White herring Run Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, December 6, 1950 New -Drug For Burns 700 tons have bt-en caueht in Eddye Pass in the vicinity of Butler's Cove. Sunday a herring run was off the month of the Oona Hivcr in Ogden Channel. There 1.2G0 tons f s s Started Herrine fishine is off to an were caught In three sets. The V. An almost peniicitis m'- CLEVELAND skinless man s ! early start this year with 15.000 largest set known U have been enty percent of f""15 WL ? M h by gasoline' J n hls Pain dlsant n Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press - Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, -fr-$8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 50c; Per Year, $5.00. "j1 in the central sub-district. Most Co-incident with the start of hls skln burned away t1P,.d-.3apP' ""e,as was mun i?,'- of the fish hBve been caught in herring catches, H. F. Robhn, has been saved from death bv Pleted !N bffe ' Kwakshua Pass off FltKhugh manager oi Nelson Brothers, lias lne wonder hormone ACTH, the ys' Sound. returnea to rw, tuwara to re- meiicun Mecucal Association I In the northern sub-district open tne reduction plant. was told today by Dr. James1 teach Every h, "mi Bv PUBLIC COOPERATION VITAL IN . INFLATION FIGHT B.C. GARDNER Ml N S VKESH SOX- v. IT 1'. The:ie are real gifts tn -4 BOMBER JACKETS and PARKAS, from BOYS' WINDBREAKERS, from Bank of Montreal President Reviews Anti-inflation Responsibilities of Business, Public and Government Strong Action Needed , FOR THE LADIES i..in.v MONE-emton mixtures, Nylon, ns and All-Woul, from, pair' TABI.P CI.OTiIS-4 .Wrviettes to match p.," " Were up to $4 00, Now. et .... eauti MASTODON TUSK A mastodon tusk weighing nearly 200 pounds is held by Calgary Zoo attendants Jimmie Prlngle, left, and Stewart Sluth. The tusk, estimated to be 10.000 to 85,000 years old, was found in Alaska by J. A. Fhillips of Kimberley, Ala., a water exploration expert for the U.S. government. Mr. Phillips usually gives such fossils to American colleges and museums, but presented this one to the Calgary Zoo. The now-extinct mastodon was a foitrunner of the modern elephant. ' (CP PHOTO) GORDON BALL, GENERAL MANAGER, ADVISES; CLOSE SCRUTINY BY BUSINESS OF INVENTORIES, CREDIT EXTENSION, PLANT EXPANSION IN RELATION TO CAPITAL RESOURCES ful pa ' ' j While 1950 has been a year of cohtlnued progress in Canada's :44am business and industrial life, inflationary .pressures of growing, SHOP AND SAVE AT proportions are befominK a matter of grave concern, according; I to R. C. Gardner, president of the Bank of Montreal, who addressed j the bank's shareholders at their 133rd annual meeting. The: LETTERBOX S soiuuon. ne ua. lies not alone in tne nsnds of government, but in the conduct of businessmen and of the public as, well. He ! maintained that Canada's defence profiram should not be regarded Editor. Dallv News: i as a "business as usual'' project, and Bdvocatetl a "nkv-us-vou-irn' I iee i If Regarding your report in Mon-' for BOv"rnment. . day's paper that I was fined S5 i The Dunk's 1950 operations ' -;- . and costs fo illegal parking. I were reviewed by Gordon R. Ball SimPie.,t possible terms,"' Mr. did not pay the fine but served ..."... "..- uarcmer Htiaett, "if we as a iail If tJ l "c :-:ilU Ul .-in riav. in It l nn nation insist on doing less and 7- " " S'i.iyo.OOO.OOO. This was a record grace for the city to charge $7.50 neure for an annua, fft as for infringement of traffic ?gu- was also tne amount for d-po,iis lations under the circumstances $2,063,000,000. Savings and in which I was parked, it is no current accounts, he Said, how UCVKV'r GRAND T SELECTION OF iess for a dollar, we can hardly complain if tr.j dollar does les.s for us." General .Manager's Address In reviewing the bank's ?ar. Mi. Ball commented particularly on the increase in the :iumorr of savings and current accounts. disgrace for me to go to Jail. FRED HILL totalled more than 1.800.000 in Canada an increase oi over httlf-a-million in the past six vpn ra By ELMORE PHILPOTT RADIO FOR TRAINS? A PROFESSOR writes urging two-way radio equipment for all trains: "The recent tragic collision on the CNR north XMAS Greetins Pacific Coast Cities Worried Quick assets, with Investment exf Vre.cl5liJ? n f fhe f''hee reflected by uw fig-dollars holdings ol more than a billion were reported at $1,602,- "jrFS- 000.000 an amount equal to 76 2 "In tne conduct of our busi-ner rfnt. nf nil the hnk'i iinhiii. ness." he said, "the Pttraniouni ties to the public. Current loans, considerations continue to be Uie at the record