LI3RA.W p?.0Vl!CUL LI2?..'.H?f 1H .. c. r-gij 1 DRUGS Daily Deliver . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLOMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXIX, NO. 110. PRINCE RUPERT, B. O., THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS idemac Feared 1m Fire Smifeteim Cabano i K A . Flood Victims Hit Winnipeg WINNIPEG- f Most of the Citizens Warned To Boil Contaminated Well Water .. CABANO, QUE (CP) To prevent an epi demic starting from polluted well waters in this de- I. vastated lumber town, Quebec Health Departmeni H it fa- MORE PHILPOTT , Loners' Lives f i SH COLUMBIA j - 25,000 persons left homeless by Southern Manitoba flood wat'Jis are crowding today Into stricken Winnipeg, itself a victim of tue rampaging Red River. The influx has posed more problems fr-r harried city officials in the prairie city. They have already appealed for the evacuation of the citj's ,200,000 women and children. A ill r : III 1 I ' " ' ""' " ',." authorities today issued emergency orders. Doctors found residents, deprived of their normal water ser vices, turning to abandoned wells. Physicians warned - -' that all water from stagnant wells should be boiled toefpre; TODAY'S S TOCKS . curtesy S. C. Johnston Co Ltd.) ; drinking. 1 v . . h j ! : ;S have a plan to and limb. They iioo to buy heK- There are 1,500 homeless in track wash out eight miles south Jto fly out injured this isolated community where the Industrial community and 118 homes were reduced to ashes In a few hours Monday. , A Montreal dispatch says the , St. John's Ambulance "Assocle.-tion today received word from - - ! - - ..' ' ... j of here has stalled a Canadian I National Railways train carrying 1 550 evacuees from the flooded !Red River valley, but a Navy ferry service began the task of 'carrying passengers across the I to hospital. f. lay between the em-iud employees has jnuced the ar-rldeir, kuiidwurkinn industry. a literal fact that r man -it is just as I ;0 work as a logger DONALD GORDON Here tonight looking over company Uiopei ty. is President Donald Gordon of the Canadian National Railways. During, his. four hour stop he will attend f'tnpof m"eting of Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. its Cabano representative that homeless residents are "coming . Vancouver Eayonne .'. .03 y2 Bralorne 8.20 B. R. Con .03 B.R.X 05yz Cariboo Quartz 1.29 Congress . . .26 ' Hedley Mascot 31 Facific Eastern .07 Pend Oreille 5.80 Pioneer 3.15 Premier Border .0314 Privateer 12 2 Reeves McDonald 2.55 Reno .03 Sheep Creek 1.20 Silbak Premier .38 Taku River . .11 ya Vananda 15 down with 'flu'. Medical sup water gap n safety. Meanwhile, "Get out while you can go in comfort,", was tin: army's warning to Winnipcggcrs. Extra coaches were hooked onto fine: 4 :.e a.; it i.s to work ii me branches of tll'i .irtu;il wartime. trains moving in and out of the 4 ' in ii m tin Tin itm mmm plies .are needed. QUEBEC Quebec Health Department officials said , today they had not been informed of v any outbreak of influenza In fire wrecked Cabano. A department spokesman said two doctors, four provincial health inspectors and 12 nurses are working among the 1,500 homeless Onions Musi Have Rinhl fo Strike IS fiPENDINO over n it year because,) another war. The air i a major slice of this PROBING DEVASTATED HOMES Residents of Rimcuski search through debris of their homes after a $20,000,000 blaze raced through at least 3 12 buildings In the industrial centre some 200 miles east of Quebec City. In the background ca n be seen Rimouski Cathedral which escaped the flames while surrounding buildings were gutted. (CP Photo) city to carry evacuees. At the same time pumping equipment and supplies continued to move in from cities all over Canada. MONTREAL Railways announced today they are sending extra equipment into Winnipeg to meet the heavy demand of passengers leaving the flood stric i "When unioiis are deprived of it is nut too much ta the right to .strike," George Wll-mere $.n.000 to save' kinson. Labor Relations Board, I Salmon Gold 05 ! Spud Valley 05 5fi" Silver Standard 80 b! injured loggers! Victoria, told last night's regular I In 1948, through bargaining to think of it why1 meeting of the Canadian Lcelon. j labor and management. man oils ' and are taking all precautions lot the protection of public health. The' spokesman said there Is less danger of disease after a big fire than, for ample, a (lood. b the HC'AF provicb Anglo Canadian 5.00 A. P. Con 37 nbulance service for Labor Relations Best In Dominion Says Wilkinson farmers and evcry- j time loss dropped to 105,000 days i Best records were shown in 1949 as only 14,722 man days were lost. The board was set up in 1948 although the original l act was Dut into effect in 1937. "wc will see the end of democracy in Canada." Mr. Wilkinson said unions were Browing up and realizing their responsibility to the community as well as to their own members. They realize their actions can af- ken area. A Canadian Pacifw Railway spokesman said a total of 65 cars was on the way wc;t today. In addition, extra .cars are being attached to every C P. R. train leaving or entering Win hi needs it on the frontier? vnt of another war ertuinly need such a F 1 H "tt , . . - i i i it .....if.-. ICE BROKEN FRANCOIS LAKE The lake is now open for traffic. Tin: ferry crossed tor fbe first time this year yesterday afternoon pushing through the rotten ice. nipeg. - . , Atlantic 4.86 Calmont .60 C. & E. ! 8.15 Central Leduc 140 Home Oil 15.00 Mercury, -...v...v:,..aL, i Okalta 137 Pacific Pete 5.70 Princess .". .52',i Royal Canadian .01 Vx Toronto ll" """ ul udu' wl"a,c not start now by sav- v vl "" """luu,l"J' Quired loggers? ixiux cuunuy. riupie must P'F THE CONSTITU-i realize unions have tneir place, Industry in B. C. may have a bad time this year, ; a few years later, revision of but extra effort in conciliation and appeals for reas- jtne act was the basis for a " . .. ... ' . deal of - . ., , , - - .n. -! gieat controversy." oning to both labor and management may stiff get us j Prlmarlly M r. Wilkinson out easily, declared George Wilkinson of the Labor ; pointed out, the act was design-Relations Board, Victoria. Mr. Wilkinson delivered to protect the welfare of the ' ' ,',.,11 i entire province. Before the act a powerful and thoughtful address i to memocrs oij was lnitlatedi trade unionists the Junior Chamber of Com- " I fought to get toe holds In in- i merce last night following thfa Pple Mr. Wilkinson said, tha'. dUstry.. They met with a great ' ... ,, the overall labor ulclure in this, deal of resentment from man- iXPERTS are worry- new official title for he said. The speaker asked the co-op They point out that e is out of date. 11 George VI is "King THE WEATHER Forecast North Coast 'Region Cloudy today and Friday. Occasionul light rain today. Fog banks in the waters off the Queen Charlottes. Little change in temperature. Winds southerly (15) In the ex- Water Expert To See System Britain, Ireland and clubs montaiy dinner in w - m,h ls'ihP finoKt. in the Do- agemem,. as a result, me guv- Dominions beyond mperur of India, De- Civic Centre. . . , . Ul , ,. . ernment was forced to pass le- He spoke of the work done " glslation to protect this pro- he Faith." Atnona Aumaque .27 Beattie : 72 BeVcourt 33 Bobjo 13 Vz Buffalo Canadian 19 Consol. Smelters 104.65 Conwest 1 40 Donalda '..'. ..61 ' Eldona 23 East Sullivan 6.60 Giant Yellowknife 8.75 k k kmni u-hieh administers that in many states across inevin(,p frnm thfi prtpcts of wild- Ireland has now se- Aid. T. B. Black, at the regular meeting of Prince Rupert. City Council asked about a report from the Provincial Underwriters has declared her- eration of Legion members In helping bring about an under- j standing between labor and management. The co-operation of everyone is needed to retain peace, he explained. Questioned on Communist personnel in high union positions. Mr. Wilkinson said there was some, but that both the Canadian Congress 'of Labor and the Trades and Labor Congress were taking active steps to rid unions of that influence. The membership, he felt, would not be swayed posed areas and light elsewhere.' InQuStrial conciliation and border. icat strikes and work; stoppages. Lows tonight and highs Friday i Arbitration Act of B. C. and ho, In 1947, he explained, one mil-1 The act has been amended at Port Hardv. 