r f 50.000 would ln Shaughnewy MlliUry Hos pital - at Vancouver, cuea - mere - costlng jmiu.uuu, lng well as warehouse facilities for construction materials, have , go ahead if pre- - b , M ,c ft,so lwA to the favorable, new. according to word received ,vs are watef Jn SALMON TO. BRITAIN OTTAWA Trade Minister C. D. Howe announced today that Great Britain Is planning, additional purchases of flour, apples and fruit pulp, providing an agreement can be reached on prices. Between 300,000 and 400.000 cases of caned salmon would be takfcn- WHO WAS WOMAN? been erected, and are now in operation. $900,- m lne Cliy ue ls urvlvea vU to spend The pulp mill is being built surveys inis year. - on Watson Island, eight miles shaw, 1805 Eighth Avenue East, JAYCEES SPONSOR from Prince Rupert, and is de Prince Rupert. The funeral will signed to produce 200 tons per TOURIST PROGRAM take place at Vancouver tomorrow morning. MAS day of high alpha pulp by the TRIBUTE PAID sulphite process. Watson island AT ONTARIO PARLEY Progressive Conservatives from all parts of Ontario gathered in Toronto tor a three-day convention to pick a new leader. Two of the central figures at the parley but not candidates for the leadership were George Drew, left, former provincial leader who is now national leader, and Premier T, L. Kennedy, who succeeded Drew as leader and premier but who did not contest the couvention. , (CP Photo) WRECK is the site of a large arc shaped TO CAPT. ELFERT PARIS The weekly newspaper, France Dimanche, was seized by the police (luring the week-end before it bit the streets with pictures of Princes Margaret and party In Italy. One picture showed a concrete-decked dock which was built for and used by the United mi Fireman Ar e Courtesy to tourists and the need to attract American dollars to Canada will be the theme behind a series of 10 weekly programs, sponsored by the Prince Rmicrt Junior Chamber of Final tributes of esteem for States Army during the war and Lr WeUskiwin the late Capt. John R. Elfert, provides excellent facilities for shipment by both rail and water. Justice Gets White Gloves Ilis Lordship Expresses View On Being Honored Today harbor master and port warden rear view of what looked like & Commerce, which will start over at Prince Rupert for twenty nude woman or girl on sea "Somebody Upstairs was Looking After Us," says Vancouver Hurse station CFPR on Wednesday years, were expressed this after side rocks. The paper said it was not known for sirfe noon at First Presbyterian morning. The program has been arranged by the Junior Chamber of Cummcrce of Canada for r1V.it.nVt 1 .1 ."I .1 1 . t I r r nnnrronnn I n knl llD. 4tltc .I'll 1 Vl ArinnKI Heavy Sale r;N. Alta, (f -An : a fireman were ir passengers and rt injured when Pacific Railways Winnipeg train was y today. Hrry Williams and Upper, both of Ed-? buried In tangled . ' t r VI llUll UOlwlIlUIV V4 A r & Villi lUllVyl I ' - , distribution distriDuuon throughout inrougnoui Mr. Justice h. s. Wood of van- u v (jana(iian Air Force Lancaster touched down at dusk 1 HEARING SHANGHAI couver received a pair of white country here jast n:ut i taxie(l to a ton. Out stetr-rl Rill of Halibut SHANGHAI Fighting aroirnri Aimed primarily at the house- service which was followed by Interment in the soldiers' plot in Falrview Cemetery. The service wfts conducted' by gloves symbolic of an Anze JS; Prant and Sh'wla Cure, home f J5(h a dnimat 5 eieape catn M theif plane cksh" in the mountains 1 "he ouao ' w. 4c roiled loco- Twenty-eiffht Vessels Land . 