I 1 prince tlupert DafI? Jl3coU . 2t Monday, October 18, 1948 ' ' ". MANY MOURN Local News Items... r C D D Radio Dial V I I l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) AT FUNERAL 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies Basketball Association Gen 11:00 T.B.A. eral MeetingMonday Oct. 18, 8 C.C.F. Club Meeting, Tues-1 day 8:00 p.m. Fulton St. Rooms. Films shown. (246) 11:15 Songs or Toi'ay 11:30 Weather rorecast p.m., Civic Centre (245) Funeral Chapel Unable to Accommodate AH Who Gathered for Mrs. Alexander' Final Rites V " WITH r I Hunting 11:31 Message Period Mrs. Jean Morrison returned Cant. J. R. Elfert. harbor mas 1 1:33 Recorded Interlude home by train Saturday night So large was the numhpr nf ter, has been a patient in hte Prince Rupert General Hospital 11:45 Let s Waltz after spending a month visiting MONO AX -YM. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Magic Adventure 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 Recordings 5:30 T.B.A. 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:35 Recorded Interlude 6:45 Plantation House Party In Minneapolis and Chicago. Y.TA friends and sympathisers who desired to Join in the funeral for the past week. v f GYPRQC Jackets rites yesterdav aftpmnnn fnr C. R. Salmond, of War Assets W. J. Raymond returned to 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News the late Mrs. Elvinn Fmii ai Corporation, left today by air the city on Saturday night's 12:25 Program Resume JJXJ WALLDOARD I a 4 sr l O'l i (it 1 ander, whose death occurred to return to Vancouver after , train from a week's holiday visit Tact, . 1 1. nf(n 1 lui.. 111 i 1 nwm tt 1 l AT to New XIazelton. 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded v Tvvt. aiwi a icngmiy ui- spending uie iasi wees eic u 7:00 CBC News w Price, Per ixo sneei 7:15 CBC News Round-up '""i ie urenvme uouri : business. ' Chapel of B.C. Undertakers St. John Aumbuiance classes Sale Prices 7:30 Pacific Recital commence Tuesday, October 19 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Bernie Braden 1:45 Commentary and Talk 2:00 B.C. School Bdc. could not accommodate them Murd0 McLeod returned sm-all and many were unable to uniay evening from a visit of a ooin omioi .! u... few weeks duration to th"e in- at 7:30 ip.m. at the Fire Hall. FRT & McCAFFERY LTD. MBKK - SUILD1NG SUPPLIES muulosiuu. n fiiiiiuie duli For particulars phone 5. (245) imnrPKSivp mQ,m, carotin , terior country, going as iar as 7:45 On Mike Tonight 8:00Concert Favorites 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9:00 Sumer Fallow " 9:30 Music and Mr. Blaine 9:45 T.B.A. a . v, jiiwjvi, otiiii,c W da I . . conducted by Rev. Basil S Qesnel- He spent about a weeK WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB in New Hazeaon Prockter, rector of St. Andrew's 1 UUUilV; 0X icuuvoij, Anglican Cathedral. Mrs. J. C. Gilker presided at the organ to The Horticultural Society will I October 20, Civic Centre, silver i 1 j .ni.,j;Hn ,nnnnq1 moot. ' . i i I 1 I . T rn1 10:00 CBC News Ma Brain returned 10:10 B.C. News. accompany ine one hymn which Harwood Steele. Topic: Work lng in the Civic Centre, Tuesday, Mooseheart Day To Be Observed 10:15 Provincial Affairs riav afternoon of the Royal Canadian Mount Oct. 19, at 8. Anyone interested Cimo where she ed Police. (247) 10:30 Let's Dance 11:00 Weather and Sign-Off in gardening is welcome. Uo) was "Abide With Me. Following the chapel service, interment was made in Fair-view Cemetery, there being a Prince Rupert Moose Lodge Is for a fashion by the Lions Dlanning for a fitting celebra Mrs C. P. Balaeno left last week for Seattle where slie will long concourse in. the funeral tion on October 26 of Mooseheart Day when the anniversary of the founding of the now great home pay a visit with her son-in-law Ci procession. The pallbearers were Wilfred Gardnpr Anrtrpw and daughter, Mr. ana Mrs. Glen Lundquist. She was accom ivic ventre . Dates . ' r .. 1 J rw-i 1 for Lodge o members and their de Canvas Hunting Coat, 1 waterproof treated, with rubberized extended skirt. ' Reg. Price $19.75 CI 2 SPECIAL PRICE I J at J Canvas Shell Jacket, rainproof treated,, long sleeves and wool lined. r tr Reg. Price $8.25 CC UK SPECIAL PRICE JslJ Fine quality Wind-breaker, rainproof treated, wool lined. Rg. Price $16.50 Mj J(" SPECIAL PRICE lit . Fine, quality, lightweight Hunting Coat; waterproof t r e a t ed, large pockets in the back, double fabric ivujiaiu, mcnara . jjong, Benny pendents will be observed. The Swindle, Fred Schaeffer and memory of the late James Davis, ' John Laurie. panied by her two young grandsons who have been , TUESDAT 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News . . 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies founder of Mooseheart, will also The casket was heavily banked be honored at a Joint session of with numerous beautiful floral spending several months here. Carlo Hanson, accountant In thP local branch of the Bank the men's and ladies lodges Arrangements for Mooseheart Day occupied most of the at of Montreal, will be reutrning to the city on the Cardena to tributes, testifying to the esteem and respect in which this well known woman of 29 years' residence ' In Prince Rupert was held by a wide circle of friends. I morrow from Stewart where ne tention at the last regular, meeting of the Lodge with Governor C. H. Collins in the chair " has been relieving as manager! She was the wife of S. E. Alex for G. J. S. Anderson who pass ander and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.' E. Dickens Sr. ' ed through on the Cardena last nieht bound ndrth after spend ing his annual vacation in Van Ed. H o d k 1 Ac, formerly of Prince Rupert, was a passenger by . Saturday's train from .New Hazelton to Kitwanga where he couver and elsewhere in - me 1 I TwirwhAlt south. , MONDAY Sports' p.m. 4:00 Girls organized games hour. 8:00 Rup-Rec women. 4:00 Basketball practices. Special p.m. 3:30 Jr. boys craft class. 7:30 Mixed leathercraft. 8:00 Band practice. 7:0ocatholic Women's sewing club. 8:00 Group discussion classes. 8:00 Basketball general meeting. TUESDAY Sports a.m. J 9:00 Bo Me HI gym class, p.m. r 2:30 King Edward School . gym class 3:30 Rup-Rec Jr. Boys. ,8:00 RuD-Rec men. TAG DAY NETS $317 SATURDAY has been located lor some time. It has been years since he visit TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ed Prince Rupert. throughout, comfortable and practical. Rtg. Price $18.50 CO QIT SPECIAL PRICE IZ.J The Salvation Army tag day old friends. , FOR RENT Furnished cabin held Saturday In connection BE PU with the Red Sliield drive raised WHITE Nice, clean and warm. 1142 Park Ave. Phone Green 224. (247) n n $317.' Mafor W. Yureensen said ft uwis today. The smvum was well K'SO too FOR RENT Furnished suites. above that raised by a tag day Nifo fipan and warm. 1142 I I To relieve miser. . about the same time a year ago. Eighteen taggers were out during Park Ave. Phone Green 224. (247) 1 lies, ruD ttiroat, . chest and back WICKS with comforting V VaoRu the' dav.: ' .... .f 4:40 Basketball practices. 1 'lHt 1 A. MacKENZlE FURNITURE LTD.' , A Good Place to Buy Special p.m. 7 :30 Mixed leathercraft. 8 : 00 Bridge lessons. 8:00 J.C.C. public speaking. 8:00 Symphony Orchestra.-8 : 00 Horticultural Society. Announcement All dvertisemi i tnls column wUl be charged for t lull month ?xs"Sn. . : BED MATTRESSES Ask or them by name. Beautyrest, Deepsleep, Slumber King, Lady Beaty and many others for your Fall requirements. Phone 775 f j 327 .3rd Avenue ' tjtjxumxrfrr- t so cenu m won Bazaar, Queen Mary I.O.D.E October 20. School Card party, Catholic LW... J lf- h, , Ben Hughe, Editor the, ' j Hall, Oct. 21, 8 p.m. . Presbyterian Choir Tea,,Oct. Prince Rupert Florists 300-3fd-Ave.""Box 51DJCeUXn. Flowers for All Occasions 21.' . ;: ' . - Swisorrfefway1 and Sonia Fall vr,y HhU' : lav i ,i j ' m i . Bazaar Oct. 22. Bridge Party, Civic Centre, October 29, 8 p.m. Rebekah Bazaar, November 3. TMtinn Concert by Mr. Joseph rvarvv Presbvterian cnurcn, i . . i JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST ' : John Bulger Ltd, Third Aven.ua November 3. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert tor aoy Scouts' Association, Civic Centre November 5. rUD OCPGlKLXifaJMo uljlljlwij vlroTI Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, November 10. J" Hiwwn.g ff IT'S Consult" us ior your needs C ''! , In all types of printing Lf TIME p work. Everything in hig:i- I Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Nov. 18. c.i-tir.n Armv Home League I ' ... . ,.y'. . -"r III II Sale,(Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D E. Sa.e II , - November 25th. St. Andrtw's Cathedral bazaar, I class stationery. . f9y.- v Fountain Pens Cards for . . : mj"5"l- INSULATE Make sure your home is warm H this winter. Let us 111 iS and snug "HowT Well, with the government controlling every- ( I November 27. drange Ladies' Bazaar, De i cember 1st. "1 can aay with certainly for the CoMrtenay-Como ArKu ihat now and during the paal quarter pf a century n Kernnirnt or any body or agency ouUide the l"ines has dictated the policy of ihe paper, and I Mine that la true of the great majority of Canadian "Miiers," saya Ben Hughe, Editor of the Courtenay-Cnin Argus. - " United Church Bazaar, Dec II I ZT i,i.,tP it romnletelv now. pmher 2. Sailings for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE CCF Bazaar, Sons of Norway Hall. December 4 niTCTtfWTJ RT.OCK ?..-l.ll JP Pnrrtu thing, they could soon put on the pressure tbrougn. newsprint rationing, manpower direction, or straight, control. , "That'a why lm against Communism or any atata monopoly ayslem. As we aaw in Hitler-land of yesterday and Stalin-land of today, the first thing the CommunistB do is to get hold of the newspapers; either the editor , follows the party line or he goes to the concentration there is in the camp. The greater concentration or power the greater danger there U hands of the government, to a free press. man, and I've done B "I'm practical newapauer . . . r i.. ..,n,ntFnt in mv time. I'm' Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., caraena "The only people who can dictate to Canadian St, Peter's Fad Bazaar, De Sunday, 11 p.m., Camosun rs are their aubscribrra and, without circulation cember 9. ' "' cannot get advertising. Therein lia the safeguard STEWART and ALICE ARM IVlllCIlCIi Jt THIRD AVENUE LIMITED Builders and Contractors l.3 : - l! Sundays, n p m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS iree press under the private enterprise system. A free pres ), your Bafeguard against Inefficiency in hlfli placea everywhere! against anybody who'd Impose in Jour rights. ' BUY s.s. Coqultlam Oct. 22, 10 p.m lot 01 c.riixcii"a wi ealonsly, fanatically In favor of the democratic system .... . i ....m . . . thatl'U give us free press . . Gyro 1 J 0f "But nobody, and especially no government, likea to lie criticized. And a Communist or atale monopoly ''rii,lleilt cmi,i -.-t- u ery tou.h for . newspaper FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Oct. 15 and 29, 10 p.m. the only eystem where we can lie sure 01 see.ng 1,2 much power does not get into the hands of the APPLES government. hil'l "Hacked it. Saturday, Oct. 23 i Hr l . FRANKS SKINNER , Prince Rupert Agent . rhir.i Ave. Phone 588 m -H-iri w m . wa mk m i rii v i aa If you have any electrical problems, Consult us, we can help you. WE SPECIALIZE IN: Commercial, Industrial & I louse Wiring O Appliance Repairs O Planned Lighting O Refrigeration Service The Northern B.C. Power Co. O LIMITED 209 or 210 3rd Ave. & 3rd St. Telephone DPJI.'PSTATE ' F Standard Oil Company bl British Columbia Limited Marine Building, Vancouver, Movlnr, Packing Crating, Shipping and General CarUf and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Linday' Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenuea Established 1910 rhones M and tt INSURANCE; INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED , R. E. ! UoRTIMER : 324 2nd AVe (Near CFFR; w This is one in a series of advertisement sponsored by Standard of B.C. and if associates, the independent Chevron Dealers, to present the people's fieas on the values and opportunities available to us in British Lolunitjia under our democratic free opportunity system. i" .... ; i -a .1.. rnirt incentives. , i. - l.. . . , , , . i. i ;..J,.arurifv ena l" mgnesc sianaaras oj uving, i tie . freedom of thought and action,