0 .7' N,,rt"n Yoinip. J IMwtt Xwx Dailp netos M niday. May S, lOi'J Capt. John Ilalcrow who is ashore at Vancouver for a minor surgical operation. A 4 A SHIPS and r cl,y at th ro,n a b,,,,1 Juneau. IIIIKIIIIS3I3I1I1 5 J r ..... ; .., ., t, f r Rotary Barrel Is Given-Test SO-IIour Course on Derby is Indicated World's Union steamer Chilcotin will make one more voyage after the present one on the Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Stewart route after which the steamer Camosun will be back on that run. The Chilcotin is to make a special trip from Vancuover to Tacoma with a two-day excursion of the Vancouver Tourist Association and her first northern voyage of the summer will be with the Gyro district convention party early in June. n B greatest -IK-- WATERFRONT Within a few minutes of each other two vessels of Union Steamships Ltd. arrived in port at 4:30 yesterday afternoon First to arrive was the stammer Coqultlam, Capt. All Aspinall. from south Queen Charlotte Island points, sailing at 10 p.m. for Westview and Vancouver. The Coquitlam was soon followed by the Chilcotin, from Vancouver and waypoints" which sailed at 11 p.m. for Port Simpson, Alice Arm and Stewart whence she is due back here tomorrow to sail at 1:30 p.m. for Vancouver and waypoints. The Chilcotin is in command this voyage of Capt. Harry McLean, relieving .v v- I " MVKBOcT n n ,i 'j ' B U n B H wSsv V In 1 .Just. how long it will take the Rotary Club's black and white barrel to negotiate its lazy way a'o'.ie the estimated 60 miles of the meandering Skeena River n xt June 30 will be a challenge to those who are interested in involved calculation. A test run made by two local Rotarians Saturday yielded no conclusive answer. The test run, however, did accomplish its primary mission of determining, whether or not V contemplated barrel "derby," .villi which the city Rotary Club hopes to raise funds to aid with the rehabilitation of Roiisevclt. Park, is feasible. It is. But as for the time the barrel Another week-end caller at port of Union Steamships Ltd. fleet was the steamer Catala, Capt. William McCombe, which arrived in port at 8:30 Friday night from Vancouver and way-points, sailing at midnight on her return south. I f ' f - 4. a E, : ' S ; n ! iij 11 H E3 : R 1 BLOUSES AND ""-I MONDAY SHOWS 7 . I MON. TO WED. "SRING PLOWING" Scenes like this one will not be uncommon throughout the country as farmers and gardeners begin spring plowing. Despite tractors that are standard on many Canadian farms there is still room for a good team of horses like the pair shown in action. SKIRTS $1.93 and up the party to East Kwinitsa shortly after 7 o'clock in the evening Constant changing of the river channel made it necessary foi the voyagers o use poles to wmfc the boat off gravel bars which were invisible in the murkv water. However, no serious ob-1 i r w iSZ2t)iHJHVI3iS (TJ will tn ko to travel its course from the Terrace bridge to East Kwin-itsa, an estimated 60 miles down liver, that is something that cannot be given with any great exactness. The test run showed that if river conditions on June 30 are .similar to those on Saturday, a Bought direct at the styfr centers to Rive you j.nnrter styles. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE struction occurred to the boat's passage and the journey was a pleasant one. When the derby run Is taken next month, the barrel likely will be accompanied by a skiff in addition to the power boat so hat it will be easier to get into shallow place to put the barrel back on its course. had been expected that the barrel could have made the course from Terrace to East Kwinitsa in about 15 hours, but the distance was actually greater than had been believed d v. to the wanderings of the vi: v: in its wide bed -and the si'jv-ness of the cuii-.'M. wati:k ST1I.L LOW Water level in the Skeena Saturday was low and no signs of the spring run-off has yet aj peared. Vast quantities of snov still cover the mountain peaks and forests of the higher leve'.s. Between lerrace and Reino, a rail distance of eight miles, th- iiiiBiaaiBBissi speed of three miles an hour ..an be expected. Thus, making allowances for delays caused by obstacles, the barrel will take at least 20 hours for the course. Don Ritchie, Norton Youngs and Bill Simmons, other committee members, for the return trip to Prince Rupert. i However, the river below Rcmo j is definitely no faster and in some places slower, indicating I that at three miles an hour, the ; barrel would have required at I irast 2'J hours to cover the coni-I plete distance. I Greatest hazard to any calculation is the fact that the continually curving stream contains eddies and obstructions which periodically obstruct the lazy ! progress of the barrel so that a constant watch must be kept en it. In the nmny channels ;u the Skeena. the barrel migh, ! 1 .isiiy be lost. i ' The test run Saturday va.i Prince Ri.perf Florist- ) 300 3rd Ave. Sox 5 1 S Tel. 777 Flowers for Ail Occasions But if the river is higher and opinion at Terrace is that it will be higher a faster run will be more than probable. The elapsed time will then be up to the sagacity of , derby ticket holders to calculate. Saturday's test run was made by Fred Hcmsworth, chairman of the Rotary Club's barrel derby committee, and a Daily News reporter who went to Terrace on Friday night's train.