"1 uts AND THAT MB . . I . prince Emjerl Daflp J3fto EtB. LIFE on the North Coast N.H.A. DESIGN-OF-THE-MONTH Saturday, July 17, 194S BIDDEE THIS AND THAT y JINKS It Was fi Kffv. Wrangell and 1 1'" M m,ts a P"0 cam hl&h for i ,.i . . U1 U1K rnMTP was a aiiH nstio lt I Wranwll's h Jll"t m? Pee quota- . ocuutl IS tton made sense. At 90 eents my not very large and not very busy roast was going to sizzle to the tune of $4.50! But there was no renlgglng now. A sharp knife had pressed hard Into the solid surface of the meat and left a small trail. Now it was under a powerful saw that was sending frosted flakes of meat behind it as K -...,uK,i uns is me best season Fishermen have already bought most of their supplies and are out. Their wives and families maintain an even business which Is swelled by tourist trade. Every time a boat docks, including Sunday, shops and bars open to welcome them. Even so, it is a Quiet year. People complain 4 liBiBMfil i i i worried thrwigh the quarter. L i.. i- uks are not snpnriw m..r. """"""J wlere w a crasn- (1 In other ver , I.,,,, 'lnS """"d something went they di Canada has placed far too many The buUher jumped resin..i,.,w restrictions u... . ... but not ahead . of me: Which on her t.rau.lli,i., . healthy distance I maintained public vmic iic auvanceu, tunica on Wiih With that everlasting . , ., thought,' the switch and examined the there t is another dread in the machine. ds of A.aska's merchant 11 crestfallen h tmBH tn mo m is strikes Not yet recovered l ?. u..,. LL.nt. think -this beautiful four-volume act of Shakt'spi-arc lur your moment of leisure." I --l-ti-4-i I BED BOOM iril KITCHEN ' 1 7'- 2 ii - - 1 e" 4 J DINING J ,11 6T H E0 ROOM 1 I I I ' uvins 1 I a-.l "Good gravy, you're getting to sound more like an airplane every day!" ' aaw-uiaue orouc, ne said. fr.mi ii, i , i a ve , Kf hrTen nM Strike no way of cutting hern ; , yWere J this froaerv meat. rt's been fro- S uthrMl"d n long time," he explained. th"- Then he faced the situatL like n happily, nn iv settled m a at the last , mom- a raan. aaid -x ean ,We you . a roast today. I'm mighty sorry, strlke UP here means no lady mighty sorry!" money in a lot of purses over . Ai I knew be was. the winter, and red ink in t.h With hiUl space reduced to tae absolute minimum, this four-room bungalow was designed with an eye to the moilest budget and lend itself readily to baiwment-less construction. Planned especially for a narrow lot its outside dimensions are 24' x 3?' 10". Const ruction i not complicated and standard materials miy be used without undue waste. The exterior may be in brick or other approved materials. The gable over the front entranee breaks the line of the roof, and he two small windows to the right of the entranee provide interesting contrast. The living-room contains adequate dining space adjacent to the compact kitchen. The service entrance convenient to both the baSement stairs and the kitchen-can save many steps for the housewife. The two bedrooms are ideal for a small family, and the one at the rear could be converted into a very comfortable den. In both rooms, there is ample closet space with a linen closet ph. ogra because hitherto the only color photos of marirw life have been Uxn at fry shallow depths. However .they will literally be shooting "blind." SPECIAL KUlir.ME.NT Miles r Special camera riggings 1 ""''"Chant's ledger when it should equipped with water-tight metal b'; blu("k; aiKl Paying small' houxuis and extra powerlulj b,,il ts ,"x,'f's transporUtkHi' THE MARKETS (CurOiuued rioxn Ifage 4) er oea I I ANNOUNCEMENT TO , NORTH PACIFIC HEALTH & ACCIDENT ASS'N MEMBERS LICENSE WILL liE GRANTED ASSOCIATION THE MOMENT NECESSARY MONEY IS RAISED TO MEET GOVERNMENT RULING FLOOR PLAN flashlight bulb will be lowered lnl',", expensive, small kit But, when th careermen alxia-ii I i,uf I'1'1'5- Ubeene the Atlantis tr.