1 L NORTHERN AlfD CENTRAL BSTTUfe COLUMBIA'S NKWBPAPKR TAXI 'hone 1 )QQ2vTfln Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." l""y Cabs f VOL. XXXVII, No. 49. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1948 . PRICE FIVE CENTS ussia w mh More k A Saw. n oermanv u "4 MOSCOW WOULD HAVE HER SWILL fUDIED SATELLITES IN ON PARLEY A, Tken IP Bv MET 'JOHN BRACND SYDNEY, Australia Mrs. I 4- ' A pThe effect of the .' removal of rent con- FREIGHTER IS FREED VICTORIA The 10,000-ton I'nited States freighter Nicholas B. Labadie, which grounded on Mayne Island in Active Pass yesterday, was pulled free by salvage tugs at high tide LONDON (CP) The Moscow radio said today that Russia wants the three western powers to let Czechoslovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia participate in planning the future of Germany. She has sent notes to the United States, Great Britain and Franco asking that they be permitted to sit in, the broadcast 8 will be studied furch ering commit t of the yf I I s A" U v Commons price corn-was decided today. kill Martin, minister m reported. The western powers have been d chainnian Jf the fcstipating limn pnc?s, AGREEMENT in conference since Monday on western Germany. i that the steering mould study the rent daring the week-end rt to the main com-nday. His announce- Ruth Mclntyre and Mrs. Ann I Northan, Vancouver women j who flew across the Pacific this week in search of cancer cure, today met John Braund 78 - year - old iaynian, who rocketed to fame overnight following his claim to have a cure for the disease. Both women later told the Canadian Press that they had much faith in Braund. Braund agreed to treat the two women but said they were suffering from "dangerously advanced' cancer. TITLE BOLT SET CAMDEN. New Jersey Jer sey Joe Walcott Thursday night agreed to meet Champion Joe Louis in a 15-round heavyweight bout at Yankee Stadium June 23. Walcott agreed to Louis' terms. ''Jersey Joe" lost a 15-round de UPON WAGES Reached Between Master Plumbers and Craftsmen Working For Better GORDON GRAYDON, MP. Wants to know all about Hong Kong. i:,e alter c.v.r. iwir early this morning. The Labadie was outward bound from Vancouver to Holland with a cargo of grain when she went aground yesterday. BRITISH NAVY Cl'T LONDON The government disclosed today that the strength of the Royal Navy had been drastically cut. The strength in numbers of battleships, cruisers, dstroyersand submarines has been heavily slashed. There are two battleships, four light fleet carriers, 16 cruisers, 34 destroyers, 25 frigates, 26 submarines and 12 minesweepers. LOOT IS RECOVERED VANCOUVER Police late r.bers called for such :'jiry. Anti-Reds In Danger BENES TO RESIGN? PRAGUE It was expectecj that President Edouard Benes would announce today bis decision as to resigning or remaining in office following NEW DISCOVERY PROTECTS HUMAN FLESH A new discovery expected to substantially reduce aviation fire hazards, a flame-resistant paneling that protects human flesh within an inch of fire up to 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit, has just been perfected by the plastics industry. The fireproof panel Is made with a base of cellular cellulose acetate, a plastic material so light four cubic feet can be balanced on the fingertips, sandwiched between sheets of extremely thin carbon steel. In official tests the steel and plastic paneling withstood heat In excess of 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit for more than 30 minutes. Specifications for airplane fire-walls require material to withstand heat of 2,000 degrees for 15 minutes. At the end of the official test period t- human hand could stiU be held comfortably less than an inch from the new panel on the side opposite the fire. This laboratory technician is holding 40 strips of cellular cellulose acetate, commonly called CCA, the heat-resistant plastic material which promises great things in reducing aviation fire hazards because of its light weight, strength and heat resistance. Ula Would Sate Belize KONG KONG DISCUSSED Did Premier King Know That War Was Imminent in Pacific? Sanitary Conditions Master plumbers of Prince Ru -pert and the local union of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada have come to a com- j promise agreement providing a' wage Increase to $1.42 per hour for Journeymen and 90c per s'- The foreign min-he Central American i ! Guatemala has ad- Vr at Britain that his I OTTAWA (P Gordon Gray ready to negotiate j in the question of i hour for helpers