-w j-iM.- -Js J" -"rrTrntj v.t j. .C" v, ", . h fc3 i donment of any curtailment measures, this fishery is being Friday- Catala, a.m. July 19-ss. Prince Oeorge, 11 a.m. For Ocean Falls F33 ptincf tlupcu Dalle J3ctos JLtD Saturday, July 17, 1948 Steamahip Movements Daylight L-aving Time For Vancouver Mjnday S3. Princess Adelaide 3 p.m. From Alatka Thursday-ss. prln k' p.m. For Alaska Wednedayss pr '" i, midnight. July 23-ss. Pri 2 p.m. Monday-ss. Princess Auem.u, 11 P-- . Thursday ss. rnn 11 p.m. Tuesday ss. 1:30 Camosun, 12:15 p.m. Waterfront Whiffs Full Moon Gets Automatic Pilot 'Operation Skeena Is Getting Results -ss. Prince George, Rupert Mens and Boys Store Boy's Wear July 17- June Haver M.trk siPVt TODAY 6:50-9:00 p.m. 'I WONDER WHO'S KISSINt; n,R J For Summer! For Every Age almost reduced to the status of an incidental for the smaller Canadian vessels at least. Capt. Merrill Sollows, pioneer Prince Rupert halibut skipper, who moved some years ago to Vancouver, spent the most of the week in Prince Rupert with his well known boat Relief and deplored the effect that the trend of recent years in the halibut fishery had had on this port. However, the active cod market was now making up to same extent for the fleet. Capt. Sollows, who was able to get in four halibut trips this season, landed 10,000 pounds of cod on Monday. The fish was caught on p.m. , Thursday-ss. Prince Rupert 12:15 midnight. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. July 14 ss. Princess Norah. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Camosun, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. , Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 1 a.m. Fridav ss. Catala, 5 p.m. SUNDAY MIDN1TE UNDERWEAR BEACH WEAR SPORT JACKETS SHOUTS PANTS SOCKS SHIRTS BON IT A (.kamI Hail, the automatic 'pilot. The automatic pilot is not a jaded sea captain with conditioned reflexes. It is an electronic device, designed, its makers say, to contribute to the safety of lives at sea by keeping navigators relaxed and fresh through the long watches of the 24-hour July 23 ss. Prince George, 10 l ASTl a m juiv 19ss. Princess Norah, ALAN CURTIS TERRV Al'STIN in THILO VANCE RETURNS' Priced Right Wears Right RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE the west coast of the fcjueen a.m. 'THE Charlottes whence the Relief For Alice Arm, Stewart, GUILTY1 Port Simpson Sunday ss. left yesterday afternoon for another trip after which it is Camosun, mid- level in late summer. The flooding river, which wreaked hardship on residents Capt. Sollows' intention to pro of the upper Skeena, provided ceed Vancouver to have the COMING MONDAY - TUESa information for the scientists Relief docked for painting and hull repairs. Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle i CFPR Commentary 9:15 Songs and Sinpers 9:30 Harmony Harbour 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener clock. No doubt, since the automatic pilot is a development that was only comparatively recently placed at the disposal of the small boat owner, it is easier to say who have had them installed, rather than who have not. Among the former is that well-known Prince Rupert yachtsman, Dr. W. S. Kergin. Therefore, we will discuss the automatic pilot which is bejng installed aboard the Full Moon. ' which may not be available again for many years. light. From Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert. 10 a.m. (Subject to change) l - ....wi.lNt. TWi 10:15 David and the Man in GREGORY PECK I0AN BENNETT "the MACOMBER CAvl , , the Nook 10:30 Music and Worship 11:00 CBC News ' n,S 1.00 Canned salmon pack for the British Columbia coast totaled 77,174 cases up to the week ending July 10, according to the latest bulletin issued by the Chief Supervisor of Fisheries, Vancouver. The Naas and Skeena river areas accounted for 28,687 cases. The 1948 pack for the coast is the highest of any corresponding period for the last six years and is composed of almost 50 Dercent sockeye. Total sockeye AFFAIR ROBERT PRESTON talMtri Mwu Unit " tSATUKUAH P.M. 4:30 Here's to Romance ' 6:00 Tea Dance ; 5:30 Sports This Week 5:45 Spores college 6:00 CBC News 8:10 The Marsons J: 30 Good Music by Goodman 6:45 Perry Como j 7:00 Radio City Playhouse ' 7:30 Serenata 8:00 This Week pack for all .areas was 37,570 Radiophone was used Friday to combat fog and to further the progress of commerce. W;hen the halibut vessels Zapora and Bergan brought in their final halibut catches of the season they found themselves fogbound off Prince Rupert harbor. Knowing that they could not arrive before the normal closing of the exchange, they radioed in the size of their catches and sold their fish before delivery. They both arrived about noon and made delivery to the companies that had made the purchases. cases. 