629,000 Pounds Rev. George E. Sendall and 't Kaiting today brought the Chinese civil war to an area 17 miles northwest of the heart of Shanghai. Meantime to the south the Red drive has carried at some points to 200 miles south of the Yangtse. . W. I Maxwell of vyilii wit; ijunuasuer ! juiiuing ' 1 the last chapter was written in j the graveside the "Last Post" was sounded by Canadian Legion Trumpeter W. J. Ranee over the casket which was draped with and dietetics, who will describe regional foods as they are prepared ln each of the 10 provinces. The recipes have been First large sale of the season took place on the Prince Rupert Fish Exchange today when a total of 629,000 pounds of hali iJlocsis, was sev- i , i .'urcd rere Thomas morning. The presentation was made by Sheriff M. M. Stephens. "I think it is something of a credit to l" the people - of this great one of the most difficult and TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. Lid.) Vancouver Bavonne i .06 Bralorne 9.25 heroic search and rescue operations undertaken in Canada. Canadian and United States j OTTAWA WINS CIP but was marketed by 28 ves- the naval White Ensign and bore the naval cap and sword of the Saskatoon, EdRar E. . adapted by master cneis. anonton. William county of Prlnce Rupert WhlchJ Accompany the program will OTTAWA Ottawa Senator' jsels emDraccs aimost unc-vuuu kP information on tne uanaaiau Jrrnhfrt anrl .ln:pnh deceased in recognition of his service career which embraced tourist industry and Us import- fliers had braved couiitlcss dangers in six days of search and rescue. Ohaton. Albert . tne whole province" said Sher-frand fireman had ' Stephens in making the ancc to the Canadian economy. two world wars. During the service, the con - escape as the en- presentation. Miss Cure had another ex gregation Joined In singing the i of! the track on a "This is the first occasion 1 iixmt six miles east have had anything like this planation for the safe return. Four American vessels sold 88,000 pounds, the balance being from Canadian. Price for the American fish was 18.3c, 17c and 13.5c to 18.4c, 17c and 13.5c. For three Canadian boats, with 84.000 pounds, 17.7c, 16.5c and 12.5c to 17.8c, 16.6c and 12.5c was paid. 'I am sure there Was someone George Ross Holds Middleweight Title HALIFAX, r George Ross, sharp - hitting Cape Breton upstairs looking after us," she declared. happen to me," declared Mr. Justice Wood. "It ls unfortunate that it happens so rare hymns "Abide With Me" and "Eternal Father Strong to Save." Mrs. E. J. Smith was organist. Honorary pallbearers were Judge W. O. Fulton, Dr. L. W. ly to members -of the bench of this province. I think it is all farm boy, retained the Canadian welterwclcht title Saturday won the Allan Cup and the Canadian senior hockey championship Saturday, defeating Regina Capitals 5 to 3 to take the best of seven game series four games to one. TO RESTORE TRAFFIC BERLIN The commander-in-chief of the Soviet lone in Berlin issued an order today restoring transport, trade and communication services In Berlin as from this Thursday. River People Fear Floods Run-off Should Start Soon If It Is To be Gradual Grant pancaked his plane down on a mountainside Monday afternoon last in a blinding snowstorm on a flight from Miss Cure's home at Cardston, Alberta, to Vancouver. Its pro B. R.-Con .04 B. R. X. .09 Cariboo Quartz 1.20 Congress .03'i Hedley, Mascot .... .20 Pacific Eastern ..." .05 Pend Oreille 4.10 Pioneer - 3.35 Premier Border d2?i Privateer .16 Reeves McDonald . 2.00 Reno .05i Sheep Creek 1.20 Silbak Premier .. . M Salmon Gold . .11 Oils-Anglo Canadian 3.95 A. P. Con SO Atlantic - .70 Calmont 40 C. & E ...!. 5 80 Central Leduc 1.00 niirht with a unanimous 12- (USED ronnd decision over Pete Za Kergln, Commander N. A. Beke-tov, R.C.N. (R), C. C. Mills, Oscar I. Smith, and Alexander Mac-Kenzie. 1 Active pallbearers were Cana the more noteworthy that there should be no criminal cases here considering that there are only two Assize court sittings a duk, 20-year old challenger from '-Marshal Va-kv tod.iv Guelph, Ontario. dian Legion comrades of de a and Untied States yC'iU- , . peller was torn off and the left wing damaged. The two were unhurt. Eleven aircraft flew 25,000 THE WEATHER Twenty-one Canadian boats disposed of their catches to Coop at the advance price. American 'Frisco, 21,000, Cold Storage, 18.3c, 17c and 13.5c. Pierce. 20,000, Atlin, 18.4c, 17c ( and 13.5c. ' Mary R., 16,000, Bacon, 18.4c, 17c and 13.5c. J. B., 31,000, Booth, 18.3c, 17c and 13c. Canadian Relief, 25,000, Cold Storage, 17.9c, 16.5c, and 12.5c. San Juan, 23,000, Royal, 17.7c, srtillrial tensions" Mr "ISUCC vvouu mal relations and 11 a "bit disappointing however, at only the "new that, because of a lack of crlm- ceased, James Nicoll, Capt. W. F. Robertson, L. M. Gordon, Carl Gustafson, Victor Duncan and Hubert Ward. Sywpsis There is no sign of any im miles in search and burned more than 17,000 gallons of fuel. Finally on Saturday the couple were reached by a party of log ie' Army could wfh -nal cases, he would not have u. , an opportunity to air his views ' repeated Soviet on the administration of justice 1 the western allies and the handling of criminals, f'ly "limited opera-1 "i have some strong views on Germany during tnosc matters." he declared. i(wl that the west- -There have been some ad- gers and taken to a nearby camp i INDUSTRIAL MEN ARE HERE 'TERRACE The Skeena River valley may see floods possibly mediate break in the warm and central weather over southern regions of British Columbia. The onshore flow of moist Pa- cific air will cause cloudy skies over the Queen Charlottes but Home Oil :. U.50 Okalta 2.42 Pacific Pete 2 6.1. Princess 29 Royal Canadian .OR 'a as great as those of a year ago In the course of a tour of the whence lliey were picked up by helicopter and flown to Princeton. From there they came on to Vancouver, first in a Dakota and transferring to the Lancaster at Abboteford. "iuue toward their , ), methoils of hand- central interior investigating in dustrial possibilities, J. T. Gaw if warm weather does not start a gradual run-off very shortly, people here are beginning to fear. Unlike the Fraser, which is the cloud now present aiong Tamin vm '--- ling people who get into the 16.6c and 12.5c. Margaret I, 36,000, Pacific, 17.8c and 16.5c and 12.5c. Margot, 12,000, Pauline V., 24,-000, Gulvik. 22,000; Atli, 12,000; Cape Spencer, 19,000; Dovre B., 50.000; Advance, 17,00; North 1 as brought out clly during the iBtl hen, he nhilm- throp of Victoria, director of development, Department of Trade and Industry, is a visitor in the toils of the law but there is sun much progress to be made." now experiencing a normal runoff, the spring freshet has not tasecl the Yalta He said that, while he nnu ' RrcemcnU. Montreal Royals been on the Assize Court bench city today. He arrived last night from the Interior. Accompanying him are Frank H. Keefe, general superintendent, 'Canadian Na Near Hockey Win for only a year and a half, he had had experience in British South Brazeau -16 Vit Toronto Athona .124 Aumaque IS Beattie M Bevcourt 22 Bob jo -19'li Buffalo Canadian 13 Consol. Smelters .00 Conwest 103 Donalda ." 7 Eldona 02 East Sullivan 2.42 Giant Yellowknife .00 ESSTO northern mainland is i-iv considerably during to decrease the afternoon. Temperatures over the southern interior will again reach Uie eighties and readings of fifty-five to sixty-five are expected along the coast. Fog banks are beginning to appear along the west coast of Vancouver Island. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North BRANDON 0' Montreal '?"., cr, hP Foreland, 10,000; Larry H 16,- hJve? rr heheTvi:stbin'000; Oslo, 23 000; Rodney P., 14 - , ", :000; Borgund, 11,500; Ankar A., years, stil i remain ,m on the .v,B mnn moun- tain peaks which drain into j . T tTSTreseV ' SSE (fpe K wiofESte p Dorrcen river leVel at the present time time Is IQMTirr' Columbia courts lor iu yi-uia. lwl'llrr f.ip 13 vears. Mr. Justice Wood Royals Saturday took a stranglehold on the Memorial Cup, wal loping the Brandon Wheat Kings tional Railways, E. B. Hartness, industrial agent, C.N.R.. Vancouver; Harry Bowman, C. N. R. colinization a. g e n t, Prince George, and W. H. Crocker, field representative, Dcpartmept of Trade and Industry, Prince George. extremely was senior police magistrate in Vancouver and was crown prosecutor in the police courts of Vancouver for a considerable time. 7 to 4 in the fifth game oi tne best of seven series for the weather which has fcept thei vllle, 26,000, and Teeny Milly, 36,000, Co-operative. ;Prlneess Margar-' IH be reeeivcri 5 hW Pius, spokes-British delegation ' said today, "sman, j0hn Schas- snow on the peaks. Canadian junior hockey cham Coast-Cloudy over the Queen charlottes today and luesciay God's Lake ....! 