1 Prince Ruprrt Ddi!j Jletos Monday. October 24, 151? SPECIALISTS MAY. PAY CITY VISIT i LETTERBOX NEED IMMEDIATE Highlights" Of Budget reat deal of money. j TeJ Applewhalte Any city council Is going to br f . damned If they 1i and damned r ot Ottawa if they cton't. : . . j For aboufc quarter of an hour I hope, Mr. Editor, that their parly Frl(lay ovonln E T will be the on condemnation p,ewhalle M P , ln a broadcasl ground of "doing." . Ottawa cave a derrinMn Feasibility that a team of, two cancer specialists may make ppri- 1 jodic visits to Prince Ri'pert In An 1r.cipf ndfiit dally atwriBp-T cternted to the upbu'-ldin? of Prince Rupert iaui ali cummunuierf ci.n.jriin northern find centra British Columbia. lAuthurlaKl as Swooa Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every stternram except Sundi-.v bv Prince Rupert Daily New. Ltd , 3rd Avenue. Prmce Rupert. British Columbia, o A ,USTKR; Manaema Editor. H. O PFRRY. Managing Director. OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Editor, Daily News Your editorial of October 17 As Submitted at Ottawa Last Week Thanking you for publishing of tne opmlng of parllarn(nt the future was announced at a meeting of the Prince Rupert i and the letter In Friday night 'a this 1 remain, in nl ,; VM SUBSCRIPTION RATES some of the more outstanding: personalities of the House, as well as Blimoses of dav to t)av ! p:tper by "Concerned are worthy of comment. Yours truly Eric Fa ure . The eight percent sales tax branch of the B.C. Cancer .Sols removed immediately on alliety last week by Rev. Fred fuel oils used for heating or j Antrobus, who acted as local By Mall. Per Month. 60c; Per Year. 5 00 er-t frum editorially , ' nf ln thp fal)ll..i rl)v u,v.i ' I miint out You pair lighting purposes. delegate to a meeting of the pro- Uut practically all Prince Ru- LADIES' Hament, Is in session. The1 Neil Kingston trrlved in H-? 8neech ..a, delivered with fW . i . "lt.)yHith 1 city this afternoon from Masse t H clearness, I Keg. $4.95 on a business trip. Tax on cider and other wines vinciai society last montn. perl's civic utilities are in a containing Jess than seven per-J Repol.ting on the provincial i state of crisis. The present concent proof spirits is reduced meeting. Mr. Antrobus said that'dition of our sewerage system Immediately from 50 to 25c Pthe plan whu.n so ur is nota3 well as the state of our wa-gallon. I definite, would call for two spe- t.er system is definitely danger- Personal income tax credit ; fmm Vancouvpr visitintr 0ui. To bring these utilities to often percent on common dlv-, w.t'a reasonable standard of efti- MENS LEA m BKEAKF.US All Special urvB "'s Al l. -n, cni'isER co.vr(, extended to include all ,. wenas idends u is cAwrjiucu .... practitioners regarding cancer SIS Special Classes 01 snares, reuriwinvc . ciency is not a problem of the future. It is an'immediaie necessity. I don't clfilm to be an e-pert on municipal finance, but January 1, 1949. The new tax changes will re Currently, tnere are some 1 1 do know that, unless we tackle Mf-N S DRESS Sn from MFS t NDEItMi blnations, m.diut. Special MENS RAINfov fittini MEN S GABARDI- duce government revenue by, 8.000 persons in this province $5,000,000 in the current year j afflicted with cancer, and the and $11,000,000 In a full year, (annual increase of the disease All 1949-50 tax reductions are'is 2.500, Mr. Antrobus said, expected to cut government re-l r e A hospital has been completed v venue mlu by ' $340 000,000 ' this cur-1 , , , , in Vancouver exoress v for ou ,- the problem of rehabilitation of our sewerage and water system aggressively and promptly, we run every risk of seeing this city faced with a major disaster. Concerned'' in his letter suggests that the present method of financing is inequitable and to a large degree 1 agree with rent year and $5d7.uiw,uuu iu;" . - - FOR SHOES THAT ARE DIFFERENT 0 Your Best Bet in Prince Rupert is the FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED Hhe full year. Thp mwernment's fnal 1948- 'hospital accommodates 16 pa- Fllll lined MEN S ( OVERT ( ! m IF YOUR 50 final revenues totalled $2,- j tients. , 77tnonnoo and expenditures, Present at the executive meet- lit MEN'S ALL-W00I. $2,176,000,000. !ing wfre Mrs. William Roth- j lllm but 1 submlt. Mr- Ellltor- The sumlus of $595,000,000 WPn Mr J c, Oilker. Mrs. O v that the problem of rehabillta- FISIIEHMEN'S P tion of the utilities mentioned for 1948-49 is $20,000,000 great- Hanley, Mrs. J D. Fraser, Mrs. i cut. Now is so urgent that it simply can cr than was predicted ,ast,W. Richards, Mrs. D. R. Barclay ,, and Fred Antrobus. not wait until we devise a better method of financing. The March. A revised estimate fixes 1949- $2,550,000,000 $2.5aO,0UU,uuu 50 revenues at people oi rrince nuperi simpiy and expenditures