1 I Known1 Hone, Kong. The vessel was sold TERRACE SCOUTS-GUIDES DISPLAY , CdiuniW III Viim-Jjuvri uuu aiii-u iur me !" ',, ,, hp la' Orient, under the Chinese flaa.l FRANCOIS LAKE FERRY TIES UP FRANCOIS LAKE The ferry U"cl ' . Ch ..onotit flr at ITnn-.li.l., E I 1 f I 111 Week is Suitably Observed In Interior Town Prince tlnprtt Daflp rectos tttj. 5 Friday, February 27, 1943 , ,, Classified Advertising - - - - Clnsslfipds: 2c per word pet itiwrtion. minimum chrm;e. 50o. Birth Nntlcen, 5c; Cards of Thank. Death Notices, Funeral Notices. M:rririne and Engagement Announcements, $2. year, was fully repaired, resumed, the voyage to Uip Fur East and1 VANDERIIOOF . Completion and improvement of highways between Vander-hoof and Prince George and Vanderhoof and Fort St. James are being urged vigorously by the Vanderhoof and District Board of Trade under its new president, H. V. Taylor. : on ' ' bl' P,r;ir O-ran. nf tn ' '" 1 Knnt H""" i in n"d is K Kpi. Son. CSCO 1.1(1. f is now amiln under the British flan. Girl Guide Association, addressed the gathering on behalf of j the Brownies and Mrs. C. J. INorrinxton spoke on behalf of j the Girl Guides who were in 'charge of Mrs. C. Mcllroy and ;Miss Ina Smith, j Rev. R. Hills and J. Haaland guided the Cubs through their display. Brock Norber, 8cout- made the last trip last Friday afternoon as the ice was gathering fast with the sub-zero temperature. At present the ice is not strong enough to allow walking across so people are all travelling round the FOR SALE FUNERAL NOTICE TERRACE Relatives and friends were interested spectators at a display arranged by the leaders oi the Boy Seouts, Cubs, Girl Guides and Brownies which was held in the Oddfellows' hall in Friday evening. The Brownies started the program and they were followed by the newly-formed Guides DURHAM Died at Usk, Thurs- FOR SALE House, near Booth Boxing and wrestling- were featured on the program when j head of the lake to get to Burns day, February 26, 1948, Margaret, age 83 years, beloved wife of Charles Durham. Fun School on 5th Avenue. 4 rooms and bath. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 917. tf -,., (n, nn , mvmiI. a very successful smoker was; Lake. movement and the young 3touts held last Saturday night by the ,ocal Canadian Legion. There put on a display Then the troop was passed j was music by an orchestra led mittee in charge consisted of R. Campbell, K. Campbell and A. Almand. eral will be held at Prince Rupert. . Announcement to be made later. B. C. Undertakers in charge of who formed their horseshoe and sane "Tans.' by William Bowman. The com Mrs. Head, president of the ever to Dick Dubeau and Wall.'i Chesher who will be their fu-j ture leaders. TERRACE CREDIT UNION ANNUAL - FOR SALE Simplex Engines l'2 to 31 H P. air cooled; 30 to 185 HP. Marine Straight oi Reduction Drive; aLso Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. (t). FOR SALE 1939 International Panel Truck. Can be seen at 1418 Plgott Avenue, after 5 p.m. (50 FOr. REMT Rev. Hills was in charge of the games and community shv-iiig and Const ".Ijle Brue played Fast Year Was Successful One J. Rolfson Elected by V. Peduzzi, chairman of the credit committee, and Mr. Pearson, chairman of the supervis FOR RENT 4 -room house on 2 lots; garden. Apply 1040 10th East. 53 ory committee. ;. ) the piano for the finding. With Mrs. Jack Mc.Leod r.nri Mrs. H. Philip eouv ning, rc-lie.shments were te.ved. A church parad ! at the Anpii- FORT There was some discusion about the meaning of Credit FOR RENT Warm, comfortable sleeping room, reasonable. Apply 806 Fraser Street. 50 Union and it was decided that FRANCOIS LAKH j Fred Apps cut his foot with j an axe when working in the woods and was taken to Burns Lake Hospital, where the wound was cared for. He will probably be off work for a week. Stephen Holmes, Registrar for Omincca District, has been Haying at the Beach House for a few days while registering for the Provincial voters' list. District Agriculturist Johnson of Vanderhoof was here for a short busines Visit. classes would be held every can Church on Suix'ay night concluded Scout and Guide Week in Terrace. The chtiTh was filled with the Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies and President I TERRACE The annual meeting of thp Terrace Credit Union was held last Thursday (vening in the new hali. There was a very good attendance with Joseph Rolf. son in the. chair. A statement of the year's income, dividends and rebates was given by the treasurer, Mrs. S. Campbell. Mr. Rolfson, in his annual re Wednesday evening in the hall for the next nine weeks to explain it to all who are inter FOR RENT Sewing machines, portable electrics. $5.00 per month. Includes prompt delivery and return. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phone 864. 54 1 ested. ' FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Wednesday, March ICth, for the purchase of the hereunder described motor vessel, which may be viewed at McLean's Shipyard, Seal Cove. Name, "Trepur"; length,' 28 feet; .breadth, 7 feet; depth, 3 feet; type, Troller; 3 tons; 6 h.p. Easthope gas engine. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. Gordon F. Forbes,' Of ficial Administrator, Administrator of the Estate, of I their leaders. Lessons were read by Brock Norberg and j Wally Chesher. Rev. R. Hill' itext for his addre.vs was "Be-! hold I Stand at the Door and (FOR RENT 2 rooms furnished. ill 336 9th Ave. W. (53) v- 4 V At the close of the meeting light refreshments were served by the ladies. Officers for the coming year are as follows: President-J. Rolfson. Vice-President L. Casey. Secretary-Treasurer Miss T. Tetreault. Directors J. Normandeau, R. port gave a resume of the year's work showing what a progressive year 1947 had been for the I Knock." There was a full choir and with William Laird at the j organ, the hymns sung werT FOR RENT Housekeeping room in private home. Close to town. 720 6th Ave. West. Blue 325. (tf) Captain Stretch was taken to the hospital on Sunday after-nnon after cutting his foot with an axe while splitting firewood. The wound was closed with a few stitches and he was able to Credit Union in Terrace. Their j new building, a former army "God Send us Men," "Onward Christian Soldiers," "Day is i building, had been purchased, moved to the Union's lot on : Squires; C. W. Aleer. Carl Andrew, Norlander, Court House, Prince Rupert, B C, (57) come home aain. FOR RENT 4-room furnished suite and furniture for sale. Dybhavn St Hanson, 315 3rd Avenue. 49) ixuiLUiTTJirm.'.i i.t iiiii rug " business and Professional Greig Avenue and converted j Credit Committee J. Nor-Unlon steamer Cardena, Capt.jlnto a hall with kitchen conven-1 mandeau, V. Poduzzi, Ted John-Ernest Sheppard, is due in portience and is now available to son. at midnight tonight from the other community organizations Supervisory Committee Mr. south and will sail soon there- for meetings. . Pearson, J. Haaland, Mrs. T. after on her return south. 1 Reports were also submitted Olsen. Tilings were very quiet at the Landing on Sunday with all the young folk attending the "ski niei t in Burns Lake. FOR SALE Large two-wick oil burner range. Phone Green 270, 1022 2nd. West after 6 p.m. - (51 FOR SALE Fresh eggs at 308 7th Ave. West. (70) FOR RENT Semi-furnished 2-room suite. 1235 Park Ave. (50j JONES NKWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers. NANAIMO FRF.E PRESS FOR RENT One large sleeping yESTER' YEAR D room. 801 Borden St. (51) i JJTGE MrWHINN'KY In'tim; and Pi.K HANCINO .i'0 B ix 14?B it ! Pii'iP'' Black 4fl9 FOR SALE New and used fur j NOW AVAILABLE FOR RENT Three - room furnished suite. 1028 2nd Wesi. Blue 270. 54 Sixth Street Red 808 ST0UA'S ill DKUVKliY lirL''i.- vi'VV vTAJJTtt) WANTED TO RENT Four or five rooms, unfurnished or partly furnished house, cen STKPHKN KItlCKSON' PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 105 41 1 Wc:;t 7th Ave niture, hardware and office furniture, etc. Used McClary Electric Range, $25; Vacuum Cleaner, electric, $7.50; Dining Room Table, $6.50; 5-piece Kitchen Set, $12.50; Eiderdown Sleeping Bag, $22.50; Slightly Used Radios, Rifles; New Guiney Ranges, complete With water Jackets; Trunks; Suitcases; Linoleum Squares. All kinds of other useful articles at very low prices. BC. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. (tft trally located. Phone Red 833. AGENTS WANTED K''i:'!-t Express TO .. Z22 Sixth St (';;.- Or" n R82 vv- U -SSL W(i l I SALESMAN to sell guaranteed electrical products direct to consumer; offices, factories, JOHN MOST AD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 I-IKINS LTD. schools, retail stores. Experi I i:'2 and Healing E':'.';i:ecr.s FOR SALE Notice! Loggers or restaurant operators, one two oven army range. Good condition. Apply Kaien Industries. (53) ence not necessary if agres-sive. 20 commission. Exclusive territory, with repeat business credited. Give com- PO, Bnx 2T1: plete details and phone num- 8ALJoTn'r"our i n in fin 1U Kis aa I r PRINCE RUPERT POTTLE COLLECTOR and MERSENCER PHONE GREEN D55 Acer.t for Pacific Bottle B C. Ltd (50) burner apartment size electric range with oven. Phone Red 692. , (50 '. .i.CHKNKY DENTIST i, SMITH BLOCK PO R..X MOl MAGIC PICTURE BOOK FOR CHILDREN brings characters' Mum nd Dad up front . . . th rest of ut in the back ... the boys at the corner drug store doffing their Kati . . . hotting up to Mulligan's corner at a sood clip ... 