'8 JUVENILES BURNS DOMINATE MEN'S FIVE PINS Wednesday, November 24, 1948 ""'W'idi'nt P. Clack 2, Bury. Bable 8, Turcotte 1, Rousseau, Dumas, Basso 14 HlSh 3-Chandler, Blackaby 6, Dunn, Hagen, Dennison 2 Christensen 1, Leigh. 9. Classified Adrwtlslng pays IN ACTION cu on lasl rgui High 4 and Annunciation Carrying a six-point lead and with only one moee session ahead of them, Burns appear to be a clear-cut cinch to win the first series in the men's five trip to Good Girls Know V n bu: 'Siness. JIT ' r. V 7 - Good Things For S All Age Girls TODAY 7 n.m 0,. S a. n uiiu'ttp a. Pt ' Come From pport snots --I '4' ROIiEHT CUMMIN WALLACE'S -In- I 'SLEEP MY L0 !c XMAS GIFTS FOR GIRLS WALLACE'S News of the death of Brown Jack, equine idol of racegoers during the early '30s and best-loved stayer in British racing history', recalls mnay stories of his career. For instance, he is the only horse to have had a sermon preached about him, to have a 219-page biography, a partiality fro Cheddar cheese, hot beer, and whisky. . pin league at Rex Alleys. The meat cutters came out of the penultimate game of the series with a total of 31 points, trailed by Brownwoods in second position with 25. Scores this week: Burns 4, Stones 0. Scotians 4, Alley Cats 0. Continentals 4, Ambassadors 0. Jaycees 3, Malkins 1. Maple Leafs 3, Moose 1. Mallets 3, Brownwoods 1. Standings in the series: Burns 31 Brownwoods 25 Mole Leafs 24 Javcees 23 Malkins 'l Stones 21 Moose :... 20 Continentals 19 Scotians 18 Ambassadors' 15 Alley Cats 12 Mallets 12 Basketball Standings Senior Co-op 3 0 1000 Bo-Me-Hi 2 1 Ml Savoy l 2 .333 Brownwoods l 2 .333 Intermediate Fashion 2 0 1000 Merchants 2 1 .667 High School 1 1 .500 Morgan's l 1 .500 ALSO PENNY SINGLETON ARTHlE in- Winners in School Basketball The Juvenile Basketball League saw action on Tuesday! afternoon when two games were played. The first game was an upset as High 4 defeated High 1 by the score of 1? to 11. The game started out slowly with both teams finding i; hard to hit the basket. In the second quarter High 4 put on a drive that put them ahead at half time 7 to 4. They continued their offensive which was led by Jordan Smith who scored all their points in the second half. The second game was between Annunciation School and High 3 with the former the winner by the score of 14 to 9. Richard Oable led Annunciation to victory. It was a hard played game with Annunciation coming through in the last quarter to win. Individual scoring: High 4 Kaarda 1, Young. Lelghton 2, Sciicrk. Mostad. Antrobus, Smith 10, Erickson 1, Brentson. 13. High 1 Cameron 5, McAfes 2. Sedgwick 2, Krlstmanson 1. Davidson, Husvlk 1, fiheardown. 11. Annunciation Fitzgerald 3, 'BLONDIE'S ANNIVers 3: It MIXED LEAGUE BOWLS LEADERS His name was coupled for years with that of the late STARTS TOMOMlj Steve Donoghue who rode him in nis unprecedented triumphs Mrs. E. Mastell of Dodgers is leading the ladies for individual scoring honors so far this season in the Mixed Bowling in the Queen Alexandra Stakes PICTURE OF THE MOD League while Johnny Comadina Is tops for the men by a shade. Here are the leading individual scores to date: LADIES Mrs. E. Mastell Dodsrers) ... 201 at more htan 23,; miles the longest flat race in Encland under -10UELU til Jockey Club rules. He won it six times in succession from 1929 to 1934. His successes with I Linda Erickson (Pioneer) ...190 1 Anes Pierce (KinspinnersJ 187 B. Vuckovich (Mcev s ... 187 I J. Shenton (Kingpinners ...182 M. Flvnn (Pushovers) 180 V. Wrathall (HeadDinners) ..19 1 M.G-M's w . Ctcve they became known as the "old firm" were legend. So was his companionship with Mail Fist, a horse that often XM AS PHOTOS Order Early Chandler & Cowgill - For Appointments PHONE DAY: GREEN 389 NITE: BLACK 615 216 4th Street BIGGEST A. McMcekin (Headpinners) 178 E. Bussev (Brownwoods) ."