r Prince Rupert Daily New Thursday, May 11, 1950 the lieat of niurning. were that James Ward Trince n to his death by heart ' ino I Upm " t . dauKliter, Onolee, ihovc to Prince was bllnU.td from Rupert at the week-end to visit! the flames. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Arseneau, , jhad come . i ..... i r, an .... " seizure and that he was Timely Topics jrom Terrace. Mrs. C. R. Newbouser, Terrace Reporter the former Jean Klrkaldy. uea Purchased the in the I b('forc he fdl inU te water J Interment took place Miss Hilton. R.N., and Dr. ! andTt IKalum cemetery of James Ward Mr. and Mrs. George McAdams ' Tuesday afternoon following u Jell on Saturdays train for the' funeral service in the Parkview south, where they will holiday Chapel of MacKay and Son Rev Black of the Prince Rupert sn Clarence TERRACE The May meeting presided. A number uf changes of St. Matthews W. A. was held at I have been made in the Vtuirans' the home of Mrs. H. Houlden last ' favour. At the close of Un b-isi- neaiih Unit, spent a few dav Prince -MONTREAL, May 11th -Aore time to enjoy iui uiciir.ncwwe , Mr. Mallett officiated Pall- here last week inoculati nnH retumtn T t ' 41 at t J , . ; . .. " " 5 n n Suiid. Sum.. lY 4 I I ME tJ I ? HA .&. I ay wnpr wiien you if time motti- I'"""1" wmtcr doilies with LARVEXI You tee, ""- to wra or 'tore clothes when vou . iiioUiiiih;1 ili. m i lie Larvei vavl in mOm. 'bearer wer old friends of the vaccinating many of the school fighting ' deceased. The findings of the children. The volunteer fire Mr. and M,,. brigade was called out at 6:45 Jurv at the inquest Mo.iday Mrs. E. T. Brooks travelled to (Continued actually ni .thprooli the rlodi itself or whole yt-ar And l.:irvex is so mrt . . . moths will starve Jo death ruil.ir than eat anything treated with Thursday, when final plans wer? j ness session, A Boas and Dr. I made for the spring tea and sale ; Black showed an Interesting film jto be held next Saturday in the j on "Operation Musko.i." Salur- Oddfellows' Hall. A few small day night a smoker (or members j house plants wil be sold instead and their friends was enjoyed by of having the usual novelty -.tall, all who attended it in hie Leg-, Replacing Mrs. Dover on the Al- ion clubrooms. J tar-Guild will be Mrs. H. King ' , as Mrs. Dover expects to be away Mr. S N. G. Kirkaldy and I for several months. Mrs. West, , with .arv(.v ad .,, ,' ,; , : .7" , : "st, f',rav ?. 8nMBt Friday morning to extinguish e 1 ' fire believed to have started from hot ashes in the garbage house of the Terrace Hotel. Fortunately j the air as calm because, as it i was, the east side cf the hotel lor f.ir ti r' I.,, no i..o.l,-l,alt i ii.i 4 1J,e Tea" "r immediate uear, odour to Larvex. And if. bo inexpennvi . . . co,i, no mure to "Larvcs fit than to get it dry-cleaned! Tvof-appy Young Marrleds I know ,,. t,.(,l i.i :. " " .-.urm. It . lT.ni. eniiie.lv, ...... , A1KI OA.M" rn J. i. hi. .J fn. i v . .. 1 presided at the meeting and, following the close of the business session, refreshments were ' served by the hostess Mrs. G. Hamlin. i ,.iri..m wn.nmiic is ,. nrwi-t. I.rii;l,!,.t word m home .u.m.l,nu--! IV this incomparable foam latex eu. , mm si buoyant, so resilient, so rest- k'-ii ! r"mi"vt 10 auv -1"1'1'. sofa or .0(t: l.o.i.lvenr "Ai, !',vim" 1-. , ..:..:..i Bfecfe Cfotphp's freeze . ... . v "O UllttlllUl WITH THE NEW "V' .''1M ner -always his that trim, well-tailored look! Wht' , ,,i ' e' ", ll sue. too for it moth and vermin repellent ?,, . '' " "'-""'-'""K new hnme-or re-f.trni.hme an o n n tm BLADE DI5PEHSER lfa You're Tired of laek-histre I V- III fer- w ' (Ji. f& Ta ,IM 11" KS ... II you'd like tly lovely - looking hair here's your g'o 1 d e n fell m i. i opportunity I A 5 I I ' wry special offer 1 of a :10c bottle AJ f A" II E M L MIAMI'! K) lor ' j The Board of Directors of the Civic Centre Association decided at Thursday ni;ht's meeting to make quarters for their new di-itctor, Nick Schinelins, at the front of the bowling alleys in tiie room which has been .variously used for ping pon a canteen end kitchen. There was a .small turn-out o members at' Thursday night's meeting of the T'rru:e Parent Teacher Association presided over by Mrs. Alice Campbell. Various matters were discussed including graduation banyu.'