Prince Rupert Daily Npws Wednesday, December 6, 1950 H0h SC0RE, Insurance Plan iproves Popular Would Negotiate i With Communists No Extension of Low Return Fare j Winter Styles Daring, Dramatic plan sponsored by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce I on behalf of their members, T I Norton Youngs told the Chamber j at Its meeting Monday night. :, Over 100 person's were covered AV.Tili j emsaale 3, Vern 1 OTTAWA H )n. L. B. Pearson, sixty percent of the employer, .Secretary P. H. Llnzey report- By FLORENCE MILLS scheme ami as: PARIS" W Important formal Cnuda's minister of exnrfaf- members of the Chamber have ed that payments totalling $450 ! to open T'Lt f0! ! Three coast steamship com-jrnnies have replied unfavorably i to a recent request of the Prince fashions for a brilliant winter 'Vl.TL'Tri, lac" ui l"c """""" "au "cc" w " unaer the deposit, nf Z Rupert Chamber of Commerce uu me ate a peacefui and honorable that reduced return trip fare """w L"c'c-rt r ttl!'ent with Communist snooting the works on daring r hlnn mlrp a sia'-vized militarv ' privileges on steamers from sllnouettes and dramatic treat- fn Vt.Sd i Tm Van:ouvcr to Prince Rupert be ments, with lavish use of Jewelled c'an appeasenlent but ;he eiuueu uuih ju 10 !u aays. uuuuiiuk auu eresain launra. .ronehinir reachlne it if a. worRVlvr 8 I communistic the Separate letters were received Lampshade skirts, enormous mer.t with from the three steamship com- "Morning Glory" necklines and world. panies Canadian National, jewelled velvet "ihlrt" cuffs were j ' ' Canadian Pacific and Union introduced by Lanvln. I Eri.,0,h ekirts beneath A few of The necklines stand out and them are snug-fitting, petal-away to frame the neck and shaoed affairs, shoulders. On cocktail dresses M;'yneux a!so goes in for long, they reveal a contrast color lin- J ' cone shaped basques on jackets ing. For evening, fullblown and cone skirts lined with buch- Sieamsnips Limited. Increased co.sU of operation was one of the itisons given for impossibility of extending the privilege. At present there is a 10 per cent reduction of round trip tare 30-day return limit tickets. crimson roses across' the top of ram to make thorn stand stiff. the bust create a window box His narrow sheath skirts are the effect. i shortest shown by any designer .-"2 Jewelled cuffs add glamor to Lanvin's all-black ensembles and suits. Made in brilliant colored velvet, particularly crimson or electric blue, and thickly peppered with seml-preclous stones, mock diamonds and sequins, these "shirt" cuffs protrude below sleeves cut well short of the wrist. Lanvin treats fur In odd ways, using white Indian lamb for a In Paris. They reach to Just below the knees. Practically all are dressed up with flying panels and overskirts. Broadcloth Is being used almost exclusively by Jean Patou not only for day wear but for coi'ir'ail pr;i eve"!"" HoVs t"o This sleek, stain-fintsh wool material Is shown in black and newter crev fo- nay end 'n s",v brilliant shades as Imperial jiavcr. Municipal Vacancy Unfilled STEWART Monday was nom-inition day to fill one vacancy left by the resignation of Mrs. Sadie Young and the election of two other commissioners, making a total of five commissioners as provided fcr in the Municipal Elections Act. No nominations were received which means that the remaining commission' rs Thf Gforae Mitthnr Alum Semce. Inc. . . ' "M-mmm smells good, dear! What was it?" Avoia 5 ocioc o'clock fagllv baggy windbreaker jacket with purp'e and buttercup yellow for sleeves and formal evening wear. t will have to appoint at least ons tremendous bishop commissioner when the New Year j black persian lamb for a barrel opens. shaped jacket with white ermine Stewart A satisfying grand flavor Please your whole family! -with Postum'i fine vigorous rich flavor. Grown-ups and children enjoy Postum Drink Posfumf Finish your day' work feeling fresh 1 Drink Posfum avoid tea and coffee. Tea and coffee contain caffein - a drug that may disturb your sleep, nerves or digestion and leave you tired. Postum contains no caffein cannot possibly harm you. Stewart Gets Early Winter at every hour and as much as they want. Leaves Stewart Afier 40 Years CRINOLINE SKIRTS i Gala dresses with stately crinoline skirts monopolizing nearly six square, feet of floor space are being shown bv Maggy Rouff. One of tiw most fetching creations Is a straDless whit" tulle crinoline called "Noel." The strapless bodice is covered with glittering sliver bead fringing and the vast, hooped skirt with rrnitoped tiers of narrow, pleated frills. "Windswept," skirts that have all fu'lness thrust to the back as though the wearer was battling against a high wind. Is the last fashion pointer to be Introduced by Edward Molyneux, Canadian Legion Cribboge Drive ' STEWART A very successful ;ribbage drive was held on Sat-lrday by! the Canadian Legion STEWART With the exception cf tw3 davs during the n-;.' .two 'weeks, sub-zero weather has cuffs and "bib. BLACK. WHITE, RED Death and the devil combined to have inspired winter fashions created by Jacques Fath. His color scheme is dominated by funeral looking black-and-white relieved by the -sort of rubv red usually associated with Satcn. The most extravagant feature of Fath's winter creations is a V-shaped neckline that plunges deeply at the back and front. One number in "Satan" red Fatin had the plunge neckline and hip drapery finished in two )nre tails swishing out from a rhinestone buckle. ST EWART- Terminating over wood .,.. tnkin(T . w.aM ' n the Legion Club rooms on Co- . SAVE UP TO ! A CUP Think of itl a switch to Postum saves you up to 60 of your beverage costs. umbia 'Street. Mrs. Norma forty years of residence in Stew- in ths opirnn of the old time'-"-.. . postum Cenfoini he cold strll has come exc9r-ticnally early. Usually this kind art. this week, Mrs. Sadie Young, widow of the if te A. E. Young, transfer man, disposed of her property here to Robert Macleod, ewis won first prize with a score f 922, Mrs. Crawford winning he consolation prize with a score )f 791. In the men's section W. f. Crawford was high with a Switch to (Am today the fam"i" court urier whn. due mill, superintendent for the Knra nf 02fl hilf Harrv Rpnnptt. "" mas followed by a heavy fall of snow in the month of Jpnua-v. low zero have been reported, '""prm jmeter; varying Al- md SamirVnatrick tied for the n nearMHy?er' ,-,'' L ,.tu of aska, and left on on Monday Monday ratns new double skirts con- to ill health, it "ir.'-- ,. prise wide, bouffant skirts slash- salon In Paris after 30 successful ed up the front to reveal narrow years. t for Steivart Nbles Whonnock where she will reside wU". htv 'laughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McNeil Mr. McNeil is the owner of a garage and service station at ma', t'ace. Mrs. Young will be missed from the community as she has been v i y active in the Women of the Moose and the Ladies' Auxiliary ,vji iovji x iiUHl yimn wiuit ovyi. 161, Mrs; J Bennettt winning on he cut of'the cards. After ; upper virs. SacBfe Young was presented with a parting gift from the adies of the Legion Auxiliary vecompajed by many expressions of s goodwill and good A'ishes. J The men beat the ladies with a .core of 6621 to 6150. D. S. Love, general foreman. Department of Public W-.rks for Atlin, came in on Thv-sdav l?.L on a flying visit by Quen Char- of the Canadian Legion in addi Everybody tvanls 1 One Dollar Day Raise jt Premier 1 ?T; r.vil Negotiations b-,woen the wc kmen and the tion to being one of the Com- lotte A: lines, leaving the sr.rie mlssioners of the "Village. Mrs. day for Prin:e Rupert. 1 Young takes with her the good 1 wishes of the entire community. Owen McFcdden ar-h'M !n ' ' town, havinp comrioted h:s c"i- Dennis W:lliams, a member of tract with the Silbak Premier the Eilbak Premie- Mine staff. Mine in connection witifthe con- 1 niToenacnt of the Silbak Prem-er Mines Limited, have been 1, 1110 A !,-.-..Sf!Mv concluded. The men left on Monday, having resigned frvVon of the tram to the Ind-receive $1 per day Increase. his position as secretary. ian Mine. i -, .;' . ... Klerlrical appliance! make the most useful pmcnls . . . saving time and labour every day of the year to come.. and following year. .. daily reminders of the giver! Give Electric this Christmas I ; . ; J n n TTTTTTn fnhk nn I j j X Served with pride Q "-J I I rimtb 1non those special occasions 4 Twfet il-JL- whcn only the finest 51'. WkiiMsssn lolll win suffice .si M 1 v, if-'i riia n i ip - , i 1 VACUUM aiAN-Hhea t....a. ..i,.,, , it clean.. And not only . It''1 upholstery, lamp. ta"k7ldi...rr. All .rU -'Ml hare floor., linolc.m... ' wy ... I ... Drop In for a demonstratton ami a "'"I Christmas lo ensure a Merry New Year. EIE:TRIC WASHER You can spread the magic of ChriMniHn over every waMy of the year hy giving an eleetric waxher. !She only hna lo put lhe lollien in anil flick a switch! Wonderful I All he Mlenming, youlti-killing, roh-a-duhhing gone! Type to suit any porkcthook ...and gladden nnv woman's hcurl. HICTRIC RANGE A year-rounl investment in bappinewt Cheek up hw muih of her life every wife and mother upemln over her ranut ! Three mcalx a day . ..every day . day a week. Then eonniiipr how murh plrasure an electric ranpe will (rive. ..her pride in tip-lop eooking Murel hy elwtric control. And think of the time it will ave...anH the energy to live . . . and enjoy living t The best and cheapest way to cook. rSffl 73 A V fe-X-jflSi pi-ll rtp ,v. s. - "n m 1 mm r. i i . t - 1 ! 1 .Ji- EtfCTHIC HOOR rOUSHIR -J For all hardwood, linoleum and tile Hours polishing large or mnll areas, right up to the hasrlioard, deep nlo corners, and close to furniture. Light enough to he carried easily from room to room, heavy enough lo do a perfect polishing job. II ill Iw jmVtuhinit lirushe nnd Iwn Inmb'r W bulling mils, ' SCHICK aKUlC SHAV-f 'T.ivc, the yearn for an eleetr.c si aye Us easiest, closest, ."'( me Bay nowerfttl shearing headi fOOO MlftR It mixes, it beats, it alirs, il whips! Haa 20 mixing speeds two I'yrex, heat-resislunt mixing bowls ! Jixer unit lifts off for use anywhere. Finished in gleaming white Dulux. A daily delight for every housewife. CALVERT DISTILLERS (Canada) LIMITED AMHERSTBURG ON TA R 1 C etncien-7 handy idpper ft ... ;3"his advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or j ( by the Government of JBritiih Columbia.