10 miles an hour. Oh happy days! Today, as yesterday, Royal Export Beef is a reigning favorite with the considerate host. As of yesterday, Royal Export, is a product of brewing craftsmen to whom perfection of product is the goal. Into the brew goes th famed diamond-clear Tulameen waters, and the finest British Columbia hops and malted barley. FOR SALE 1935 Ford sedan, with radio; four good tires. Good mechanical shape. Apply 1336 Overlook Street. 52l to realistic action, sells on sight. Livewire agent-salesmen required. Exclusive territory. Send $150 for sample and details. Ralph H. Wilson & Co., 10115 99th St., Edmonton, Alta. '50) :or I.. IIORIE ''-imUint, Auditor, etc. JX Returns Compiled Elu-k prime 387 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS. Mrr. 1301 Overlook Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and FOR SALE One 4 H P.S.-N.M.S. gas engine Clutch shaft, plus drum. Circular saw, wood lathe. 343 7th Ave. West. .49) LTD. PRINCETON BREWING CO. PRINCETON, B. C. lost Ami rorNO VN'PYMAN MACHINERY fOR MLE mi-: SKiiYicrc LOST Black plastic purse with hand -made wallet inside. Finder please phone Red 232. (50) M. CONTRACTORS TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. ' (tf) Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 DON'T DELAY - PHONE TODAi PILL'S MESSENGER SERVICE. Tlione Green 955 Day and Night Service P48-S FOUND String of pearls near Inlander. Owner' may have the same by paying for this add at the Daily News. (tf) LOST Pair of slippers, near 8th Ave. West. Frnder please return to Daily News. (49) r.dRepriirsof all kinds, ""leys and Oil Burners. PHONES: W - Red 894 METAL WORK Gwmmont nf British Columbia. the ..4 1 ATlisemcnt is not published rr HVrl LOST Tan wallet, between Mid PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. F u r n a ce s , tanks, eavestroughing and ' stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) If It's Rock "Work U'KIMOli ''('ORATORS ; PAPET?HANGINO Blue !);,2 or Black 245 way Store and Tenth Ave. on Alfred. Finder please phone 756. (50) LOST Lady's watch. Phone Green 766. 151) roil TIIK WKT MARCH WEATHElt AHEAD Ccl yourself one of our English Gabardine RAINCOATS PERSONAL iens Hill Thornton ROOM AND BOARD CAR OWNERS Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance at reasonable rates. Call ARMSTRONG AGENCIES. 342. (49) HELEN'S AUTY SHOP Ji CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I -do the work. PRICED AT ONLY $27.50 ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street (tf) PARADE You'll walk with beauty and step with freedom in a flared, loose-cut, arm-easy Shortie Coat. If you want that ruddled feeling, slip into one of our Shortie "Cocoons"; they are as new as Advertise in the Daily News! -"ii-ni waving 'Mty Culture In f" its branches T1 Phone 655 WORK WANTED inv goods And MEN'S WEAR DEPARTMENT x Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association WATERFRONT MTDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 588. (tn "if Fisheries Industry ! (P R.) Ltd. ' u,,f,nr, Welghlnf Ql'AMTY IMPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 771 Second Ave Suits make IJts wher-ro but their pace Is by the lonRer jacket Ballerina ever hey matched i I imrTDTTsc tv tttf. DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS COTTAGE CHEESE m.t'E M0 New Creamed Fresh Made styles in fine gabardines and lovely imported materials. VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Sweet Sixteon's Personalized BUDGET PLAN will enable you to purchase your Spring Ensemble now at no added cost. NO INTEREST NC CARRYING CHARGES LING Two sailihes per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA .. SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam Fridays, 12 midnight. Cardena STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays. 12 midnight QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MAS SETT AND FORT CLEMENTS February 8 and 20 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS February 8 and 22 WDIE By Chic Young iiiFTT" i,...: 'rraa i 1 rv; 1 1 ,,,;t' um-huh vfs, I ', .v dag wood "V- r-MUH, MARTHA J-- crl- ? Stf ls THE TAILOR vVe are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Auent Third Ave. Phone 508