11:03 Capitol Reports Ott. 11:30 Religious Pediod, Tor. 12:00 CBS Symphony Orch. 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 By the Sea 2:30 CBC New? 2:33 John Fisher Reports 2:45 Week-end Review 3:00 Alan and Me 3:30 Weather Forecast 3:35 Musical Program, Tor. THIS AND THAT The Full Moon is in process of installation of a Kirstcn automatic pilot which will allow control of the vessel without continual need for a hand at the wheel. It has advantages, but it also has limitations. Controlling factor of the automatic pilot is a photo-electric cell attached to a magnetic compass. This device controls a motor which, in turn, Is at 8:15 John Emmerson at Home GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRL tached to .the steering mecnan The Zapora Capt. Lars Sole- ism of the vessel, wnen, Dy waVi js among the halibut ves- 8:30 Dance Time in London ' 9:00 Pacific Pianoforte ; 9:30 Chamber Music U0:00 CBU News 110 : 10 B.C. News 10:15 The Sea and Our Home ,10:30 Dance Orch. 11:00 Fish Arrivals 11:05 Weather Forecast - . and Sign Off SUNDAY A.M. ' 8:30 Sunday Recital . 9:00 BBC News and direction irom tne compass, a sels whicn wlll be going black course is set, the vessel will .nriHin(, nnw tha, thp Arpa IIKRK'S TIIK CHANCK OF A 1.11 K' maintain that course until it Tnree season is 0ver. Another is altered or the boat is returned ls Capt Haroid Holland's Parma, to manual steering. which has concluded a fairly Dr. Kergin, who makes s'.-li- j SUCCessful season. The Parn.u, tary trips in the Full Moon, is,wnicn was rebuiit a year and looking forward to the auio-a half ag0 is one of lne trim. matic pilot to relieve him at the mest vessels out of tnis porl wheel come meal time but h2 is Qn her rebuilding, she was Cle-cautious about attributing to ltjsigned by Larry Halcrow, at Ioiv Available! oi tne responsiDiaues wun which tne Prince Rupert drydock. marine navigation can burden t W if An All-Expense Trip to Vunniuvc V l.LjLd at the Hotel Vancouver twata chaperon. Wpt?f The B.C. Winner with chaperon .. f 1X11 11 on a four day tour of Hullyw.xxl "t ?l?f Hundreds of Dollars Worth o! Mr I1 I Vllt III Prizes. LOCAL PKIZKS CONSIST! NC OF COMPLKTK WKAKINC KNSKMIII Donated by a man-other than holding a HALIBt,T FIS,NO ENDS 4:00 Songs From the Movies 4:15 Movie Critic 4:30 Concert Recordings 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Ici L'on Chante, Oue 6:00 CBC News 8:10 The Old Songs 6:30 Familiar Music 7:00 Behold This Land .7:30 Little Symphonies, Tor. 8J0 British Authors 8:15 World's Greatest Ballads 8:30 Music by Eric Wilde 9 :00 Summertime 9:30 Vesper Hour 0:00 CBC News 10:15 Canadian Short Stories i'''i. .Prelude to Virrnteht 11:00 Weather and Sign Off MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Crock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song , 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 1 . 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bernice Braden Tells a Story. 11:15 Song Hits of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 1 11:33 Recorded Interlude siraigni course lor a aeuini period of time. This common-sense anoreach Capt. Ben Peterson's Lois N. I probably will win the reverse! sweepstakes and be the last ot to the use of a mechanical aid tne Area Three nalibut boats is shared by Al Colclough of int0 Lois N- cleared for Port- Wilford Electric, who is instal- westward June 2 and sold on ling the automatic pilot on the her cateh ln sitka- Sne left for Full Moon and who hopes that the device will become part of another trip and presumably WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT ST "Just look, folks owning your own car, zooming along the highway, the fresh breezes . . ." will bring it to P'ince Rupert. the stock equipment on many LOOK FOR THB NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL more boats. No mechanical aid, whether it be radar, radio dir The Time is Short Get your Application Fore. Capitol Theatre to enter the Miss P.N.E. 1948 TIV Clipper II, Capt. Emit Petersen, which also has con- ection finder or depth sounder. '4 is infallible enough to elimin- cluded her Area Three fishing, WHO IMl PAID BY is gearing up to go tuna fish ate the need for human guid ing in the south. She has had ance on a boat. BEAUTY C0NTES In commercial application, the her hull painted at the dry- NOTICE TREES? automatic pilot will have def- i Qock. inite usefulness, he feels. On ' a trolling boat, the fisherman,! The Randy A., convene who often fishes alone, may! former U.S. Navy sub-chaser 11:45 Famous Voices want to pull in one of his sev- docked here Thursday night Fishermen!j eral lines. When a line on either with 15.000 pounds of fresh side is pulled in, the boat tends salmon for Canadian Fish and , The Dally New wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable In advance at the office at time ,of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner In the Daily News are askid to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified P.M. 