Prince Rupert Daily News VdUmi Through the S.0.S;CaU HOTEL Prinre ARRIVALS Rupert BABY'S GAS Thursday, May 11, 1950 Mr. and Mrs. 11. Held. Poi , Es-sington; PAINS NEED Stnrl D.j 3. A. Cameron, H. Begg, An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince C. J. Hague, R. Bamford, M. Bent-ley, QUICK HELP- SALE' Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by if 2 r NATIONAL W. H. Bray, Capt. Millward, Don't take chantea lon't fet baby be m la . Prince News 3rd Prince J. Columbus, D. J. Miss arable and lust needed reat from aa paina Rupert Daily Ltd., Avenue, Rupert, LfjX. EMERGENCY McCall, In atomach or bowela when baby's Own British Columbia Tableta fentle and rliabla quirkly help J. Sarley, Miss J. Vivian,' Vancouver; aweeten auur little atomacha and ear away O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director Mr. overload of want and as. Kaay to take , ' "rUIC!( and Mrs. R. J. Thompson, quickly crushed to a powder. If den I red. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Bee, how aon baby ia happy and comfortable Canadian city; W. Osborne, Terrace; again. No "sleepy" atuff no dulling ef . Daily Newspaper Association feet. Llaed with conridenea for beer (0 yeara Special SUBSCRIPTION RATES ,T, A. V. Tremblay, Victoria; B by thousands of motriera. Try baby's Own j Tableta, too, fur teething fevers, simple fa. Men's TIifti'crr By Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; Fer Teai, ' Cohen, Calgary. ver, cuaaliuattuD and other minor Uls, 26 $8 On; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. fS Re8UlarP I Now v m : 100? 1 1 m Mfn's,.. , RcK- $5.00 1 v m .Men's n. Kpial .... t-i ft. . , Economy Must Be Balanced IF WE ARE TO MAINTAIN faith in the demo-Icratic process and avo'd the undermining of democracy by the communists, there must be no mass unemployment which will produce social and moral disgrace in any of the Western Nations. Government works w ill he a palliative and help a great deal to encourage private investment if started early enough, but these will not solve the problem. ..The solution of , economic affairs in all our countries lies in greater production and the distribution of these goods and services internally and externally. To achieve the greater flow of trade means purchasing power in the hands of consumers B"5" Gnkuixu tit Beautltuldreapajt, ' FrMn tt t. JOHNNY'S Jottings Boys' Cotton WwsWK rrfsct fit ...... .3 Rnvc' CXI r i . 'H I JyiiJ If. i I ety to choose -rum Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get Hew Pep, Vim, Vigor What a tfcrin. ftonr limb flit out; tctr hottowa All up. n M k no lnnfr rrwoy , bod 7 tomm hail-titr?i1. tirklr "twin-port' took, i nmiNtndi o( firt-. woirti-n, mm, who iwrt ouuld fin brrr. r dow proud ol hpl. bwttnykrH&Hig btxtiM. Xuty HDtnk tb vienr-tmilrtin. tiwti-tmilttluC Iodic, ttami. tw tcium, tt.trultnu, invicorttura, Iroti. ttri Bi, rmtriuin. tiririi blood, impruv IT tile n4 tixfwtioo wo fin-d iivn you more trt iwlb aiiit nourish mut put flnli on bar fcMinM. lkn'i itw itfuc too Ut, Btup viiiaMt fou vgBlii4 :t 6. 10. Ik or J) Ida. yo qm1 fnr (mrtn-J wf if tit. Limui lUt.f. Nw"Ktt aequirtTd" iit ly tM', Try hmom Otr? lonle ltilli tor ivtw Ttt ud mUlmi UtW n (W- At U ruwmi. At the Capitol Theatre last ; night, final showing of the Ce-j cil B. DcMille picture "Samson j avSW afece-LirW WWM r.nd Delllha" was held. ThA everywhere. j Snmson must have been a; But the Western Nations, instead of enriching j strong guy. According to the j themselves bv increasing: the flow of trade out fen- picture taken from the biblical j cos :m in in tL the f, form .' tariffs i x 'i stcry that enormous hunk of man i up, of and non inter-change- ; extended two arms, pushed asiej aole currency so they restrict their trading, and at two puiars and kiied a bunch of j the same time put their hands acoss the fences and PeP'e- Heck way to act. ; Dress it up with SHINGOLEB MVPrpnr Thou iva nniti . f"rv"r- From what I've read and havp ; j br?n told, strong boys were at a ! pu-mium in the good old days Reminds me of the time a meek 1 stethescope, you feel better. 