FOR BEAUTY Prfntf OfiDcrf CVfT netoi Monday, October 24, 1949 Mooe Alumnui Committee MeeU KINSMEN WORK: Oil KIDDIE CAMP AND UTILITY IT REASONABLE COST Mooseheart alumni committee of the Women of the Moose chapter held a meeting Friday Prince Rurert. Klnsmpn .iir Miss Shirley Lipsin who has been paying a visit here with her mother, Mrs. A. W. Lipsin, sailed by the amosun last night on her return to Vancouver. v Irenes, remember Rebekah's " " a big step Sunday toward com RaM ,.,- "I 71 ",.," J. 7J: .' 'evening at, Che home of Mrs. J. Scotch Dance, Oddfellow, "a". Saturday, October 29 Dancing from 8 to 12, followed by refreshments. Admission 50c. ATTENTION n . : Like a jUI thicknesses in stock from yt" to 1 At New Lower Prices Photic now for your copy of ' ' 'Extra Living Space In Your Home" MAILED FREE f : light hat? m Table, this wed. afternoon In' their permanent summer camp'S J mvT! iZ? (249jfor children at Lakelse Lake 32, ald By Popular Demand-Our SSd 11 M SHOE SALE will continue This' work on the main recreation recreation1 3 f " fUnd 13 to Pr" Week Only.-Family Shoe Store. 'building Vide money for Mooseheart I graduates to achieve advance Mrs. James Nicol returned to' ThP -J t ,Rhfap o,,. u.- bulltUn3 r learning. Present at the meet-the city Saturday on the Princess 11 yJn foot dlmens,on. ha 'in were Mrs. 8. Haugan, Mrs. Louise from a holiday sper-t In fan "L"S "f" durlnV- Thompson. Mrs. B. J. Bacon Vancouver and Victoria. Mr.! ' ' Sunday's effort re-,' Mrs. H. T. Muncey and MrTS Nicol. who accomoanied her SllltCd ln the " roof be-,KasDCr i , jwu want, a lovely house in Vancouver or one that pays good revenue, or Store Block or Hotel, call Mrs. fn Barr'e' Active eRlty. 1075 Klngsway or Phone Fairmont 9520 or 8223L. h rt&McGaffery F i 1 . f V 8 LIMITED rilON'E 116 Moose Women in Social Meetinfr -1 y ' 4 r-irr VAni r-vl- i 1 1 ,1 ' south a fortnight ago will re-' S P1611 artf the greater following a business session mam in the south on business v" " "lc wttlrProoi rooting for another week V1 belng Placed on It. Nick Krook returned to the s HER The best known home remedy you can use to relieve miseries is MOCKS V VapoRub city by air Saturday afternoon were served, k at-coraied baskes threc nw members holding the many gift, ,' l.UmkUA' thc Women Jul ana useful elfts wpi-p nmnt Maosohopt from a business trip to ADJUSTMENTS ...... wuiiiiit,u;c oeing in of the popularity of the guest rge Mrs. F. Gomez was in I ine wortt crew, numbering lfi, left .Prinze Rupert early Sunday morning and completed a good day's work on the building before returning to the city, despite almost continuous rain. Highway between Prince Rupert and Terrace was reported In "bad" shape due to pot-holes which marked the surface the (NOIL PRICES uis-fllancims i the other ne of Mrs. . in ue contest to Those present were, the Mis- gUss tne artltls contained in In connection mm reductions Srien Street, SM Mary Dybhavn, Christine ".Wtan" was Mrs- C. ..u i . , ... M M- Mclntyre. Mrs m9v.oii Mary uv"- v-uiiic, i-ii Lll oyivesier, Nina wa, h ..'. . ;,' in prices of heating and lighting oils made by oil comnanlon fol greater part of the way lowing fedpral Snip"? t.nv rnrnnvil in addition to nai-ir. ,imc, , vne ranic of a cake. There was a fair attendance at the meeting whicn was held in the Moose Temple. wttUTM.t , irom such oils, it is pynia inpn completed recreation h'a n HERE'S that the sales tax is levied on I which will also double for a din ANNOUNCEMENTS Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 28. Card tournament,' Catholic Hall, Thursday, Oct. 27, S p.m. . Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28 St. Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar Not. 3. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking November 5th. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Not. 17. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. prices that do not include trans- iIn8 room- the club plans six sleen- Jge to won- YounK-man, Lorraine Young-M ute P!:1CC man. Maresa Windle, Marjorlc t IShrubsall, Frances Olafson, as seated Frances Webber, Joan Miller jy decorated Irene Kildal, Jean Faught, Le-;e and placed ona Blaln, Bca Rudderham, ol white and Dordy Rudderham, and Mes-wtcred with dames A Blomberg, A. Dybhavn, jel i W. McKenzle, C. Home, E. rer.