dnee Kuperf Dau? mfos Tuesday, March 8, 1949 - n Gaines nourishes every inch rt The i i "cd v ross Sgne 1J, Ourvkh 4, Thompson 7, Brown. Marshall 1, Dumas 3 Gill 11 62. Bo-Me-Hi - Flaten 10, Davidson, Olson 3, Spring 11, Carlson 2, S. Scherk 9, Sunberg 12, Webster, Bill 2, Ratchford 49. Intermediate BROVYNWOObS IN PLAYOFF Continued iuin rage 4i bell. Bob Gill of Fashion was outstanding on rebounds. Steve pros your love nourish erery Smproof inch of your dog ! Ferd Gaines ! it I Dumas of Sterne's was working banished on fouls. The score as the pivot smoothly, the quarter ended was 51 to 32 : Fashion ' took 68 shots and ennel-tested biologically proved nutritionally complete. in me rinal V r asnion siatta, intermela ' .. quarter the game made 17. They made - 3 of 13 free , , ;Ta,lffm . f? "augan 3, Cj. Haugan 4, Gill, imhW u,itv, i.ifv,,,. c,.. tv shots went ------ in Tpn, a Anrts;pn77 i ers bouncing off each other as as' and and made made 13 13. Thev They canned canneo 4 oi of ,,. D r, (Off o(e the game became rougher. Sun-. 13 free throws, berg and Syd Scherk ran t.h WIN stitpaK KXDS Cheaper) to Feed than any otlier type. A 5-tli. hag makes 10 to 12 lbs. of ready-lo-et food. More convenient! just mix with water lwp, milk or gravy). For vnrwtj, xry CALNKS KRUNCIION, which i Gaines Meal compreiwed into mtnehy bite-tii,e jicllctn. Poy off in health I Each pound eon-tainB pritteim as in lb, beef; vnrbohytlrate an in 1 qt. cooked oatmeal; futx as in 1 oz. butter; mineral as in 1-4 lb, cheese; iron ". a in 3i lit. beef liver. Bo -Me -Hi ofienee but the High School Ralnbirds stop-Brownwoods lead was too big'ped the winning streak of and there was not enough time I Peopled whlclf had reached in the quarter. The game be- eight straight as they dropped came a parade to the foul line them with a 22-14 defeat. High as the players were overly ag-' School was led toy Currie and sressive. Shier and Marshall Arietta Hamilton as they push- Inf.inwf j COAT I Silky 4 I CHEST j riF NORWAY son- Muslc was by Mike Co'ussl. . .ir rA f 'L AiL Urtnv.u Rjta Joh nson, Mr. Gunnaf Sel-i"'"' lo lne oench in this quar- ed through to their win. nign A. lenscn arri H. McDonald.! and lnat left Brownwoods School effectively bottled up vig 12, Marshall 1, Wesch 2, Smith i J, Christoff 6, Yourrr. Krist- ! manson 30. j Ladies High School A. Hamilton 9,' Currie 10, Pavich 2, Kennedy, , Matson 1, Lykegard, Webster ; " 22. j People's Budinich 7. Htw, ' Dumas, Bill, Sedgwick 3, Quick, i Krecsy 14. Junior Rupert Hotel Marki 6. Jordan 10, W. Stacey 5, Morrison 3, B. McFarlane 3, A. McFarlane, E. Stacey 27. Hih School Forman 3, Smith 2, Hills, Hamilton 7, Brown 2, Vance, Sheppard, Clark 6, Jeffries 222. , The standings: t riM all vitamins be needs. ' . ., . tt wurr only four players on the high scoring Jackie Budinich by STOCKHOLM, sji Mrs. Sig-' fl0"r and then their coach. Art double checking. High School rid RysU'dt, of Sundsvall, 102 on Murray, entered the game for took an 8-2 lead In the first February 19, but hale and tne remaining one minute of quarter and for the next two hearty though invalided by a PIav- Bo-Me-Hi lost three men quarters held on as People's broken hip due to a fall some in tne last quarter Davidson, 1 played hard and came up to ,jyabie whist drive, js held Friday night 1 t.f Norway. Nels ..us master of cere-' tl,(. ( ominittw in ui Oscar Oiske. K:i.it fc'lutta, .ra-Vtr, Mrs. Oitn-,nd V.ii-- A Iknrick- first Spring and Scherk. 'within one point of them, 12-11, COHDmoNl ' umas I years ago, enjoyed her flight the other day. Her sole regret was that the pilot didn't mop the loop. The officials had a field day . as the Tinal quarter began, in as they called 67 fouls, tops for ' the fourth People's were out-the past two seasons. played and out-fought as High Brownwoods took 70 shots and School round their Shooting eye mide 1G. The nmde 17 of 42 and Hauiilloil led them to their 1 Senior jT" ; w Co-op 11 Brownwoods 7 Pet. : .786 .40.7 .385 .357 L 3 8 8 9 gBrJWgMI FLOORING FIR OR HEMLOCK L Pet. free throws. . win. INTERMEDIATE High School took 51 shots and F hio;. had a handful md l0- They made 8 of 7 free they squeaked through to their throws. People's took 37 shots win over Stone's. Stones checked and made 6. They made 2 of 7 them close and were rushing , f"ee throws, them on their shoU. In the first: Jl'NlOR quarter the play was slow with' In tne Junior game Rupert each team weak on their shoot-; Holel pinned another defeat on ing. Stones led at the quarter High School but not before the 0-5. In the second quarter the latter had given them a scare ni:iv was even with hni.h teams1 and had held the lead at the Savoy ' 5 Bo-Me-Hi 5 Intermediates W Fashion Footwear ...12 Merchants 9 High School 7 Morgans 7 .750 .643 .4ii7 SIDING AU. TYPES SASH ' ' , AND DOOR 4 5 8 9 Stones 3 12 .200 nil .' n Product of Gonoral Po4i Ladies , W L Pet. Whtr dog (sMk rt 1-., 5 and SAb. kt . . . .