CABS c. onr.iEs DRUG Daily Delivers NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest. PHOIIE 81 vv. AAAViil, No. l. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. SATURDAY. JANUARY 2Q 1040 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' ' . .. . , f European Democracies u nion i- -rw " - 1 , 1 till iff' t , ' v. Y v ; i i Emerges, Strasbourg Capital I 4 I ; ft f . . I I - v- V, CARNIVAL FUNDS Major Factor REQUIRED FOR lh Rebuilding CENTRE BUDGET i rnnin0nt Civic Centre Meeting Favors Bowling Alley Installation . Civic Centre Association will make an investigation into the cost and other factors involved in construction of a number of bowling alleys to be operated as part of the Civic Centre. Authority to make such an investigation was given to the directors by last lliorit.'s nnnnul tntiji inir With art actual operating re it venue of $19,489, Prince Rupert's Civic Centre had a financial deficit of $6,757 in its last fis LONDON (CP) The new "Council of Europe " 'A cal year a!thoi.ieh this was pov- iT-ifV, o -eArAi-rr fxtViinnf ered by a transfer of carhTval The proposal was made by .1 T)nwKAVMAV,f n u "... W. T i , ,;, ..f.i - - I t 1 R. E. Montador, Kinsmen delegate, and found support irotn T. Norton Youngs and Dr. R. O. Large, both of whom .said that ; . .;"-J '-."V - Morming of Nanking Appral of Nationalist May Not be Heeded they had previously favored construction of a swirmnint' owl. proceeds, Civic Centre members ailu duviBui.y. laruaiacni,, learned last night. . j emerged today as a major Net carnival proceeds were factor in the postwar $8,740 before Fne $6,757 was , , . ,r, . , ..... , , . .. world. " Foreign 6 ministers of five transferred to cover operating ' democracies . of , the ,. western cot Of" European union which set up The gross . expenditure of the councU said lu headquarters $25,757. $14,022 went for sal- aries and wages for adminls- would be at Strasbourg. Trance, tration and operation, account-' After months of negotiation, ing and employees' hospllanza- the members are Britain, France, Mr.' Montador told the meet i! aft?iftis2 n 'SB. . -"te ing that a bowling alley would be a "natural revenue producer" which would overcome the defi- J" &' I NANKING, jfr Communist uib miner wnien uie i-ivic Uon and compensation iees. Is operating at present. Ho moved that the directors be em gunners today planted artillery on the north bank of the Yangtze River east of Nanking, ominously warning the capital l hat, if the government wants to show Its sincerity for peace, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. They will invite others to join. The assembly Is expected to Iuiloin? maintenance and opera tins supplies and expenses cosl. ,301 and $2,143 went for ' ' : I 1 "SI i." '.Boy - powered to investigate the cost of building a bowling alley and Ias-,pave the way ultimately for a special events. Including ketbail. given power to act on their 4 -. - -. h- , 4 single Parliament which will findings. The Civic Centre fiscal year represent all" European democ- ffirrp'.'liinwlc tirtiln flirt ii,.i,.r,1 ,,r- Mr. Youngs, who is vice-presi- it will not movs. But It Is too late. A careful check failed to locate a single Nationalist cabinet minister. All are gorlfc but their representatives refused to say where. dent, of ti,p civie. nfm d.! " ir racies. ,,,.. , " ' eratuig year which runs from that he has always iavored a I . )(.,,(,i,er ; t.r, Rn.J.,h.r :n swimming pool but had conclud ,l j T.! ' The organization Is designed to gradually absorb sovereignty concepts and erase the borders of Europe. J - -ff-'rt nti'i mil "M ed that "its cost is