year-end figure of safeguarding of the funds placed of Kamloops draws at- Cards Priced from 25 for $1 People of the large California tention to the antiquated means Hte wch as Lcs Annies aopea'r j W28.000.000, were up $41 million JJ"d of communication used by the io be m0re wor-ied ahout MU-k I over le r, &n ffin Wrvfcel , anc " to U railroads. railroads. The The next next dav day the the ter- ter- in jn an n tmmir,ert. imminent war ,ar thQn than rtn do m,p the Reasoned t onfidence rj ?'e"1 "?.d"e .,yJr" h'A ! va number of Canadians and Summine un the 19S0 ec.mnmif You will be plea with our Long Overdue WE ARE happy to hear that, after our many representations, the provincial department of "public works intends to start next year with the paving of Highway 16 eastward from Prince Rupert. There is no occasion to get too sentimentally appreciative, however, for this is work that is long overdue not only in Skeena Valley between Prince Rupert and Terrace but in many other country parts of British Columbia. Tuu long has the government concentrated its i-oad favors on Vancouver Island, particularly arouiid Victoria, and around Vancouver. That there should be some change of policy, as indicated by the new announcement received by the Prince Rupert Chamln?r of Commerce is therefore timely. "Getting the promise and assurance is something although there have been promises and assurances in the past that have often enough been exasperat-ingly slow of fulfilment. We hope it will be different this time. But now the undertaking has been made, we have something to hold the department to which we should surely do if there is tardiness or failure in implementing it. Remember the kettle which, up to its neck in hot water, still continues to sing. PEACE AT ANY PRICE? A DISTINCT modification of attitude towards Communist China seems to be developing in United States. A considerable about-face is also to be noted in a statement made last night by Canada's minister of external affairs, Hon. L. B. Pearson, in advocating - a speedy settlement along what he bravely suggests can still be "honorable" lines. Thfcre is no intention of detracting from any conciliatory settlement that may be reached now but it does seem regrettable that it should have to come as a climax to a shocking defeat at arms with painful loss of Allied fighting men. It will be a point to be debated, for a long time whether any peace that may be negotiated now could not have been reached two weeks ago under more happy and graceful circumstances before MacArthur's offensive to end. the war went into reverse and turned out to be a debacle. Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. WE COULD USE THE RIGHT SORT AGAIN and again, Canada is being told she needs more people. For example how many more times must Central and Northern British Columbia tell of its attractiveness as a field for immigration? The same can apply to all parts of the Dominion. Canada receives a few but nothing to compare with Australia's record. There, in 1948 it was 48,500, in 1949 about 150,000 and in 1950 it will be certain to reach 200,000. What's wrong with Canada? Suffering from supercaution? Plenty of people are not Sons of Freedom. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY ' For when we were yet, without strength. In due time Christ died for the ungodly." Rom. 5:6. rible wreck on the Long Island rpoole of Honolulu wh3 exneri-line reinforced the message. ered such im attR'"'' at T-'- "In this time when ships, air- warbo- just nine years ago to-craft, state patrol cars and even nrr0w. according to H. F. "Rob- picture in Canada, Mr. Gardner T 'Ur said that the year's developments ii'",1" B V "1crea!,lng - "nave once again confirmed the -ul- views of thaw, at home nd Commercial loans for inventirv taxis use two-way radio com- , )r,Si manage? of Nelson Bros, abroad, who have maintained a Purposes hhowed a mixed trend, plant at Port Ed- reasoned confidence in the Cnn- Mr. Ball commented. In some munication, what excuse is ther j- heries Ltd adlan business outlook and in llnes llu're were recent evidences for trains, carrying several hun- j who returned to the cltjr by Gilt Stallonery too! A- We have just received a shipment of ENGLISH GENUINE LEATHER WALLETS (which we will gold initial free of chargei SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS this country's impressive long- 01 stock-piling. In many Indus-run potentialities." tr'es' plant extensions and re-But there were shadows across Placements were still proceeding the picture, too, the president and tns effect on working capl-said. "We live today in an eerie tal nacl- ln some cases, Increased twilight, not between peace and lne need 'or bani loans. Greater war but between cold war and an demand for consumer credit was all-out struggle," he commented, also reflected in some measure by "Even; while we long lor peace B of M loans and discounts, and work for peace we ir.ust meet Warning on Commitments the exigencies of the present Mr. Ball noted that upward moment and, as best we may, price pressures appeared general, area passengers or millions oi a"" Monday irom a nonaav trio dollars worth of freight, being hlch took hm to both nallfrr-out of contact with their con- ni and the Hwai'an Iilar'ls. trol centres for long periods of "FVarwwhPfo." aid M-". Rob-time?" Ins. "the Aneftcon r-r. " oOo 1 concerned about the grave possi-THE PROFESSOR is an expert hilltv of war but thv spm more on such means of communica-, voied in the bl? Pn."if!.c Cost tion. He has in his own lab, he rUie. The call-im nf men r""s says, several aircraft receiver- the situation realistic enonih." transmitters, obtained from war Los Aneeles and such cities e m surplus. These are primitive r"t'v)v orp,i,'''',' ,v,p' prepare ior wnat the future may but thcTe was a "good deal of defences. In Los Angeles It Is oring." instability' In specific situations. compared with later models. But The claims of the increased Some Drices had risen so ranirllv I Phone 234 3rd Street Besner BW defence program upon man- that corrective declines might be power and materials, Mr. Oard- expected and, in fact, had occur- ner said, had come when civilian red ln certain lines. He cautioned demand for consumer and capi- businessmen against making tal goods was already "pressing commitments so.ely ln antlcipa- even the ones he has could have ratit?ed on a block by averted the tragedy of the CNR l",'"v H"'s. crnSh. Ro'n wa? pecomrani"-1 oOo h" ts. Pobins and dauhW. THE PROFESSOR delves - at h'rlev. who ret" "ned on the some length into the technical T'nee Oeorsre th mo-.-ning. He shows questions involved. neavuy upon the ceiling ot avail- tion of price increases, adding,! able supply." Thus, the roquire- too, that they might well scrut- i merits of partial mobilization, inlze their policies as Id lnve:i-: while relatively small, made lur tory, credit extension and plant I i.K A "So Beoutif ul . . . !M V (teJI 7 C ond with 27 F that there is no real reason why nows that tne coal-burning two-way radio could not operate locomotive Is going the -way that frnm and tr trains TTvArtr train thp Ufnnd-hnrnpr went Out lnuauon to a degree lar out oi expansion in the light of capital 1 resources. should carry a radio "shack," ! Surely anyone who looks ahead propo,r""h Jn''rif Drawbacks of Controls , Th .n.,.,ior .y,,,,.,,,! hm. he argues. If it is economic for n few vears must realize that anw-Hi.mt.tH.aijr mcurjua tnat any increased taxation an aircralt with 2u passengers me irreat revolution . in "'"- f comntet tnnhiliaatlAn m,-. . .t. . . '. J 5 1 I The New... ) I I J McCLARY "27 ! I I Lj Washing Machine I I tUl m ''It's the washer Uul k to be so equipped the cost should munitions- called radio -Is ed lnaroprlate at present, tne uld how due regard to the not be considered prohibitive. , eoing to affect railroad opera- preUdent continued. To control desirability i buildmK up busi My friend makes it clear he "on price also meant regulating sup- r.e.s resources otit of profits, "the is not ursine abolition of the Nobodv believes that we will; ply; restricting demand turough s(mnripst nf nil mt.hnri- nf mi.. I present system of written com- indefinitely ride to train sta-i stern fiscal measures and in(; capital." This anplied with munications . uor3 m taxicaDS equippea wim """"6" waSc .m y cnnn, particular force to smaller busi- "Printed instructions should two-way radio -then board J'"'" K ! still be given to train crews, as, .trains still using only ntaeteenth ' afln" cre The gpnera, manaR()r reported But in ad- century commun cation. ' the reeiment Importers and exporters is current practice, dition despatchers should, at" , lne"a' q"eiu one T To attempt all this now could H""10"1 country we short intervals, make regular . , V.i. .. .introduce serious elements or ,,7.7 ..," . ": world-wide facilities of the B of right in saying "Now friction" into the economy. LI tr.o. .i i ,.r., M Foreign Department, which As between train wrecks and train radios there la only one this critical stage could not, he n ,rRe lts rela tlonsnils abroad radio contact with all trains ln their divisions." oOo EVERY TIME the