..177 B. Uzick (Macev'si 176 D. Ballinger (Hotshotsi 175 MEN J. Comadina (Headpinners) 219 atones 0 3 .000 Ladies Dom's 3 0 1000 High School 2 1 .667 Peoples 1 2 .333 Miller Bay 0 3 .000 Junior North Star 3 0 1000 Kinsmen 2 1 667 High School 1 -2 .333 Rupert Hotel 1 2 .333 acted as his pacemaker and, as often, faded gracefully out of the picture. MUSICAL SPECTACLE IN AW.W.WA-AV.WViW Brown Jack always preferred ' to travel facing the engine, loved the noise and bustle of the racecourse, and after a B. Woods (Brownwoods) ...217 B.b Vuckovich (Wingers) ...217 D. Ward (Winders) 216 F. Comadina (Overwaitea) 215 Jack Paul (Pushovers) 210 N. Shepoard (Wingers) 201 TECHNICOLOR! Ottawa vs. .Calgary, B. Withers (Headpinners) ...198 A. Taylor (Malkinsi 197 T. McMeekin (Headpinners) 197 PROFESSIONAL DEBUT Marilyn Ruth Take, former Canadian figure skating champion who last May traded her amateur card for the gold and glitter of a professional skater, made her debut as a featured skater with an Ice show in New York this week. Twenty-year old Miss Take, who comes from Toronto, shown in this Ice Follies photo, placed second to Barbara Ann Scott for three years before winning the Canadian title In 1947 when Miss Scott did not compete. Srcetmg at Christmas N. Kinslor (KmcDinners) ..196 while cultivated an odd kind of tfance. a two-step shuffle, as he neared the winning post. Donoghue maintained it was "just to amuse himself and show his own delight at hav G. Shenton (KinsDinncrs ...196 HEIIOLD! T.N.I). THE NAVY DANCE FUN FROLICS CAPERS FRIDAY. DEC. 3 NAVY DRILL HALL Four Dukes Orchestra Dancing: 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Get your tickets now from any member of the Navy or the Navy Reserve. F. Mastell (Dodsersi 194 I. Dunbar (Macev'si 193 R. Tubb (Overwaitea) 192 S. Davison (Macey'si ...190 VkM Ihf IW Ml Uv Pwithrl Esther WILLIAMS loronto Saturday OTTAWA CP Ottawa Rough Riders advanced to the Canadian football championship playoffs Saturday for the first time in seven years with a 19-0 victory over Hamilton Tigers. The shut-out gave Ottawa clear supremacy in the East and pointed the way to the Dominion final and the Grey Cup " in Toronto when the Eastern! champions meet the Calgary ing won." Another of his queer habits was to sit on his manger while he slept. Efforts to pro- vied leather and felt "buttock-warmers" were discouraged Daily News Classified Ads get TAMIROFF - CHSlSSE Quick Results! CARROLL BONANOVA laTA MAIT MITUMIO AMD mnoouaMO cold iron manger framework.) R1CARD0 MONTALBANi Stampcders. Nn ' 1 Start Ht'l ne seemed to find the cold metal eoothing. After eight years' racing he' was' retired. He had won 25 j ' of his 63 races and earned more than 24,000 ($96,000) for owner! fMt .mm 4mmt, M at kti 1 I IN PHOTOGRAPHED George M. Simpkins, former American customs officer at Tuneau, passed through the city today on the Princess Louise, returning north after a visit to Seattle. mm Sir Harold Wernher. Such was his fame that in 1944, 10 years alter his last race, admirers were still sending him lumps ol sugar saved from their rations ALSO CAHTOON - NEWS 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. " 3 rt tip , ntlt H dry ired'e nJ ,pplei s,ftrSffi2.rtt;i,,'ri wett" s s ; the friendly way .'. to remember those near, and dear to you. To : 4 best express your individuality, your thoughtfulness, ? .choose distinctive "i&eu&T cards. Come in and see our large display. ' . McRae Bros. : LIMITED ' t'M ! Mitchell Currie LIMITED Phone 363 BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS RUPERT RADIO & ELK U muff." PnS . .... MW l present THE DE FOREi AUTOMA' lor Christmas presents. And when he came of age in 1945, he got a telegram from Steve Donoghue saying: "Best of !uck in 1945 from your old pal Steve." Brown Jack then was at grass on a farm near Mar- .:ct Harborough, Leicestershire -his home for 14 years. Under Food Ministry regulations he was not earning his keep and was not entitled to a ration of oats. The Peter Pan of racehorses is not likely to be forgotten by future horse-racing lovers. Thei British Museum is to exhibit' his skeleton and his brain will be preserved. It also goes on record that his stout heart weighed 19 pounds nine pounds more 'than average. I Among races Brown Jack won' were the Ascot Stakes (1928),) Goodwood Cup and Doncaster, Cup (1930), Chester Cup and; Ebor Handicap (1931), Prince Edward Handicap, Manchester j (1932). Rosebery Memorial COMBINAI Christmas Concerlone Speaker . J X - The 0jmM Sweetest Gift 