lrincc Uupcrt DaUo rectos LtD. Frirlny, February 27, 1943 Booth Memorial School News si. not kwin-Si i , f- 'Pronouns a 91 in i. '". Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with sentence? "'lie wont for " Kconrt . this him accent I'idily. Kn Independent dally newspap . devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert nd ail communities compna. g northern and central British Columbia. (Authorised as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER O? CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Student Voices Advertise ,'1 vtifIl Senioi Concert Stands 'Em Up In Auditorium SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per wee. 15c: Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, 7 00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 4 00. STI DF.NT EDITORS Editor-in-Chief, Mary Mac-Afee. Social Editor, Yvonne Morln. Sports Editor, Charles Forbes. Typists Jran Fatight, Herdis llnlkestad and Frances with both fists." 2. What is tin coitccl pronunciation of "Quincy"' (Massachusetts!? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Comedian, com-odity, complexion. 4. What docs the word "foyer" mean? 5. What is a word beginning COTTAGE OF FRIENDLINESS The first time I ever saw the tiny stone cottage with thatched roof was one summer evening about seven o'clock, many years ago. At a glance I knew I should like It for my very own. A highly successful and entertaining Senior High Concert was held before a packed auditorium of senior students at Kooth School on Thursday after- Thanks Mr. Fraser THERE HAS BEEN much beating of the drum these manv years for federal co-oneration with hv the Senior Council i wlUl st thftt "w-ina "dullness of Standing there on the nea : It Pays To understanding"? ANSWERb and directed by Rusty Thain, was arranged in order to gain more funds for the Students' Council. Pa 14 little pathway the whole cot DUICIOUS NUTRITIOUS ECONOMICAL taae seemed to be saying "wel 1. Say, "Me attacked him with both fi.sts." 2. Pronounce kwin- At woyi o popuK Learn Maths Dinner Follows Competition in Class 9B SENIOR HIGH BARN DANCE www w ww w w w w m w mm w New Stock of ... . come." Although the sun was near setting and shadows lay across the walls, the latticed windows still shone brightly and the whiteness of the doorsteps looked like a smile, as if some one had spent many happy hours of effort to produce thnt certain gleam. As I turned to This evening the Senior Coun The program and entertainers included the following: Vocal Solo, Joanne Langrldge. Vocal Duct, Bernice and Eleanor Hood. Guitar, Richard Tw?ed. Junior Drama Club, Skit, "Mel-lerdrammer" Costumes, Margaret Gi.ske; Properties. Barbun Hyndman; Players: Donna Den-ni.son, Dennis Elkins, Bill Cuth-ill, Ross Ingram, Marjorie Way. 1 On a recent Friday evening, Section I of the 9B class played host to Section II of that class at an enjoyable dinner held at cil, under the direction of Bob McChesney, is holding a Barn Dance at the School Gymnasium. Couples will be admitted but continue my walk, I could seP the High School. The occasion COATS for the Junior Miss All Colors - Belted and Box Bark the smoke from the red brick marked the celebration of this no stags will be admitted with- chimney rising grey against all group's victory over Section I in out showing their student cards. The program includes square Juan Taylor; Quartette - Chi i TOPPERS-In New Spring Shades All sixes and colors tne glory 01 tne sunset, saying a competition in mathematics, "good bye," please come back J extending from September to again. One day yet, I will return ' December. to my cottage of friendliness. I The competition idea had J. T. Age 16, 10 M'bcen Introduced as a means of i promoting interest, enthusiasm tine Currie, Lily Sylvester. Lorraine Youngman, Edith Jordan. Violin Solo, Vaimhan Tattersall. Tap Dance--Maresa Wlndl?. Lois Thompson. Piano Solo, Allan Forman. sxow and a better understanding of maths, among the students. Its and novelty dances, and refreshments will be served. A prize will be given to the winner of the hog-calling contest and to the best dressed couple. Committees in charge of the arrangements are: Refreshments Jack Wynn. Edith Jordan. Decorations Bob Scharff,, Joyce Tattersall. Entertainment Paul Shannon, Irene Hansen. DRESSES for Afternoon and Streetwear Printed J vavy.i and Crepes Sizes 18 'a to 24' 2 Classified Advertising Pays! success was due chiefly to hard work on the part of B. Ewald. I The setting for the dinner ' was in keeping with the season with a Valentine motif being ! Here's Welcome Keiief From New I iua! Shipment of NYLON 1 1 OS K 54 e, Pencil Scams - in New Mist and Uunmetal Siiades ACUTE CATARRH the provinces in building transcontinental highways and it is no new tune for Mr. Fraser, the Progressive-Conservative member for Peterborough, to talk in Commons along this line but, nevertheless, we are glad to have another county heard from. The Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia is among the organizations that has been thus campaigning, especially advocating the inclusion of the Jasper-Prince Rupert in a transcontinental federally-aided highway system. So far, unfortunately, the federal government appears to have some sort of an idea that federally-aided highway construction should be reserved until times get so had that the work will be needed for relief. Mi. Fraser is quite correct in pointing out that, in the meantime, Canada is