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Symphony Hour 2:00 Feature Concert to veer in that direction, re- Cold btorage Co. irom Ketcn JUST ARRIVED A Popular Radio M ule for Y auirine the fisherman to divide kan. The trip was a charter his attention between steering voyage. The Randy A., a 13 and hauline ln his fish. knot vessel, was uncier command Small and Powerful 5 low battery drain lute 7-tube performance. COVERS LONG AND SHORT WAVE PHONE CALL WRITK of Capt. L. J. Beaver. An automatic pilot, whlchi has been set on a given course that1 At 14c c(s' ' would keep the boat on , f .... nrnvinir nrofitah e these davs Advertise ln the Dally News! Classified Advertising Pays! II 3 3 1 I course, would allow the Usher- r , , . .. RUPERT RADIO & ELECT for several vessels of the regu man to concentrate wholly on lar halibut fishing fleet. In faot Uox 1321 with halibut fishing having bo-come so intensive now due to the greatly increased number of boats and the complete aban- his fishing operations wltho.it the distraction of navigation. But, while these aids have definite advantages, anyoni who believes that he has paid out money for a device that will relieve him of the need to dominate his business with his own intelligence is making a mistake, Mr. Colclough says with conviction. Joe. You may be i mechanic working witn l!-itl bodiei, but it it wood nd the producti of wood that keep you buiy and make your pay chqu what it if. From our lortt last year came B.C.'l graet crop a quarter of a billion dollar in wood products. This meant 42 cent in every dollar earned by our people . . . whtrevtf they are, whatever their kind of work. PULP AND PAPER It Working For You For (lifts You'll Give Willi I'rido lift Your Jeweller He Your Guide "Operation Skeena" is to have a new head man. Dr. J. P. Tully. oceanographer in charge of the survey which is being conducted By reason of his e xpe rimcc 'ltir J"" should be able to tell you the quality of i!'"! he sells. ' this summer to determine the - Two saillncs per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. FOR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, July 10, 20, 31. 11 p.m. saline content of the waters off the mouth of the Naas and Skeena Rivers, has been trans Did you know that latt year the Pulp and Paper Industry of B.C. converted 12 of our total log-cut into products valued at he u ntiT for ferred and has been replaced by Dr. W. M. Cameron of Nanaimo, When your house needs a new look on top or just repairs to the roof and gutters, see Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors $73,000,000 or 30 of our himself responsible when lie makes (lie sale' Vn.ia- lu,ll. Lnm.. II, ll Villi f M'0 a graduate in oceanography of i total forest products? This means, based on logs consumed, more men employed and more wages tllinir von hnv frnm him In ha aval llV rrPr' I FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone 568 paid in pulp and paper than in any other forest industry! the University of California. Dr. Cameron arrived in the city this week. Dr. Tully is destined for three weeks at the head office at Nanaimo after which he will do " j ....... ...... . .... , , because most people do not pro lend t be ,u p jewellry like they are or other merchandis u ri.l-.irr at Princess Line SAILINGS to VANCOUVtm and way ports Every Monday 10 p.m. to ALASKA Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway July 19 and 26 tin i-tiii nuy wnii ruiiii"'"' m OF THE LITTLE FUTURE TREES FOR THE SAKE BE KIND TO and you 11 find our prices about the sarin Canadian cities. RUPERT MARINE REALTY to ALE R T BAY and Vancouver July 21 and 24 similar work off Victoria. Dr. Cameron will be in charge until the end of the project about September 15. Commenting on the progress of the work, Dr. Tully said tha', this season has been Ideal from the scientific standpoint since they were able to record the penetration of fresh water inio Chatham Sound and Hecate Strait from an extreme high level of the Skeena to its low (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 ' Phone Green 975 J 1 '.UUiU.I "- , rultl B.r.tl pfffrrttttrtrrrtrrrmmmrrm i