-i!l Complete Hnpplv f (icncral Con strut lion working the ball and waiting fur clear shots. Fashion edged into the lead 17 to 14 when half time came. In the third quarter the Dom's 10 3 .7i'.9 People's 9 5 .643 High School 7 6 .538 Complete Meal for all Dogs D2 three-quarter mark. In the first half the play was1 even although Rupert Hotel had the better In shooting and took a 13 to 6 lead at half time. In the third quarter High Schoo came alive and, led by Hamilton who scored all his 7 points In this quarter, went Into a 16-13 lead while holding Rupert It Pays to Advertise i !" Advertise in the Dally News! Miller Bay 0 12 .000 Junior W L Pi t North Star 13 1 .929 Kinsmen 4 .092 Rupert Hotel , 5 10 .333 play was aggressive with more' buttling for the ball than team work and good shooting. Fash ion led at the quarter 24 to 19. In the final quarter the scoring picked up as Fashion started to increase their lead but Stone's kept right on their heels. Fashion held on to the play and held the lead until the final hilpott, Evitt and Co. Ltd. TERRACE P.-T. IN SESSION TERRACE Plans f r the school operetta were advanced last Thursday even at the Par- tion of the Parent Teachers' 1 Federation and resulted In 12 to 10 against. A resolution con-cerning the need of a dentist here will be forwarded there. Mrs. Mcllroy was appointed convener for the Earter tea. j An enjoyable talk on remedial reading and phonics was given by Mrs. Mcintosh, Graclt .072 High School 1 13 Hotel to no score. In the final quarter the High School defence weakened a bit and Jor-tian brought his team Into the j lead and they never lost It. BASKETBALL PHONE 651 I ent Teacher Association meet- Prince Rupert's I Finest Kating Place BROADWAY CAFE I BEST FOOD Baily dated that Three teacher. Two Questions in ' ing when Mrs TIME-TABLE FOR the I sewing bees had lnir arranged l-. lUn t sed, seu. one iesuitiux ui iuc in SINESS AND PROFESSIONAL March 12 rcorth Rupert Hotel took 51 snots and made 12. They scored 8 of 18 free throws. High School took 45 shots and made 9. They scored 4 of 7 free throws. Individual scoring: Senior Brownwoods Shier 23, Lav- quiries being instituted with re olar 5. ! ior uie niu&iiig ui hjv tiumiai vs. Hijih costumes. She asked for old Kinsmen, Merchants gard to a residential school in evening gowns to be made over, Workmen ONLY School, Co-op vs. Savoy. Terrace. Hmh also 40 pairs of stockings to be J. CHENEY March 15--Kimmen vs BEST COOKlMc.l re-sewn and dyed for the chil 1 DENTIST dren as well as scraps of crepe FIRST PHONE EXCHANGE Pioneer !ryhack Coats S8.25 to make flowers. The first telephone exchange SMITH BLOCK PO. Bm 1401 FOR YOUR HOCK and CONCIiKTF. WORK CALL BLU? 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed in Canada was opened In 1878 A request from the United ,nurcn Sunday School for the mt pturtity at Hamilton, Ont. Pioneer Dryhack Pants Sfl.95 Khaki Coveralls $5.45 Ienim Pants, 8-oz $3.50 Penim Pants. 9-or,. . .. $3.75 School, High School vs. Doms.' Stones vs. Merchants, Savoy vs. -o-Me-IIi. March 19, 21 Play-off semi-March 2G, 2!. April 2 Play-oil iinals. The following unscheduled Intermediate tames to be piaycy if they affect final standings-Morgans vs. Merchants, High School vs. Fashion. (mm loan of the film strip camera recently purchased by the -F.T.A. Tor the school to show religious slides was to be passed on to he School Board, as Mrs. Ken- j WAY THE ULTIMATE IN SOCKS LEEDS, Eng., (P Everlasting socks they don't need mending and show no sign ot weai nedy, liaison officer, reported a Specialty CHINESE DISHES FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 ' J, BLACK r,NC v.t .....w, ,ft .i( thA nm- after more than a years use BRYDGES and McLEAN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS i. mr I)( livery Needs perty of the School Board. ! have been perfected in Leeds A closed vote was taken on University Textile Department whether to send a delegate to under Prof. J. B. Speakman. the Vancouver Faster eonven- Production will start shortly. i KEPT BAKERIES CLEAN ! The sanitation of English bakeries was spc-ciaiiy regulated by law in 18G3. 608 WEST THIRD AVENUE Denim Coveralls, 8-oz. S5.1 Denim Kin Coveralls . $4.65 Denim Smocks $4.85 Blue a."vl White Boilermaker Coveralls " $4.05 Khaki Pants -Group 1 $4.50 Khaki Pants - Group 2 $4.89 Painters' Overalls $4.95 Sleelbilt Pants $4.75 Moleskin Pants $5.95 Heavy Humphry Fishermen's Pants.. $11.95 Dioulilr Diamond Pants $5.45 Ironman Pants $5,511 UuniUMkltiirn Pants ... S8.50 Income Tax Returns Compiled :ow cAiiS Hour Service I fl'llONT. MG J TTTTT' - YOU 1 , Bcsnrr Block Rotm 31 PHONE fi00 ' i 'I fiiurtfous Rorvioe gotta keep feeling RIGHT... Piione 458 it Third Avenue IKY SERVICE 'R OREEN 787 r i i . i ,i i r c ' . MATTSON'S UPHOUSTERINO Phone BLUE 818 P O. Box W)fl 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. A. 1 GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Wini' Rupert, IJ. Acme i"x t doin fx id lot mptlt UbtUd by ny B.C. erawity living gets no cheaper! "('.ant afj'urA m' up nit It lhe kuh . . . fane . . . fwf pricet . . . lu'ep ihrnu in ihnl pnnrh . . . ihnt niewns keep fit." You have to fel rijilil ami work rijiltt to be in the noney. OU CAIVT if you're liool.leil liy irregularity iloe 1o lack, of bulk foods in vliat )ou eat. Post's Uran Fhikes help provide penile, natural laxative action. Help make food waste move prompt I) - keep you feelin" (it and on your toes. Enjoy wholesome wheat nourishment too Post's Bran Flake R HANOINO KiN PA1MT1NO Ihit tdvcitiumcfll it not publitktd dtpUydby lh l iquor Conliol BoaidM by lh GotwnftMl o IrXith Calumbit. CLOTHING STORE -i RAH ME!! 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. oreen mil t- . A Product of 1 TECHNICIAN ' v"i' in; and Repairs Gcnaral fqpdi are made Willi other parln ol wlieai. And flavorful 'Post' Bran Flakes make good eating ecery morning, lirae or regular pai-k- 1 T.. k, "l' till MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STtiNE BHlUHNCi K COTJISQT Ormes Drugs a"e. insist on rosi a hi.a a. DRUGS BLACK 75(1 Kith Eaxt. 4- . he needs Sure- likes 'em too! i BRAN FLAKES T1IONE iilue rm P.O. Bolt 1184 'IHJNC, WOOD Delivered '"w and nm.int,iv PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS aTOKK HOURS-WEEK-DAYS. U A.M. . TO l P M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -12 NOON O 2 P.M ' 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. i.n WITH OTHEt PARTS OF WHIAT Plihlhle f,. li:- - juir H Jb IT r, . . , . . . 5 Green 180 JOHN H. I) Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till p.m. . and Sunday HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Heauty Culture in all Its branches WN MACHINE Dally car delivery iendc from a.m. till 6 p.m. BULGER NOW h ihe Time... WORKS ff" SIMPLEX GAS 204 4th Street Phone 055 PHONE 81 OFTOMETR 1ST A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. OI R STOCK OF B1DKOOM SMTKS IS COMPLKTi:. Oriental Walnut Itutt Walnut Avoriire Bleaehed Colonial Maple Birdseye Maple Prices from $150 to $298 Phone 773 We Deliver 327 3rd Ave. ! ii and DIESEL ENr.iwps rvicn and Parts f;ors and users. of In- HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue t are invited to C 10 view our varl "V-r equip Bulldlns and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners GALLS ; TO - , L. H0RIE to make chanties in your refrigeration system. We will be glad to assist you in any improvements contemplated. Have your machine checked to see if it is in con-dition'f or the heavy work season which is ahead. REE US FOR YOUR REFRIGERATION REQUIREMENTS Walk-in or Keach-in Coolers Frozen Food Cabinets Ice Cream Cabinets and Domestic Refrigerators tHernB.CPowerCo.Lttl. O PIIONE 210 or 209 O" CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment Newly Re-Opened Til WEE SISTERS ' COFFEE SHOP 3.rl West Third COMPLETELY RENOVATED AND REFURNISHED BETTER THAN EVER . Downy-Flake Do-Nuts Our Specialty I'M R PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1G70 rns Compiled kJPhnne 387' TO hoiirs and 12:30 p m 10:SO km. to 11, a to 6 p.m. -artao 1 u EVKNINOS BRINGS FROMPV, EXPERT SERVICE SAANICH Plumbing & Heating QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden HeeU and Worn Solei MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Monday nd Friday, 7:30 p.m. foi thos unable to comfl during tl day. RECEPTIONIST a attend-uncn attmoon. - Pa