ICTC?.IA, 3. C. n r jp i i rw. mm 0RL1ES DRUGS Daily Delivery . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 vuu AAXVIII, No. 56 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. TUESDAY, MARCH 8. 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS n PWw Hwfc' ft'V fl"" For A asks) A. L ji. 1 MS ... S ti r )tehdl t ins and Japanese To Get Vote "i r v Ml) O Lands Committee For Raising of Territory President Truman Will Now Ask Congress For Immediate Admission ' WASHINGTON. D C. (CV)- Trip Wis enmrnittoo je Being Extended To Union War TRAIN LATE BUT NOT FOR SLIDES eople in This Province Thveuumed late connection at Jasper A will cause tinlgnl's vc:;iDouna f 4. u , . ... , , . Trartr and Labor Congress and American federation Not SrcitiR tyc to Kye p.wnger train to arrive an u ftepiewntauveh l-ouay approved 01 hour and forty mimiies behind statehood for Alaska and Hawaii. its scheduled arrival time of! Representative Morris (Democrat - Oklahoma) 30:43, it was announced at the 'cast a dissenting vote on Hawaii and Representative (CP) Premier Byron Johnson in-he legislature yesterday an amendment icial Flections Act which would give the ancliise to Indians on reserves and Jap-x Uritish subjects. The amendment does ;e Liquor Act regarding' Indians. OTTAWA O The Trade and Labor Congress executive today threatened a jurisdictional war railway divisional office here Marshall (Democrat-Minnesota) voted against Al- this morning. It should arrive . ' , . aska in UI11JI UilUUl uu- Indians who are off Uie rescr- m -analla the American vation have the franchise. j Federation of Labor, its power-IXiukhobors are now the onlv fuJ Ulllled Kuu"s aIIv. 11 iiK jections. President Truman will now ask Congress for Immediate admission of the two territories as states. resident of British Columbia ' A- Fl of U mak"s &,,oU a VPll( tl j threat to pull .some of its unions who air unable to vote. II BILL ODUM SETS' MARK 1 i I l.vif s Nun-Stop from Honolulu to East Coast of United here at 12:23 Wednesday morn-; Ine- ' . : I No ob.il ructions have occurred ou the line in the lower Ekeena sub-division since the week-end and train service is running smoothly, it was reported. Last night's eastbound train left on schedule and freight train move-m;nl", a-e frequent. Dancer of fiuthc: snowslides along the .Skeena Is diminishing daily as a result of warm winds Regret Expreticd At Death of Official out of the Connie.;?;. The Congress neli sliip cut, loose with a NlaliiiiK attack on "unwarranted" A. F. of L. attempts to dominate the T.L.C. in a letter prepared for dispatch r In I :kf crart t Rescue Midi. t Sher-II ,suid yesterday fblicnncn were mst floe of ice SWEDEN TO TAKE CARE A resolution expressing regret at the recent death of It. W. WAR RECORD OF SCOUTS Prime Minister St. Laurent, right, leafs through a copy of "The Left Hand Shake," the story of scouting during the Second World War. The volume was" presented to the prime minister by Jackson Dodds of Montreal, Canadian scouting commissioner. F, Desrochers, left, general librarian of the Parliamentary Library looks on. (C. P. Photo) H. G.T.PERRY Sees Central British Columbia On Eve of Great Development The whole north country Prince Rupert' and Central British Columbia is on the eve of a great upsurge of industrial and economic expansion, H. G. T. Perry of Prince George declared before to the 40(1,000 members of the Brighton, British Columbia rep- Congress States TETERBORO, New Jersey, 0, -iBig BUI Orum soared in frop? Honolulu shortly aiter 11 a.m. resen tall ve of the federal De- Immediate Uucn-oII spark ih li broke away which are causing the snow to Determined to Provide Herself for Defence, Chief of Air Staff Declares iriin-iPfi'tmcnt of Trade and Industry, was a sharp reprimand deliver- be nan tlr disappear quickly on the higher. Central Standard Time today. was passed at the meeting of ed to the Concrete by the Am snowslide I't"? a 0000-mile world non- the Prince Rupert Chamber of erlcan Federation of Labor ex- slopes. However, the I clAn rni.ftr1 fn. 1 i .t! . t . 