Motor visitors to the pit this r Local News It EDUCATION Prince Hupcrt DaHp r3cto Thursday, September 9, 1948 week included Mr. and Mrs. R. r Thayer of Detroit. They ar ems rived Monday morning on the Valhalla Ih. . Mrs. Mark Hill left on this afternoon's Diane for a trip to Vancouver. OF INDIANS Federal Department Informs Board of New Deal Announcement was made by F. E. Anfield, Indian Superintendent, at the meeting of the school board last evening, that a ne wpolicy, relating to education of Indians had been adopt Clearance on dresses. Good values while they last. Sta.-'s Stylewear. (213) Douglas Frizzell left on this afternoon's plane for a business Princess Louise from Vancouver with their car and proceeded East on the highway from here. ft ROTARY MALE CHORUS An invitation is extended to all men Interested in chorus singing, to attend a meeting which will be held at the Civic Centre, Friday evening, Sept. 10, at 8:00 p.m., to discuss plans for the winter program. (213) Bew Chow, Chinese cannery Moose Hospital Guild JVleeting Ladies of the Moose Lodge Hospital Guild held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. P. Welter, 1183 Ambrose Avenue. Following the business meeting a social evening was enjoyed and delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Members present were Mrs. Thomas Glenr., senior regent; Mrs. H. Home, chairman; Mrs. C. H. Collins, Mrs. F. Parlette and Mrs. ed by the Department. Aid will trip to Vancouver. s0N and FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOOD, HXBOAKI). SHINGLES etc. be provided, particularly with respect to buildings, in the way of outright grants. There will also be per capita grants to municipal school boards to be negotiated on the basis of per capita costs of ...cetuig eepi. (212) U'ger salled last nieht Alf Attree left on last evenings train lor a business trip to Terrace. Charles Durham, after a week's vLsit in the city, left by ast evening's train on his return to Usk. Another travelling rug show at Gordon & Anderson's, Sept 18 to Sept 21. All rugs shown are offered for sale. Easy terms easily arranged. (216) 8. N. Kirkaldy, postmaster at Terrace, paid a brief business visit to the city. He arrived from the Interior on Tuesday night's train, returning to the interior by car yesterday. Prince Rupert Liberal Association, general meeting, Common Lounrrp Cvir is are now fairly complete I & McCAFFERY LTD. worker, was in court again yev terda yafternoon where lie pleaded guilty to the charge of supplying liquor to Indians. Ho' was sentenced by Magistrate V D. Vance to pay a fine "of $100 school operation. ASP mm and costs or two months in Jail Mrs. M. J. Dougherty, after an Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Sundal, after a brief visit to the city, left by car yesterday afternoon on their return to Terrace. Ladie6' Bowling League meeting, Sept. 8. Men's Bowling League, September, 9. Mixed Bowling League, September 10, at Rex Bowling Alleys, 8 p.m. (213) Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson, after having spent the summei at Smithers, left there by car at the end of last week for Vancouver. Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Beatty and Mrs. James Stewart sailed on the Prince George last night for a three weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver. absence since April visiting in Edmonton, returned home on SEUBHS SORE THROAT ANNOUNCING A NEW SERVICE Made-to-Measure Trousers Made to your individual measurement, any style you wish. Gabardines, Covert Cloths, Worsteds and ".V"-, I" Tweeds. A beautiful range of colors and patterns t o choose from. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Garner returned on yesterday afternoon's plane from Vancouver after a honeymoon trip south following their recent marriage. The bride was the former Miss Islay who has )n at his his aft-or-P his naval at Royal Lottery charges involving the Northern British Columbia Agricultural and Industrial Association as a result 'of the drawing for an automobile at the recent Civic Centre Carnival has been set for hearing in city police court Friday afternoon. Roderick McLeod is acting as counsel for the prosecution and A. B. Brown is appearing for the defendant. TRY A CLASS-IED AD! genuinc AsriaiN IS MARKED THIS WAV T" Thursday, September 9 at 8 d m 2 -100 UMtW A i J) Tuesday night's train. She was accompanied by her daughter, Miss Nora Dougherty, who spent her annual vacation in the Alberta capital. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Fraser, after a three weeks' holiday cruise down the coast as far as the . head of Gardner Canal, returned home Tuesday night There was copious rainfall dur uumig wmcn report on Ottawa convention will be given. (212) i ATTENTION CAN-!s ADIAN LEGION MEM-fs5BERS- Regular monthly ft.'tS meeting (resumed) will Announcements All advert UsemcruB mi tais column W1U be charged for a lull month at 25 centa a word ing ine trip which was, never Stewart Public Utilities Ltd. NOTICE The Annual General Meeting of t he above will be held in the Registered Office of the Company 5th St. Stewart at 3 p.m. Wednesday Sept. 15th. A. Russ-wurm, Secretary. (213) theless, much enjoyed. Don't Worry YOUR kitchen WHEN faucet leaks fit to drive you mad or your oil Job's Daughters Fashion Show Mrs. H. J. Carson, after a week's visit in the city, sailed by ) and Entertainment, September pps mis ""- be held tonight. (212) Mrs. T. W. Brown sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver, accompanied by her daughter, Anne, who will enter school in the south. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oxenbury the Prince George last evening. 17, at 8 p.m., Civic Centre. stove begins to act like an Indian smoke signal, don't CHANGED iicrn r Boy Scouts and Cubs W.A. Bazaar, Sat., Sept. 18, Conrad Street School Basement. Cambral Chapter LO D E. Tea Fashion Show, September 23. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall , (233) Presbyterian Tea September are leaving Ocean Falls today aboard the Prince George on their return to Vancouver after on her return to Vancouver. Her son, Pat Larson, will be remaining for afew days longer and will return to Vancouver by way of Jasper Park. Roy Gray, who recently retired after having been purchasing agent for the Department of National Defence at Mont OtLirc in worry ." . . Call liLUE 816 new plumbing, INSTALLING repairing the old, installing new oil burners or fixing the old, are specialties with us. smo-o-TH ... tangy and fre-.h flavored So . . . ju thick enough nd never loo thick it sffrm xirctly possible that win perfect Lemon Pit Filling nn be magically quick and easy to ml.t! But it is, and success it ure every time, uh Jill-O Lemon Pie Filling! Mit by the maken of famous Jcli-O with trii lemon flavor! Not lemon jelly. Use it lot pies, tarts, cake fillings, sauce, and for such ctsv dessert recipes as those on the package. a visit to the paper town. PRICES FROM $15.00 $2.. 50 Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Macdonald and son, Donald, who have been Ar vou ffoing through the functional 'in nidi Re' perxirf peculiar to worn no H to S2 ym.i? )om th mak you nffer from hot Gmmlym, fml to ntrrvout, hifh-trunx, tired? Thn do try I.ydia E. 1'irkru.m'. vegetable Compound to reiieva uch irmptonu Pinkham'a Compound mitm baa what Ihtclon call a stomachic fcjaic effect! 30th, Mrs. J. McL eod, 833 Borden Street. on a trip to Telegraph Creek. Catholic Bazaar, October 6 and returned to the city from the north on the Prince George last evening. UYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Tou 7. (230) i I A . i ri Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Eve real, was a passenger aboard the Prince George last evening returning south after making the round trip to Alaska. Mr. Gray is now making his home in retirement at Victoria. Lt, Cdr. Thomas Johnstone of H.M.C.S. Chatham was the ning entertainment. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, October 20. Saanich Plumbing AND Heating l BUYS ahd WHYS by s A wU)r tnappinf mJ in format) an aerrict lor today's woman ," Sons of Norway and Sonia Fall A Nothing to ft k -With lJell-0 feH J R Lemon Pie tf Bazaar Oct. 22 speaker at the regular weekly Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, luncheon of the Prince Rupert McUride and Fourth Blue 813 November 10, Rotary Club today. He spoke 1 MONTREAL, Sept. 8tb Wishful thinking in a ale of tune wln your figure brgius to lose its good looka. Trim it down with reducing, exercises and control it with wonderful foundation garments uf C-I-L nylon I Yes, nylon is the newsmaking fabric, for foundation garments that mold your figure firmly foundation cwtnenta wUImuI bulk Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. in support of a drive which is being instituted on behalf of 18. 1 i mr, the iaval reserve here. Rotary President D. C. Stevenson was gs- 'hut are easy to a.h and quick to d.-y that are I V rVCZ J wonderfully wear and tear resistant. Nylon yarn LaMai D1l'0 strong, light-weight foundation garments to Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23. 2:3C p!m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambral Chapter, I.OJ5.E. Salp November 25th. Orange Ladies' Bazaar, De- i cember 1st. I St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, De-! FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTKE DINING ROOM in the chair. a Reader ana classified advertisers are requested to submit their copy to the office. Telephoned advertisements often nejp Dnng oacg tno.e lovely curves oi yours or make your good figure atill better! ...and you can be sure of finest quality when you eee that famous tag ..." fabric Made oj C-I-L A ylon l'orn ". You always make fr Schoolboek Covert! They're vours for the asking at the BANK UK MONTH KAL the hel-lniikinir lead to mistakes against which your own 1U srhoolbook covers you've ever wen. These handsome -V rovern will inlri'rnp vnur vniinfrxtpni for thrv TiiHnnp the Daily News cannot guarantee. cember 9. jnd beautifully? whool-children as they arc and as they will be . . . doctrs, business girls, farmers, singers, pilots! Text-Isooks will keen clean and lidv inside thexe sturdy BofM covers! Ask for some todiiy at your nearest branch of the liofM . or write to tnc, Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal. hdo It A W.drferfuf Oof . . but An attractive Chinchilla . ' i ft L'iml gggjggxm mm vented lth u fattiation . 5WJiHt . after an autumn rainstorm he just rant help smelling K 1 II A I . Before You Can Say "Charlia McCarthy", frehlv-grouud CHASE A SANBORN COFFEE :s Carriage Cover will add to his comfort when he is wheeling down the avenue in his buggy. Bunting Bags for the tiny WTiU' uuggv . finu worn, Jr-- of all, he often Jll5aB leaves a " dntrgy " smell arounit tue I never go ( CCff belong,! M ,7 enon " 'fe PIE FILLING IB I9S ones. r Kiddies Ski Suits for the older ones. Sizes 2 to 6. Gabardine Slacks. Moore's 206 6th Street quickly vacuum-packed in tins by Chaw A Sanlxirn packers. So when you buy vacuum-packed Chase fe fcvinbom Cofloc at your grocer's, jriii can lie sure its vivid flavour will be yours to enjoy to the full. You see, vacuum-parking seals in ami protects the full roaster freshness of Chase & Sanborn Coffee 'til vou open the tin then you get REAL coffee at its flavourful best! Remember, because of its freshness and full flavour, vacuum-packed coffee is the most economical way to buy coffee and Chase & Sanborn is the best coffca money can buy it's REAL coffee. house or in your very pet chair! So here's what to do! Keep lido! but banish his " doggy " smell around the home by using VAI'AIRt Simply uncap the bottle of this new room deodorant... pull up the wick "and sec how quickly your home lccomes pleasant and livable again! Vapnir works equally well on stale cooking or tobacco-smoke odours... and costs le--s than a cent a time to tisel Ask for Vapnir at drug stores or counters. That big-value ten-ounce bottle is a mighty good buy so Vapair "fans" eayl fill Tos oek-to-Jcfcoo lunefc aoxei with something extra good to In pie fillihg Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 51C Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions A Product of General Fooeta eat and tor a special surprise tins serunipiniiis made with CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP... v GINGER SPIC3 CAKE Temp 3S0 T. Time 30-35 minutes , cup lard, shortening or home-rendered lat 4 cup brown sugar , cup Crown Brand Corn Syrup iv cup boiling water t, cups silted pastry flour 1.1 tspn. srround cinnamon i tspn. pains pi.u:. YVRATIIALL'S PnOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies I tspn. ground ginger I Pn- M1J,,ni,sPaa l tspn. aalt . w" bcten . . Crearra lard, shortening or home-rendered fat and gradually t beat m aula and Crown Brand Syrup. Add boiling water and let stand until luklwarm Then add s.fted dry ingredients In 3 lots, beating well after addltior T Add well-beaten eeR and blend mixture with a rotary !"!,.?,, : VThls ts a verv thin batter). Pour into a well-greased pan l and baft In moderate oven (350- F.) for 30 to 35 rmnutes. While atill warm, dust top with powdered sugar. in A. MacKENZIE i: FURNITURE locking for A "Bargain flarour? Then I'd ad- vise vou to hurry )'UP .7 y Ormcs Drugs t pIPTION CHEMISTS rS WEEK-DAYS, 0 A.M. TO B P.M. TD "OUDAY3-12 NOON TO 3 P.M., I 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. 1 : . service Emergency bicycle delivery Hollywood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert Open from 5:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. right 'round to your I i I. . 1 . .J 'TJM LTD. A Good Place to Buy How Th Canal Ptopl think up premiums I don t knowl Now KELLOGG S have a fascinating one to please youngsters and grown-ups. tool grocers ana snwa. up yjj on HEINZ TOMATO1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold , Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone Ml P.O. Box IBS KETCHUP! Now'g the time for every autumn a new crop of are currently ,,,, K,, Ke oiier I D m Irom 7 pJn- u' P-m. SEE THE WONDER MOP at our store. It washes, drys and wrings without need of placing your hands in water and, no need for bending. Phone 775 327 Third Ave. FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN and Sunday We specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY - i fPHONE 81 putting good-looking decal transfers in each package of Ftl . t'e seen them and they re certainly worth collecting . ..the but-Icrflies nnd those cute dog heads to decorate your drinking glasses 1 So when Kellogn's Pep suddenly becomes extra-popular in your house, the transfers will be one nf two reasons. The second reason . n ii'm 4ia frian Heim Fpcvinlly-grown "Aristocrat' tomatoes makes a trip to the famous Heini Kitchens. They're spiced and cooked to taste-wise perfection ...fresh-packed and shipped to vour grocer in those big red bottles labelled Heins Tomato Ketchup 1 Your husband will agree that Reins Ketchup peps up every dish it touches . . adds lestful goodness to stews, hushes, egg dishes and gravies. Yes, a botllo on your table means flavour-wise mealtime magic! savoy! op is I'ens navour . . . ii o "o -k that's whole wheat, you know, lood to eau ST ARRIVED . . . Thtf't Still Tim T nil lmpty Jan with sparkling . . and interesting con GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty iellics .. fresh-flavoured jams tain nut. excitement in next JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenu crvc . . that will IF? Winter's meals! Grapes, apples, late plums-they rfo make such delicious jams and jellies! '? jj'MENT OF GOLD SEAL RUGS AND tHKCK OUR STOCK OF MOIRE I LAID LINOLEUM, BY THE YARD. I New Patterns in Table Oilcloth. HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone S7 P.O. Box 144 .FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Z't 'time, 4 work . jpvr. ro jam or Write P.O. Box 721 Phone RED 561 t'h fX,Hl.nVl"fla"w .And there ore.oja if vou follow tneir tun nir i for 1 to 2 ,..; (iv tg, in minute boning jellies, SaTEAtA-.aWii DROP IN 251 3rd West Box H27 i I