but of our The latest Red demand that the government remain liiNan- l;i:NT OPKNS Willi an uie iramcumui pomp anu financial reach." "I agree that we should look CIVIC CENTRE kingi-was telephoned from Red- ,(ur.:;d i's P uliunicnt began Wednesday what prob- (he hrii, sessitm of Uie 3(H,h Parliament. Members heiT Vificount Alexander, governor-general, read the Speech from the Throne whieh forecast tax reductions and other important legislation. This National Film Hoard photo shows the Si nate Chamber as me soveniur-general spoke. (CP Photoi out now for some revenue-pro Semite yalhcrcil ill Hie Red Chiiniber tu controlled Pelpmg to Acting-President Ll Tsung Jen's special representative. 1948 OFFICERS ARE RE-ELECTED ducing line of recreation. Eight or 10 bowling alleys would bring In a substantial revenue and costs would not be greatly f J Sources say that the demand puts' Li in an Impossible posi FOR RELIEF OF STEWART The coastwise steamer Camo-sun of Union Steamships Ltd. Met. on j TODAY'S STOCKS I (.:,nirir;;y .'5. U. JubiiobHl Co. LU!. tion. "Ostensibly it means no peace." I Bulletin A Tim Civic Centre Association's l'!48 executive council received If built at the rear of the Civic Centre, Mr. Youniis declared Nervous citizens of Nanking it a substantial vote of confidence Line might be possible to connect for its best year's work last aiving here tomorrow gveCrig arc sitting on a powder keg and frora. Vancouver nortobouiC. in night wlren Mie hoard of 34 (75 r- wiHs tiv: h"ii4',,pnrt.tyi1ir-f-.'""i no it.,. Homo .jteareA Uw Roto had '"begun to shell the city eciors eommaucl oI Capt., Jonn Boden, re-elected them to otfice wheu hardy citimis toucned oH by arclainaiiMii followiii the dels lit Two cllUles of the building, ; Dr. It., a. Large -declared that he had believed a swimming pool to be what the Civic Centre win mane anocner. attempt on Monday' to reacli fetewart, the snow and ice-bound :'Bilniig community at the head Of Port- iireworks celebratins Chinese New Year. Vancouver . fUfMHlw . . . :. " W. IP aim ii" .. 8 7' UK t' ii ..' 03" liK.X .Ifl'j Cio ibiHi tJnarU 1.30 ('iiiif; e,s,s 0i Iledley Ma.scol .53 raclhi: Eastern 07 Lend. Oreille .. 015 I'ioiieer , 310 Premier Border 01 Privateer .1!) land Canala wliere file Alaska PanTianuTe borders liortlTem Til, 'I' U.UTey si'Tii director of tin: a! Union ut Minn, ler Worl;er.j (t'Cl.i t jpltl thai, the ;m!i-6ni"cv of Labor ac-jl'V in;. Uiilon was annual general meeting. The complete executive, wlilch wiii sit for uie second year, is: President, Dr. R. G. Large. Vice - President, T. Norton Youngs. Secretary, C. G, Ham. Treasurer,' RI. C. Brydges. Executive members A. P. Crawiry, Mrs. J. T. Harvey, J. S. Lindsay. W. F. Stone, A. M. should have but that he agreed with Mr. Youngs that "it is out of our reach." The meeting was' unanimous in voting the directors authority to Investigate construction of bowling alleys. " ""'IM AKGKKfiNE qOISIION4'?"'""" '' VICTORIA SpokcMiK mi f ..' 1 Li H I jjitPl i'r d;iry farmers, members of the SJmn-.'i n!an;igaa Dairy Industries Co - nierytive Assuciylioii, yesterday placed before the cabinet a pfouTahi for the sale of margarine in J'.ritish (.'ulumliia. They ashed that legislation be assetl U prevent margarine or other liutter substitutes from usurping the merits of dairy products and that liutter substitutes should .not imitate butter in color or appearance. They said that margarine sales in Canada would wipe out the butter production of H(i(),IKK) cows and take away Jhe livelihood of 100,000 Canadians.' Agriculture Minister Frank Putnam said he is doing everything lie can to ban the sale of