.-ts fot trade 8 and grade 12 stunenU. The members could net se? their way clear to having these banquets, as a convener for iheni could not be found. So it was reluciar.ny decided :o drop th"; rad'j 3 p.trty and to have the p-niir.iui; of ,he vtudents Council a. the June meeting o discus the grade ;2 graduation. It was disclosed that final plans for the dental clinic will be made by the committee at an early meeting With Mis. G. Haugland leading, an entertaining discussion on child training was held. Refreshments followed and the showin? of two tnterstlng films by Mr. A. Boas. Dr. Black of Prince Kupert came into the meeting for the film showing and stated that, on his S on lite! a b) beaulify ymir hair that yottSPHl't afford to miss! Vou see, the. new Kreml Shampoo has a natural oil base that leaves your hair glcmiinir. kitten-soft yet 60 easy to manage! What's more, lyoml contains a truly nmi vi Inns iTe:ieii;,ni eallcd 'Folisan" that mikes rinsing "wink-quirk" yet tlioroii;:li . . . leaves your hair whistlc-clc-m! Jiml twntl one dime in a letter to rue liaibara Brent, I Bfliere In Taking A Tip from EXPERTS! And Kirhard Hudnut are certainly experts when it comes to home permanent!). They say it's the Waving Lotion that mkes all the difference in a home permanent. And they've actually developed a Home Permanent Waving Lotion that gives you softer, more natural-looking, lorujer-lasttng curls that are both stronger and springier. What's more, independent research experts have proved that tin Ktchafd Hudnut Waving Loti is actually 22 more effective! That explains why I always recommend a RICHARD 'Hl'DNUT Hume permanent so fn- thusiastieaUy to even-body who wants the perfect home permanent! May U A "Spring Ferer" Month wnen we're all "11 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. nrj " eruj yon a regular 30c bottle of kreml Shampoo! f There t a new Gillette Blue Blade nr' unwrapped and ready for your 7?Lf.Vs Gillette Razor. IlljfHH Men, you get the cleanest, most com- i-LJSkVM fortable shaves i'JtL iFft'I ever when you use super-keen Gillette Blue Blades Yes! Si 37l and you enjoy top convenience when M "lA-MJ you buy them in the handy Gillette J2JSS"S?Sg Blade Dispenser. 3TZm' GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSER i?iL J-10 Blades 70 Shaving Idgis 50t 20Blades-0 5tovn9fse, $1.00 I j tN REGULA"ACi(Gt-5 or 2Sc I '& just 4 little "run-down" after the harsh weather of Winter and Early Spring. v r Well there's V nothine b e 1 1 e r - V - for that lacka ilaisical feeling 4 V. WW..-.r-T- -few THAT LOOKS AND WASHES recent trip to Victoria he had approached the healt.i organia-i'ons thre to ha 2 v resident nurse for Terrace. The various -rganzi-.t ons in Te.uxe will oe - sked 'o suppo-t tha r T A. -lequest ..'r the resictii' nurse, rf. Dr. Black felt tha'. thi.-? nciion would be necessary to get cooperation ' from Vic tor U. Jaw As COOP Tor The I OUflg-tttrt tw all the ,c'hir il.li.a.-ns wiys o: s-rvir.it JKl.1,-0 'TD-IHNGS . . . this Ib i veuly Home, luj le Ice Cream, l-.ccrv creamy s."uth j. ll-() I'm I, line makes ,, s-sTt a mealtime 1,!, .uj . titly are equally u c..o,l smed I;Jin or ".lns-e,l uii'', ; Add 2 cups milk aurt u cud ; fi'Jr to 1 parka,. JeI-6 Cliocolate Pudcl.iiJ. Stirring Ciai.