-K-r-l:.fjI'V PROVINCIAL VI : LI n WARY phone A TKK? 1$ unuu Delivery HONE 81 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEW8PAPER UuBllcu hi panadas Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." STAR CABS vuu XXXVII, No. 212. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS wntoWelcome'Margie'l f III ? ii- e Her Return Tomorrow OIdQIDSS Of n enin raney is. r.care u SK . i TL.nt T?iinrvt will trivia f AmntAw ' jlarparet Brain las she comes home ARABS MAKE u0(i( as iviiss i.ix.r..., v(ut'nt ui me hibition, which honor and distinction PEACE MOVE AMMAN, 0)Tariq Bey Afri-kl, commander of Arab Irregu DANES CLAIM RED VIOLATION COPENHAGEN, 0j Danish naval authorities say that at least 50 Russian planes violated Danish territory In flights off Bornholm Island in the Baltic and one group flew low over a Shp was auUful girl in lars in the Jerusalem area, met RUSSIANS TELL AMERICANS MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS Will Not be Forced Into Settlement by Duress, Asserts Truman WASHINGTON D. C. (CP) Diplomatic authorities today indicated growing concern over possible early collapse of east-west negotiations for an agreement in Berlin. Signs are increasing, the western powers concede, that Kremlin may flash the red light on further parleys in the blockade dispute. Diplo United Nations truce observers Kin(! brought W.. nartv today and discussed the Arab withdrawal from Mount Zlon and Abu Tor sectors of .u(l, for the ,; permitting a ;o ue aecora-,.n. Leading mil be Aid. A. ng in the ab-n Arnold, on . A brooch v will bo pres- , T) . . Danish naval unit. DeGaulIists Are Invited Asked by France's Latest Premier-Designate to Enter Cabinet mats fear that Russia may usd REPORT IS DISCOUNTED Canadian Defence Headquarters Laugh at Russian Massing Talk OTTAWA Defence headquar tlip prime rvu- thrre will b toward from PARIS, DeGaulIists today demanded a revision of the communist-inspired disorders in the beleaguered German capital as an excuse for such a stop order. There was renewed violence in the streets of Berlin today after 200,000 antl - communists engaged in a demonstration Just -inside the Soviet zone. Russian :.-.wU,."-.r -t INDIA BLOOD BATH FEARED Preparations Being Made to Evacuate Canadians, Britons and Americans NEW DELHI. 0) Moslem French constitution as their ters laugh at reports from Wash- price to suppori, the conserva- ,ber of Com-rrsponsible ruination of ontest hero. lngton that the Canadian Army, tive cabinet that Henri Queuille Intelligence "had proof" that hopes to form. "MARGIE" RRAIN B. C. Beauty Queen Russians were massing aircraft RUSSIANS RELEASE U.S. OFFICIAL A souvenir of his kidnap and release experience, a piece of black bread aHen from a Soviet prison, is shown to a U.S. military police officer in Berlin by Thomas P. Headen. Deputy chief of the Information Services Division in the American zone, Headen was seized by Russian soldiers as he was walking with his wife and children. He was accused of taking pictures In the Potsdamer Platz. After spending a night in Soviet detention he was ordered released. soldiers were storied and they replied with rifle fire. Soviet flags were torn down. Meanwhile Queuille, war veteran and little known French politician, today promised an answer as to whether he could form a government to rule troubled France. His answer was to depend on a meeting to Today President H. S. Truman in Siberia within striking distance of Northern Canada. The U. S. Army an I its air forces have major irwiallations in Alaska closer to Siberia than any Canadian defence establish said that United States would if part in thi (will be a pub-jnday evening I the Capitol fiiager J. H. H also a radii PR the same I Catala sailed Ivsday night, Pakistan's foreign ministry charged today that India's policy In Hyderabad would lead to a "communal blood bath" which would engulf the sub-continent. Air evacuation of Canadians, Britons and Americans will begin wjthin a few days "in not be forced by Russian duress into a settlement of the Berlin crisis. Recent Soviet police day with parties whose support Nora Arnold Is Congratulated at ments in the north. Canada RESOLUTIONS FROM RUPERT Considered at Municipalities Convention George New President he had asked. and the U. S. are Jointly operating far northern weather sta A 64-year old doctor from view of latest developments." B.C. Municipalities Convention tions and are adding to this Brittany, Queuille has held several cabinet posts since the war and was minister of public norrd by th" fro.. Managing