who were pre dun. Progressive - Conservative, the port of Belize In the assumption by the communists of complete control of the government of Czechoslovakia. Benes admitted the oath of allegiance to the new cabinet of Premier Gott-wald today, stating that he did so with reluctance only in the hope of saving the country from complete chaos. viously receiving $1.35 and 85c respectively. The Union hat been asking that the Vancouver rate of $1.50 j Peel, Ontario, demanded to ; know in the House of Commons Thursday if it was true that ! Prime Minister Mackenzie King j was aware three days before the j ill-starred Canadian expedition 'sailed for Hong Kong in 1941, inland cision to the Brown Bomber in fight last December. IN ISALL OF FAME NEW YORK The late Herb Pennock and Harold (Pie) Traynor were voted into baseball's Hall of Fame today by the I'nited Slates Baseball Writers' Asociation. BOOST AGE PENSIONS REG1NA A monthly boost of $5 per month in old age pensions was announced last night by Provincial Treasurer C. W. Fines in presenting MOOSE HOLDS UP RAILWAY TRAFFIC; FIVE FREIGHT TRAINS ARE DELAYED Five freight trains on the Fraser subdivision of the Canadian National Railways were delayed for an hour or so some fifty miles east of Prince George and $1 be made applicable in Prince Rupert but, after a discussion between the employers and the workers, it was decided for a variety of reasons gov -The fate of PRAGUE P Be Next? that war was imminent in the Pacific Theatre. Mr. Graydon also pressed the yesterday recovered from the back seat of an abandoned car $5,000 in cheques, part of the loot when Audrey Blaikie, woman messenger, was held up on the street by bandits. Still missing is $1200 in cash and SATO in cheques as well as the bandits themselves. ALBERTA BLIZZARD CALGARY Alberta is having its worst blizzard of the winter. Winds reached a velocity of 70 miles an hour. Trains are delayed and highways blocked in both the Calgary and Edmonton areas. batUred and Czechoslovakia's erning the local situation, toffceaten anti -communist forces government to make public accept the compromise which jFropos Part of was a big qu;.stion mark today hip and Mutual this morning ana gave the railwaymen a re-dispatching problem as a result of a moose getting on the track and being pursued through the snow trench .- : : " raS the line far a distance ox ten . - i miles before it fell exhausted on IKI ") - Premier Jos- complete evidence before a Royal Commission which in 1942 investigated the dispatch of two Canadian battalions to the crown colony and an ensuing letter in which Premier Drew of Ontario wrote Mr. King certain undisclosed portions of that evidence. the budget to the Saskatchewan legislature. This would make the old age pension $40 per month.' i has Informed Fin-e should sign a pact ia similar to those S virt. Union and Its ;hbors. sources close ernment said tonight. propws a pact of - - r Recognition of New Government I,') and mutual de- would bring the rates on a par with those of the rest of the building trades in the city. The new agreement takes effect 6n March 1. During the discussion between the master plumbers and the union representatives it was pointed out that a situation existed here whereby permits are being issued to unqualified persons to instal and repair sanitary systems. Reference was made to one specific case where a plumber had been called to a job where it was found the entire waste from a city dwelling had been allowed to drain into an open hole dug in the soil with not even a cesspool being provided for. It was urged that the city authorities take some definite action to put a stop to such practices which could be a serious menace to the health of CANCER FOLK ARE ADVISED Are Advised to Bide Their Time Before Proceeding to Australia SYDNEY T Simultaneous in this central European country which has fallen under complete communist domination. . The. coaimuijist party. . the largest party but still a 'minority in Parliament, controls the new government made up of its members and sympathizers. Not a semblance of the old coalition is preserved. Communist Premier Klement Gottwald induced the independent President. Edouard Benes, to approve his government Thursday night. The President accepted the resignations of fourteen anti-communist ministers, twelve of whom quit last week in protest at communist moves to control the police. Jan Masaryk, son of the liberator of Czechoslovakia, remains in the government. He has no party affiliation. Premier Gottwald