-p their shutters i Thinking of these things I idly -anadlan Cheese, lb .. .53 by remote control, they'll have window-Miopped. Few carried Hour no way of telling whether Uw ' familiar brands. Toastmasters Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 59 fish are "on location" or off to' ar' ,ne same price as Canada' lour, 49's, No. I hard wheat 2.99 lunch. and I expected them to be one- Flour t24'sl 1.59 Here are some other projects third less. Hut, with the register Coffee, lb 59 on which the scientists w ill of pi ices, I opened my eyes wide, I DeLuxe Quality, lb 1.14 work: jand saw bread at $20c, butter' Te and Coffee 1. They're going to map part SI H), ci-ks 80V, mjin ta mr I Juien L1WW5, tvpfiiition Will Also km Mountain Chain, jdiuactive Sediment ;TON, iAPi-Si-len-j;hs have been sue-unprecedcnted can-liiuts. in coior, of the s of fish and other .,) miles or more be-e of the Atlantic, .tires are now being ,i news-iei'l at the !ie in Prince Ru- in the smalt hall. The floor area, for estimating purposes, is 7U square feet. Under the terms of the National Housing Act, Snaneiai assistance is available to Canadians wishing build to new houses such as the one illustrated. ol uie suiikeu nvounuin chain quart. Tomatoes, 20-oz. 15 Seeded Raisins, !b. which Is one of thp world's iast j A meat market s;n blinked! 4 - -35 geographic frontiers. Complete at me. I wanted meat, went in gallon 59 Jhelled Walnuts, i 21 .47 .49 .4b "2 ID Vi lb. irb Pure mapping of the range is expect-' but there seemed to be none. Apples, 20-oa. tin, per tin .. .14 ed to take years. i Certainly there were all the I 40 02 - 35 Shelled Almonds, Shelled Brazils, ' Jams n snooping Is a top SCHEDULE FOR LAWN BOWLING July 20 MacPhee vs. McMeek-ln; Paul vs. McGreish. 2. They hope to wrest secrl.i act oiurements necessary for a Orange, 20-oz. 15 of the planet'5 geological past in. .at market but no meat. AlBlend'l 'orange and grape II Mimmer on the lot; H .urh ship Atlantic I ,uruiory of an cx- trawberry, 24-oz 59 taspberry, 24-oz. 44 and perhap." a hint of its future spacious counter with white! fruit, 20-oz 16 38 Blackberry, 28-oz 46 scales was bare. Under it were I 48-oz from the oozy sediment depos iul has renewed a mysti'rious "Mid- ited along the steep flanks and; white trays empty. Hooks,! Canned traits Cherry, 24-oz G'Ji each, 24-oz 44 1 You vx it in the ta;ty News. In the umxplored canyons of built for a carcass hung from Apricots, 20-oz .33 Please let us make ourselves very clear. The Association must make an assessment amounting to $10 from you and each member, either in one payment or divided over 3 months, to meet the amount required. ' Your confidence and that of all members in meeting this important assessment will be proof of your loyalty to the Association and its splendid record of service to you. As a safeguard to you, all assessment money will be placed in a Trust Fund either for refund to the members who have contributed it, or as reserves at such time as the Association is granted its licence. Over the past 5 years, 7Q 0f dues received have been paid out in claims a magnificent showing. The people need the protection of this non-profit community plan. YOU AXD OTHER MEMBERS HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTINUING AXD BETTERING ITS OPERATIONS BY MEETING THIS ASSESSMENT WITHOUT DELAY. Signed: J. R. R. MOFFATT, General Manager. I Cherries ( fancy 20-oz. . .38 'prlcot, 24-oz. 40 : 1 the range. The scientists will the ceilina nothing on them .S-shf.pec! undersea .met- whii-h extends iri Loeanberrles. 