i'rBean going chain on meteorological out incidents, he declared, constl- tuted such duress. Nevertheless, Mr. Truman expressed continuing hope for a peaceful settlement. Russians today told the United States authorities in Berlin Evacuation From Volcano posts along the Arctic rim of the continent. me presenia- MANILA CP An urgent radio giverware. The place in th.' works and transport In the Schuman government which fell Tuesday nigh!. It is the first time tViat the DeGaulIists have been asked to participate In a government. appeal was broadcast tonight to to mind their own business and rejected the American protest HARRISON HOT SPRINGS, T Two Prince Rupert resolutions are up for consideration today at the convention of the British Columbia Municipalities. One proposes a standard business tax throughout the province, the other standardization of assessments. . all ships within call to remove I the remaining " 15,000 persons MAE WEST IS DEFENDANT e Catala and accompanied at the invasion of American of from volcano-ravaged Camiguin L08 ANGELES Mae West has Island as a shower of deadly acidic ash spewed from Mount fices by Russian-controlled police who dragged out nineteen west sector police who previously had been assured of" safe- con HARRISON HOT SPRINGS (CP)-The Union of British Columbia Municipalities yesterday voted to send congratulations to the Business and Professional Women of Canada for their recent selection' of Mayor Nora Arnold as "Canada's outstanding' woman of 1918." Mayor William Mott, New Westminster, retiring president of the I'nion, praised Prince Rupert's woman mayor for her tirinfe efforts and outstanding -meUvHjr- In icic work nd with the I'nion of British Columbia' Municipalities. Mrs. Arnold, one of two British Columbia women mayors, (the other is Mrs. E. D. Popoff of Slocan), said the distinction of being Canada's outstanding mayor was a "tremendous honor to myself, the city and the province. It is a great honor to all of us that a woman from an obscure part of northwest Canada should be so chosen." J.ejjpard. mns-Capl. Erie I supermtend-t David M'- representative HibolUUboW- which " has - been CUTTING OUT SEATTLE PORT Mayor Percy E. George of Vic erupting since September 1 toria, first vice-president, was elected president of the Union appeared In court here to defend herself In a $100,000 lawsuit. It M ' alleged "she used 'material from a sketch based on the liV of Catherine the Oreat, of Russia, without paying compensation to the writers of the successful sketch. yesterday by acclamation to succeed Mayor William M. Mott of New Westminster. Reeve Sol duct following the communist I seizure of BerlinS city hall. Answering a protest written by Col. Frank Howley, United States commandant. Major General Alexander Kotikov, Soviet commander, told the Americans bluntly "not to Interfere in matters which do not concern them." oman Mussallem of Manle Rldee was acclaimed as vice-president) and Mayor T. H. Waters of Nel-J son was elected second vice- Four Planes Last Evening Aircraft of Different Lines Converge on Port Prince Rupert had the appearance of being a very busy air IMMIGRANT FLOW RISING f of the Ci'y i i'isp shoulders f:lity or organ- 4'in for Miss Xfli out to makv 1 f'mrtliliiR fnr t'e to renicni-"4 morning. f'ekcrson rrturninq office OTTAWA Rivalling the. busy president. Also elected by acclamation were Commissioner A. D. Mc-Rae of Mission as village representative and R. R. F. Sewell of Victoria as secretary-treasurer for the sixteenth term. Col. McQuarrle of Vancouver years of "the twenties," new in GREAT PLANT AT KITIMAAT centre early yesterday evening. habitants of Canada are arriv Ung In what could almost be l. will h.. SAN FRANCISCO A direct general cargo shipping service between California, Oregon and Alaska has been started by Coastwise Lines, Inc., and may mean a huge expansion of south-north trade. Until now, goods from California and Oregon destined for Alaska were shipped as far north as Seattle by truck and rail for transshipment to vessels. Under the new plan there will be no calls at Seattle, whatever Northbound, ships will touch at San Francisco and Portland, and southbound, at Whittier, In Alaska, and at Portland and Los Angeles. Just Another Lawyer, Says St. Laurent MONTREAL Louis St. Lament checked in here for the annual meeting of the Canadian Bar Association. He said he was registering as "just another lawyer." ; Four planes, each from a different airlines, were in the harbor waters at once. First In was a high winged rmen. Hund- termed a flood. The