12-Reoord Aatomaiit Automatic -Shut-Off SHOrPIXG NEWS FKOM Hiah Fidelity Rrpn Record Storagf Space Because you make your friends shout or repeat they know you're hard of hearing. So stop deluding yourself and taxing their patience. Let the Zenith "75" Radionie Hearing Aid bring you better hearing! HEAR BETTER OR PAY NOTHING You can order the light, compact single-unit Zenith "75" by mail, ready-to-wear, on 10-Day, Money-Back TriaL Send postcard now (no obligation) and learn how you can find new joy and happiness with this amazing new hearing aid. Address Zenith Radio Corporation of Canada, Ltd.. Dept. CK1148, Canada Trust Bldg., Windsor, Ontario. Improved Design Annette! Superhetrodyne Cr ONLY SIM (Terms Available) W INTER COATS New shipment of beautiful coats with emphasis on style, craftmanship, dependability and desitm. At moderate and Candy for Christmas MOIRS CHOCOLATES $1.00 and $1.50 LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES $1.50 and $3.00 Columbia Hit of the Wrek t lllft "Buttons and BiV Dina Shore "Daddy-O" prices. All newest shades. Sizes from 10 to Trial oiler available on direct ulei br Smith Corporation 01 Canada, Ltd. RADIONIC HEARING AID S HOUSE COATS Exnuisit.pl v psion! 1. tr NEW Handicap (1933) and, of course, his phenomenal Alexandra Stakes record. "GOVERNMENT LIQtOK ACT" (Section 28) Notice of Application For Consent to Tranxfer of Bw Lhrme NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that on the 27th day of November next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Uqu Control Board fnr mnunt . . . eaded satin, eylot satin, quilted satin, jer- By tK Maktrt f Wrld-Famovt Zenith Radwf SMILES and CHUCKLES Chocolates $1.1 e to $2.75 SELECT NOW WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE Lmtk ofUf to onr toctm lor far fm mdvtct mdvtct - y v y v V w y y y y y y y . i, w vi aiibicr ui j Beer Licence No. 7821. Issued In McCUTCHEON PHARMACY ;t, piaius ana plain wool all corors including black. Sizes from 14 to 44. "Do your stopping for Xmas shopping where quality and service are supreme." ANNETTE MANSELL'S DRESS SALON Third Avenue West The LIMITED Third Avenue and Sixth St Phone 79 " .hvui, oi premises being part of building known n Caledonia Hotell situate at Front Street, Port Esslngton. British Columbia, upon the lands described aa Lots 2 and 3. Block 1. Townslte of Port Easine-ton. Map 637, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, In the Province of British Columbia, from Mired Henry Perkins, Licensee, to Janet Rose Brown, of Port Esslngton, British Columbia, the Chimes of Westminst 521 y 5 Ca is Here are Uie worcs of Uie lune pWjJ quarter hour on our Westminster chime DATED at Prince Rupert. BC..I ASK THE MAN WHO BUYS ONE QUALITY COUNTS IN TANKS . . . AND QUALITY YOU GET WHEN WHEN YOUR TANK IS MADE' Tlumbinj or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 271 ..... ...Lu uj oi uctoDer, 1U48 JANET ROB8 BROWN, Applicant and Transferee. (280i " All through this hour Lord be my guide And through thy power No foot shall slide.' BY. rart 01 uie mnt: hour and the whole tune at the end ol il THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave, Phone Black 884 men tne clock slrlKes uie num. ,j rased J mt.- 1 ir.,llv iiie ciocks are ueauwuj ; ... nut and run ahnut fourteen days ' and It ' The price is J55.00 plus tax price as the clock is sold at in the east WELL FOLKS, HERE I AM AGAIN! A H. MAIR THE AUCTIONEER WITH ONE OF THE LARGEST SALES EVER HELD IN PRINCE RUPERT. The entire slock of the ENTERPRISE will be sold AUCTION every Saturday at 2 p.m., starting Nov. 27. This is your chance to buy what you need at your prices No Reserves. EVERYTHING must be sold! PHONE 343 It's the the freight all the way to B.C. Electric Ranges LATEST IMPROVED QUALITY MODELS We are pleased to announce to our customers that we have received a small shipment of electric ranges. ONLY A FEW ARE AVAILABLE While they last, immediate delivery is guaranteed. ' The Northern B.C. Power Co. Phone 209 O LIMITED O Phone 210 ... for Tasty Meal Chop Suey Chow Mein 4. 0 Oiinene Dishes a Specially . : Second Avenue opposite- Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders