NINTH-INNING RUN WINS BENEFIT jFootU Iff ptinre Royeti Duup faetoa CIS. Saturday. July 17, 1948 Legion Beats T&tga Sports FASTBALL GAME FOR ALL-STARS Sched the ninth Gilhulv ( over a re- High School 4 11 a. u . .1 jiiiv 21 12fj;h inning ?ave iyu-w - . , f ... niuil BfliiH.! THIS AND THAT . Veterans Win Splendidly inforced Gordon and Mueui. - at Gyro 1 aik. benefit softball frame will ' tinnal oer to Proceed from the game Hnh Moxl v. G. and A. pitcher, wl,; Contested Football Game 2-1 Showing a complete reversal of their form of Wednesday last. July 23-.Bvi. A.wust Legion. n,i Aunust lij, 120th battery ' Ausust 13.:,,. u Batterv. Au 18...,. JlMilfteds: Sc prr word prr !nrtku, BlUntn ehanre, 60e. Birth Notice: 6oc. Carus of Thanks. Death Notice. Funeral Notice. Marnafte and Engagement Announcements: 2. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBlE PRICE 71alflel Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. i i - MACHINERY FOR SALE d1 league game a weeK u. totalled Postula rf .. - lections from the fans 42. ; The All-Stars, made up or , q and A players from every team in the j pratt 2d league with the exception of j R gnmh ,f TO SAW better lumber more FOR SALE 1942 Dxitre Special Deluxe Sedan. Nev ly painted. Excellent condition. Apply 13 Bcnool. August 20- n High School Auausi 2J-..111 Legion. a gTeatly improved Canadian Legion team eked out a two to one win over a fighting High School eleven last evening in the Gilhuly Cup competition. It was a first diss exhibition of football by both ieams. Play had not long started when Greer dropped over a high centre. Boulter fielded on the ground but lost control of the 3 1 0 40 12 15 AB R II .4 1 1 .5 1 0 .6 2 4 .6 1 3 .4 1 1 .4 0 0 4 0 0 Tali (tf) economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) J r rcv.y'fTS J 1 " 1 W 3b iSparkl by Alex Slater of Co-op Guthrie s.s and Lloyd Lahti ot u.N.n.n. B. Siniuiul FOR SALE 14-room rooming house, partly furnished, for $1300; immediate occupancy. Located on Fraser Street. Red 615. 16 son p the mound while G. ana fl.;wiiaiman u borrowed the talents of Bnice Speers rf FOR RENT All-Stars O. and A. H. Stephens c FOR RENT Flat, Jcand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweller, (tf) FOR SALE Complete contents of 4-room apartment. Phone Blue 416. 169) Simundson of General Moioro. Simundson went the full nine Innings. Don Hartwig opened the ncorlng for All-Stars In tho first inning with a double and fniinnvH rai base by For- FOR RENT 2 room apartment. 801 Borden Street. tfi FOR SALE Must sell small 4 Wartime house, 124 8th West. Call before 2 p.m. or between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. (tf i in,,"-. - man who pot to first on aj fielder's error. The first inning j was featured by two double j & Ms irK. "Why are they in such a hurry?' j FOR RENT Three roomed suite, furnished, with private bath. Apply cottage at rear of Washington Block, or Phone Black 400. (169i ball and ChrisUson put tne Legion a goal up. Wilson made a good run and, from Bob Cur-rie's return cross, missed narrowly. Brodie's first shot was an easy one from Shier. Wynn cleared well and Yelland and Wilson had a duel for the ball with Yelland winning. Wilson, a moment later, gave Bob Currie a lovely opening and Legion saved at the expense of a fruitless corner. Burnip centred well and ChrisUson just missed. Then Murray scored a second goal for the Legion with Boulter unsighted. Owens was good but Nelson cleared. The Legion goalie was lucky a moment later to clear his lines following Owen's centre and Wilson's header. Brodie FOR SALE 2 H P. Water Cooled ' Fairbanks Morse "Model Z" A-l condition. Phone 530, Dave Jones. 171) plays by G and A. Gordon and Anderson tied the score in the second when Whatman scored off a base on balls FOR RENT Room. Woman preferred. Apply 117 4th West. (168i WANTED FOR SALE Breakfast set, consisting of 4 chairs and gateleg table. 4ZG 4th Ave. East, on harbor side, or phone Black 879. ' and Guthrie came home on a triple. The merchants proceeded lead in the to take a one-run third but this was cut off in the fourth when All-Stars clouted Simundson for four hits, thiee of which scored. . found his best form again lor in recent games he had failed to play up to his usual standard. BOYS WANTED Boys desirin' News routes should leave their names at the office as vacancies may be occurring anydaj. Sport Shots had to save twice. Yelland and FOR SALE New and Used Fur Dawes were sound defenders and , 0WM & ot Unri ,- K- nrinH tn crrir. ' . niture and Hardware. Slightly .u 6v" - . to their stubborn defence. Chris-McCrimmon and Smith. A great d njc. used Bedroom Suites, Kitch'M Bets from $12 50; -Bed, complete $15; used Carpet in good shape; Occasional and Kitchen shot by Christison was spena- and good support .,,nnnrt. frnn irom WANTED Oil burner or late model stove with oil burner installed, must be in A-l shape. Box 1551 Prince Rupert. (169) By The Canadian Press Jack Delaney, French-Canadian challenger, dethroned Paui G. and A. took a two-run ;eau again in their half of the fa;rth , and proceeded to consolidat; it j further with another two runs in the sixth to bring the score ; iy got inside men. Burnip and Glen idly saved by Boulter. A moment later, after Wilson and - . . !.. 1-..1 Chairs; enamel Wash Basiru $5; Underwood Typewriter in cledhen HELP WANTED Smart lad Dawes was useful at outside right. A ' Ilk . C" to 7-5 in their iavor at ure cuu of that inning. . All-Stars' six-run break in the lasy to roll perfect shape; Office Chairs n-w unpainted Book Cases, - sent Christison off on a good run ' that ended with Boulter just leaving school to enter ap prenticeship to automotive re 22 years ago last nigm Brooklyn. The bout went 15 rounds. Delaney -winning; by r For the students Boulter was unlucky at the first goal but delightful to smoke eighth looked like they had laid Other useful household articles. B.C. FURNITURE CO., pair trade under provincial saving ai uie upinc. i Ws save from christian was a Government Apprenticeship I Following a shaky spell by the , did iece of work. Hebb a pretty substantial claim to the j HIS tT .!! Il.fl ' wide margin. He dropped hU title in 1927 to enter the heavyweight class. Black 324. Uf schedule. Apply in person to Lindsay Motors Ltd. (170) FOR SALE 16 foot Chris Craft made sueedboat. Box C01 High School defence, the stud- and Wvnn were safe, tackling ent forward line pressed and weU and idng strongly. Olsen Dawes came through well. Bur-;turned in a rine game at centre nip and Murray showed nice baI and was wen supported by combination on the wing but charnp and Charlie Currie. Prince Rupert. (168 Big league baseowii's lonses. consecutive hitting ftreck. J-v- WANTED Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper; paving eood prices. See B.C. ball game but G. and A. re- j taliated with four runs which ; tied the score. ' The tie was j broken when Vanetta hit a : double in Uie ninth, comin-; home off a single by Windle. Alex Slater pitched the first four Innings for All -Scars, pivins up nine hits for live