at $2,460,000- j 000 more that the March esti- cannot do without a good sew- MEN'S DItESS A SOX Now MEN'S SPOUT Si Now MEN'S WORK si! Now 3rd Ave. Phone J57 mate. erage and water system. But No change is made ln person- they may just as well realize ol income tax reductions. now that that will cost a very 000. Possible surplus of $87,000,000 for the current year is $3,000,- Municipal Candidates TWO MAYORALTY candidates already WITH definitely announced for the civic election in December and the possibility of at least one more, there is no lack of interest in at least one phase of the contests. Aid. Daggett may be called a veteran of the latter days of municipal service. Aid. Whalen has clone a year on the city council. Both know at first hand what it is all about and have had enough experience to realize the seriousness of the responsibilities which they express their willingness to assume. In the interest in the mayoralty candidatures, it must not be forgotten that there are already six dermanic seats to be filled. In some ways the work and responsibility of an alderman are of importance equal to those of the mayor. It is quite possible to have a situation where there is a good and capable mayor whose best work and efforts could be nullified by a group of aldermen. Indeed, in policy making, it is necessary to have aldermen of ideas, ability and competence. There n a lot more to a civic election than merely electing a mayor. It should not be forgotten that, in a multiplicity of mayoral candidates, all but one is lost to the public service. IT'S HIGH TIME "T HAT DEFINITE RESULTS and action may be I enabled promptly is to be heartily hoped for fronrihe legislation sponsored in the federal Parliament by the Progressive-Conservative Member for Kamloops. There need be no difference of opinion on .political grounds. Indeed, it is a wonder that a cleaning up has not come long ere this of the comic books and the pulp magazines and literature generally .which pollute the newsstands of the country and contribute undoubtedly to the moral delinquency of theyery young and the adolescents. Possibly one of the reasons for deferred action has been that there is lack of realization through failure to observe on the part of many of the deplorable; filth and literary depravity that really does exist. We are enthusiastic at times about our checking other influences that contribute to moral delinquency but this particular means has been allowed too long to go Scot free. More power to Mr. Fulton's move! - - MEN'S W0KK. Now HOUSE SUFFERS FROM "CHILIS!" GET RIGHT DOWN TO THE ROOT OF THE TROUBLE PHONE 884 AND HAVE T H OM SHEET .METAL LTD. Check Your Furnace MEN'S DRESS fl assortment, pcrfc Now BOYS' AI.L-YYOOLf ..v,:..v.-..,;.. - ....;..: .... :-...v;.U:.x.r.!....i.:f'i , - . 11 , t ? i i The Man I Fancy plaid ... BOYS' LACED BOOTS All sim. Special , .BOYS' SCHOOL j PANTS r w ------ if : boys' raincoat) fitting. From I ; BOYS' ALL-flotiif JACKETS k I j i J W'xSTy ' : ISLAND CITY ii&W 1 WV& W VaS Jll M General Builders' Supplies i m&VW ' '..., yfKxJ I wIAI y)l ' :' f '! and PITTSBritG PAINTS '''' ' " ' ' & MM MSIV IMcWst. Blue 820 Mwr,lrtJ . ' MtMMBM'V PHONE ItUtUarr I JJItarma " i i, ...... n... w y .givi(l,-,Wi?!1pMj!W!W P "tagsv-ia ' r t r W'' i ' t U i nouns Weekdays 9 a.m. to !) p.ni Sundays 12 Noon lo 2 pm- 7 p.m. to !) p SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVS THERE'S A HINT, FOR EVERY M. PURPOSE )t I 4 W f Eli 1 See Our LARGE NEW SELECTION of T,iitpst Diamond Styles w: Evrn ns a kid lie was llionjilil ful . . l.ikc moM f us, liail lo work liaril Brill Miniclim !t fniiiicl il iliftirult loniakc -lils fnrrl. Hut lie diil on- really smart filing. lie Ktnrlt'd lo imt oiuctliii) ly . . . not n lot, Itut r(riilarly . t toward the day tiii lie could foijirt -ork and cone -nlrale on Ii in (Iohits an J ollirr l)iing lio'd nrvrr liad lime for. You r un make nuro of vour rrlirrmcnt fund In Ihe ful ure liy'lhc Ka iiiK you make today. Tlic purrhamp of Canada SaiiiL" ItouiU tliimiiili any liank or invtsliucnt l-ali-r, or llirouplj your CoiiiaNv'(i Payroll Saving Plan will start you ou your way., 153,11 C omplete slo-k of Signate, Birthstonrs MANSON'Sirf Have a hundred home uses will find or fhli family Evryon. In your H.t lamp. U.. tor handy G-E lnfo-r.d for drying hoir after relieving mu.cular pain., . .K-mooo. for reducing after-bath chill. I YOUR Princj BOX 998 Get one at Inexpensive. simple, convenient, your G-E dealer't today. save as you qo with BEST PURE SOAP BUY ON J 1 b ' "r i . MARKET iuuv M Htm its 4 uan a a a bavmas 4 the fl' FINE PRINTING at fas : csit $ MAPLE L Bonds UK NOW-., ON SALE m REGAL PRINTERS i,it.,it cnP VM . . A TIT F SEAL Ask your grocer for ECONOMY PHONE 21 222 Second Ave. VALUE & Mm Another Product of Canada rack"' L