great bulk of the settlers are Britons and Europeans who are getting away r r exnectprl t. pontooned Norseman piloted by Bob Davis of the Queen Charlotte Airways and under charter to I1 heir cheers to , expressed by jfkerson. from the after-the-war effects. In the first half of this yeat, 57,275 have moved to the Dominion. Under the newly broadened immigration policy, the new the Department of Fisheries. i The Canadian Pacific Airlnes was elected solicitor. Among the eight-member executive council Is Mayor Nora Arnold of Prince Rupert. The convention today is cleaning up on a total of something over 60 resolutions on the agenda. On the first day 23 resolutions were disposed of by the 141 delegates to the forty-fifth annual convention. Of these 14 were passed, eight defeated and one withdrawn. Eleven others were referred to special committees. Canso, with Pilot Larry Dakin at the ceremony " rourt house '"B the par-rs and mar- comers include independent the controls, came In next on her scheduled flight from Sand- Aluminum Co. of Canada Considers Establishing There A Victoria dispatch to the Vancouver Sun says the Aluminum Co. of Canada's proposed site for a large aluminum pro-duc'ng plant In British Columbia may be moved further north from Vancouver to the head of Dean Channel or to Kitimaat at the head of Dong-las Channel. Survey crews are now at work there. ' The thing that moved the company to take this step Was the objection by fishing interests to the diversion of wafers from the Chllco system. The THE WEATHER Synopsis A series of weak storms moving in from the Gulf of Alaska continues to give cloudy skies and showery weather over the northwestern corner of British Columbia. Fog and light drizzle persist along the central arid northern coast except for britf clearing during the afternoon. Over the remainder of the province the fine weather will continue with afternoon temperatures reaching the seventies or eighties today and Friday. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy in northern section with occasional light rain or drizzle this afternoon and again early Friday. Dense fog in remainder of area, clearing briefly in the afternoon and reforming at night. Light winds. Little change in temperature, with lows tonight and highs Friday t Port Hardy, 50 and 60, Massett and Prince Rupert, 52 and 62. PLANS ARE CONSIDERED Co'irt Hou.jp. CIRCUS SHIP IN DISASTER HAVANA, B A tiny circus ship was swallowed up by a hurricane which swept the Carrl-bean Sea in the dark morning of September 1 and 44 persons and 59 trained seals on board were missing. The Norwegian motor vessel Caribe radioed yesterday that she had picked up 12 survivors. "The fate of the remainder of the passengers and crew is unknown but we fear for the worst," said the Caribe's message. Indianapolis Papers Merge INDIANAPOLIS Increasing costs of production has brought about the merger of Indiana's two largest newspapers the News and the Star. Consolidation is announced one morning and one evening. Joe Louis Is Making Speech PHILADELPHIA, 0 Joe Louis Is scheduled to address the National Association convention spit and she had scarcely put her hull in the water when Cen farmers, close relatives of Canadian residents and farm and other types of workers. In addition to' business people and others coming on their own. ill rereive a "i the hands f magistrate tral B. C. Airlines' low-winged German Junkers seven - place monoplane buzzed over the city waterfront. admirers. If Is favorably still cameras the event for The Junkers, piloted by Jack J Harriot of Prince George, who was accompanied by Bill Hilde, : : TOD A Y'S STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. TERRACE ROAD NEVER WORSE 1 f r civic escort, 1 business sec-vf b,,fore being iiOme. 4t the .12 more northerly site would have nothing to do with the Fraser River area. It is estimated that the water system in the Kitimaat region will develop close to 1,500,000 horsepower, making it 50 per cent larger than the Chilco project. , In Poor Condition Now as Result of Recent Heavy Rains Motorists appear to be in agreement that the Skeena Ruest of honor 3mber of Com- T"Eural ball at fms. . flight mechanic, arrived here from Fort St. James with ocders to pick up a party from the Forestry Department and fly them to Telegraph Creek. Pilot Harriot is not a stranger to Prince Rupert. While he was with the RC.A.F. during tne war he was on the regular mail flight In 1942 and 1943. A very perky passenger on board the Junkers was a tiny pup that the pilot picked up in Stewart