1 ,- VANCOUVER, 0' Sweden is Commerce last night. Mr. rculivc last month over the Con- danger is not yet completely Brighton visited the north last gress' suspension of Frank Hall, i ov,'r- lL pointed 'out. Odum, aged 29, set down his determined to provide herself with defensive armament, Lt. !i:gan. Aircraft died from scv- ilicllldiug III" ;on at Traverse ike & iinc fliers try to lawl on evacuation. fall on the occasion of the an Oen. Bengt woroemskiold, chief of staff of the Swedish air force the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night, said ....... here . at the week-end after . . "After a lifetime in the north, I was never so n r P Tj mini A 1 ' Beaclicraft, which carried 288 gallons of gasoline, Just 36 hours and one minute after leaving Honolulu. Hundreds of people swarmed around the plane as the former chief of the railwaymen's Union j of the American Federation, which has been interpreted as an ultimatum to the Congress, to fall in line with A. F. of L. policies or lose at least some of Us International affiliates with a total rikcmhcrship estimated i enthusiastic, so hopeful as I Force installations in Northern nual convention of the Associated Boards or Trade of Central British Columbia at Juneau and manifested keen interest in the development of the port of Prince Rupert. The local Chamber will seek to learn who is to be his successor so a confinuitv TIDKS Canada. The general said his TO ADVERTISE BUILDING SOON Administration Structure l .S. Installations to he Offered Within Few Days war ferry pilot succeeded in his Stiiili !l, 4 am today," asserted the veteran ourselves?" asked Mr. Perry, newspaper publisher who saw Faced today with the great for the immediate future an challenge of Communism and unprecedented epoch of de- its promise of a fuller life, a ii.UI 170 feet of ; trip had resulted in a "very satisfactory" exchange of in-i formation. li.OO l.Vl feet second attempt to break thei record. Last time in January he had been forced uown av Oakland. I I. M 112 feet, of that interest may be main- II 0 8 feet i tained. at 300.000. j Hall lias Iwen endeavouring j to clean the Congress of com- , muuists. If any of these unions try to withdraw from the Congress, the . . . : .1 , i..,tn velopment tributary to the rail- promise which was Impressing way line between Red Pass and people of lesser historical know-Prlnce Rupert,. , ledge and enlightenment, Mr. ; A great consummation dir-jperry" asserted that it was the eefcly -trtttiitary td frhic ftu- f urgent necessity for '(he western - The administration building California. ' portion of the United States! , TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. JoluiEtoii Co W ) wartime installations,, here Will .be, advertised for sale within 10 COMPLAIN PERSECUTION Premier of r,xuuvt- u,-...a. nwi, di,ySf ,heTrliice Rujiett Cham I pert was, of course, the $25,- nations to establish and pro-1 000,000 eelanese mill at Prince ' claim the full and free life to j Rupert. Then there was the be obtained in the practice of WC Will IJrl 111 H'il"l t lldlt C ?i p r Commerce was advised Until to take over jurisdiction" of those unions. very definite possibility or the true democracy. iffOCOMMERCE CHAMBER discriminatory and persecutory treat-i.itive visitor's to Prince Rupert receive Aluminum Company of Canada) Mr. perry brought the creet- China Quits Will Open Way, It is Believed, To Peace With Communists j last night by War Assets Cor-' iHiration. The .Chamber has been iuter-j citing lt:;c!f in the possibility of j having the building taken over ' for use in providing additional j housing in the city. ! The Chamber also was ad- Vancouver Bayonne .'. 06 Bralorne 9.00 B. R. Con 03 B. R. G ; 11 Cariboo Quartz 132 Congress 01 Hedley Mascot 43 Pend Oreille 5.50 Pioneer 3.30 Premier Burder 03 Vz Privateer .19 Reeves McDonald 3.10 niM'tbsmii at the meeting of the Prince plant in this area. .'rhe importance of primary industry was apparent, Mr. Perry pointed out, when it was considered that, .for every per ings of the Prince George Board of Trade to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and, for himself, assured the local Chamber of his devoted co-operation with all their worthy projects. 8 i'KT (if Commerce last niirht. The out- AIR STRIP RULED OUT l' passitig of a resolution urging the current reconsideration fi'itics, in their i vised that the matter of dis-i j nosal of such installations as son employed in such an industry; indirect employment was given for 4'2 more persons I K U) iiimiedl- ! NANKING 0 Premier Sun Fo 'and his cabinet, carry-over from t the Nationalist regime of the re- j itired Generalissimo Chiang Kal-j Slick, quit today. His resigna-j itlon opens the way for a Prem-j ler more acceptable to the Communists in jieaee talks to end .China's civil war. Mr. Ferry had, he said, ob served with Interest business was to the iiolicing committee of the city council. L. M. Fcluenlhal felt (here niight be some relaxation to the native visitora on occasions such i the large warehouse had been brought to the attentnion of the ' Minister of National Defence for investigation of its possible value for preservation lor de- . fence purposes. I The Chamber was assured To Check Tim Buck .05V2 ... 1.35 36 30 .31 18 Reno Sheep Creek Silbak Premier ' Taku River ........ Vananda Salmon Gold f'"K'iil. licfiior re-!rt U the na- ''iMi'ii U) .set up I niiit.