runs, Hi- Know wk Are with tor RALE Dinette, like new Wilson made an-: B b was very good at DiMaegios 56-game record enrt- Heoo cleared other corkscrew run and Brodie : oulside right and Shier, whose, ed at Cleveland be'ore a crowo FURNITURE CO., Black 324. (tf) One Chesterrield. Dresser, 34 Bed. 1350 6th E. After 5:00 (169) ( '"'-"J w rr -, ursL gallic 1U wao, wao a. i...,, ui ornu J " - WANTED Housemaid for staff nd Wilson failed to get their j worker in the second half as two Indian pitchers kept hin. house at Sandspit, for Cana-' shots in Brodie managed to save ;wnen ne changed places with C. from hitting safely in three ap- FISHI Radio I CHENIlAiE BEDSPREADS 4.99 EACH dian Pacific Airlines. Apply again on the goal line. Follow-jCurrie he was a good defender. ; pearanCes at the plate. DiMaggia, Citv Office. Prince Ruoert. for ing a good pass from Greer Mur- WUson did mariy nice things and , s,rtpri his drive May 15, 1941,! AT wholesale Price. Beautiful details. (168) 1 ray maae a gooc run auu duui-i was aiways a threat. Jones ana , (0. ter did well to clear. Olsen was then Haugan did wen ana, METAL WORK struck out one batter and allowed two bases or. balls. Luhti. who relieved him. allowed dx hits for six rnns, live bw cn balls and struck out 13. In nine innings on the mound. Bruce Simundson struck out three All-Stars, allowed 15 hiU and two on balls. Baseball Scores If takr the cuc-ik ftlltlmt, ti'lU tm f lh. III! Ml.lltrr t. MMt'hrr. It nmtn-hirtil, jrratrr itlrti 1-imtnrt with tlif inrun tti ImM it iMiimuiil nt mhi a int Ing rqntpmf nt. doing a great job of checking 0wens at outside left put across the Legion inside forwards and many dangerous centres. j was lucky to stop a Christian-j Tile ganie was one of the best McCrimmon raid. Yelland was thts season. Both teams played; right in the thick of the battle to; good fast football, clear and the next feature, was j Gilhulv Cup Competition PLUMBING Installations ana repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. RooN lng. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) wm .All-Stars AB R U Chenille Spreads in double or single bed sizes. In all Pastel colors, fast dye, $4.99 each. Chenille Spreads full 90x100, with contrasting basket design ' in centre, $7.98 each. Also Habitant Hand Hooked Rugs, tightly made, 18x36 Three for $4.00. These articles are worth much more. Sent C.O.D. plu3 postage. Money immediately " Tefunded if not satisfied. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal Que. PERSONAL 10 6 13 12 9 14 Ellison Brodie's save from Owens. Nel-,12oth Battery 2 3 son sent his forwards off and High School ...2 3 Murray hit the upright. At the ; Legi0n 2 2 other end Wilson centred well; , . National League Boston 12, Chicago 10. Brooklyn 4, Cincinnati 2. St. Louis 8, Philadelphia 2. New York and Pittsburgh, postponed, rain. American League Boston 5, Detroit 3. St. Louis 10, New York 4. Chicago 3, Washington 2. Philadelphia 10, Cleveland 5. Western International I.rairue FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in Radio Supp Hartwig ss 5 11 Forman cf 5 1 1 Lahti p 3 1 1 Slater p 1 0 0 Vanetta lb 5 3 4 Windle c 5 2 3 Jensen 3b 5 2 3 Marvan If 4 11 and a moment later converted on Owens' pass to give the students a well-earned goal. The VICTORIA. 