prfrtfe Rtipcrf Daflp rectoa Monday, October 24. 1949 HOTEL ARRIVALS son I Toilers 2, Black Cats 1 Belmonts 2, Brown woods 1 Variety 2 Unlteers 1' Savoys 2,'scutry's 1 - intervvise Agriculture In Skeena LADIES BOWLS 'Continued rrom Page 4) high single score of 325 as well as the high aggregate for three games and average 731 uid 244 respectively. The team scores were as fol lows: Big Sisters 3, Pin Heads 0 Rosa Lee's 3, Lyons 0 cj&e sow FATHER .... M J v, -to 4r i r" Be warm and comfortable this winter with a full supply of COAL ORDER TODAY FROM PiilLPOTT EUITT 5 Co. Ltd. V : : i ir erc Rupert Radio 3, Stars 0 Commercials 3, Wallace PKar- macyo Lucky Strikes 3, Wrathalls 0 Roosters 3. Noble & Wick 0 Plungers 3. Annettes 0 Seal Cove 2, Gordon Ander - SAVOY ieotkl W. L. WOODS, Proo. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1391 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT I AM See how mony som follow Dod't taste In tobacco Old Chum ! And H' only natural Old Chum hot the right, rich, freih flavour for day-in, day-out smoking. You'll find a lot of good smoking in a package or half-pound tin of Old Chum. 1 ' 1.1 MBi:R BUILDING SUPPLIES 0m whm Mr. tofcocce tttat'i aways 9000 . . 3 Standings Lyon II 11 Gordon & Anderson .... 11 11 E'avoy 10 10 Rupert Radio 10 10 Scuby's S 9 'ownwoods ,., 9 9 Plungers J 3 1 f" ! 8 wratnaiis 8 , 8 Yaiety 8 8 rs IlIZI 8 8 Rosa Lee's 8 g Stars 7 7 Seal Cove A 7 1 Cummerclals 7 7 Lucky Strikes 7 7 Wallace Pharmacy .... 6 0 Tollers .. 6 Noble & Wick 5 5 Pinheads S 5 Boosters 5 5 Black Cats 4 4 Unlteers .. 4 4 Mike Colussi left by air tnis morning an & trip to Mascet. Mellow . . . softly fragrant . . . and robiiht of body, Old Inspector is first choice in H.C. with men who really know fine Rum! ROM ANNOUNCEMENT Sidney Gonick, Optometrist Graduate of Los failed the "Qnffn Anne" because It I . ha 11 ' "at famous pattern in Silver-Table Model J14.00 (il course w have all the regular.moilcls HaN other makes of lighters and a com-iwi of other Bills. Our aHWic engraving add greatly to iluf. ' I ' MOST TREASURED OIBT3 COME FROM YOUR JEWELLER of Optometry is pleased to announce that he has opened permanent offices 5 in Prince Rupert for the practice of Optometry in Rooms 23 and 21, j Besner Block '. j Member for Skeena Tells Parliament of Its Importance Iri Ridin; 'From Hansard) Mr. Applewhaite IM. P. for Skeenai: It may be a surprise to hon. members to know that the representatives of Skeena should take an Interest In agriculture that agriculture Is only one of our primary Industries. I think the minister will bear me out when I 'say that he. has beeh approached Dy tne Terrace board or trade and other organizations In the Skeena valley on more than one occasion requesting the estab- lishment of a small Illustration station in order to ascertain the value of the soil there for the production of small fruits and vegetables. I regret that I cannot agree withe the hnn. member for Fraser Valley, who suggest that as his I district has demonstrated 1U I ability to produce more fruits and vegetables It should now have an Illustration station in order to prove that they can so do. 1 suggest In all seriousness that the location of Terrace coupled with the tremendous develop ment that is going on in the north-central area of British Columbia justifes the government In establishing a station there so that farmers may be, advised what type of produce they should grow In order to take ad vantage of the markets which are now right at their doors at Prince Rupert and Prince George. It may be said that there is already a station at Smlthers but Smlthers Is 141 miles fro n Terrace and as between the two locations there is a tremendous difference In the terrain. The type of farming carried on a1 Smithers Is largely grain and stockraising, whereas the type oi farming carried on at Terrace Is the growing of fruits and vege tables. Terrace Is the growing area possibly closest to the Pacific coast and it can readily supply the market of Prince Ru pert, si request that the minister I give consideration to this matter Mr. Gardiner (Minister of Fuel System Fuel lines Fuel Pump ('arhureiur Air Cleaner Electrical System Battery Starrer Generator (.oitnec- tions Regulator Lubrication Engine Oil Filter Chassis Transmission Differential Cold weather driving lough on batteries. Fenuinerord natter' help you enioy quick, easy starting all winter , . . saves you bothersome servica calls. Brings warm, fresh outside air to both tyfjit'-'i front and back set to yoar winters driving. Defroster acts man iu wiiHifDiuu ciear oi ice, a ad mist. Prince Rupert M. W. Fitzgerald, Vancouver; M. Green, Vancouver; A. F. Smith Vancouver; D. McGowan, Kel-owna; S. G. Stinson, Kelowna; V. G. Carolen, Pernie; J. Columbus, Vancouver; O. Joy, Prince George; J. DeMarr, Ketchikan, C. Lindsay, Vancouver; W. Mal-colm.Butedale; G. C. Martin West Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. C. Swanson, Butedale; D. A. McKen-zie, Edmonton; lA. Mukol, Vancouver; Mrs. I. Gambor, Queen Charlotte City; T. Mazuaher, Vancouver; Mrs. P. Yoholintsky, Quesnel, R. C. Hardie, Vancouver; Mrs. R. Hanna, Montreal; Mrs. J. Kempster, Oceanic; Miss D. Nelson, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. E. Nelson, Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peratrovich of Ketchikan, who arrived in the city last week, left . today for Masset on a visit. Mr. Peratrovich is a brother of George Peratrovich the only native Senator in Mm. txi ll.i ' jature Agriculture): Representa-tfont were made to the experimental farms branch of the Department of Agriculture to have such a station established at Terrace and that branch has agreed that one should be established. At the present time they are looking over the area with the Idea of selecting the farm upon which it ought to be established, and I can assure the hon. mem ber tht .we will press on with that work as rapidly as possible. NOTICE TO CONTKACTOKS TENDERS are invited by the undersigned tor the erection of additions to the Nurses' Home of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Prince Rupert, B. C. Plans and specifications and forms of Tender may be obtained from the undersigned or from the Architects. McCarter Si Nalrne, 1930 Marine Bldg.. Vancouver. B. C. on deposit of a cheque for Fifty Dollars (J50 00) which will be refunded on return of Plans and Specifications in good condition. Sealed Tenders shall be filed in duplicate with the Administrator, Prince Rupert General Hospital. Prince Rupert. B. C. not later than 5.00 PM. Wednesday. November 23 rd. 1949. Each tender anau oe Hccompameu (toy a certified cheque m the amount of five per cent 15 I of the Tender, and by a Completion Bond letter. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accented. D. C. Stevenson. Administrator. Prince Rupret Oeneral Hospital Prince Rupert, B. C. 12541 "rirtrp Rnnprt Florist" I i 100 3rd Ave. Box 513 Tel ml Flowers for All Occasions VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday 1:30 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SW1PSON ' Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Camosun, October 21 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Camosun, October 28 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone PR8 GREER & BRIDDEN I CONTRACTORS AND J BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS ji REPAIRS f OVER FOUR YEARS OLD This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ol British Col'jrribia ATLNEWB FOR TEST RESULTS 1 a IT UUOU J ' , -w f-!1 Angeles College -j Glasses Prescribed when 'eeesary Evenings by Appointment Telephone 213 and Business CATHERINE LAURIE " PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.); Phones: Green 667 Days ! Green 412 Evgs. K. J. & B. CO. PAINTING OF ALL KINDS. Remodeling Rooms Bathrooms and Kitchens Our Specialty Willing to Go Anywhere " All Work Guaranteed BOX No. 1141 STATION B BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents lor SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales Service and Parts ' Boat owners and users of In dustrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talVr over equipment problems. I DR. GARNET E. IL MONTGOMERY- DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1216 PIANO TECHNICIAN : . Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI :; Phone BLACK 756 ; 972 10th East HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. a Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 618 Complete winterizing service means more than just anti-freeze more than just a change of oil. Ford of Canada Dealers from coast to coast offer complete 5-WAY WINTERIZING SERVICE that will give you trouMe-free driving for the winter months ahead. Vour Ford of Canada Dealer is ready to completely winterize your car now. His expert servicemen factory-approved equipment, factory-approved methods and genuine parts provide a complete 5-Way Winterizing Service for safe, dependable, trouble-free winter motoring. mpif Complete Visual Analyst Office Hours: Daily From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Professional MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 526 330 Second Avenue Prlncs Rupert, B.C. B. & W. TRANSFER DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 186 FOR YOUR HOCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment Al) Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - B.C. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINO PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accouttant, Auditor, Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phon 387 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS Cooling System Ami trcee e Radii-ur e Connections e '1 hermosi.t mm Ignition System 1C M coil e Spark Plugs e Distributor Ptrrniiwit-Typ QmuIm Fool Anti-Frwrt Yo fjiniirWon Ceniuae Ford Aoii-Freczc fur hiim$ proisrtAioa. Hib quality ethylene-ulyxol typ tht dot not ttpormtt . , . mnd mil mi rmsi r frrW mm m II MFictory-Sfrclfir' Spirit Plnt New spark plugs sav you money on every mile of winter driving add tew I "pep" and smoothness to performance. Vour Ford of Canada Dealer has the fort evrrtet type ol spark plug for four car. , sleet --mm- v. - M - 1 B F Mm - Mm. W . MK .mllik-arki," !J. ti;M-t" v -m- 1 "" in 1 , , , ,iMiiiw,iiiiMiiriT--i'"J,-J;t,J-!g"'"'1'' FLOOR BANDINCi A SPECIALTY . RED 961 P.O. HOX 121 QUALITY REPAIRS ; Pot Downtrodden Heels ; and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL : Box 774 Second Ave. PHONES . Black 334 P.O. Box 1670 P.O. Box 1670 FORD -MONARCH DEALERS The Prince Rupert,, B. C. Home of Friendly Service"