-tantly, brin lo )u,j. (oul j!ititly, then turn into tray ot liK'cnanicai retugerator. Clull at fastest fiewin? speej for 'i iiour. Hemove to bcul, firadu-il.v add 1 cup creani (wh.r.pedi huxinjf well. Freeze 1 J,our Janiier. Helurn to bowl; eat V .tii f.;rk until sine oih but nut Jiieited. Complete fiee.-.iiig man tins wonderful -health habit": the juice of one lemon in a glass of water taken first thing on arising alvayt makes rue eel like a new woman! '-s. it's the best wav I know to banish that ''slow-poke" feeling vilhout the use of harsh laratives. ion see, this natural fruit juice tfntly helps youa. system regulate itself . . . helping you keep regular the healthful way! So, for pood health's sake, keep a supply of lemons always on hand! Hut be sure they're SfNKIsf CALIFORNIA IMova jhcy're the finest, juiciest of a'lll' . ; , ' M.bicob ui aiii "IT TOOK ONLY ONE COAT of this new enamel finish to make our l.alJiniom walls as lK-autiful and scrul.hable as o'm lovely new halh tub. And hot water and steam doit't affect it one particle." REALLY There was a short business meeting of the Red Cross executive Friday' night in the nurses' lounge of the Outpost Hospital. President Jim Stevenson was in the chair and others present were Mrs. Norrington, Mrs. W. Robinson, Mrs. R. Thomson, Mrs. Hamlin, and Mrs. Newhouser. Mrs. ; Thomson, works' convener, reported that two quilts had been made and sent to -headquarters. She wourJ like to see the wool going out quicker, apparently there has not been much call for it recently. A Holy Bible had recently been needed in the hospital and, as there had been some i delay in procuring one, it was de-! cided to ask the Hospital Auxil KEM-fitO Wooilliurv Fanal's 'i.0 .?''f:''n,nK oilsl VeS, IS IN A CLASS BY Httlh : If. a marvel,,, . '"ulV oap 'o use lt inWbithtoo.rrfor alf-ovir beauty complexion ! Siicfc Coed Xeiut! . . favourite starch your com in a brand II e w package that's Ml Tliere' never lirni on enamel fmmli like Kem-Glo so new, so different, so superior to anything olTercl More.. Anil it's so easy to tine willi lirush Or Roller-Koalcr. All vou m rd in ()K mnotli-floH-inp rinl of KKM-GI.O lo ilo a perfect jol on he walla, woodwork and cahineu of liiitlir.iom mid kili lien. FOR MNKST WOODWORK -I lovely, lustrous KEM-GLO on wood-work to harmonize wilh 'K1"'f of KK.M-TO.NK wiills in 'm halls and bedrooms. Topelli" ll'f? form the perfect romhinaliun lo' quick, easy and most draiJ w tcrior decoration. open It's easy to and close! CM,., ,.i. astiro Z 1 ,, . . iary to supply the hospital library with one. package of DURHAM CUliN StAltl'IIl No need to pry it open with a knife and make a mess. Jtv-t break the seal and in-Me j-wt'll liud Durham' Corn bilrch neatly protected m a paper bag. Then, when vnn'i,. (',,,;. i.. 'mi ' Miss Joyce Cote returned on Sat- urday's train from Smithers, where she took second place in the "Miss Northern B.C." beauty contest. isi ;is much as you need at the lLiU-uLU$avesyouinoiieyW It, iiunv -replace tbe too. Ills snuim-Jeep" out every it needs no primer or undcrcoaten r i . in i I ..licrllll' A Mother 1 Know Bays she's been hinting for (, Mother's Day gift for several weeks. She wants a RADIANT 3 MINUTE Ivl.llLEI And no wonder! This amazing "lifetime" kettle boils anyplace there's a wall - plug handy anytime you want a cheery cup of lea! This "kettle wuh legs won't mark vour furniture -for the heating unit is well-insulated and the feet protect the surface of y,mr furniture. I s safe! It shuts off automatically by thermostatic control so it never boil, dry AND it thuts off at once if it s plugged in without water. It saves power because it heats faster. In los than three minute, you ran hni, h 'inc... oust and j,i.;yents Youil siarcti irom spilling out. be delighted wnii h,,w raw wihhi, waiiooiirii mi r - , ninui iiirfaeiiii iii on e coat. ' nnich Mude from harley-nialt and rice, this high-proof beer is lops in quality and flavor. I'lUU'TO llijlll Mfc" BEER -,-icr n h to make ucs ,1,-rroalcr pl n '"Es with JJurliam in its ciiiilncls ropiirp nn iiml or more coiiIh of piiimiicI Alan Dubeau, student at the ; University of British Columbia has returned to spend the summer vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubeau and to assist in the prescription department of the Terrace drug store. paei.nge. And voul "" " I thrilled tin lin e , Uli tiie .recipes on the package I rv re . 