I THIS AND THAT muss 2 t?rfnce Rupert 2?aflp I3cto0 Lto. Saturday, July 17, 1948 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA 3 NEWSPAPIS An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia (Authorized as Second Claai MaU, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prlnee Rupert, British Columbia. U. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBEH OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION DIRECTORY Vrn hi an rhi.rrr ',,"," 1 U J and pin.: IM.V eert a nlwwi. MrN rATMH.RAI. 4th Aw. W pu'""'"lr " Holy Communion 30 a m. Sunday wnoul a 00 pm. Rector: Bull SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week, 15c; Per Month. SSe; Per Year, a7 00; By Mall, Pit Month, 40c; Per Year, 14 00. "" " W 4 "It Crisis of Berlin SATURDAY SERMON FIRST IIU'TlhT Sth Ave. E Young St MUilHter: Re?. FtmJ- Aiitrobua IIMST PBKriBVTKKlAS 4th Avenue East (Oreen B83I THE WORD OF GOD (By PASTOR PAUL A. BARBEH, Full Gospel Tabernacle) One of the great needs of the church today is private Bible study. Undoubtedly the reason for the moral and spiritual decline of our day is the neglect of the Bible. A neglected Bible means a starved spirit, a barren life and a grieved Holy HKST 1MTII 636 8th Ave West Minister: B. A. WllyonM A. lOnrD 618) I I I.I. COSI'l l. TWtl KNACI.h 221 etb Ave. West Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Oreen ) bpirit. As to the best method of Bibiel First United Church First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. Allan At. McColl, Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Organist Ml.TATini ARUY Praner Street CO.: Capt Furl Jurrett Directory Claaa 2 30 P m Sunday Si-nool 3 00 p.m. (Black XI Minister: Rev. R. A. Wilson, M.A. Organist: Mrs. L. Dakin Choir Leader: Mr. J. S. Wilson Morning Worship at II a.m. with Atomic bombs! Jet propulsion! Why don t some thing that'll make hair gruw Of. Plt. U TKWtAN Sth Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: S. Sotland (Black 6101 LONDON fP -"Offence De- ST. ALBA.S'S. study, each individual must decide that for himself. The absence of any Bible study at all is inexcusable. There was a time in which the Holy Bible was the chief text book In many schools. Our text om-mands us to study as a workman preparing hiself to do a creditable piece of work. "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, riRhtly fence" and an erect sword In tng- chile, essay here tlv.i . KT. PITIK S AVfil.H AN Heat Cove Archdeacon E. Hudson Bimday Srhool 1 1 BO a m. Evening Prayer 7:80 p m. (Blue m front of a portcullis are the motto and badge of R. A. F. Fighter 11:00 a.m. A Children's Service Choir: Primary and Junior departments of the vacation school. Story Sermon: "Adventuring With St. Pmul." A special Invitation is extended to parents and friends of vocation school children. erica are put First Baptist and Presbyterian congregation uniting. Sermon : "The Sin That Doth Beset Us." Both congregations will again unite for worship at the Baptist Church at 7:30 p.m. Sermon : "I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel." Rev. McColl will speak at both services. cutlon. Command. ('(IITMrMTY SI VMAT 'H!Mt. j East find Hall, a JO " dividing the Word of Truth." WOULD APPEAR to have come to THINGS pass in Berlin where somebody will have to Kive in very shortly or the shooting is going to happen any time. The western powers have made it clear that they have no intention of leaving. The Russians appear ressolved to drive them out. It would not take much of an act now to constitute what would have to be considered a military incident Then we would soon know definitely just how far things would go. So the war of nerves cannot remain a "cold war" for much longer. I or the western allies to back down now would, of course, be fatal. Lesser elements are resisting Soviet aggression in strategic and dangerous places only because they are confident that United States and Great Britain are strong and courageous enough to act as a buffer against the Soviet Union. If we were weak enough to permit Russia to throw us out of Berlin. there would be no common sense for any other nation to say "No" to Stalin. If we failed to fight for our own dignity and security, we could, of course, not be trusted to fight for the peace and security of the world. Therefore, we cannot succumb in Germany. There can be no' going down a Munich road. We may be confident, however, that there will be war only if Moscow is firmly resolved to fight. It that is the case, we might better find it out now than to let things drift while the U.S.S.R. strengthens herself and maybe perfects an atomic bomb.. Many smart diplomats do not think there would be war. They feel that, much as we hate and fear war, the Russians are even worse