losing millions of dollars annually, even of her own money, because there is no TransCanada Highway. With no such highway, driving Canadians take their money across the line to travel the good American roads and the Americans, who would like to drive in Canada, cannot. So why not get the good cross-country highways and help to keep times good too? It is just about time the idea was adopted that highways are a sound, profitable national investment, not just something to muddle around with when all the rest of the construction, industry and business of the country goes flat. Incidentally, the hard - surfaced, all - weather hitrhwav which Mr. Fraser suggested would run from "Halifax to Vancouver." He might also have mentioned the proposed TransCanada Highway which would come through Yellowhead Pass and head to the coast in two tines, one to Vancouver and p to Prince Rupert, the latter almost completely linked uo already, traversing through the most intviemnor tourist country of central and northern British Columbia to the coast at Prince Rupert, a burp fortv miles or so fmm Alaska. We wouVI like to have Mr. Fraser, and the other eastern M.P.'s too. drive out this wav some time and W for themselves. Thev would be all the more pnthiiiatic ahonf a TransCanada Highway, particularly one to Prince Rupert. NNETTE i Put few drop of Va-tro-nol up each nostril and pel it go lo work rnjht whore catarrh misery is . . . bringiiiK quick, soothing . ' A relief from UC ', ' I don't believe I have ever seen anything so beautiful as snow. The way a nightfall of snow can transfer a dreary landscape into a winter wonderland is amazing and wonderful. The atmosphere seems to change and everyone has a cheery word about the weather. The snow is a child's delight Snowballing and sleigh-riding are always favored with young and old alike. While some people may grumble about shoveling the sidewalk and others may grumble about the hard walking, most people enjoy and like the snow. Presently, however, it will rain and all the snow will turn into slush. The atmosphere will change and everyone will remark on the awful state of the weather. M. L., Age 15, 10 M used in the decorations. Chairman ot the evening was Class President Tom Holt. Mr. Ewold Introduced Principal A. M. Hurst who was speaker ot the evening. The toast to the 9B group was proposed by P. Adlem, with the class president responding. Guests at the head table were Class President Tom Holt, Shan Ingalls, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ewold, Miss Anstey and Mr. Adlem. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Louise It pm. Tuesday s.s Cabala 1:30 p.m Thursday -ss Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. From Vancouvet Walk Upstairs in Stone Buildiq VATRO MOt ! I Sunday ss Catala 4 p.m. ' Monday ss Princess Louise p.m. Wednesday -ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a m. Friday ssCardena p.m. Friday ss Cardena. midnight. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 12 midnight. "SUSPENSE" Just then I heard a strange noise outside my window. It was a high pit-a-pat sound that sent icy fingers travelling up and down my spine. I did not look towards the window for lear of seeing a grotesque animal form or possibly a man In the preparation of the dinner it was shown that Mr. Ewold as chef, showed just as much proficiency as in the teaching of maths. His assist-'ants in the kitchen were Donna Petroff, Amos Ewold, Tom Holt, Edith Johnston, Alfred Black-aby and Beverly Joyce. Barbara Teng and Heather Brewer were in charge of table setting. Decorating was carried out by Joan Adcock, Nognati Shrnton, Edith Johnston, Diane Gilker, Vic Brian and Iona Hardy. Acting as serviteurs were Beverly Joyce, Virginia I Richmond, Peggy Stevenson, Joan Adcock, Peter Harvey, Bill Tipton, Burns Pierce and Stuart Hills. PATTERN rR STORE'S HOW YOU CAN.. A fJE "Here in America lit we have developed ft ' ft 1 -I'M: ,n economic system from Mars. All of a sudden the noise stopped and I heaved a sigh of relief. But my relief was not long lived for almost immediately after a low humming sound began. I was petrified and a deathly fear gripped at my heart. My mind became filled with a thousand disturbing thoughts and I remembered the "Case of the Speckled Band" free nnd more 1J ' more dynamic than ury WORTHY OF CONSIDERATION Save cfocvuety "CONSIDERATION is most certainlv duo th Asparagus beds started from seed will begin producing well c fple of the Queen Charlotte Islands and many and many other horrible crimes, almost as soon as a bed started other in the world." That statement was rrade by the A. F. of L. publication, Liibor'i Monthly Sumy, and it pretty well sums up tlie opinions of the n.cre thoughtful element of v.; " :-! labor. The mc'e goe on to say: "Became wc believe in the v;ordi I buried my head under the bed- i from roots. .A bed in rich, deep lifetime. clothes and let out a blood- soil will last a curdling scream. Suddenly - -there f was a loud ringing noise. -!--, AND SAVE YOUR MONEY TOO! My alarm clock! Why, I'd been .sleeping. Never again would I ' eat a cheese and pickle sand- j wich before going to bed. I. H., Age 15, 10 B. j of each, anJ in i vnij; to i each the greatest opportunity u-c j his ability and initiative, our i1'. r j of businessmen and work'-.vs have j lieen free to plan and invent, to put their minds and musics into the Modern Etiquette By ROBER1A LEE work of producti'm, ar.l have developed an inJir '.n.'l tM'iwork which Lives u the h J-.'t IimiijJ (A J standard i the iivi vouaiitr iothM anb 'Hf IIUIl YOUl CIITIMCAtll t tat On the hack of your War Savings Certificates, you'll find instruction? to endorse and mall each one to Ottawa as soon as it matures. Then to make ready cash available you'll have to deposit or cash the itu-ijiie for each t'trtificaie as you receive it. You tan, if you wish, go through all tliis procedure many times over . . . month by month as each one of ynur Certificates comes due. But if you haven't the time or inclination ...turn the whole job over to the Hank of Montreal. Simply take all your Certificates to your nearest II of M branch ... you'll find the Hank glad to open an account especially for this purpose. As your Certificates mature, they will be lashed and their full face value deposited in yuur account . . . mitiiHHitinilly. You will be surprised at the low cost of this service. other parts of this far flung and sparsely populated district who are so far removed from medical and hospital facilities and are always running the risk of undue suffering if not death through their inability to speedily reach these services. ' The letter of the New Massett Community Club, published in the Daily News this week, is, therefore, entitled to more than passing consideration. The Canadian Pacific Airlines possibly cannot be blamed for the heavy charge involved in transporting a patient with its big Canso, the only aircraft available. On the other hand, the plight of the patient or those who have to foot the bill is understandable. . The government might do something to relieve the situation. Certainly, as the New Massett Community Club says, the cost is prohibitive. If there were a local air service out of Prince Rupert, using lighter and less expensive aircraft, the situation might be relieved. Meantime, it is nothing short of something to be ashamed about that Queen Charlotte Islands peoule, when they reouire aircraft to bring their sick or injured to Prince Ruoert, should have to appeal to the United States Coastguard to do so. If we had a Canadian Coastguard service, the .cost of which has been declared "prohibitive," not-withstandine the- imoorfant life-saving aspects of t hp sPrvir-P. snrh mercy flights as this might also be taken in stride. Q. Should a husband or a wife ever criticize the other about personal things, when in the company of others? . A. Never; not even jokingly. Q. When a woman discovers that some new style of hat or gown that is popular, Is very unbecoming to her, what should she do? A. Discard it and wear some HIAIIU tOfl MANCH I0' IWl let the lecurii. reprenieJ l .;.. r .niii.iiej liP lit'1"1' YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FI I.L-COIRSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 onrri , use .us,. rour B of M Mtinn account. You'll be lielpina ,onra to'J' ness tomorrow . . . nd " e Canada to win toiliy haul' tains! inflation. thing else. Q. What gifts should a young man give to his fiancee? A. Almost anything with the exception of clothes. "F.urope Irx.ks to us, not only for materia! help, a! o f-r j:'.iii!.tnce to the way o economic .I'.in and productivity. ' Looking !h:ni' t' 2 reason for the enviable roi-.tlon our cystcm has produce'.! i this continent, we generally find the pei-'-'Lt balance in good mpriagemci't ri'J wwitid labor policies. The ct'C c.mipiements the other to th? mi'Mia! ?p of U)th. As labor grew in sr.ittire with experience, it is lindinj out that the day fr thoughtless demands has passed, ;.rJ that it is now a responsible, partner in the economy of the nation. It i.' inevitable that there will come a d,.y of stress on all business when the do'lar will buy less than it does today. That will lie the final test of how well management and labor call get along together m solving big problems common to both. These vtewi are frfienlfd m thtt Mwifviprr lr the Briiuh Columbia f'Vilrriirmt uj Tuidt ami ituinjlry. 0-15 Bank of Montreal SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. I'rinrr Rupert Branch: Stewart Brunch: PHOTOGRAPHY Developing, Printing Enlarging, Picture Framing Chandler and Cowgill 216 Fourth Street Box C45 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. C It. S BLACK ABY, Manager a i. 1. S. ANDERSON, Manager Phone 37 P.O. Box Sit it"' or ii" W O K I N WITH CANADIAN! IVIIT W A I FRASER STREET Prince Rupert nBBnWMiMMMi HANDLING MONEY PEOPLE'' MANAGE to differ on what they think is enough to live on. The question of "getting by" invites argument. One with no dependents says that having performed the feat, he knows he can rub along on as low as $40 a month. "I'd hate to think of having to do it on double that," opines Mr. Next Man. Yet, admitting the spread and severity of economy vexations, there is a lot in the way money is handled. DDE GREER & BRI BUILDERS ANDCONTfjU TRY Ulex Gafle FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Sucy Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY C-O-A-L t'ntil the strike is settled in Alberta the only COAL that we can deliver will be BULKLEY VALLEY LUMP COAL Place Your Orders Early ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF Bl'ILDING SI PPLIE8 PHONE 116 . t , PHONE 117 OPEN A.M. TO a Repairs Construction Floor Sanding a SpecM p0' in iin ri t A.M. A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BR1NO RESULTS SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL none ivraiJ oiu