1 1 ,....1 i,,,i,..,., r r , 1 r J a $270kiot. arch -7 ..M.I,,,,!, V ,,I II ONLY I ! 1-iMiiou 1'ie soon! . yoti've ever tist.,1 iiini tl.f SO ' best tron- No other enamel finish comes even lose to equalling all KEM-GLO'i outstanding features: 1. Ready to use and easy to apply as it comes from the' can. ' 2. One coat covers most surfaces. 3. No primer, no undercoater, needed. 4. Dries In 3 to 4 hours. 5. Washable - yes, scrubbablo. PUNISHING TESTS prove that KEM-GLO. 1. Resists hot grease " 2. Withstands scuffing 3. Resists boiling water 4. Will not chip, crack or pool 5. Is easily cleaned: dirt, groaso, crayon marks, ink, fruit juices wipo off easily. Quantities required: I o t ICFM-filO will do tlw Biuicai, loo! 'A K' .... 1 tulls 01 teal llreuern and Hauler of "Royal Export' i iu ifuuii wi woodwork in the overogs bathroom. wall. V 4 quart! will do th. woodwork, , Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Mc-Btide have arrived in town lo take over the operating of the Terrace Hotel Cafe. m'VZZ' 1, JUst wet ! twit's' s-ked t' &f S S: . S n th ,.l"! -N"' '.' r ."'onderful thing about V? W .woodwork of H in ths average kitchen. 1 to 2 quarts will do ths Y.iiU stin',1 .. . ) T. .M,,,,"'l? i scrubbinz. Ji living room, Mis. A. Brooks, "Aunty Ad. remove, ,..' 'V' , ,, r me every dav-it V idverl was taken ill in church Sunday j "A adverl,!Ment is not published or dicp'ayc J by the Liquor Control board or by the Government of British Columbia. etc. from' even u, contains a,.1(, Hlir wXeTVtrTnT b'" -irnt pur 1-:nerg,ne T.nergme on on vonr your shor, ,,r, ,i, ' I i j 1 v. TIZ ",r for ' U'.0SB '" 'J'Hc Ji'tlc accident accident ..fining ana was taken to lios Pital by MacKay's ambulance. loaaa' "We 23c at drug ana department t stores stores cyerj cveryuhere uhere Lite 7.t A...1 C... ... i ' ...... everything nice i ,. ... fO'.'gest v0 (.',. ,-' ""ingr then I'd TOMATO Kt-V-i ,V'D,fl0Ur .m!,?l "f HEINZ . The opening of the new classrooms of the primary school is expected to take place June 8, wilh Colonel Fairey, Superintendent of schools, officiatino. BEAUTIFUL COLOURS AM m (ft K fine.-t tomato ,; fr0m ,ho world' r r sniee. it, -accoidmg o'i " 2?C8,r c,HclnJ Wn vincK" stew,, hahe, e, ZuJ"C roc",e' Wvouf Pf May 14th including the remarkable I Ami Hmil,..,lnt )f hi fiBsi Is 7- Ketchup. Keen , Ull , .t,1? l Wllh Hcins "Stay White" white - plus 5 trim and accent colours . . . MAY WE SUGGEST -kf ' l..AinoVtha? Srtt1 y''- e STATIOMItV Mad by th makers of famous K EM -TONE SOLD AT PAINT, DEPARTMENT AND HARDWARE STORES Cofng To A Dance? n fea? plavine coif? Wt,,t (ior-anls talented designers hara Ztl! I,, the occasion. PYREX GLASSWARE FIGURINES & STATUETTES KITCHEN AC( ESSORIES COSMETIC SETS a ; Construction work is starting on the new Legion quarters, the former administration building of the army camp, the work being in charge of Tom Turner. ! Mr. Yabes and Mr. Church D jV.A. representatives, jaiu their 1 regular visit to Terrace last weel'-' f ld and 6ave a very instructive-.taik on Veterans' stfairs at a j well attended meeting held k, tr-c (Legion clubroom. Jack Barman ;, ,, in ironi to attath to vour gi die for a smooth, unbroken line. And, of erV Z a j Phone Red 400 P.O. Box 1118 51S Srd Ave. I