prepared for the ultimate struggle. They think that if we insist on our full rights, and demonstrate that we are ready to back every word with a blow in case of need, Moscow will back down. But even if that is wrong, even if Russia would Tight, even if she could beat us now, we have passed what airmen call the "point of no return." It is .less dangerous now to bull it through than to turn tail and run. If we're going to be shot, we might as well take it in the forehead, not in the back. (II Timothy 2:15). In nature we find a power Ormcs Di DRUGS called light. By obeying the laws of light, the artist paints The Salvation Army Local Corps Officers Capt. and Mrs. E. Jarrett Sunday Services conducted by Colonel and Mrs. J. Tyndall. 11 a.m. "Walking." 2:30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School. PRESCRIPTION CHEMIST; beautiful pictures. By obeying the laws of eleetricity, engineers command tremendous power. soul thirst satisfied. You will know by experience the Truth and the Truth shall make ytm free. The natural man cannot understand the things of God but to those who taste and see, the Lord is good. All God requires is simple faith enough to te-ceive from His hand the blessings He has promised. The sceptical individual, the rationalist can never come to reason out the things of God simply STOKE HOURS WEEK-DATS, AM TO HUNDATS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOOK TO 7 P.M. TO P.M. REGULAR BAPTIST SERVICES Suspended during months of July and August. Will resume D V i In New Church Building (Sixth and Hays Cove Circle i, Sept. 5:.h next. (Phone 3G9i. But nothing is accomplished except by obedience to the law of each separate power. In the same way when we act in harmony with God's spiritual laws. 7:30 p.m. "The Supreme Quest." Monday, 8 p.m. The Iloni.? League extends an invitation to all ladies to hear Mr;. Colonel lyuilall. Topic: "Practical Visionaries" Emergency Mnr the power of God works for us. "But ye shall receive power uaii tat uc.vc, ... from j pjE y. from 9 a.m. uu o P m. ln(j 6lia6 after that the Holy Ghost Is come upon you; and ye shall be tecause he b approaching God ' " or. the wrong basis. The Bible out of Thy Law." If ve vkh to aside. Friends, study h Word says that belief in Jesus Christ see the deep things, we must! of God and discover Ih will of PHONE 81 witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and n Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." (Acts 1:8). We receive God's power and He works t.h'nuh us when we act in harmony with Gol. How can we know what to do brings salvation. The only way approach the Bible without , God. R. A. lorrey (;av as a to prove the correctness of the 1 prejudice. We must not read it 'cure for Infidelity, the follow -Word of God is "iy experience ' through the creed of our rhureh. ing recipe: Read the Gospel .f and it always stand? the test. . We must not read Into Snip- John on your knees with an.opn ' "Open Thou mine eyes -hat I ture what is not there our pre- heart before God, and you'll not ijy may behold wondrous tliiags conceived notion must be laid remain sceptic. Fur HtatiitK Satisfaction Thi Winter Choose a FAWCETT FURNACE You are Invited to visit our shop and inspect this assembled heating unit to act in harmony with God? Through Bible stuiJy and lots, of it and obedierce ta its revealed teaching. The efficiency of God's word lies in its power to transform 1 A MESSAGE TO PRINCE RUPERT BUSINESSMEN THOM SHEET METAL LTD, F ! lives. As light swallows up dark- 2S3 East frimt Avenue Phone Rlaik KM a HOLLYWOOD! PRINCE RI PERT'S NhwMT H IT-TO-OATK REST tit OPEN FROM 3:30 PM. TO: m r Are You Being BY-PASSED? Do You Want To Stop Them? Ui the. DAILY NEWS BRING you CUSTOMERS CHINESE JMSIIEH A SPr( HIT! For Outside Orders PHONE 133 CHOP SUKY ness, so the Bible brings light to darkened, sinful souls. "Where-' withal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy word." (Psalm 119:9. Jesus met the temptations of Satan by the ! Word. He said, "It is written It is only as our minds and hearts are garrisoned by the Word of God that we can with- j stand the attacks of temptation 1 and sin. "Thy Word have I hid ) tn mine heart that I might not sin against Thee." To keep strong and healthy , we must feed the body regu-! larly. Te meet the responsi- j bilitles of our spiritual lilt, we must feed on the Word of God. Our souls must be nourished as ! carefully as our bodies. "Abide I In Me and I in you. As the j branch cannot bear trait of itself, except it abide In the j vine; no more can ye, except : ye abide in Me. ' Christ is the I Hfe-givlng vine and we are the branches of that vine if we have ' he en regenerated by the Spirit j of God. j When we are thirsty, we drink ! water to quench our thirst. It