ordered a i'tnish communists are 'o support such a pro-i u?h it is possible Fin the track and was shot by members of the train crew. It was Conductor Ernest Carver's and Engineer McNeill's eastbound mixed train out of Frince George that was held up for an hour as the moose ran ahead of the engine for ten miles and finally fell exhausted to the track. The train crew managed to borrow a gun with which the animal was dispatched and the carcass hauled off the track. Meantime four westbound freight trains were delayed at meets waiting for the tardy mixed train OTTAWA The Department of External Affairs has nut yet announced its decision as to whether Canada will withdraw recopnition of the new communist govrenment of ''Tnmmt mav send a BRITAIN HAS EXPORT COAL LONDON- ine Minister of Fuel announced yesterday that Gieat Britain's coal production had reached a point where it will be possible to export fifteen or sixteen million tons this year, the country having this much more than its own Mo.m'ow to discuss f WEATHER ith the arrival of two Van-j couver women said to be suf fering from cancer. Dr. E. S. Morris, director-general of public health for New South Wales, yesterday "advised cancer sufferers in other countries to CROCUSES OUT; SPRING IS HERE II It is not the first, inpirtpnf- nt 'Synopsis) 1 "f cki air entering and Central British has brought about a r"P in temperatures ?st 18 hours. Prinre 'Ported a temperature jthe community. I -i- - - - ttf in r I this kind where freight trains have been delayed by moose during heavy snow conditions such as now prevail. Superintendent C. A. Berner remarks. Suggestion was made that a LOCAL TIDES Saturday. February 28, 19i3 PIONEER PASSES Mrs. Charles Durham of Usk. Health Week be held and both ; two-day holiday yesterday to I "hi5 moi-nlno rinnHv master plumbers and members ; Nights stay chilly but days are bripht and sunny in Prince Rupert. February 27 and yellow and blue crocuses are gleaming jauntily in city gardens. Mornings and evenings are Decoming longer. Spring is here. celebrate the communist coup: High general in southeast- "bide their time pending investigation Into the "Braund methotl" of treatment. "I strongly advise that all persons overseas await the outcome of our investigation before making plans to come to Australia," Morris said. John Braund, Sydney layman, 22.0 feet of the local pledged themselves 20.1 feet to help bear the cost of a cer- and the coa.sfcil areas 3:52 16:15 10:06 22:17 Low 3.9 feet (tain amount of advertising to 5.0 feet .educate the public in the nec Mother-Supporting . Vel s To Get More some brief clearing "Pected about mld-a disturbance ap- MRS. DURHAM OF USK DIES Was Identified With This District From. Very Earliest Days me coast 1, CO-OP HANDLED 14,000,000 POUNDS FISH re rain to the coast ' has won widc P"111,, wlUl :: TODAY'S STOCKS :,: Courtesy S. D. Jor.nr.ton Co. Ltd. essity of modern sanitation. It was also suggested that the city engineer should have the assistance of a qualified man to enforce the plumbing bylaw. These were among matters taken up last night at a meeting of the local plumbers' and pipe-fitters' union with President Robert Wilson in the chair. OTTAWA m Increases in al-lowar.ces of single student veterans with dependent mothers are under "active consideration" and an announcement granting them an additional $10 monthly is expected shortly, It was learned today. 'Forecast) Rupert. Queen Char-' Nwth Coast-Cloudy 'Crs tOdaV. Tncrooc- Bevcourt 48 Claims oi a cancer cure now being studied by a New South Wales government committee. Two women, Mrs. Jack Nor-tham, and Mrs. Ruth Mclntyre, 33, arrived by plane yesterday and were whisked off to the suburbs of Sydney. More than 14.C00.000 pounds ( charls Durham one of of fish were handled by the skeena.s oldest and best known Prince Rupert Fishermen s Co-: died &t home in Vancouver Bralorne 10.10 pess tonight, becom-with intermittent operative last year, according to .03.4 .07 1.90 B R. Con B.R.X Cariboo Quartz . niiAiu wnn Saturday, winds lk-ht Bobjo 13 Vi Buffalo Canadian 12 Consol. Smelters 94.00 Conwest 89 Donalda 78 Elder 58 Eldona 82 Giant Ycllowknife 4.70 production figures presented to the annual meeting of the association yesterday by K. F. Harding, general manager. Mr. Harding delievered the re Usk yesterday, aged 83 years. Funeral service will be held in Prince Rupert. Mrs. Durham was born in Oslo, Norway, but much of her life was spent in Canada. She lived I """ij is m.p. ftoy morning. Little ;n temperature. Lows Ultimatum Given ""0 niIhK R.,l,,-J.. port of the year's operations to i v Apartment Houses in Vancouver during the early m nrp than mn members who at n umU1Uily ""y 32 and 38. Mas-net 38. Prinn. T, of that city's develop- onrfnrf IH f.mr.rlav spssinns Clf StagCS , . ,v" uj.mlw ! ment and moved to Northern MIC IUt.'t UU& ill UUUlllluna .75 .15 .05 .14 .34 .04:!i God's Lake Hard rock Harricana Heva I Iosco , Jacknife OIL TANKER TOWED HERE The Home Oil ,Co. tanker Dinamac was moored today at the company wharf here wafting decision as to whether she would be repaired here or towed to Vancouver for repairs to her tall shaft which broke, leaving her helpless in waters near Banks Island Wednesday night The 65-foot vessel was pro The sessions conclud- Hall here. British Columbia well in ad-' vance of completion of the ed today. DING GOVERNOR STEPS IN - Chief Executive of Michigan Wants Full Investigation Into N.II.L. Scandal DETROIT Governor Kim Sigler yesterday asked the Detroit police commissioner, Harry S. Toy, to make a "full investigation" of the reported link between gamblers and National Hockey League players. The Governor said he wanted a state-wide inquiry to follow what he called Toy's partial in Dentonia 11 Grull Wihksne 00 Hcdley Mascot 78 Min to 02 Pcnd Oreille 2.30 Pioneer 3-3 Premier Border 04 Privateer 25 Reeves McDonald 1.15 Reno 10 Salmon Gold 20 Sheep Creek 102 Taylor Bridge 45 Taku River 55 Vananda 18 Pacific Eastern 07 Medley Amalgamated .. .02'2 Spud Valley 13 ! Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Total production figures, ac LONDON, Ont. Unless the proprietors lnstal fire escapes, between 200 and 300 apartment houses here will be required to close down. This is the order of Fire Chief R. C. McDonald. No apartment can be rented on a third storey, or higher, unless there are two Interior stairways, or an exterior fire secape. Jolirt Quebec 37 members of the the husband, Mr. cording to the report, were 14.- surviving 7iinfMin nnnnris nf which 3.600.- family are - 1 w URAS Lapaska 06h Durham, of Usk, five daughters LitUe Long Lac 1.21 000 pounds were landed at Co- Lynx op camps, placed strategically : and a son. me ciaugmers aie Mrs. A. Blackhall, Graham Av- near fishinc c rounds on the, Madsen 2.99 !? T1C Admiralty : yesterday that the h 'mbla fnr n,.:i:.T. .. iMcivnzic kco ase oo-j Mrs. E. L. Mrs. R. north coast. Of the total. 6,500,- j enue, Prince Rupert; 000 nounds were frozen and the ! Whitlow, Vancouver ceeding from the Queen Charlotte Islands to Prince Rupert when the shaft broke. The ""HMi non- balance placed on tne niaiKet iD tt'llc- j:... . . .42 Silbak Premier BREWERY IS INCORPORATED "' ui possible Oils A.P. Con. .14'. Dy "'e.spon.slblc in ln nearbv n..... . . Calmont 45 (ritr,-, ""nemaia. 4.00 McLeod Cockshutt 1.31 Mono la .36 Negus 2.41 Noranda 44.50 Louvlcuuvt 1-29 Pickle Crow 2.25 Rcgcourt .08 San Antonio 4.25 Senator Rouyn 55 Sherrit Gordon 2.15 Steep Rock 2.11 Sturgeon River 20 Silver Miller . .34 C. & E. Adams. Usk; Mrs. D. Bowie, 150 Mile House; Mrs. H. Barner of Usk; and a son, George, living in Vancouver. When Mr. and Mrs. Durham first moved north, they located at Kitselas, settling some time later in Usk. Through her long associations in the north, Mrs. Durham formed numerous friendships and she will be areatly missed. Prince Rupert tug C.R.C. left at midnight, Wednesday, bringing her into port last night. The Dinamac was under command of Capt. Charles McReece. Decision as to whether - the vessel will be repaired here or towed south was up to the underwriters and the owners, C. A. Kellet, local Home Oil Co. agent fiald this morning. . fresh. The total included 9.000,000 pounds of halibut, which amounted to about 60 per cent of the total landings at Prince Rupert, 1,500.000 pounds of red spring salmon, 230.000 pounds white spring salmon. 2.500,000 pounds coho. The balance was made up of miscellaneous varieties. , vestigation of what has taken place in Wayne County (Detroit). At the same time Sigler invited Clarence Campbell, president of the National Hockey League, to confer with him on reports of player betting. Campbell came yesterday from Montreal to investigate the reported gambling. rewtly had been a Ma,C:."t VICTORIA Incorporation of the Northern Brewers Ltd., with capitalization of $100,000 and head office ln Prince Rupert, is Foothills 3.50 Home 5 95 Toronto Athona 08 iaian nif. he said "'t had its I announced at the legislative fecent .20 Aumaque events in the buildings under the Companies Act. Beattie 6G4