-f. r t-lie P 'VC-.t l-;.tf- coin- f "UliDII f (!,(. I 'I 'lisciiiiiiimtion i: l-hc matlcr of i: Hi'cuiHinoda- In view of the extremely high estimated cost of $1,250,-000 and "overe.stimationu" of its actual value as a factor in improving of air transportation in and out of Prince Rupert, the Department of Transport has Informed the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce that it does not consider as justified which had been transacted by the Chamber. He suggested that the Chamber get hi touch with the regional development division of the provincial Department of Trade and Industry, through W. H. Crocker of Prince George, when it required in as this. Certainly, other conventions had concessions. T. N. Young;; felt that some- Spud Valley .08 Communist Curbinfs Hinted at Ottawa Sun Is on the Communisis' war criminals list and has been at odds with Acting Presldsnt Li Tsung-Jen. General Ho Ylng-Chin, far that there wmtld lie lull protection for any persons who might bid for use instead of demoli Oils-Anglo Canadian 4.35 IMtiS i.hoiild be done by the lomiiiloii government to pro- tion and plenty' of time would "l!iHleiit F. vide special aecommodbtlon fori the establishfiienl. of an air formation such as had been re be given prospective purchasers more acce jraoie to me, necis, is to investigate. I expected to succeed Sun. strip at Tugwi ll IMond. the natives In Prince Rupert In HV'z 76 46 4.90 1.18 11.50 A. P. Con Atlantic Calmonlt C. & E. ..: Central Leduc Home Oil K. ut of to or nee alti'iidaiice iuvilaUoii '""llnillce. ' 'i behalf le. prP. OTTAWA, 0!Prlme Minister St: Laurent said yesterday that Communist activities were "under constant surveillance." and- that statements made by Tim Buck, Labor-Progressive leader, would be checked by the Department of Justice. The Prime Minister was an quested in connection with resources tributary to possible northern railway development to Alaska. As for a railway to the Peace River country, Mr. Perry ex Mercury -Vz Bulgarian Clergymen Sentenced to Life l I'D native ' ami hundred pressed enthusiastic belief that the way of a recreation hall mid living quarters. He also suggested the establishment of Dominion policemen here. These might be Indians themselves." In deciding on vote to ask the federal authorities to speed up the relaxing of the liquor laws In regard to the natives, the Chamber decided against recommending at this time that the franchise be extended to all In Vlllai'cs in as much of the fine coal of that swering a question by Oeorge 'I IllOIII'hl II,.. area would reach the coast at,Drew' Leader of the Opposition. ' ail. T, . i,... on what the Progressivi-uon- The letter from the minister, Hon. Lionel Chcviier, read at last night's Chamber meeting, expressed the view that the first class seaplane base now existing so convenient to Trince Ru pert was even more advantageous than would be an airstrip at Tugwell Island, handicaps of which were cited as the time required to reach It from Prince Rupert, the unsheltered" water between the city and the island and the limited use. on account of unfavorable w-.ai.hrr, which would be permitted. In view of the di.screpcncies between the department's views and those of W. R. May of the SOFIA (CP) -"Four top defendants in Bulgaria's Okalta 1-55 Pacific Pete 2.48 Princess 31 Royal Canadian 09 Toronto Athona IU2 Aumaque 21 Beattie 53 Bevcourt 24 Bobjo 12 trial of Protestant churchmen were today sentenced to "lite imprisonment. Nine of the others got from Prince Rupert as over the Pacific Great Eastern to the south. Grain and cattle would also find its citlet through this port. The discussion of treatment of natives at Prince Rupert and the question of the return of the Japanese to the Pacific coast servative chief described: aS a "world-wide pattern of treachery" disclosed by recent . Communist statements. He said the Department of Justice , was studying a bill to curb the party's activities. dians. !''" Iiim. Mr. Anil' bitter coiii-FV " in ,mt, ,(.jn,; J ''"ill lime prino- natives felt., f (l""ars but did t lT.S.la pn,i(.11(.,.. f!'l"a.eU against J ''coiiiiiiodti-P U'fy were rele- live to nine years. Two were given suspended sentences. All were accused of spying for Britain and the Butlaio Canadian w2 Drew said that a statement United States and most of them led Mr. Perry to an inspiring . . , communist lead Consol. Smelters 103.75 Conwest 1-35 Donalda .53 Hold-Up In ?""y. ti native appeal for an embracing of the ers m countries outside Russia-great principles of freedom and lndicating that they would aid liberty including that "of the Russja in eVent of war gave new people of the lesser nations in meaning to a statement of Buck our midst," as expressed in the in Vancouver in 1946. Buck then United Nations Charter of Hu- said he would not defend Cana- 01 Willi I. II...., for black-market currency .dealings. Sentenced to life are Rev. Vassil Zlapov, 48, Congregationalism Yanko Ivanov, 48, Methodist; Nikola Naumov, 49, Baptist, and Georgl Chernev, 46, Pentecostal. Vancouver I.nne Bandit iets Away With $1100 from iirl Counting Cash Canadian Pacific Airmics. wno had made an exhaustive survey and .had esiiiiiated that. 'airstrip development at Tugwell would cost only $100,000, it was decided to refer the communication of Mr. Chcvrier to C.P.V r'uttoi, by lhp f111 inlmmed him I w''t around Eldona 58 '2 East Sullivan 2.78 Giant Yellowknife .... 5.50 God's Lake - -42 Hardrock I6V2 Harrlcana -OG Heva 10 Hosco m 25'2 THE -WEATHER Sy.rr'psJs Relatively cold air ha3 moved south to cover the entire province In the past 24 hours. Cloudy skies with scattered showers at the coast and snow "flurries over many of the southern Interior regions have marked the leading edge of the cold. Consider t" Die aih. While! VANCtiiiVKR 0A lone bari- man Rights. "If we do not admit the equality of race, how can we 4ri.!V'0l"nS ill'i"'"d ! dlt, holding a handkerchief over ""Hk, 1.1 111 I.,! ll.l.. 1.1 I lllim n,,l-ltl jiiii ur:i 4 ill. iit kii lu'iipri Aiiinir , ai . da In the event of a war with the Soviet but would, in fact, follow the same course as he had in the last one. r ' Buck. was interned in the last war by Mr. St. Laurent who wa3 then minister of justice. avoid being called hypocrites icatment! yesterday from the office of a Tl. '"iVlll., . . . " wus such, Vancouver trucking company. A woman employee of Pun-ell's HIS STORY WAS HOAX ml ti... ...j. NO ORDERS, p'tlvrd that they j, Trucking Co. who was counting cash in the office, said the ban EL to Prince " fcurna- MINES QUIT WINNIPEG 11" The Royal REPRESENTATIVE '"Men, Canadian Mouuiea ronce bm able clci'iitig is expected during the afternoon across southern British Columbia and somewhat lower temperatures w-ill be recorded in most of these ureas lonteht. The northern coast and central interior regions will remain clear throughout. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast-Clear today and Wednes- HALIFAX ff-The current ad- QQ! BLOOM DIES would larger tlirlr MANITOBA-' B.C. EVEN HAMILTON, 0i Manitoba and British Columbia went into a first-place tie today after the third round of the Canadian curling championships.' Each luu three straight victories. Ontario, which entered the round tied with the western provinces, dropped a 14 to 6 decision to the British Columbia rink, skipped by Reg Stone of Trail. Manitoba defeated Quebec 16 to 5. Experts now rate British Col Jacknife 04 Joliet Quebec 37 Lake Rowan 08 1 4 Lapaska 08 Little Long Lac .74 Lynx , 12i Madsen Red Lake ' 2.75 McKenzie Red Lake .... .38',i McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.00 Moneta 42 Vz Negus 2.25 Noranda- 54.25 Louvicourt 28 Pickle Crow 2.12 Regcourt -05 San Antonio 4.15 Senator Rouyn 41 Sherrit Gordon 2.25 Steep Rock' 160 StuEgeon River 17 Silver Miller 42 yebli'Sday that a Inige searcli here during the wee k-end "for the fugitive desperado. Mickey McDonald, had been touched off on a hoax tip from 31-year- dit "just walked in and grabbed the money. He was holding a hankie to his face. I don't think lie said anything." It was the second time Uip firm had been held up ithh three months. On December J8 two armed bandits slugged the owner, O. L. Purcell, and es old John Perry oma. best . I(lt Wa ,, an most re. y hatl I had. This of1;;:: 7,.iii;i now in custody, admit- day. Winds northeasterly (15 nient in the Nova Scotia coal industry, where and how Nova! WASHINGTON, D.C. Rep-Scotia coal is to be sold, will be resentatlve Sol Bloom, New York diagnozed this week at Ottawa. Democrat, who rose from uear During the past fortnight sev- poverty to riches and world eral pits have been worked only prominence, died suddenly, last part time and several miners night of a heart attack almost, have been thrown out of work, on the eve of his seventy-ninth The reason is no orders and birthday. Song writing, acting the reason behind that has been and business enterprises maci -given as the mild maritime win- him a millionaire before he waj ter. . j 20 years of age. caped with $515. ted that lie had made up his m.p.h.) exposed areas, light else-story that he had acted as "a where. Little change in tempera-grocery man" for McDonald and ture. Lows tonight and highs several companions on a farm Wednesday At Port Hardy 38 near Austin, Manitoba, about and 42, Massett 28 and 45, Prince PLASTIC LENSES wea 10 run uid bf be J'a anarchy. He u,ls be made umbia as the best contender for Contact lenses are being made the 'crack Manitoba squad. PiPhtv miles west of ;.e"e. Rupert 28 and 45. from plastic in lieu of glass. J