margarine in Jhitish Columbia. conit:ri:nci: failing British Columbia. On two previous runs recently, the fee-locked canal, beatTTeg of wIGeh are bordered with 21 f feet of snow, has preVerued CTife vessel from reaching tire wnarT at Stewart. Three days ago warn- HeeveH McDonald 3 30 $ -rday at a United tea holder nieellni,'! (1'obinson, deported ; Reno .07 Hurst, R. E. Montador. e'lVen ",at fu! was At the general meeting, four Sheep Creek 1.53 members from the general pub .39 .34 .30:l 41 vice -president of !"e V liole CHIIip.ieoi and tile tliniiil i'fl 'I'.o'ly (Ik; aciion Ci kii.hi Cim;:ress of Silbak Premier . Takn Klvrr Vaiianda Salmon Gold Spud Valley (Ask) 15 .oavj lic were electecTto the board of directors. They were Mrs. S. T. Harvey, C. G. Ham, W. J. Scott and F. E. AniTeld The 31 olher members of the board are delegated by organizations actively supporting the Civic Centre. BAROMETER AT AVERAGE HERE . While barometer levels Vive been reaching "35-year record levels on the lower mainland and the southern interior, the glass In this area has been remaining at high but not record level, the tendency iiaving tie-en to ctrop since a high mark of 30.57 early yesterday morning. In spite of what is a hlg'i level, the weathe has been thick and rainy.- ! 'a f lo remove our j Oils ' H', ic",i!iiii ite of the community was, running low. -'.'' , Steamship officials fceueve that, unless HlB" Canjosun is abie(to reach Stewart this time, the Department of Transport will make arrangements to blast a passage through the Canal ice to the Stewart docfc.':i " In order to taciie the Stewart problem in dayligTit, Capt. Boden will make his Stewart call before ATice Arm this voyage, In reverse of the regularly Scheduled order. nil!':- "''l; Miuphy .s.rnl, -vi "Mdi of Trail with " I Hiilin':,. tm'une .sliu b'r ,1,(1 Murj)ily HOCKEY SCORES Tacifie Coast League Oakland 4, Los Angeles 3. Vancouver 3, Fresno 2. 4 ' ileporled fur "bvnic.s in cuna- APPEALS TO COMMUNISTS NANKING Q Acting President Li Tsung-Jen perked up peace prospects for China yesterday by sending a personal plea to the Comunist leader, Mao Tze-Tung. Caretaker for the government and deeply distrusted by the Communists, Ll urged Mao to name the place and his own negotiators for a peace conference. At the same time a regiment of Nationalist troops revolted when ordered into Communist territory under the Peiping peace pact. Loyal troops engaged the rebel regiment and suppressed the revolt. THE WEATHER Synopsis The Intense high pressure area which was located over southern British Columbia yesterday moved far south into the United States tills morning. Warmer air from the ocean is now passing over the province with some light rain along the coast and widespread snow in the Ulterior. There are no active storms over the Pacific and Sunday is forecast to be mild and only partly cloudy. Forecast (jueeu Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy with scattered showers today. Clear tonight and Sunday. Northwest winds (15 m.p.h.), little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy 32 and 40, Masse tt 32 and 40, Prince Rupert 32 and 40. E 10ST IN in:;ln Canadian 5,25 At.lanlie. 74 ('abnoiit ... AIV2 V. & E. G 00 Central Led uc 1.32 Homo. Oil . 12.50 Mercury 14'ii Okalla 1 .35 Pacific Pete 2.(") 1'iinces.s .31 Royal Canadian .'10 Tiirmilo Atliona .13 Auma'pte 33 Ileal lie : 5B lleveourt 23 Unhjo .. .I3',i Huflalu Canadian '.I5',i Consul. Smellers 115.00 Con west 1 33 Donalda 50 Kldoiia 07 Sullivan , 3.20 Oianl yellowknifc 5 45 God's Luke 50 llardrock 20 (OUISION " Mine than fain 'W I'.ircil t.wi f.,n ,m"inn collision r i,PlVn'i I'vo Chinese '"' ,silill island, 100 "f liere. 'I'l, T lll('t' Taininr. .,,,.! .... KIIODKS Israeli-Kgyptian negotiations on an armistice are on the edge of failure today. Failure, of both sides to modify their stands appears likely to wreck the conference soon. Egypt has demanded that the Jews give up their gains on the southern desert. The Jew s have refused. MacMILLAN BONUSES VANCOUVER II. Ii. MacMillan Export Co. Yesterday announced that it vi1J pay bonuses totalling $(i(M),000 to regular employees. In the case of hourly workers, the bonuses will amount to $100,-000. SEFS WESTERN PLOT MOSCOW Russia issued a white paper today telling the world that the projected North Atlantic pact was part of a British-American plan for a new war. It is a plot against tin; United Nations and has as its object, the domination of the world by. force. It accused the United States and P.riiam of trying to isolate the Soviet Union, uitdormiuiug the. United Nations, instituting an economic boycott against the Soviet Union and friends and trying to start a new war. ISRAELI RECOGNIZED LONDON Croat Jhitain, l'-elgiuin and . the , Netherlands today announced they had given facto (limited) recognition to Israel. : Separate announcements were made after foreign ministers, in meeting, had decided to give recognition. Other. members of the group, France and Luxembourg, have already done so! They are planning to exchange representatives at an early date, the British statement said. CUBAN KID WINS NEW YORK -Cuban Kid Gavilan, shaking off Ike Williams' right hand, bombs, upset the world lightweight champion last night to win a non-title 10-round split decision. Gavilan snapped the champion's ten-fight winning streak on the votes of two judges after Referee Ruby Gigstein called it a draw. BATTLE FOR PLAY-OFFS . MONTREAL (CRr Montreal Canadiens and Boston Bruins, now tied for the runner-up position in the National Hockey League, will both have a crack this week-end at the league-leading Detroit Red Wings whos margin now stands at a substantial six points. The Canadiens are meeting the Wings at the Forum here tonight. The Detroiters will then travel to Boston to meet the Bruins tomorrow night. Meantime, the Toronto Maple Leafs, striving for play-off position after a disappointing season, are taking on the Chicago Black Hawks in the Maple Leaf Gardens tonight and will go to Chicago for another game tomorrow night. An engagement' between the Montreal Canadiens and New York Rangers at Madison Square Garden Sunday night will round out the week-end schedule. ;'P"y,:" mllidca in 1 "r Bi persons U1.t. Iur- A" "ere Chinese TlDlvS I ' .IsiiMnu y Uh; ;! ; uifi f,.,.. U-U 31 1 feet 8;1 72 feet 2(1:43 2.R feet f - i - .... . . j s lt i ; I r "v ' v liarrieuiiu "... ,ob:;:, lleva 11 lUisco 2(1 Jacknif'e .ou.i Juliet Quebec A2'z l.fke Rowan (Mli Lupa;,ka OHVi hltUe Long Lac 00 Lynx 13 Madseu Red Lake 2.71 MiKenie Red Lake 3(1 . MeLeod Cockshutt 1.05 Mono la 4a Negus 2.35 NuranUa 5U.00 l ouvicunrt 41 ITlckle Clow 2.10 , tJ I firt I Shrine Band . CONCERT ! J Arrows EiiAinii!ii.'?ti.n n VS. iw'tcuuri Basketball ,nce Rupert UA1V 9 and 10 TAKES SALUTE Viscount Alexander, governor-general, and Lady Alexander are shown in this Canadian Army photo as they took the sahib fro mthe guard of honor in front of the Parliament Buildings during the ceremonies which accompanied the opening of Parliament in Ottawa Wednesday. , (CP Photo) Monday Wight, 8:15 'CIVIC CENTRE San Antonio 4.10 Senator Rouyn 42 Sherrit Gordon 2.40 Steep Rock ..,....., 1.58 Sturgeon River .18 Silver Miller .38 TQNfGHT 8:30 Brownwoods and Savoy TS N0W ox SALE