8 Iprfnre tlupm Dai'Ip jrais MINING AREA CONNECTED UP Monday, December 20, 1948 the mines and now has his own luel business. It was to his mother in Venice, Italy, whom he has not seen for 40 years wUh the i,. V ce at soulh' u ii r'er clrcim d At Toronto. In RED LAKF SantL Claus of Ontario, SHIPS AND WATERFRONT ouick succession a number of came to Red Lake not with toys Raffle Featured At Moose Party mis pnone circuit is also a telegraph circuit, it was in in his bag but- telephones and telegraphs. This mining district tucked away in the wilderness of north western Ontario, stalled by Canadian National Telegraphs, which, strangely enough, has no pole lines ln this area which lies some 87 miles north of the C.N.R. Falls- I iff Weekly whist drive ana dance sponsored by the Moose Lodge Saturday evening was enjoyed by a good sized gathering at the Moose Temple. The function got its first direct connection Three coastal liners were in port last evening. Union steamer Coquillam, Capt. Alf Aspinall. after having taken a lashing from the southwest gale while mines in the district called their head offices In Toronto. One conierecne call from Toronto tied Jack Hammel with four of his mines. For days now a backlog of Christmas calls has been building up. Perhaps the most interesting was one placed by Fred Rocalla who started work in covered To establish a uu l0'k Uj """" w home. with the rest oi uanaaa yesterday, when the voice of Ed. Fahigren, president of the Chamber of Commerce, greeted Hon. L. Frost, acting premier also featured a chicken and turkey raffle in aid of the Lo'dge reached port at 6:30 p.m. from Skagway and other Alaska points sailing at 8 p.m. for Vancouver. At 8:30 p.m. Union steamer Ca mosun, Capt. John Boden, reached port from Vancouver and waypoints, sailing at midnight for 'fort Simpson, Alice Arm, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow to sail for the south at 1:30 p.m. crossing Hecate Straits, arrived at 4 p.m. from Masse tt Inlet points and sailed at 11 p.m. in continuation of her return voyage to Butedale, Namu and Van MONDAY AND TUEJDi ONE SHOWING ONLY rtn, . .. . J " children's Christmas Tree. Raffle tickets were drawn by Ida Wanglcr, and winners were William Denluck and William AT 7:15 couver. C.P.R. steamer Princess Jefferson. Norah. Capt. Graham Hughes, Whist winners were Mrs. T. Glenn and Mrs. E. Riel for the ladies and A. Ternovoy and Radio Dial Better English CFPR Joseph Long for the men. 1240 Kilocye -s Following the servlnc of re s rs (mitM -A (subject to Change) 1. What is wrong with this sen tence "Who were those bovs freshments and distribution of prizes, the evening was spent in -dancing to music by the Moose Orchestra. laughing at?" 2. What is the. correct De m RUPERT MENS and BOYS STORE Boys' Suits Z Boys' Parkas Boys' Sweaters 7 mm AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver S. C wishart ilj i v. W mi rr JJ ' V MON13AX rJUL 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int 4:30 Magic Adventure 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 Musical Program 5:30 Pops on Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News ' 7:15 CBC News Round-up nunciation of "literature"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Disintegrate, dls-ir.tangle, disillusion. 4. What does the word "obse-quinus" mean? 5. What is a word befinning with phi that means "sluggish, indifferent"? 1. It is better to say, "At whom ATAFL SA8ATIM A. Kaulbeck, Miss Petit, T: Finnic, H. A. Pluym, P. Andersill, A. M. Budenich. From Vancouver O. Johnson, R. Ritchie, R. Scherk, J. Wesch, J. Chell, 0. Kristmanson, N. Martinson, G. Currie, R. John , me It Boys' Windbreakers For A Boy's Xmas RUPERT MENS and BOYS STORE 5 m w 7: jo Pacific Recital r 7:45 On Mike Tonicht 1 1 aTH were those boys laughing?" son, I. Wick, Miss Franklin. From Sandspit Mr. MacWil 2. Pronounce lit-er -a-tur, and not lit-er-chur. 3. Disentangle. 8:00 Piano Recital 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show liams. 4. Servilely attentive; fawning. "An obsequious, smiling young young man admitted them to the B 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum 9:30 Pacific Showcase 10:00 CBC New Advertise in the Dally News! room." 5. Phlegmatic. thousands 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Biltmore Hotel Orch. PETEH THE SEAGULL A daily visitor at St. Pauls Hospital in Vancouver is Pctsr, a common variety of seagull. His favorite patient is Mrs. Anne Ellen Auty who feeds him from a window ledge. Here Peter can be seen hovering outside her window awaiting dinner. ,CP Pholo) smuS RAINS J 11:00 Weather and Sign-Off IBfKNDA Wi AIM hale . OlRECirD M CHAEL CIIRII? T0ESDA7 A.M. 7:00 Musical Clocs 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song If. TOASTERS 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty :ii Morning Devotion 9:30 Morning Concert n:59 Time Sin-10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodien 11:00 Musical Varieties 11:15 Songs of loCay 11:30 Weather forecast II :31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded intpriunp 0 R X AUTOMATIC IRONS BOUDOIR LAMP SETS RADIOS COLUMBIA RECORDS ELECTRIC RAZORS 11:45 Let's Waltz LIMITED NUMBER OF GENUINE LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAINS 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies '4 12:15 CBC News ELECTRICAL 1 12:25 Procrani Rpmuiip AT v Y Y V V V V - v Y - ..V t v v V V V - V RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC I LAMPS GIFTS " ROBINSON 'A fiK' IIIA Ll'PINO V"f JOHN OARF1LLI) L. ' ! " 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Bernic Braden Tells a Story 1:45 Com'fy Dak Perry " 2:00 Feature Concert 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Western Five, Ottawa 3:00--Ethel and Albert 3:15 Spotlight On a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:30 Enchanted Pine 3: 45-BBC News 3:55 International Com't'y King Gordon 3:55 U.N. Report TABLE $4.50 to 19.95 TRILITE $19.95 to $24.50 TORCHIER $23.65 BOUDOIR $4.50 BED $3.75 GIFT TICKETS ON SALE DURING THE DAY IN THEO'FFICE 'JA....?.i.a,a.;.,i.j.w4 NEW CIVIC BUILDING I Your WULJVILLE, N.S, CP' - The AU1UA1AT1C IRONS $9.93 to $13.9.-) , TOASTERS $7,2() to $12.95 ELECTKiC KETTLES $11.50 to $11.95 HOTPLATES $3.15 to $8.75 Perrun.es, Cologne, Bath Suits anil Ciift Sets by . . . Yardlry, Rubcnstcin and Iu Barry Oift Sets by . . . Seaforth, Yanllcv ami WiliiUn, I Xmas (Biff For HER For HIM w V V V Y 5 y y For the Ladies G Practical Gift; That Please new -civic building under construction here will house six departments of the town council-town hall, police headquarters, electrical, street and water departments, fire station and Jail. STORE Uorison LiRhtcrs Pen Sets Bill II Folds NOMA I , McCUTCHEON LIMITED PHARMACY I GENERAL KLKCTUIC WASHKRS With Tump Control TMmri i -r.- , . . . , LIGHTS STRINGS $1.(10 to SI.7.J WREATHS SI. 15 to S3.75 5 -""""uwAimrr. phone 79 g GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS f $149.50 GENERAL ELECTKIC MOFFAT RANGES $229 TO $299 Floor Polishers AJIIA LAMPS 8e to 15i The CONSOLETTE LOVELY LINGERIE Delightful three-piece ensembics. Truly a wmitaiu for lier. BLOUSES They are dreams Embroidered, hsind-paiul.nl 1111,1 1" cd. All sizes and colors including black und whilf Tlu " est stock of blou.ses in the city. HOSIERY Sheer Nylon pencil scums, ho practical a pilt. MEN SHOPPERS WELCOME EVEKY COUKTESV EXTENDED Xnius Oilt Duxes Free Annette Miiuscll . DRESS SALON Vacuum Cleaners By FLEETWOOD LOOK AT THESE $89.50 TO $94.50 $59.50 BLANKETS .. $11.50 to $5 1.50 CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC to $26 RAZORS $19.95 HEATING I'ADS .... . $9.00 ELECTRIC HEATERS ELECTRIC FIREPLACES ( OKI COI I I L MAKERS lEATl'RES New Shock-Proof Pick-up. New 13 - Record Changer. Scratcliless Rc-cord reproduction. English Celes-tion Speakers. Powerful Super-Hot Radio. Beautirully Finished cabinet in walnut or mahogany. LOOK at this Price!! $159.95 $9.30 TO $23.65- $37.50 TO $43 .40 $6.25 TO $7.75 Floor Sanding A Specially V V Y RED 5(il RADIOS P.O. BOX 721 .1!', l General Electric Philco Northern Electric Announcement. . BOAT. OWNERS are invited to visit our showroom to the SIMPLEX Ous and CUMMINS Diesel Engines no display. We maintain a pa.-ts and iirst class repair service a"1 equipped to service all makes and types of internal c bustlon eiiKlnes. $27.50 lo $77.95 0 BARGAINS IN If you are contemplating the purchase of a new moW sure to see the KTMpi.rv nuo or. niMMiNS Diesel ' Northern British Columbia Power Moving, Packing:,. Crating Shipping an, General Carlage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established '1910 Phones 60 and 68 T large ranee of kIzpk nH iv. i rhnmn from. Econom1' KCA 7 tube Mantel, 5 bands, 4 short wave spread bands V, M Marconi S tube ' 'J?? Maotel, short and long . .. KCA 5 tube Mantel, ivory plastic cabinet s$ 7' " Westinghouse 50 5 tube Mantel NOBLE & WICK 201 TIIIRn AVI'VTr COMPANY LIMITED BESNER ULOCK to buy, dependanble to operate. Bytovn Machine Works (W. J. RICHARDS) .ttifs'eer.ie-rtr!fT'wfrfTf'--!fw:-.-,.M.,. PHONE 210 i' h ' : 1 PHONE inn