-The barrel, painted black and while for purposes of visibility, rode in the baggage car. The barrel was dropped from the Skeena River bridge, a mile east of Terrace, at 8:15 Saturday morning. As it began its leisurely, down-river 'course, it was accompanied by the two Rotarians in a 23-foot open power boat piloted by Collin Cooper, youthful Terrace river man. The experiment had bee n Bcheciulrd to begin three hour:; arlier but-, due to difficulties in ontacting the river pilot, it was ater than had been expected. A-4- 0 0N , j Ifaif D Oui tMIUitfl MWUIll 1 ..l...j CARTOON MUSICAL NEWS WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAT CASn PHONE 950 ON OI H STAGE river follows an eleven-mi! ; course at the present time "tli ? most tui biih-nt stretch b'.U.v Terrace. It took the barrel a scant 10 minutes less than i labours to .negotiate the 11 mi.V.s a speed of about three miles an hour. This was the ci.iy rirceli of the river on wi:'-Ji an actual timed drift was made because of the iact. that the Rotarians had an appointment at East Kwin-; I itsa betwo.n 7 and 8 o'clock that evening at East Kwinitsa wiv TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 8: made under favorable v.eatlK-r conditions which was fortunate because ire trip was made in an open buat which could' have beei.' unpleasant had it been raining At Remo, where the boat .-x-perienccd a bit of engine trouble the barrel was taken aboard the fiat-bottomed vessel and the rest of the trip was made at a 10-mile an hour clip which brought CAPITOL DANCE REVUE LOOK FOR THE RtlViOl U i NEW RED AND IKjsSU w, white wsmy- FEATURING From the scant bits of infor-nalion previously obtainable, it M A KJOKIE BKAli BIDDY TAFT TOOTS TAFT IKXiFK (iKNCTTE I I.SA FIDdtR AXDY .MiNAlGIIT GOLD SE&l LABEL Wmm A ' Plumbing Troubles? ' rmh blue $ Skum, ?, jsy j a-Baya1 III Types -j j Quality 1 PBINTIJMG I si itlii s for omC STATIOXr.KY FOR H'l I ORLFTIXO CAROh PENS AND PEXCIlj ; SAANICH i; Csmmodore Plumbing & Heatin" DIBB PRINTING CO, rue BESNER BLOCK i Cafe ji r I "Better Than Ever" . ! Best Food and Service in City "I cottage cin;i;si; New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY j Your Daily j ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Fast modern jet pianos which &:e a vital part of the deienca of our country need the finest attention. The men who keep them Dying ar the aero engine and airframe mechanics, the radio experts, lh electricians and the instrument mechanics of the Royal Canadian Air Forc. Upon them depends the proper maintenance of these superb aircraft. The combined efforts of skilled tradesmen In many branches ar required and in particular there are immediate vacancies for clerks and supply technicians. Special consideration will be given to graduates of commercial schools and business colleges for the clerical trades. "Join the R.C.A.F. ... get into this new exciting life in a Dying ServicV Find out NOW about the openings that exist 'jriione 17 for Send-Out Orders J Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr See US Today! FOR ALL YOUR SHEET METAL REQl MENTS WE HAVE THE MOST FI LL EQUIPPED SHOP IN TOWN DeLuxe NEW ROYAL HOTEL THOM SHEET METAL LIMIT. elivery 253 FIRST AVE. E. PHONE BLACK I "JAYCEE" CONVENTION CITY PRINCE RUPE- in the R.C.A.F. -There's a particular job waiting for you. A Home Away From Home Phone 383 Phone Prompt and Efficient Service ANYTIME ANYWHERE 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 2S1 P.O. Box llil AUCTIONEER U'HONE 383 J. H. MAIN ORME DRUG DRUGS Let a Beautiful Card convey your message of affection on PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS , MOTHER'S DAY STORE HOURS-WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P 1 TO 2 P1 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOO )V: .m 1 J P.M. TO 9 P.M. v.; - th. y- ' :j y v ism P. 5'" A sjt DIBB PPJIITING CO. vm,., rrnrv blcyle d" " ' ..X' n mKHf&VSl lJLi?-. is r Limn I 9 P f 7 n.m. till Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till G p.m BESNER BLOCK PHONE 231 and Sunday Seivina Fawcett Torrid Oil Ra r sj. i, c h - -"-ft, ": tt 4 A . 'i ;i ui E-ik y a a Ty ' MAIL COUPON TO YOUR NEAREST R.C.A.F. STATION V iyl I z. - , i P4KI INESs J (OVVINIEN'M H R.t'.AF. Kerruitinp i nil, 12 Group Headquarters V ht 4030 4030 West West 4th 4th Ave., A. v, .... X Vancouver, B.C. KWTC'IEX" EfONOMV Simplicity Patterns Tape Measures. Thread Needles Bias Tape Pins Scissors Kick Rack RiMton Lace Buttons Steel Crwhet Hooks You'll find a youd selection at if7 CSJ . , ... . ' . pBjBflPaafjaBaaaW Us with U.oSync-mJJJ to 2- saUnp means up Budget Te Sold on Easy i none: llayvicw 3511 Pl m.it m. .iihrnn 0Wi(!iin. f, pUculr. rriinf tnli,t'n..Bi ' """-neo. requirement and openinn new evailable In the R.C.A.F. Name ipimm Pfim , i STRKET ADOKES3 1 '"' See thrm now ai- CITY ' TROV I NC E... Yotj rf f!isibl 0 to ppt xi; .. w equivalent io both c.a. y ,of oth - AF-24D puo' B3 tm RSI' McBride Street