-esiiinents Wright. portation charges. Ing cabins. Work on these will 'begin later, considerable Feel the difference in MAUORY You can tell at a touch that fha Airwayi is a Mallory bat it has that superbly soft, mellow fur felt found only in a Mallory. Coma see it you'll know it's the right lightweight hat for you I Othei Mallory hati iiom $6.50 up. amount of clearine work on V't IN S the camp site already has been done. Those who took part in the project were George Dibb, Charles Collins, R. E. Montador. Bill Long,, Bud Timmermelster, Harry Schwaffield. Ed Garner. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Not. 24. St. Andrew's Cathearal Fall Adjustments will be made in cases where consumers are Invoiced at former prices during the (interval that instructions regarding reduced prices are transmitted to the hundreds of sales offices throughout .the country. The new prices do not take into account adjustments that will h? necessary to offset increased freight rates that became effective October 17. As freight rates vary widely at different points, extensive calculations are necessary before Jim Sheddon. Harry Sheardown Bazaar, Not. 26. Saturday. Kay McLean, Marcel Blain. Jim Thompson, Stan SavUle,, Bob Rudderham, Herb Young, and Jim Mcllor. .sue is payable in advance. Please refrain from .siitds. 2c per word per Insertion, minimum spires atie, Cards ot Thanks, Ooath Notices, i United Church Xmas Bazaar, Dec. 1. Grange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. Salvation Army Home League Sale of fancy work and home cooking at Sons of Norway. HalL CiAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE LOST AND FOUND Mrs. E. M. Davi3 of Miller Bay Hospital staff is sailine tomorrow pec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. :3 Woman aiternoon on the Catala for a ' " S.O.N', whist" drive' and dance adjustments can be determined for the different points. LOST Ring of keys, bottle opener attached. Please return to Daily News. (213) by or nour. Xlj Sta. trip to Vancouver. every Friday. (246) LOST Pair of glasses at Miller buy or on mi hu.i on Mm Kinder please return to 1. 1 x4 chest- Rers. UiQ) ,curi player jjo chair.1). AO mJ i BALAGNO Florisul r I Thone Green 787 Box 1193 1 'S Aiter a p.m. LOST In Post Office on Saturday Oct. 22nd. One pair lathes shoes, brown reDtile. Re ward. Phone Green 275 (It) wAJvieti WANTED Metal, copper, brass,1 and car batteries See B. C. j 130 00. Din-i2U.OO. Tri-fi, i 250) t Raiue in (250) Furniture. Good prices. (254) SMITH StLKlHS WANTED OH burning kitchen Just one coat ot B H "Frrconftte" cover unsightly kalomine. wallpaper . . . you gay wall with a tatiny watliable urfacc. Dric to lh touch ia couple of hour. :::kc to cx-krrow ur s sell for rane. mone 3o7. (240) MALE HELP WANTED ALL FORMER employees of 811- -a S35 1248) PLUMBING AND nEATING Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 is Ai'cordian Biue 825. 1 252 1 Meet the master of a difficult art! fTIUS man is constantly "putting himwlf in other people's - slioeg" in order to ee their problem from rfceir viewpoint. Doing this is an important part of his job. And be's so expert at it that he cn easily make several of these quick changes in a single day. it h a middle-aged business man, for instance, be may be dismaying ways and means of adding to a retirement fund, flight from the start, be will look at the facts in terms of that man's situation. "... An hour later he may be considering, as though it were his own, the problem faced by a young father with dependents who need financial protection or any of the various problems faced hy countless otlier'people wbo want to make the future ' more secure for themselves and their families " : vt. He is ihe typical modern lift insurance agent & man who is ' not only an understanding listener, but a trained helper, too! Only through him can you get the advice you need to make life insurance meet your own individual needs. ; More than a million Canadian families have benefited by the services of the skilled life underwriter. And he's always ready to help you! " : oaic rretnier Mines Limned who were working for the Company as of July 15, 1048, and who desire employment with the Company, should contact the Vancouver Oificc at 911 Blrks Building, or write to the Mine Office at Premier, B C. belore November 1st. 1949, to ensure employment. (249) Phone 311 1 Mi Bride Street 'ltl Kurni-m mattres-w. kitch-amu couch, suHiic room t. 835 Buitien t24S)i Mioval one nn r.ill at AGENTS WANTED Phune Blue AGENTS: Sell direct to men a fast selling repeat patented article that is not sold in stores. Write: Station K, Box 23, Toronto. (248) 1248) te'cle (;ood (Biue 71a 1218) 'iin' (itul unrl PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Stock-taking Arrangements HELP WANTED JK)' BOOU C(l!l- Je 304. (250) HELP WANTED CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS get better than-average earnings with our big-selling assortments. Write for samples, personal album. Art-Craft, S Hythc Ave., Vancouver, (250) :"tett kl!.lnn ton. Phone 12491 T Oil ran rr ''' 'us (243) Wait BOYS AND GIRLS Opportunity for earning,, after school hours by delivering Dally News routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply at Daily News office. (tfi lamp. 1020 mm Ui) V - id M:li-lr T REAL ESTATE rrm RAt.C ft nnm house. oniv Tuition $3 oc The Stores Depts! will be closed for business on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, November 1, 2 and 3. All orders for delivery Friday, November 4 must be in not later than Monday, October 31. Monday, October 31 ends the present trading period and members are requested to have all accounts paid on or before that date. frv. Limited lor vim. j K'l.-LU illltl bedrooms, dinlnt? room and front room.. Full concrete basement, heatlnir system hot water. On two lots, fenced in, good garage. Apply 1136 Am- hraxp Av nr nhniw Rlllt 441. "a 8t. O'tntv.:. (280) A helpful citizen in your community. .... , . W hfn yonr aicnt 1U you life in-urnnre, he also helps to improt-e your community. For large part of eaeh life insurance dollar ii put to work, through investments, to build trhoolt. bridges, highway, indoitrial plant and many other project that create job and muWe fur better living. You share in these improvements, made possible through the efforts of your helpful fellow -citizen the modern life insurance agent I ' LIFE INSURANCE . . . Guardian of Canadian llomes A message from Hie more than fifty Life Insurance Companies of Canada (250) ?,'" NAME! j sh .v,.i. SPECIAL 4 bedroom house. concrete basement, newly decorated. Just off McBrlde St Priced to sell at $3800, half Omtenane". see oown. ror inspection L89S phone Armstrong Astpncies, 342 or Green 297 eves (248) ; mirks; Nelsor iirD?t0i;kt)ilf FOR SALE Four room house, 1 cement foundation. Oil furnace, furnished or unfurnish S' P""is; Na- :afKr and ed close to town. Appiy niter-1 noon or evening at 408 8th W. , (251) WHAT A BUY! - WATERMAN'S 'BALL POINTER' No other Ball Point Pen works like a Waterman's FOR RFNT TODAY YOU CAN BUY A GENERAL ELECTRIC jm ?! Refrigerator rS? L"m Na- In' Ltd (t.f! PRE-STOCK CLEARANCE SALE -at Kaien Co-op HARDWARE fw i, urm. Priced Right Only $1.50 Refill Cartridges 50c each . - ut I IT m FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 229 1st. E. 1249) FOR RENT-ileepina; room, respectable young lady. Box 005 Daily News. t255 FOR RENT Room and board for two men. 613 3rd Avenue. (tf ) wine Hot New iZ FOR Complete Stock of PENS RENT Sleeping Phone e R?d R?d 807 807. room 1251) room, (tf) .""oleum FOR ONLY $337.50 G-E REFRIGERATOR OFFERS 1. Dependable service at low cost. 2. 7 cubic feet of space. 3. Sealed in sbeel mechanism. 4. All-steel cabinet. 5. Plus all modern features. .' ON DISPLAY AT FOR 801 Co, Sws. B. c RENT Sleeping Borden St. from $2.40 to $15.75 Now available at ito le eJ?l0fcycle, FOR SALE 51 ui ""er will UNTIL 'OCTOBER 2i) ONLY CONGOLEUM RUGS BAROLEUM antl REXOLEUM RUGS YARDS GOODS FLOOR MATS INLAID LINOLEUMS All LESS 20 on regular retail price PHONE 179 BOX 1127 251 THIRD AVENUE (243) 3 thr,...... NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. FOR SALE Used doors, windows, lumber, Phone 543, Call JS29 6thAre. W. (tf) FOR SALE Wartime House Four rooms. Close in on 7th Ave. Prince Rupert Realty Co- (253 H Pays to ivovmlae! PHONE 210 STEWART. B.C. BESNER BLOCK PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I4i