45 and 55: Sand- since its inception, has helped lion man days" were lost due to many times, Mr. Wilkinson Association engineer condemn stated. It is far from perfect, spit 40 and aO; Prince Rupert, 45 to conciliate strikes and lock- strikes and $9,000,000 was gone anj 50. outs. It is the opinion of many forevr to the economy of B. C. ft .ineotisly she has de-r intentions of stay-ftlie Commonwealth" is cased that process i 'i the adjective -33 Vi .47 .12 .0.1 .10 God's Lake Hardrock Harricana Heva Hosco , ing the waterworks and suggest- 1 ing a possible -raise in insurance rates. Mayor George Rudderham re- pliedMr, Ford had called at his office and mentioned that insurance rates might have to be increased because of the condition i a bit, c:ifuslni? but but In the main it functions well. "You may not realize," said Mr. Wilkinson to members, "that every time an industrial upset occurs in B. C, Prince Rupert helps to pay the shot." One of our difficulties is to convince people that all citizens are affected by Industrial unrest." by any Influence that threatened the Canadian way of life. "Canadian unions," he stated in conclusion, "are one of the strohgest forces in the country In supporting that way of life." f Inspiring. Personally the sense in chang-i 'Me at all, except I old form might tend t mankind, Instead of "fh of It as posMble. 1 r Canadian coins ?'"''l the "ET IND. f h said that our kin-('mpcmr of India. of the water system. Asked what line the engineer referred to, His Worship said the line from the power house down to the pas "Each conuv.unity depends on one another", he declared. i The act, he said, has been an-' cused of fostering company un sage. '.Vt Halibut Sales American Grant, 50,000, 19.5c, 19.S and 17c, Storage. Jacknife .07 V4 Joliet Quebec 65 Lake Rowan .18 V2 Lapaska 05 '2 Little Long Lac - 46 Lynx 32 Madsen Red Lake 3.00 McKenzie Red Lake .... .53 McLeod Cockshutt 3.25 Moneta .36 Negus 1.55 Noranda 68.75 Louvicourt 21 Pickle Crow 1.75 Regcourt 05 San Antonio 3.40 - Senator Rouyn 33 Sherrit Gordon - 2.35 IBfllJT TltK STT.T.TKKT A ions, but out of 119 unions ce-I tified last year under the act, tonly six were employer domin Canadian City Clerk H. D. Thain tojd the council it was part of an underwriters' engineer's job to frighten, cities Into having perfect conditions. , Aid. Black asked City Engineer D. Stewart what he thought of 35,000, 20.5c, 20 Joan W. No. -2, f that I have heard is "Di tender of the ase should be drop-Pedants point out "f the Commonwealth f itian, and hence they v 'r"i''.rl by that title. lie I- s . ?H f. ated. They were passed under rigid examinations. ' Both Sides Guilty In his opinion unions are not the only ones guilty of causing trouble. Nor are they altogether innocent. He added that the board has seen several things and 17c, Pacific. Sea Pride, No. 2, 34,000, 20.5c, 20 and lie', Royal. J. H. Todd, 25,000, 20.7c, 20.3, and 18c, Bacon. Snow Fall, 27,000, 20.5c, 20 and 17c, Storage. Korliak, 55,000, 20.5c, 20 and the condition of the line. Mr. Stewart replied the line on this side was safe and in secure condition and that lines on the other side that had been ex- .e to H..nvy VIIi Un. employers and unionists heve . done to cause Industrial dis- Canada and U.S.A. and many p0sed were all right. However, 17c, Royal. San Juan, 34,000, 20.5c, 20 and U,)IK .gainst Luth-lcs"- But in the sub-: llr centuries the Bri-' a pil'ar of Protest- pUtes I sections of the world, and not Mr. Wilkinson classed . em- a greaf deal can be done to rem- ployers in three sections: j ec,v 1nm- , , , ,,. ' The act, he said, provides that tn v,i,i ' to hida . . 1. Bad dreamer-trys . , , , certain steps be taken by both from unions. nifnt ln the line across Hays Creek had suffered during the severely frosty spell. It was the weak link, he told the council. Asked the daily consumption, Mr. Stew- 2. Fifhtcr-DLcicics he Is go- ; dlsDuts and Drov,Qes or ; art replied 3,750,000 gallons inj to fight unions. We admire.; conciliation. Finding of the ' Aid. T. B. Black, on being told his courage deplore his diplo- boar(j are not final .and bindim.'l Mr.. Ford had not looked over 17c, Atlin. Brooks Bay, 32,000, 20 4c, 20 and 17c, Atlin. Saint Thomas, 34,000, 20.5c, 20 and 17c, Storage. Steveston, 27,000, 20.Gc,i20.6 and 18c, Bacon. Chief Skueald. 32,000, 20 3c, 20 and 17c, Booth. Western Fisher, 14,000, 20.5c, 20 and 17.5c, Storage. .Hopewell, 21,000, 20.4c, 20.1 and the British fUr, 's religious f ree l;f) '"fans complete ir. (!'' a"tl places but still .line. t'sewheie, and more I TICKLERS for de-fJnt a new precise ti- 0t Something lll, 4V.!.. - 7 'V-r; k i he declared. j the line asked how he could be Mr. Wilkinson said the board in a position to know its ;oncli-also settles jurisdictional prob- tion. "Does he pick it up from !ems between unions. "We would street corner gossip?" he queried, rather let the unions do this, but Aid. George Casey said a com- macy. 3. Co-operator Sits in a sincere attempt to reach an agreement. He classed unions as: 1. Extremists Refuse to see F n by the Grace of wm of the people, at Britain and ti.e we v c- try I i V to interpret what the ,atB rpnnr, . i,,jral,in m. I 17c, Storage. Invercan No. 2, 23,000, 20.Gc, any good in manaenifn.. constitution calls for." Would rather fight than not,1 Under the A,t ne explained over glneer would be obtained as soon as possible. , With the Daily 'seas, Defender faith 20.2 and 18c, Bacon. Take every opportunity to snow lhe Labor Reiatjons Board con News plugging away at the poor that they are running the show. . srts of five men Two men re ; ) nrv.i f nra A ra n hl . ' . . IUHUI llUIl UI Ulr Viatel SJSKIU, . the city was getting a lot of bad to drive a majority. Try good; and the r from tne af. ot bargain. They remember 'that L ; and two rPpresent manage- j PaWicty. he said. Negotiations management has rights. ! ment The fifth-is appointed by t0 et an e"?inr- were bemj He classed disputes as eco- lv,0 the government. ,,,, pnt followed, he continued, but loeat- Pauline V., 11,000, 20.6c, 20 and 18c, Atlin. Joan F. No. 3, 10,000, 20.5c 20 and 17c, Pacific. Co-op Embla, 22,000; Kino, '9,01)0; Helen No. 2, 27,000; Parma, 40,000. nomic when workers battle for j Mr wuklnsori was Introduc-1 int? a man wno nad been recom- higher wages, better psnsion i pd by CRITICAL DAY NEAR These Siamese twins, Br enria and Beverley Townsend, now nearly six ,,nths old are In Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton where an operation to separate them menaeu - "lt; "a,u- Alf Worthlngton and srnems. conaitions. etc. emu t.bnnlted hv Vine-nresident. A. i Tne suoject was aroppea wua f. May 12, i950 I I0; 16.8 feet wlU be attempted May i. uociori wu u t w .wmw,,- imontiin .m Mr.; ppnacai, wnen interests sees to . who took over cnair , little more discussion with the udi.0 vrice Ann Tiirlrsnn nf h. firip nt fpu npr- i j 1 them and divae tneir conunuu u-ci iviv,t4 ......w . ,. . 7- ----- -. . - - , i ixxn.t vjoue uihuil& tuiu uc Baseball Scores ' TODAY American Nptv York 5, St. Louii 1 of President ' idea or reopening it wnen :r4e e; . ylnsti'a report cam in. in the absence Harold Hampton. .... nermuted In the babies' isolated ward, gives orange jmce w w. r wom- i-ie uuiei uuxiousuy j0r Xheit own purposes, foutic " W 19.0 f -et - iA 6.7 ie-t 1R- G.7 feet i CP Photo i al strikes are found throughout awaits her botlle. . . , '. '- -.- i' V: