7 a Prftue Uupcrt Daflp jftetoj Monday,- Dernnber 20, 1048 To Improve Taste Of London Water LONDON Londoners learned I ! ? fit f ) -V 1 recently that the taste of their chlorinous-tasting watr is to be improved. The Metropolitan water board s-, fff Av 'U I gave much space in its 1947-48 report to explain It is often impossible to produce "satisfao tory" water free from objectionable taste. Th!s, the board saW, was because there Is little time for the beneficial disinfectant action of the chlorine to be completed before the water is drawn by consumers. But it promised preparations now are well advanced for "contact tanks" to be provided at filtration stations where chlor inated water will be hekJ hp for i rsd-' mi !' .if-, 'S.,. ) N' r i , , two hours and sterilized before being distributed. More than one tank should be operative this year, providing non-chtorine-' taking water. Mrs. C. R- tX" Kerffommeaux, Terrace Reporter NO SENSE IN CENTS Tongue-lingling . . . soothing and z refreshing! If you like peppermint, THIS is for you. A cool and j creamy peppermint patty r'ictdy. covered with Moirs exclusive .. chocok1i coating. ' 0' MONTREAL O' There Is no Dr. and Mrs V M-Oilvery made a hasty trip to Prince nil-pert last week. B eyond question the Bestt -V sense in cents in accounting records, Frank S. Canon, assistant treasurer of a Montoeal firm contends, tie told the Society of Industrial and Cost Accountants of Quebec that a company whose statement funs into 3, uu:'.in Wt last wwk .Rupert where he en-,t Vancouver, having ri south through the h;s brother. ' m. ?.ho was flown to rf hospital from Alke month ago, hav-,fi a stroke, left Inst continued treatment ,U1 in the south. T.B. CHRISTMAS SEALS KEEP DISEASE FROM CHILDREN LIKE THESE T.B. Christmas Seals, now on sale across Canada, pay for Tree x-rays to find T.B. early and keep the disease f-.-om youngsters like the ones shown here. All four children got the disease from close relatives unknown to have it. The National Sanitarium association has done great work In this cou.iti-y and it is to help finance a widespread program for fighting tuberculosis that you are ur;?d to buy T.B. Christmas Seals. 1 ' , ' Mrs. D. G. Little travelled to H'.iue Rap-:rt last week for cit nt il ala nliou. Mr. and Ms. SUwart Campbell and small daughter, Susan, Irlt on Friday's train for Saskatoon where they will spend the festive season wiih Mr. fiamp-beli s mother. the millions is not Interested in j 1 1 . cents which cannot possibly j ' ; - have any bearing on the figure pAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRIN3 RESULT3 I '- - ' ' " Itself. . J,' Advertise in the Daily News! I Little. Mrs. Palmquist won the j cake, guessing Us weight as 4 ! pounds, .14 ounces. The vorTect j wel?ht was four pounds, 13 ! ounces. TERRACE KIN TEA AMD SALE :n to mount a motor r the public school j.rsday afternoon, dn Smith, 11, fell, frac-:? leg below the knee. .; ji mrt noticed by - but the injurrd lad pit up by a taxi driver, . loiiijw idK behind, and . i.-riiately to the hos-r.t he will stay for HOW CAN ! ? By ANNE. ASHLEY TERHACE Hie Kinsmen's tea and sale was a hu?e success on Saturday. The men being dressed as ladies, being a rreat attraction. There was a homrcookln? stall and a larie H. Noakejs, Miss B. Chester i!)sii Miss V. B'joih of the local teaching staff left on Thursday for Vancouver where they will spend the Xmas holidays. Mrs. L. Sauder left last week for Victoria where She will spend two or three weeks on iixiiiiay. If plans materialize, as it Is jxpeited that they will a long-it-.i need will be fiiled in the Iowa wiih the coming of a den- Q How can I repair a broken who 'place in tire pksteiivd Wall? Xmas cake for the one A. By applying thick paste made of two parts of .sand, twj Yi.X-A f UXVv-X i-.osl ashes, and ... e p.n t oi white flour, adding mm h wa'er to get the prope gues.-ed the ntrest to its correct weight. Those, wailing on tables were Harold Whalen, v- r'-p.f- cr-e- ' -Mel PeekeVout and Dudley Utile. JameS Stevenson was 'h;er and in the kithen weie the wives of the Kinsmen Mr.;. PeekeVout, Mrs. Oiiaud, I ti 1, po.isiWy in tne early Spring. A youn-f Ontario dentist has Ht1 n iL-ini pnrmiriptl nhnilt. alwa ClasslDed advertising ,1 . Mirhlel and Mrs. D O. brings results. j tle town and is coming to look (he plare over. vie your Compl Mrs. Martin Mi'lei is a",ain a patio at in the .local hospital. 1 with Parly Mr. and Mrs. MacKay moved tlils fc.k into their new home u-ivnUy buiit on Taike nvenue. ea ;t. Pi IP CIEIUI TERRACE LEGION NAMES OFFICERS : TERRACE The election of oiticers of the Canadian Leiion was held on Thnr.-day evening in the le. i'in clubrooni. The of-i tirs ekctej for tlic comiiiB er are: , ; Pre ldenl -R. Cooper. S First Vioe - President-Frank ; 1 Green. T5xpale dry yx Qinger Ale Mixes in Any Company mnamet 0G1LV1E FLOUR MILLS PAYS TRIBUTE TO PRINCE RUPERT FOR OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY ACHIEVEMENT SEPwVE COLD ' Quarts 25c plus deposit ) Wont Wt I I jUini, ,m j mdl or imudV' They P flgkoHl ; Donald Forward, General Secretary, Civic Cehtre Association, f Prince Rupert, B.C. Second Vice-President Bob Baxter. ! Secretary-Treasurer--J. Max- j ted. Sercennt-ut'-Arms A. Har-; rton. Chaplain Frank Morris. The installation will take' place at the Jaunary meeting. Members of the executive of the Civic Centre Association were present at the meeting to l iscui.s the possibility of combining the two dances scheduled for New Years Eve. The Civic Centre's Cabaret and the Lep.ion Dance to be held in the Oddfellows' Hall. After some discussion, the Legion members decided not to make any change in their plans, so, instead of one big community dancinthe auditorium of the Civic Centre, the two dances will be held as: BUY Dust faaae NOW 70 lbs. 4.95 150 lbs. 8.95 250 lbs. 13.75 See us for lowest prices on T.ipor Towels, Wax, Soap, Lamps, Mps and all Janitor Supplies PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 711 2nd Ave. Phone 63'J NOTE Closed December 23rd to Jan. 2nd Unci.) It '.s doubtful if any comparable Canadian community came into being as quickly as did l'rinee Rupert. In 1908 it was a wilderness. In 1W9 it was a tent town. In 1910 it was incorporated as a city. Today it is a metropolis of commerce ... a great shipping centre with a spacious, well-equipped harbour and a . floating dry dock able to accommodate the larccstTship afloat. In other ways, too, Prince Rupert is out- standing. A modern, well-planned community it boasts a Community Centre which Would do credit to a city many times its present 7,0X) population. Originally built by the Government for the YMCA. 'War Services, the Civic Centre was purchased and altered with funds raised bv The (ivro and Rotary Clubs, individual donations,' and Civic Centre Carnivals operated each summer in cooperation with all community groups. In addition to a large Auditorium, the Centre contains 3 Gymnasiums, a Restaurant Public Library, lounge Rooms, Meeting 'and Committee Rooms,. Cratt Room, Photo Dark Room, Tecn-Aue Games Room, Billiard Room, Showers and Dressing Rooms. Along with providing healrhy recreation and sports for all age groups, it has made possible the reorganization of a Civic Band . . . the formation of a Symphony Orchestra and I ittle Theatre Association ... and the presentation of a Music and Drama Festival. The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited is proud to pay deserved trilnite to the Prince Rupert Civic Centre Association and the citizens who support it by -naming lVince Rupert the "Town of the Week". An Ogilvie contribution of $100 will be donated toward their inspiring work. is - ' vy ri 10., . J Co r- 'Weie y I I formerly planned. i font. ini't . itt J 7r"w- TIHS IS OUR WAY OF SAYING ... g A Merry Christmas and A Hannv Nw Year Philpott Evitt and Co. Ltd. " cr)- nrn in Tn nirr' 11 VUV WTI.T. GIVE " 1 1 ' J - - r nuivi ur,u. iu iu iuvj. DISCOUNT ON ANY PURCHASES MADE AT THE FAMILY SHOE STORE EXCEPT RUBBERS X K X M X X i X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HARTT , ARROW AND JULIA ARTHUR FOR WOMEN Jack and Jill for CHILDREN WILLIAMS f Discount off any 1 purchase except f Rubbers. J Can Supply You With" LUMBER Including Fir, Cedar, etc. FLOORING In Fir or Hemlock SIDING All Types SASH and DOOR S and The Famous FOOTHILLS ALHKRTA COAL in all sizes THE OGILVIE FIOUR MILLS CO., LIMITED SHOES for men OF OOILVII FLOUR, OOllVII OATS, VITA-B MAKERS ' IWi t , - . . X X MIX, TiA-BISCOIT MIX AND MUFFIN MIXtJ GINGERBREAD I ...rgrt your T.H. eaIs- ampaiRn urnnvmnTU.. """red hv Kinsmen fh.h. Rox 17fi0. Prince 1. 2.00 P.M P.S.T. OVER STATION CJOR 72 AT DECEMBER NEXT WEDNESDAY TO YOU WOMEN'S EDITOR, KATE AITKEN, ON THIS PROGRAM PRINCE RUPERT Will BE FEATURED AS OGIIVIE "TOWN OF THE WEEK. "JSTEN Pert. tmily Shoe Store LIMITED ' I PHONE 651 t t 1 ,'t'''(t'iw''ct't't''t e'e'C',,''',,,'t,t,!e 1