20-oz. .41 1 Soups lower, a long tube into this sedi uiifinimus line from ment- and brrng up "cores" of brought me into conversation Peaches, choiee 29,Canned Soup. .13 to with a clerk in butcher's apron.j Lara , nj I'ist to Antarctica. It. 3. They will seek new infor- I woMdcred whv the front or Pure, lb 29 u a-m lu Ham, reg. lb matlon on the radioactivity were they freshly out? j Shortening 33 whkii was noted to some degree At the mention of meat, the Soas Bologna, lb i Soap, face, 2 for 17 I wnws, id 4" WSIS-- I :::: 5 fel pek break the sur-B Mirh islands as the $ AM-er.i(m. but the : i average depth Of a i ii surface. liUnn is a joint fl i- N.iuonai Geogra-f the Woods Hole, I anapraphic Institu-LV.jiiimbia University. in sediment samples obtained clerk brightened perceptibly. I last year. j wanted meat? A roast? Why 4. They'll do some deep-sea yes, ladyyes! Five pounds? trawling t o trap specimens of Ueaming, he opened the freez- Laundry, cake .08 - .2d 'uanlc sausage, id. Sunlight, cake 0i)lBacon' Pg, lb Soap Powders, ar 35 1 Bacon, side, piece jjfi" life In the lower reaches of the rr. While he brought out a front; Otoee Fruit sea, and also dredge for rocks quarter of beef he explained Cherries, tj!b. pfct I cottage koii, id Liver Sausage, i ' I Spare Ribs, lb. ou T 'm" and other material valuable fnrithev had meat all the time but: Almond Paste, lb "2 j Fresh Pork Ham, lb ti E n, Columbia ; studv in oreanueraohic labora-,fcv ueoule bought meat nowa-' Joconut. lb ,t I 1 1 Pork Chops, lb. ... i I in'eanograoheT. is tories ' davs so thev keut it frozen hard. Fruit Cake Mix. Itat .... rorx ienaerioin, 10, 5. They'll seek new evidence A pot-roast such as I had or-1 Dates (fancy), 1 -lb. pkt towards settling the riddle of ciered-he said casually, even at Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs .3d .4'; 3 Orosvennr. presl- Pork Sausage, lb. .. Steak, T-Bone, lb Steak, round, lb. -.. M National Geographic; the origin of the Mid-Atlantic a announced the new, Ridge. Timely Topics from J errace I The average family of five diat 111 addition to I The first two months of the shots of what's do-expedition will be spent in the M '! about to miles North Atlantic, ranging south-Is fiiiists will try for ward to the Azores. Later the H ut'' photos at even! Atlantis will head for more USeS about 30C tens of water a to Prince Rupert this;year a visit week. (fllutnse Company Bost Makes Trip from Rupert W. A. Holds Picnic New Stock of WATERMAN'S Pens and Pencils has just arrived. A fine graduation or going-avvay gift. DIB6 PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE Tues-ljHOW CAN I ? ? ? Mrs. S. Kirkaldy left on southerly waters for a look at the rldue nff the western bnlize I :tiMs get their color PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS day for Prince Rupert where Ij By ANNE ASHLEY I ' projected depths,' of Africa, then off the northeast she will spend a few days. O. How can I relieve a sore ncr in their caps, bulge of South America. Thelnlander, personnel boat of the Columbia Cellulose Company Ltd., a converted landing barge captained by Jeff Lamb-ley, arrived from Prince Rupert 1 ,et iLwb and docked at Little's Trie Women's Auxiliary to the remedy for sore throat is Canadian Legion met on Wed-;. . .ith warm Vacationing with Your Car? vu e"- Island. Terrace, on Monday! nesday evening In uie cgiuw f .. t.P 0r Hissolve oxie . . 1 tnnnvA Variiitis snhirts wpre s . . . . t nHrninjr. on ooara were Mr. , J , ! teaspoonrui liour oi-suipxiui m Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Tremblav and R. Pathwick wnot"'""B" not milk and s,p slowly. I clean nickel Q. How can Points to check before you leave to ensure' a carefree holiday: ENGINE TUNE-UP Maximum miles per gallon of gas. Insurance against engine failure. BRAKE INSPECTION Safetv and rnnfuli.no. were on survey of all the tim-1 meeung ciosea wun resn-ber nients served by Mrs. Hall and available and for sale. They TER.ELACE 1 r I BKST IN AUTOMOTIVE 8ERVICE . . . S See Your fNERAL MOTORS DEALER left Terrace on the return jour- SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY nov on Wednesday. faucets? A. Try using