1 his Is a sure sign of strength. Stand for hours in a theatre que.You choose a rainy day because that is when all the best pictures come to your local theatre. It will be nice, you sav to yourself, to get Into the theatre and dry your body. The doorman tells you to come back again as there is no more room in the theatre. You tell him that1 you do not care to sit if tlvrf is no rojm but that j-ou only want to see the movie. The doorman is unkind and does not consider that the picture wiU not be shown again. You wa'b away and kick a cat from behind. This is a sure sin of strength. Play a piano at a house pare ty. You are enjoying yourself. Some joker comes along and run? his fingers over the piano keys very aimlessly. You are polite and rtiow your teeth. "C mon," he burps, "play this". It sounds to you like the revolution in China but nevertheless you are polite. His elbows are in the act now too. "Wassa matter", he mumbles, "Can't yoi play that?" They kick you out as hey look for his head in the piano wires. Other aWs to strength are to to tear a Knoxsvile telephone 1 directory in half (KnoxsvUle: population 37. ; take a swat at Joe Louis in trunks (first take the string out of his trunks and chop down a 40 Inch spruce I in a few minutes (diameter 2 inches). SINGER. We repair all makes Sewing Machines WORK GUARANTEED ' For Free Estimates Phone 864 Singer Sewing Centre The ideal finisl-Shingles, Fences c rough lumber. Mc: a variety of attra: colors. 1 v nn-j "1 V. H ill . (. The humbug of talking about unity in war and fighting each other in trade and currency must bo ended if the Western Nations are to outclass t h e growing economic strength of the Soviet Union. There are two main acts necessary for a solution of the pending economic crisis. First, the creation of a huge free trade area among all the Nations who are associated in maintaining dpmnrmnv anri nm little character went visltin?' his girl friend. The poor lad; lisped slightly. He was an agent j for Watkins and the conversa- j tion gradually turned to ailments. I 'Darn," he thaid (I mean' said i '-I got of the threetcai ; and tripp?d. I'm thor." j Ha"! said the girl friend. ' Thompson Hardwoj BarrerBricik-Tgpe Sidings You caif give your home smart, brick-like appearance with Barrett Sidings. They're good-looking, sturdy and weatherproof. They provide insulation and fire-resistance. Ye, they'll give your home a stylish new outlook on life at (At, Jar less cost thin actual brick. In some cases, you'll pay not much more than you would for a good paint job! , TAX I YOUI CHOICI OF sTYUt INSULATED BRICK-TYPE SIDINO-Mounted on VS-inch insulation board. Surfacing hricks, in a strikingly natural ' blend of butt, red and hurried brick called "Varnone", are firmly embedded in asphalt. Here's a real brick and mortar effect flat iiji imltitn vtltu. SHINGLE BRICK-TYPE BIDINO-Medium-priced strip sidings in "Viritooe". Apply like shingles. Attractive and realistic. ROLL BRICK. TYPE SIDING Brick sidings in low-cost, but effective, roll form. Buff or Brick Red. 6ive your home a new lease on life. Instead of painting, petk up its appearance with BARRETT Brick-Type Sidings. Co. Ud. ft " v . ' v t ji Ct V. . This policy would necessitate the establishment j of a huge compensating fund to reimburse and re- j establish such industries and people as were injured j Second, there must be one world cnvrpnrv intp-.' Movinf, Packing, Cm j. What about the Samsons of today? It's like looking for the' rilver linin? in a golden sunset. ; I A man in New York is paying Shipping and fx''l Carta and Stan; lomplele Reliable and tent Service, also ipf Canadian Liquid Air ft torOxyeen. AMtjIntd ui nua in magazines, ne wants to tell everybody he is strong. Funny thing the man doesn't seem to be growing any older as the years slip by according to his picture. He says he pulled a train with his teeth. By this time he hasn't got any.' But if all vou men. who nrp wfldlrt supplies. Llndsay'i CarM Storage horn Cor. JrirJ and Park M j foolish enoufeh to read this, take I the advice. X am about to men-1 1910 Phones Ijour Barrett dealer sells Protection Pu$ jaj Est changeable among all the associated nations. Experience teaches us that there is little hope of the various parliaments, congress and senates taking up such a problem and acting thereupon. Un til they are forced by inexorable fate and circumstances that will arise if there is no war. It is likely no nation will do anything about it. So we can anti cipate a slackening- of tiade, an increase of unemployment and of public debt and taxation by forced public works and a crisis. When a crisis comes, it may well be the Nations will only then see that a United free trade area and a single currency would bring to the associated nations the richest era in the history of the world and thereby create disdain for ruthless communism and faith in democracy. tion, you will develop muscles; so large, that I can go Into the rubber shirt business. Following sre prescriptions ior Sure Strength: He stocks a complete line of roofing, insulation and weachcrprooting materials. He's got what it takes to stop almost any weather. Whether your problem is leakage, seepage, rust or rot-see your Barrett dealer first I 1 a Hmm ! Gcot Once again we remind read-ers that letters to the edltoi' must be signed.. If the wrlt.?r does not want his name used he may use a