I was provided in nature for that purpose. Whether we know or . do not know the chemical analysis of water, the result is ' no different. The tliirst of a , BUSINESS AND PROFESSIC FOR MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROCK AND C WOK CALL M. J. sau: New. Mo111 In New Offlcei ,i ROOM 10 STONE BUILDfNO All Wort &' FEATHER FOR U.N. of the United Nations security council SUCCESS in obtaining agreement from both Jews and ; Arabs to cease the fighting at Jerusalem is -only a partial victory for United Nations prestige hut is most encauraging. Now it is to be seen if "tne always evasive Arabs are to agree to the larger demand for an end of the fighting in the whole of the Near East. Having gone part way, however, the contending factions may be expected to go the rest. Things are indeed looking brighter in Palestine now. SAVING U.S. DOLLARS VlIE INTRICACIES of the Foreign Exchange 'J Control regulations are puzzling to many i people, especially as statistics reveal that our 4947 exports were much in excess of those of the previous year. The reason for the stringent regulations governing the amount of money which may be used for pleasure travel in the United States are simple and logical when properly explained. ". Canada is suffering from "a dollar shortage" and dollars are, accordingly, rationed. ; Just as sugar was rationed during the war hen Canada couldn't import it due to demands cn Canadian shipping, and as butter was rationed when production fell off, so today dollars are rationed. ' Our export trade is growing but exports to European countries, which before the war were paid with American dollars, are today frequently sent abroad on an extended credit basis. This is essential to help rehabilitate those lands where industrial factories were razed by mobs or are today Converted to production of things necessary to r-build a country, but it puts a strain on Canada's economic stability. In short, our export business is booming but is not earning the number of American dollars it would under normal circumstances. American dollars are needed to provide Canadians with many items, such as steel, eotton, coal, oil and other things necessary to maintain our standard of living, and United States is Canada's major 'source of supply fpr these things. ' Todav we are buying more essentials from the United States than ever before. We are paying cash on the line for these items, but to do so we are sending away more American dollars than we are faking in. By limiting ourselves to travel in United States which is absolutely essential we will be keeping millions of dollars in this country which can be used to import necessities. We will be assisting to maintain an economic stability which is needed today more vitally than ever before. PIANO New Phone BLUE 503 Tuning, Voicing MIKE fC Phonf BU Advertising results are most consistently ftainetl through your evening newspaper. The Daily News gets consistent, proven results because it is a member of the family circle. Home delivered, it reaches people hen they do their regular reading, leisurely and reflectively. Daily News advertising penetrates and produces. The people pay for the Daily News to read the news, the features and the ADVERTISING. Let the Daily . News help you to get business by using space regularly. . . We are at your service to assist and advise. Our representative would like to help you. 972 10th DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 p.o. Box HOI HELtf REALTY i perma1" Reality C! JOHN F. L, HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNER. BLOCK e.O Box 894 phone Bin 442 all lt bra' 204 4th Street baby and that of the scientist Is quenched by the same liquid, j But some folks will not us that same kind ot wisdom when they 1 come to the Bible. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." But how will that save me? Will you explain it to me so I can understand U? Many such questions- ean be asked and there is just one answer. Lay- hold of this promise by faith and you w.H fir.d your HANDYJJ HOMES0 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 38? GENERAL COl Building nJ " City Merchants j Roofs, Chimney11 LONDON W-The only lmown portrayal of novelist Jane Austen's face, dated about 18'0 and drawn by her sister Cassandra, has been bought by the Rational Portrait Gallery. PH01 PHONE 98 Green 481! City merchants are asked In future to have ropy for all display advertisements Into the Dally New office by 4 l p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department In keeping to the regular hour for publication. niiAlJTT THE DAILY NEWS fet Downtr11 and W" Serrlng the FUherlea loductr Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartare, Labelling Welching MAC SHE BOX 774 BLHJ 780 BLUE 910