, ft..SV.SSSSAW.SV.Wi(VW Joiner Uupm Dai'ip Jftncb V Today is Sports j q ( p00ty We can suddIv all rr.,. Baseball Scores National league PiUiadeiphia 5. New York 4. Pittsburg 5. Cincinnati 1. Chicago 4. St Louis 2. American League Mew York 8. Boston 10. Philadelphia 10-5, 7-2. Detroit 7, Cleveland 8. BUILDING Su BATTERY EARNS RIGHT TO MEET LEGION IN STUART SHIELD FINAL including WALLBOAItDS. HNISH n ished St. Louis at Chk-agt out, raiu. '" """ I .11 J . f : I ; ' "--.ll ' - ""Ai-v:-?-j..-,-'J:.;r 7 , V O :;.;'; WOODS, SASH AND DOOI GUNNERS DEFEATED BATTLING HIGH SCHOOL S-l IN FIRST ROUND PLUMBING SUPPL English Leses Prst Arsenal 1. Liverpool 1 t4 Ch&rUoa Athletic 1. Chelsea 1 uie'. Everton 2. Stoke City I Manchester City 1, Birmingham City 9. Newcastle United 2, Aston Villa 1. Portsmouth 1. Middlesbrough 0 Wol erhaoipuxi Wanderers 3 Manchester United 2 l Served Divuioal Barrialey 4. Nottingham Forest 8 Bury 2, Sheffield Wednesday 1 Chesterfseid 0. Grinwoy Town In last evenine's first round of Stuart Shield fool- ball, 102nd Battery deservedly won over High School j PAINTS and so earned the right to mt trie Lanadian Legio.i in the final of the competition next Sunday afternoon, j Pacific toast League Lo. Angties -4, Portland 3-2. 8eattl 3. San Francisco 1. Oakland , Eacraattnto 4. San Diego 16, Hollywood 4. WeUra International League Spokane 11, Tacoma 5. Bremerton 10, Victoria 2. Wenatchee 3, Salem 2. Yakima 8, Vancouver 7. I The score was 3 to 1 for the Batten-. , , PHILPOTT EVIIIsj "Servlaf the N.rth Sue, Phone 631-632 Play was ragged at the start with players on both ; teams mis-kickJEg at timts. f j ; Ward's centre was dangerous 'in a. great shot but Morgan ; and then Cornwall went clot saved and then Palikis drov-1 fn:h a hard drive. Boulter kick- high oyer from ciose in. j COAL ' LUMBER J ed away in another Battery a'- High defence was lax after; 3 Fuiham 1, Southampton A Leeds United 0.. Tottenham Hotspur 0 ttte). Plymouth Argyfe 3, Brad-lord 0. , West Bromwkh Albion 5, Lin Sport Shots I tack and then the students gotipiay resumed and Boulter had! I nir UIfjv ar.rf Uinvr rim-l tn h Quirk ta uv from Dunbar. ! 70 traps are scattered arour.d &.- uie layouii o,j jajus. n.xit- bined neatly and Olsea did soaoe j Corn ail made a clerer run j fine checkiiig and feeding his , Buulier as lucky when he mis- j forwards. Pavlikis gave Boulter kicked after He bo aliased and! l-ha coln City 0. r:1nov Tim (1st Round Rrftl&f i -i . ..- ;-t4 Is:.! " " Vaieasaa f w J aMar i. rr mi y''-'"-- a hot handful but the goalie, wfaer? Dunbar bad an open goal; PajLtl , , At the other end Wil-;he hit the upright. Sharpe was! Shaueuieasy HeighU Golf ers, ar.u most gooc piaytrs hoo-:' Club r Vawouver. ine of th.-' slightly, flirt with out-cf-! sm Canadian Open to be played bounds' penalties constantly 3. fa''4 has Sept. 22-25 is familiarly called the left side of most of the cow. I bast-ball. i a "good business man's course " is so bordered. other cleared son was very nearly through j clever and a fine cross from! Dunbar and Hoi lies tad made McKay went across the goal I But it isn t tiecesiaruy an eay bw- ground but Hebb cleared. Veitch ' Hoikestad made a good run and ! stopped a dangerous move and' set Pavlikis up but the latter STARTED BY 1JOORS The manufacture oi paper in Europe was first etabhahed by the M.oors in Spain hi the middle of the Uth century, lae headquarters of the iadustry touch. It is just handy to tfcej bai.dt, Boulter did well o - save from SRot over when he had the oper. crty. Kenny oiacc, iaos csnan- iiwy wj iki jihju4u aiiiii-ytj M iaii amaueur champ, set th J ' The Old Grey Mare." Bea Mc- High attacked and, afu-r Ward and then from Pavlikis. goal. This is the vital part no rn. li in iron and certain other "proietluie" food eieice&U your body must have. Nt only is All-Bran a "pmtectii" food but it is guaranteed, on a double-your-money-baek basis, to keep you regular naturally. Such natural regularity is always advin-aWe, diet or no diet. Mak up yw mint to take better care of yourself. Start eating AU-Bran today. StU! the have its It takM Mr n klus kP im Happy I If you want your man atwava to be proud of you ... if you ' want always to look your voucgMrt, slima!, and Joveiiest I . . you must imtch your diet! And, in any diet to a lovely figure, yvu ihoutd eat certain special foods be-cauw of their vital "protectuv" Tliat b wfcy KeOopg'B AU-Bran U included in acientinc weight-control menus. AU-Bran n made only from the outer layers of the wheat grain. course record a nine-ucde- K.nzie haj been playing ball 5- Wilson set Owens up and the latter s shot was just wide. Battery attacked. Cornwall open a weu-execuiea lorwara move.; Xativ, v.lem-U and Tol- Mercer scored the best goal of j ' the match when he first-tifd i , I pc.