pseudonym, bu' the communication to the editor must be signed by hfs righi name. Yesterday we were un-fble to publisii a letter because the writer had not signed his own name. VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, B p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QIEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, May 12 and 26 FOR SOUTH QUECX CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, May 5 and 19 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNFR Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 If you, fesl anemic, go to the bank, draw out a few tens and see your doctor. The doctor will take your blood count. (In these modern days, M. D.'s use adding machines-much quicker)! After he has counted enough' THE BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED Mankaal a 1mm a Wfcmlpaf Vancwwar That's What FUM ron saw U ;n the Kews! It's business wisr to advertise. blood, he will tell you that you are sick. You tell him he is sick after he 6hows you the bill. Af ter knocking him through h., About Our PASTRIES CAKES 0 PIES C0OKB3 nd ' ltUEA All baked frfshW MITH SAVE THE TOTEM POLES WilLE NO SYSTEMATIC examination has been made, there nevertheless remains the possibility of Prince Ruperts' fine collection of tote mpoles becoming attacked by what is known a:-the borer beetle. This, in many instances, can cause a pole to fall into decay, although if repair work is done in time, there can be restoration. The iocai poles all appear to be in good shape, but to know definitely,' needs inspection. The totems are not affected by the teredos, which destroy undersea timbers oni,y. The poles on disnlav here remain ohieets nf rlppn in. It's Yours For lust $55 A Month A beautiful Ford or Monarch Car The average monthly Instalment on a new car Is a strain on most family budgets. In order that you may enjoy driving a 1950 model, with the greatest financial convenience possible, we are offering a new time payment schedule whereby you pay just $55 a month ( following a reasonable down payment) on any passenger car you choose. COME IN AND LEARN MORE ABOUT THE "55" CLUB Here't Prompt Relief Beyond Belief From The Pains Of r "ARTHRITIS RHEUMATISM Try promptctinr Ry-to-take DOIXIN Tablet . , . now rnvnilabl in three convenient size bottlm, at rednonahle coit, at all drug Btorfi. AcclHim-.i by relieved auf-ferera everywhere, you can rely on thii eff"ctive prmluct In relieve the ajrnny of Arthritin, Rht umatiam and Sciatica. DOI.CIN .R nrtimilt ar.d ha nn nnnltasan. and ELKINS Plumbina & Heatina li Rupert m ! j LimilfdJ boitle of ipenuine IWiLCIN i.' - j ' ' l' vi'-cia. Tctji. Gt ut a a Dot ,Ti'r-4- i. i. . i ji -ablrta and nuu ll't iii. t! 'rompt and Efficient Service! j niciii ni'ii) ynu linn np. 7T71 V J lahcol (.lllCliy L(J LOUIliS, niaiiy OI WnOm See tnem rnmforting roll,f . . , tr;i,! lTO tablet. 1Mb (RnotkM? Ik F : i. ,,fr e-i ta'iiprn Tor avail. IOr tlie IlrSt time. w In bottiofKM)tobleta.DolelnUmitei. W i I loronto 10, Ontario. THE BBI il l . i ' . l: pi r STC '13: Jv?. Q Telephone 93 ? !- n i.iinhim HOMES Xanadi011 , (A 111 fAHiffl I Depend on foraaifeti M;! Millions of people know that Carnation is a dependably superior milk. Year after year, you can coon on its double-rich LAMPS! Finest 3LS-tlt Whisky r-rf? "from Contented Cows" This advertirmni- , , displayed by the Liquor CoZl Bod S v the Governmentol British Columbia goodness, its tine, creamy flavor and smooth texture. ,; ever you buy evaporated milk - look for that dependable red : and white Carnation label. For Every Use, Milk So Rich it Whips Yes Carnation can fill every milk and cream need. Diluted half and half with water, you have fine whole milk for cooking, for baby's formula, for drinking. Undiluted, Carnation is double-rich milk for coffee, cereals, and for whipping. WE PAINT PHONE 108 PRINCE if PLUMBING' ! HEATING j (Old Post JOHN H. BULGES optoMETBI31 I Build your new home thru the National HouSr ng Scheme. Easy payments Long terms For Expert Advice Call Your Locol Builders' GREER & HIDDEN ' 215 1st Ave. West Prince Rupert, B. C. Phones: Office Black 307 ' Night Red 561 and DECORATE exterior or Interior BOUDOIR SHADES .98 BED LAMPS 1.95 TABLE LAMP .... 4.95 TABLE LAMP 6.95 ' TRILIGHT SHADES, SlLK 4.95 TRILITE LAMPS, COMPLETE .17.95, TORCH I ERE LAMPS 18.95 AT NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. PRINCE RUPERT 6TEWART, B. C. Blue2ia . SPRAY or BRUSH Wallpaper Hanging BURNINp METHODS 50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE - A Ml ha.f-cenfury making iht world's leading brand of evaporated milk I That's Carnation's record. Yes you can depend on Carnation. i!g' JOrtfl Bl SPENCE and MATUIKl A CANADIAN PRODUCT Third A'e"" Phone Blue 215 233 11th St