36 Hardrock ! 16 Amontr advances made. In the pionship. The scries now stands at three games to one with' on? game tied. If the cold weather which has characterized 1 the last few weeks continues until late in May, a sudden warm spell could I Cocks, first, (indr-nl - approach to those who break Cloudy on the northern mainland this morning, clearing dur Ration in tv,ft ir. , Kenney Here On Way to Interior Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of the law are the Borstal benoois ing the afternoon. Clear Tuesday Fog banks over the open Norton Youngs Is Campaign Manager bring the water tumbling down Htips which would send! ... - -w unt van- "nal details have not I but the aud-;pr,ably lake j)luce whose aim ls to rehabilitate young offenders and the probation system "which is going ahead on a sound basis." waters adjacent to the Queen MONTREAL. (P Miss Hilda Wren, who has carried trays and cleaned rooms for 40 years at the river up to a dangerous lanas ana iun-ows, wcu u. .v jevei. ' city this afternoon by air from T. Norton Youngs has been Charlottes. Winds northerly (15 PeoDle alone the valley are .Victoria and ls proceeding Dy the unanum-s nu m n.h.1, along The probation officer system the Royal Victoria Hospital, is retiiine. A trim, energetic, little appointed campaign manager and official agent for John D. McRae, Coalition candidate for light over the northern main land Little change in tempera hoping that the temperature car to New Hazelton where It will warm sufficiently this week is expected he will be renoirtin- woman from Surrey, England, her friendly manner and re to start a gradual thawing oi i ated at the Skeena riaing coan-the winter snow burden and ex-1 tion convention on Wednesday. markable memory endeared her oAFE i!t' Nin Prince Rupert in the forthcoming provincial election. The campaign committee will be going Into session this afternoon to Ilarricana '.: ' 06 Va ! Heva :. 08 Hosco A 21 Vs Jacknife , .04 Jolict Quebec 37 Lake Rowan .09 Lapaska .09 Little Long Lac -72 Lynx .13 Madsen Red Lake . . 2.92 McKenzie Red Lake 4a McLeod Cockshutt 2.30 Moneta 54'a Negus 2.30 Noranda 54.25 Louvicourt .lO'a Pickle Crow 2.00 Regcourt 04:ii San Antonio 4.00 Senator Rouyn 37 Sherrit Goidon . 1.55 Steep Rock 1.36 is working well ln the Vancouver area and in other southern parts of the province, Mr. Justice Woods said. "I don-t know whether or not there is any need for it here but, ln case there should be some who need assistance, the auth- tend the- run-off over several Dr. L. M. Greene, president of to thousands of patients. ANCIENT ART , weeks. the Skeena Coalition Associat ture. Lows tonight ano nigas Tuesday-At Port Hardy 45 and 46, Masset 45 and 58, Prince Rupert 45 and 65. II. G. Archibald, who ,was Member of Parliament for b"d the Amerl-'Manuel p. Domin- make further arrangements for ion, will leave tomorrow for the interior to preside over the organization and activities. Bread baking is one of the most ancient of human arts. olf ti, ul sann we coast f.f m LOCAL TIDES (Pacific Standard Time) Tuesday, May 10, W49 r Jorlties at Victoria may see the DEAF COMPOSER , tA"erlcan trawler. value of PlcinB a probation of-sairt n,i .u 1 flppr In t.hls area." Ludwig von Beethoven, who, Skeena in the recently dissolved House, is due back this week from Ottawa. He has been rnmine west by motor. Mrs. Ar High 11:52 19.9 feet 23:58 22.1 feet is . "lay wc " " On behalf of the Prince Ru- ; -wmsri and hart on DIFFICULT SWIM Since 1875, more than 100 persons have tried to swim the Channel, but only 27 succeeded lfi men nd 11 women. TODAY'S BASEBALL National League St. Louis 14, Brooklyn 5. iiau AV mar a , because he becan)e deaf, never heard the greatest symphonies he wrote, died hi poverty. Bar Association, i. Low 5:43 3.2 feet 17:51 4.8 feet pert k wow. now- chibald and child are coming by Brown extended a welcome to --'iueiy r reported 1S Anie. try in. tlie Jurist.