-.' 3 in a competition n Winnipeg for 19 years nd sh-!fr-5 " ..... . o. J""4 ed the scoring with a good shot'Oweus' centre into the top cor- VS. pro liks Jimmy Thomson, -' . teaaa. ped several dangerous "triei ajier me oii nau uii ue er oi me nei. oouiier puncura ,a jw, w, back on th: Byron Nelson and Lawson Utt'e. realizes mat us ner jong t-nurr However, in the club's 36-yei-r'in the game that causes the tara bar. Oisen fed Wilson but Fei-jaway Ward s corner kick and fiM wlth rtTgmoa BeIt. Coni-guson bottled him up. Mercer, then James intercepted the ball; ,, rjewcumer showed a lot history no one nas oeen auie -mv . o . . match the 72-hole, record score bother me, sr.e says. Ana snt sj Tv drove In a beautifully placed shot j to stop Wilson. Play was fast ,f . olavtne a hard Amm -26 with which Bobby Locke stiU one of the smartest player Cird . woo the Open last year at Tor-'in the senior gals loop. LaM jorm 0. f from a free kick but Morgan j with Pavlikis topping the i!Une fme following up saved splendidly. Morgan saved and then McKay and Mercer W-a ( Jtinl4,z was muf promineBt tricky header from Wilson forcing their way through until , wards etld t ianu. FOR REDUCING DIETS unto's Scarboro club More tha:i year she was ail-star catch . oid Frenct I r. litis I ""' i-'5 ""uu5" oo. uuiiK, miu i nuauii ' j Veitch was handicapped by a Rntittar micnnnh? tV: ctnni(4 tVtorvi T2ri,lto tnofl t ! .... . . .vu - sor ghin. Pavlikis acorea a ""V . I ball and Pavlikis headed a sec-.good save from Ward but slark! . f and ond goal. High forwards ail j backptoy let Pavlikis in and h : taDgaoaM thgu h does not comomea ui a ime move out maae tne store i-i. wusuu,. combine in constructive play Tma. -or. rofr. CV.OWVVA ImVA 'irn. v, .-1 V.; J , -ao r. ". v.-. xCllCi uu iv.xxaj, Lo.uUuitu . w crossed ttany centre aiM TERRACE r 1 "" Parkhouse Uied hard but was ; attacked again and Wilson gavejnot mucn in lhe picture. Dunbai NOTICE! i " -'--t' "" was good and Holkestad was igan to beat but Owens was too'... Boulter stopped some very slow. Hebb sent the Battery back and Lien and Owens both went close. Sunberg . came through with a fine tackle and run. Gomez made a fine run We are taking orders for TUXFDOS again. Made-to-Measure or hard shot and. was unjarty to give away the second' goal Heblj and Sunberg were not as safe a., the Battery backs but did a goon IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines ia Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . , plus a new Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Delivery job at tune. Sunberg retuik to the team is a real help. Oiset. tailored in our shop. LING TAILOR but dams beat him. James' again stopped a High School, . attack and Oisen tried a couple j ; of shots but the whistle went ; -rCz Service. Sharpe and Adams did well k.' the half-back line tackling weJ and showing a surprtsiag amount of resource in beating the opposition and feeding the ttx wards. McKay and Mercer were THE SKEENA MERCANTILE the better wteg and Wilson was "Ferfactioa . . . Check " Y end Sweet Caps art ported too ... i frruWsi ... in ssteethnes . . . ia tatta. Tet, vary Straef Cap yoa smokt is "letter rhoa Ever". always trying hard. .Owens' IN TEE Seabee Amphibian Plane centre set Mercer up for th latter's great goal but both Owens and Lies were far too Y Non-Schedu'e Charter Service IRON FIREMAN with the Battery 'winning 3-1. Teams: Battery Morgan; Veitch, Gomez, Holkestad, Dunbar, Pavlikis, Parkhouse, Ward. High School Boulter; Hebfc, Sunberg, Adams. Olsen, Sharpe, McKay, Mercer, Wilson, Lien, Owens. Referee Woodside; linesmen, Halverson, Bond. BOTH TEAMS PLAYED WELL Both teams put up a gool brand of football alter a shaky start, due perhaps to the Ion? lay-off. Morgan had no chance with the scoring shot and stop- cet'... Meets Commercial Hunting Fishing -- Sightseeing STOKERS GET 30 MOII HI AT often out of position. When they crowd hi, , they spoil the rest of the forwards. ' Friday evening's replay of th Gilhuly Cup game should pro SMITH & ELKINS SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD, . PHONES Terrace: W. H Martin, 23; E. T. ITenney Ltd , 35 Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 Phone 174 Bex 274 vide a thriller between the same teams. - i BUSINESS AND PRO IN THE SUPREMS OOUET OP BRITISH COLUMBIA R0CK.1 IN PROBATE -IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTiiR OP THE ESTATE OF REGINALD GILBERT LIPTON TAKE NOTICE that by Order or His cow bay ; BOAT WORKS A. P. CRAWLEY GREEN 391 . FOB THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . Bee Yow GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bairk Chev. Tracks rontlae OldsnobO . G.M.