'J the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, just half way to Prince George. (tf) IN FINAL FOR GOLF High School pressed steadily and Brodie was constantly in action Stephens 2b 4 0 0 nil Hulro bihI ServW at VN-OltK . f. Hat)', Mil. VK'TftMl V Kiultn 1-rtc anil Kwlbi Appltaor ( o. SVIINKY M M Knrtt.l. rni'KTM.l I f NA HMO HHn l(uat Kaillo Supph llil. roRT M ill KM HollmnyN Kadln l AI K I M BKTCH uall mil Kadln f-mict PHIM'K Ul'PKKT KlMlrlr Wi.rk. Joe Stoddard of Hamilton is Canada's Hope Against American Title Holder FOR SALE 1947 BSA Motorcycle with accessories, best offer. New Stromberg Carlson Radio with Record Attachment, mantel size. Small automatic Record Player. Ameri- THE MARKETS Vegetables Celery, bunch 45 Cauliflower, head 40 Swiss Chard, lb 21 Bremerton 6, Tacoma 5. Wenatchee 10, Salem 6. Vancouver 7, Victoria 4. Spokane 9, Yakima 4. Pacific Coast League Portland 2, Seattle 0. Hollywood 5, Oakland 2. San Diego 4, Sacramento 0. San Francisco 2, Los Angeles The Populat HAMILTON, C Rangy, Joe with Dawes and Nelson, Eby, Greer and Yelland all battling a fighting student attack tenaciously. Brodie saved at the uprighta lucky stop and Bob Currie narrowly missed. Haugan kept the ball in but Nelson cleared his lines. Sharp put a good pass through but Wilson was forced out of danger. The A Stoddard of Hamilton, Canada's hope for the Canadian amateur , can Army Kit Bags, as new. Parsnips (unwashed) lb .09 Turnips, lb .06 golf championship, is playing the defending champion, Frank Stranahan of Toledo in the 36- Mushrooms, lb 85 Head Lettuce, bunch 15 S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails rr New government approved Morse Code practice key. Apply 206 8th Ave. East. Phone Green 327. (Th-Si FOR SALE Blue C.C.M. Bicycle. Cucumbers, each Currie brothers were resource-1 hoe inal of match play today. GREER & BRID Ireen Onions, 2 bunches . ; In good condition. Phone Blue AustraUan onions, 3 lbs. MEN'S FASTBALL SCHEDULE .32 .15 .39 .11 .10 .15 lul but uawes was equal to tne, Te six fiv',5-inch aee threat and cleared. Then Legion! yesterday deiea'led Walter Mc-broke away in a nice move and after Elroy of Vancouver oae up Boulter had to run out to kick 36 holes of tense play Both bat-clear. Charlie Currie missed a, Ued right down t0 the last hoie, good opening from a free kick Dlavine our o( last live in BUILDERS AND CO NT R AC 825' U72' Cabbage, lb. FOR SALE Chesterfield suite,! Rhubarb, lb. Irlli-hpn riinpttp Viprlmnm snifp I ipinach, lb. July 17 Co-operative vs. 99 Beets, bunch 15 Taxi. July 16 General Motors Gordon & Anderson. (169) Reuairs Construction Alts bunch 21 I Turnips, new, given for a hand ball. Referee, drenching rain. Phone Red 516. FOR SALE Large new. Black 385. buffet, like ... .75 .7o Tomatoes, No. 1. lb Woodside placed the bail out-i stranahan defeated another Floor Sanding: a Specialty July 21 Canadian National Recreation Association vs. Gen (1691 lew potatoes, 5 lb Ji. side a decision that might United states invader, Lary eral Motors. p,o; Canned Vegetables have meant the difference be-,Dany Jr Bradford, Pennsyl- Mll Pickles, gal 1.99 ,tween a win or a drawn game;vani who went down four and Phone UED 561 VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 TM. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Fr Information call or writ City or Depot Ticket Offlea PRINOE RUPERT, B.C. July 24 Gordon & Anderson , FOR SALE Bedroom suite, double bed and single bed. House plants. Red 695. (167) jCut Green Beans, fey 17 1 for the Legion. The students three. vs. Co-operative. Jo. 5 Peas, fancy 14 1 kept worrying tne region ae-, stoddard and Stranahan went Julv 26 Gordon & Anderson fence with Bob Currie and Wil- out this mornmg for the first 18' vs. Canadian National Recrea son fighting hard but