railroads ask for higher rates howls of I answer. HOLLYWOOD CAFE said, be maintained "on the B " J,lt"- cheap." Increased use of man- The time was ripe, the general power and materials for defence manager suggested, to re-exam-nevitably demanded some re- ine the usefulness of exchange adjustment ot living standards, control. While Canada had gone To avoid the strains and injus- fr 'n removing barriers to in-tices of inflation, this readjust- ternatlcnal commerce, the "comment would mean enlisting the Ple and expensive" mechanism understanding level-hvadedness of control remained. With Can- opposition go up from coast to coast. We all know what happened when the recent national railroad strike took place. That hinged around the question, "What can the railroads afford We Spcciolne in RIGHT AT HOME LONDON There's a stray bird hostel in' the Hamstead THOSE BEARDS CANTERBURY, England P) A Canterbury flrtn is nfforir. . DISHES to pay?" district. The guests mostly The cost of equipping our brought by police or boys, are p. n f th , wi'i'iiaTsV1 the 'TX?r the 1951 fe"! C0rluEY-CH0WM2 trains with two-way radio would be considerable. But who would seriously argue that such cost Duller, tor Outside ()!" overbalances the saving of life and limb and property? OPEN FROM 7:30 P.M. to 3:30 AM Prepare For WINTER! 0 Check your Furance and Chimney Now! We have the most modern vacuum equipment for clean ing furnaces and chimneys. PHONE 884 THOM and cooperation of people in all adian holdings of gold and U.S. walks of life behind wise and dollars at high levels and with forthright governmental. policy, the need of maintaining a fixed As to governmental responsl- exchange-rate now lemoved, illitv, Mi. Gardner stated that a Canada should give "a vigorous strict "pay as you go" program leaa' ln eliminating this control was best suited io the times. Tills as soon as conditions permitted. -u'h reou.-e the courage o cut niRh Pralse fof stafr of the frills of governmental TJ . , . ,n- . . . outlays remorselessly and to pre- ...??I,'h?ra" "i?PAadrbeen sent an uncompromising front to f? ar of suppJb Perform; demands from any quarter for "Ce(bJffteI,nif" ' a"d ""j unnecessary addition?. ,r J? 1 lLh,a,d he Pn ft peLhl? activity, remarked, Public Cooperation Vital Sj.f1?? Intelligent nubile cooperation Jy demands upon all de-was "vitally necessary" provide P"" were me - wi h a smooth transmission from a ' cw. j,. , IMPORTANT NOTICE The real question for the railroads must surely be: "Would modern two-way radio communication make for safer, better railroad service?" If the answer to that question is "yes" then surely a strong, rich country like Canada is not going to haggle or quibble about the initial cost. oOo , 1 WHEN Sir Henry Thornton began to experiment with disel engines in Canada, some Of the papers lambasted him as a spedthrift. Now everyone in this country m ..icr, to advise"1 peacetime economy to partial Htalr training continued to re- mcbilizatlon, the speaker main- celve special consideration at all tained. Hoarding, or panic-buy- levels, Mr. Ball stated. Every ing bv producers and consumers, endeavour was being made to could not but weaken the econ- reduce working hours by simpli- omy. However, national security 'VinK routine, mechanizing oper- could only be achieved if those ations and improving conditions, concerned with collective bar- "The welfare and development gaining and industry-labor rela- of our employees are under con- tions had a high sense of social tinuous study." he emuhasized. 9V 1AAI W. .... , rv- ,.L , Woinhts" area " 9jjimujuij Tlir Ctotf Mmtttw Adam S-ivjr. Inr ' - . SMEET.METAL LTD. CHECK YOUR FURNACE residents , or KUbnuruur. . pj Overlook, n ii .W5 on ii KinT h0 cutnended otany"""-- etc., wi . f the m This firm is not a member u. responsibility. Widespread at- "In line with our policy of con-1 tempts to obtain "Increases ln stantly reviewing the problems lhcome out of proportion to In- of cur staff, particularly ln re-' creased living costs and without spect of changes ln living costs, corresponding gains ln produc- we have instituted a general tivity ' could achieve nothing but salary Increase during the year,, a wage-price spiral a race no of which the greater benefit is' LMKniMHi l COMING! Owners' Association and does nor any restrictions announced by tha one. could win. felt by those at the lower salary jruuing tne matter in its jeveis. LET US BAKE YOUR CAKE PHONE 643 All VARIETY m for X'mas Shopping RUPERT BAKERY LTD. "I still say the bacon is overdone" Uki)ftitaSla3iSii))9lft)liI)ikkili)Si,kkki)iSikliKhAilsJJ