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY s Terrace Machine Shop & Garage; TERRACE, B.C. p8- l Net. MAF.GA: Designing Repairs Fine Workmanship Estimates Agents for Keraia Marine Engines PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, made the 1 7th day of September. A D. 148. I ; was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Reginald Oilbert Llpton, de-ceaned. ' v AIJ. PARTIES having claims against j the said Estate are hereby required to furuith same prope."ly vertfied w rae on or before the 30th day oi October. AD. 1948. after which date claims filed may toe paid witfeout reference to any claims of whicn I then ; had so knowledge. ' ALL PARTIES HMtobted to the ala Estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to mc forthwith. I DATED at the City of Prince Ru ¬ on How do you like our Service? We ktope ya tike the way we do business. vVt are doiatc r best U give you good satisfaction. ' : . j t t We try to keep posted on the values shown in other cities assd keep our prices as near as possible the same. We try to keep the best possible merchandise. We try to do your repairing and engraving as quickly and as well as it can be done. We try to be the e artiest with the latest. No ene is perfect and we try to right any mistakes wc happen to run into. We try to deserve your business. ( Somethiatg from Bulgers is always something special in H00M 1 Two sailinn per week fti VANCOL'VER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 pjn., Camosan Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ASM Sundays, 10 p.m. FOB Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS tx. Coquitlam, Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. fnone 568 pert, in the Province of British Col- Ho Friction Please! Has the Oil Filter on your car been changed at the manu-, facturer's recommended mileage ? And while on the subject have all the other points requiring periodical attention Milium, vuhs oia aay ox oeptemDer AD. 1948. GORDON PRASES FORBES. Official Administrator, DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST BUTTE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 Prlnee Rupert BC. (24) such as: Wheel Bearing Repack Change of Transmission Lubricants Cleaning and Re-Oiling of Air Cleaner, etc. BEA' been taken care of according to the instruction dook? Many of these details are overlooked even by the owner who conscientiously has his car fabricated regularly. JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNER BLOCK P.O Box 894 Phone, Blue 442 tit 204 4th S;rf HAS We remind our ' Regulars'' as these services become due. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. O PHONE 866 O GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besoer Block Phone 387 Build"1 Roofing Repairs - ROOfS, RUPERT MARINE REALTY Fibrelastic Paint Fibreoid Cement Ready Roofing Tarred Sheathing PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR PHONE BLUE 810 BlacK & Stops Leaks PHONE 654 (J. CLAUSEN fc SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY r-P RUPERT MARINE REALTY ft QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS O Something to Sing About He has just discovered ALPHA, the Air Conditioning I'nit that sells for as low as $94. He's hot at the mike but he could use an ALPHA to save fuel and gain comfort at home. Thorn Sheet Metal Limited i53 East First Ave. BLACK 884 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ?5c Per Dozen Paid Far Empties Serring the Fisheries lndnstrr Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Mllf I This advertisement Is not published or tlsplaye.1 by the Lltj-jnr Control Board or by the Government of British Cultuubta. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing BLtTE 78t BLLE 989 uusi tast oi Lipsetfi, Waterfrontt , Phone Green 975 1 (48 A CLASSUU1D AD IN THE DALLY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS PiVas- "