lemon rinds, after squeezing out the juice. Rub thoroughly, then wash, and polish with a dry cloth. The faucets will shine like new. ( WHEEL ALIGNMENT Driving comfort when at the Miss Maxine ueweuyn, .r.n. D r, Stenstrom. accompaniea swewaruess, oaa uccu si-"u"'h 1 lif vrole t tfunliae Bulck Cher. Tracks OldsnMBU ' (J.M.C. Trucks by Axel Brandstrom, was in a few days of her holidays with towi this week on business. Mr. relatives In Terrace. She left on Stenstrom proceeded to Tel- Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. hiie Mr. Brandstrom re Llewellyn, for Prince Rupert wheel for long distances Prevention of excessive tire wear. And last but not least a thorough LINDSAY LUBRICATION ami know that every part of your car has been correctly lubricated and checked includes umier-car inspection. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. PHONE 866 ' from which point she will pro turned to the coast. ceed to Montreal. MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY pee Machine Shop & Garage I TERKACE, B.C. . WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printinr Enlarging; QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies NEW SHIPMENT OF SUPERBLY TAILORED 1SUITSI Miss Janet Young A.T.C.M. left on Tuesday's train for Prince Rupert where she is the guest of Miss Way. Ken Alger was a passenger to Prince Rupert on Tuesday's train. Mr. Sande of Erlcson, Manitoba, arrived this week to. spend the summer with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sande. ! Joan Atwood left last week to visit relatives in Winnipeg. ! From there she will proceed to i Washington. D. C where she .will spend some time before re-i turning by way of Vancouver to Terrace arriving here In time of school in ; for the re-opening the fall. IN TERRACE... A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . plus a new Self-Serv Food Section with a Free Delivery Stmiee. SMS Mrs. Hanson of Prince Rupert spent a few days In town recently the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sikler. A well-groomed appearance plus that feeling of confident assurance that springs from being comfortable and correct is yours in any of our new suits. OTHER NEW ARRIVALS AT ACME INCLUDE A new range of gabardine and worsted SLACKS, casually correct SPORT JACKETS and these ever-popular CROYDON RAINCOATS. I j r E SKEENA MERCANTILE Mr. and Mrs. E. Bourget have moved into the cottage formerly occupied by Mrs. Atwood and which they have purchased from Arthur Beaudin. We can supply all your needs in ... . BUILDING SUPPLIES including WALLROARDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILS, ! PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. "Serving the North Since 1920" Phone 651 652 COAL LUMBER PAINTS Mr. Norberg, senior has purchased two lots on Park Avenue East and will build In the near future. The deal went through the office of E. T. Ken-ney Ltd. IN THE j I YOUR BEST EATING PLACE ) FULL-COURSE MEALS 1 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. 1 BANQUET HALL FOR ( LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE M8 3rd Ate. W. Phone 200 J Seabee Amphibian Tlane Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting p Paulson returned on Tuesday weeks' visit from a few wiht her son and daughter-in-law in Prince George. 1 The Ladies Guild to the Knox United Church passed a very pleasant afternoon on Tuesday when about 25 of them gathered at Mrs. MacLeod's for their annual picnic. The weather was ideal and ice cream refreshments were served ACME CLOTHING STORE pNA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. I PIIONFS . . . ace; W h lj in Mrs. Ken Kerr arrived home this week from Vancouver where the past four she has spent weeks under medical care. uij, bk 1. Penney tim-t " I 3 lnre Rupert: Prince Runert wti 460 Mrs. G. Hull and Dolly paid and enjoyed by all. J