were un tion Association. Mixed Vegetables lb Meed Beets, 2 tins 25 Wax Beans, choice J2! Jixed Peas and Carrots 18 FOR SALE New 12-ft. Clinker built boat for inboard power, completely outfitted, to be sold at two-thirds replacement, cost. Phone Blue 365. (170) able to find an opening to beat July 28 General Motors vs Taxi. holes and are playing the second 18 this afternoon. McElroy s&id after his defeat: "I threw everything I had at him. You don't mind losing to a guy who plays t he way he did." He Knows How To Pick 'Em . . . Yessir, he picked us to service his car for warm weather driving and he's pleased as punch. Says he Pumpkin 16 July 31 Co-operative vs. Gen eral Motors. Brodie arid a 'splendidly fought game ended with the Legion on top two goals to one. Teams: Canadian Legion Brodie; Dawes, Nelson; Yelland, Eby, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Corn, choice Corn Nlblets laked Beans, 20-oz. Baked Beans, 15-oz. tin ... tin ... CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS .24 .24 .25 .20 .45 .24 AL J OLSON AL JOLSON such a thorough so economically never had job done, anywhere. YOU GET F i ult Strawberries, hikt Bananas, lb BASEBALL SCHEDULE PREPARE NOW for Summer and Fall examination. Write M.C.C Civil Service School, 301 En-derton Bldg., Winipeg, Greer, McCrimmon, Glen Smith, Christison, Burnip, Dave Murray. High School Boulter; Hebb, Wynn; Charlie Currie, Olsen, ALJOLSOH .25 EXTRA SERVICE at pples, cooking, 2 lb Fancy Apples, 3 lb 38 Lemons, large, doz 45 July 18 Savoy vs. Viose July 20 Savoy vs. Merchants July 22 Moose vs. Savoy Sharpe; Bob Currie, Shier, Wilson, Jones, Owens, Haugan. Goal scorers: LOST AND FOUND July 25 Smlthers vs. Rupert s July 27 Merchants vs Mooae! Legion Christison, Dave Mur FOUND Key with clip from Grapefruit, Texas (white), 96 s, 3 for 23 (pink), 96's, 6 for 29 Oranges (Navel) 25 - .49 Dates, lb 28 Fresh ATllk Local case attached. Owner can ob July 29 Savoy vs Moose Aug. 1 Savoy vs. Merchants tain same on payment of this ray. High School Wilson. Referee Sid Woodside. LEGION'S BEST GAME ad at the Daily News. (tf) IN HIS LATEST DFX'CA ALBUM VOLUME 3 243)17 "I Want a Girl." "Whrre the Black-Kyed Susans Grow." 213!)8 "When thelted Red Kobbin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin' Along." "Someone Else May Be There While I'm Gone." 243!)9 "For Me and My Gal." "When I Leave the World Behind." 24100 "There's a Rainbow Hound My Shoulder." "About a Quarter to Nine." DECCA ALBUM NO. A -649 NOW ON SALE AT Quart 22 .12 Pint .... Cream, .25 pin This was the best exhibition the Legion has given this year. They had drive and power though they might have considered themselves fortunate to Kaien Co-op REVERE WARE .65 jOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRI8T John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue USED LUMBER Flooring, 3" and 4" Fir. Shlplap, (short). Demension Lumber-. ' 2"x4" ""'TP 2"x8" Selling reasonable. NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Second Ave. Phone 563 .73 be a goal ahead at the end. Brodie did well and a. had a lot to do. He had his share of luck Dawes played his best game to date while Nelson, who has been tggs Grade A: arge, cartoned, doz. . ... Batter First Grade, lb Milk Evaporated Milk., 16-oz. tins, 2 for Case (Continued on Page 5) 111 UIIU V1ITTT.IX WTV - Stainless Steel Pressure Cookers other lines of Pots and Pans. MaeMmM playing well, is improving every .S3 7.75 game. Eby was strong in de WRITE Box 1127 PHONE Phone 179 fence and worked hard. Yelland