ten days ago. Since then Ihe small canine has become a seasoned traveller and will probably see a lot more of Northern British Plans for two proposed new school construction projects a unit for Booth Memorial High here on September 14 but sports writers say the chances are he will not tell whether he plans to A IS RE River Highway between Prince Rupert and Terrace was never in worse shape than it is today, the result, no doubt, of recent rains. Particularly bad is the section between Shames and fyec. "A lot of work will be required to put the road back in good shape again," says J. Harry Black, former president of the Prince Rupert Automobile School and a new King Edward RED SOX HAVE BIGGEST LEAD Margin of Leadership in American League Increased ,., to ZVi Games NEW YORK ffi The outlook appeared gloomy today for the rest of the American League as fight again or how to find another Joe Louis. rpcent stormy s which have linR operations Artificial Kidneys Columbia before his owner has Bobjo Buffalo Canadian Consol. Smelters Conwest Donalda Eldona East Sullivan .'. Giant Yellowknife .... God's Lake - Hardrock Harrican Heva Hosco .jr.: Jacknife Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan Lapaska Little Long Lac ' Lynx Madsen Red Lake McKenzlc Red Lake .. McLCod Cockshutt Moneta Negus Noranda Louvicourt Pickle Crow Regcourt San Antonio Senator Rouyn Sherrit Gordon Steep Rock Sturgeon River - Silver Miller .08 115.50 1.19 .66 1.04 2.85 5.40 .56 .25 .07 .13 .36 .04'i .46 .08 .06 .88 .09 2.57 .35 .98- .30 2.30 49.00 .62 . 2.10 .06 3.50 .45 . 2 42 . 1.92 .17 . 37 Vancouver Bralorne 7-50 B. R. Con "3 B. R. X 09 Cariboo Quartz 1 30 Dentonia 01 V2 Grult Wihksne Hedley Mascot 40 Pend Oreille I5 Pioneer 2 65 Premier Border 02! Privateer -15 Reeves McDonald 1-70 Reno 06 Salmon Gold 1V4 Sheep Creek 1-20 Taku River 32 Vananda 36 Pacific Eastern 07Va Hedley Amalg 02 Spud Valley 09 V4 Central Zeballos 02 Silbak Premier -28 Vi Oils A. P. Con . 20 Calmont 47 C. & E 5.90 Foothills 2-80 Home 8 70 Toronto Athona 08 Aumaque .'. -20 Beattle 66 Bevcourt 38 ' oi the Queen t"na are s'UU a chance to present him to his small son in Prince George. Association, who returned at the first of the week with party consisting also of Johnny Oarofanl. George Hooey. Mickev Fudcer public school building were further studied by the board of school trustees on Wednesday night and the architects will now be advised of certain changes suggested by the board members prior to accceptance of the final plans and specifications. Two sets of plans were considered Involving a substantial difference in cost. The new. High School unit, on the eastern half of Hays Cove Circle, would Include adminis Rupert. The I'ed nf ODfin Medicine's Latest CHICAGO Two groups of medical research men report that they hr.ve developed" artificial kidneys for use in the treatment of diseases which often are fatal. and Richard Long, from a trip wnich took them as far as the Manson Creek country north of vanderhoof and Prince Oeroge the battering Boston Red Sox boasted their largest lead of th season. They overcame a New York Yankees 10 to 6 lead Wed-nesday night to increase their margin over the runner-up New Yorkers to 22 games. The previous best advantage of the Red Sox was a game and a half. In the National League the Pittsburgh Pirates defeated the Cincinnati Reds 5 to 1 to further strengthen their hold on second place. The all-metal Junkers is almost a curiosity in flying circles now as, according to Pilot Harriot, the ship he Is flying is one of three left In Canada. Central B. C. Airways has one of the others and the. third one is operating in Quebec. Last aircraft to visit Prince Rupert yesterday was the Seabee owned by Skeena Air Transport which made a brief stop here and then buzzed off up the valley bound for Smlthers. tration offices, gymnasium, gymnasium - auditorium, home They also made a side trip to Glen Annan on the Stellaco River in the Francois Lake country where they enioved good 3 .uiiv I y the packer I for the Prince P1' Co-operat-l Sunkls. . according to fitinues from Nf shore from f the Queen F way from feara Island to I A few tuna In dogfish nets I - I LOCAL TIDES (StaHdard Time) Friday, September 10, 1D48 Hieh 6:55.. 15.5 feet economics and industrial arts departments. hunting and fishing, bagging one 17.6 feet The. new King Edward School plan- is for 10 classrooms on ground Just to the east of the nioose. The road east of Terrace is not 5.9 feet 18:40 0:29 12:27 Low 9.8 feet present building. in too bad shape, Mr. Black re ports.