r fin Rupm Dailp rDctos fiituiisy, Jfrsjripr, 5, 1949 di Services I'CWiCS i . I During n.irinc the the Mormon Morning ci-u?.. U.h HtTIRs; PROTt.r TION .( T k -. in-., c tapier mt THK COLCMfiiA t'EULl LO"-r.' rOMPA..Y Liil0 hereoy oi L'-NOTICE that they hate under 600'; tlon 7 of the sa.d Act. Uepoiitd ' 'he Minuter cf Public Worka . Ottava. and in the Und Retrij,;,,"' ajic a.: forr-ir.iiiiiue!- erOTprjrtEg r.t,rra ar.d r.'.rai Er..jh Col'jra'b: Hi lAjucraMi mx fwmo C)t Ma:'. Po. Of:;o Drfartment, Cr'awa j P;bl:r.i v7 afternoon rzrct ByniiT br Service In First United Church tomorrow DIRECTORY Piite FSip-t 1s!:y '- Lvi "!rd Atnra. Pnc Rut-rr. British Columbia. . HI XTTR Mr.ainr Editor H O PEPPY Hanating D!r-vr Untirt OP CKDU Ri.tS ATTjTT Bl'P.EAt" of circulations CA-SACIaS DAH.T VrvCPAPER ASSOCIATION 8'JBSChIPTTOS HATFS . SATURDAY SERMON fwrrk In aH rlirtbH at II a m tiy C.TlaT, Per Ww. We. Per feocut. ;Sc: Pr Tear. MOO. 1?X r.nr and 7 3 pm; sundaj twhool at Mail, rat Uoalu. He, Pet Tear, 5 Ob 12 15 rirfpt bn. "1 . Now a New Hammond Organ will be umbia. a de-cnptn o( the e Klu dedicated. The mgan replace P"n of lfir si."hu p-oooum to the very old Pipe Or.an hich X Du was installed lor the opening of ' South or Poryxjue Channel ana the then New Methodist Church ' I Jr,"'n Lflu Is""'d the laina: in Prince Bupert on March 3, j and take notice tht fu-r th, J9I. j Pratlon ol one mon'h from the The .tory of thu old organ U ,.0 very iiitreUng. At a Confer- pany Limited m. u.i.er t.tt,m 7 ANGLICAN ATHF.IlBtL, tta Are W at Dununtar 6C MEVS TOP f04 CHRISTIAN CREDENTIALS i Captain William C. Poulton, The Salvation Armyi Text: 1 Corinthian M It behooves every Christian to have his creden Holy tomiQJQioa bw i S.mnMW -vhi SIM n PTocttsf. a A . It Ju. CaDnu or the utd Act -;p,y to the Vsn.,tr of Public Worlta t or:ir sn the City of Ottawa, for cpnrnval of tne tials ready for presentation when asked for same, and .tnce held in victoiu in ii 01 I.aeeordintrlv.rherish thwMrlv nnnortunitv afforded ;tirly m3' Dr Oeorge H Bate mm biptist 6th Are E at Younl 8t ailttdfr: Re. Fred aiitrouua iCiraea MEN'S LPrs. ... I Mfs sp.jKt ! N'uw . MEVS W0RS va So T MEVS L F 4 7 R I site and Dlan DATED thia 2St.li diy of October. ,"; ', . i itnen minuter at Port Simpon I me . by ihe t, editor of the.Pnnce Rupert Daily m News v to Lnd district chairman, appealed j Droffer mine. It almost hnrders on the nresumntuous lor an organ lor the Princa Ru- COI.rMBIA COMPANY UfcHTFO. for one so recently arriving in the City of Prince 1 F. C, CnU thi!'. A"er.t e. .f Kv-. 1 n 1 s Kit-troptjiiian UethodUt Church. 4 1 1 . . ..11. -.. .1 t ; . . 1 .1 1 pf-rt.as I have, to have the pri-j ! ( Sprrial I1KT PKIBTKRMX 4tb A'euue Xart FIBT t'MTKU fit 6th Are Wert Rev. L. G. Sieber -Gr"en 613 FV1.L GOWPRI. TUUK(LE 202 6th Ave West Pub .r : C. Fawcett (Green 3311 i for eradication by sucri- u-uiii. uncivil uirir uiu Vr9 oman which had been stured '"'WF-N'S AIJ...... iiee 01 a nae a pulpit as thu newspaper affords. What n line men and women ol God fica- f.rxm sTEvim and so on. ad infinUum. in a basement because they had WISH CO.Tv! Sp'tisl . The ' just iUit secured seur'd a new orn- organ. various nulpits. to sav nothing hour of mans extremity, he is .ne of U prient UieiupbenU. for not too particular about t h e Pnnce Rupert delegates nspectd the editor to feel safe in ex- '-heury of Jeus but very ani-i,ne orn nd ret;1 10 ! I tendiiig me the honor of an ar-'ous abwui the fact of Hi Sl-'11- Ho""- extensive repairs . . . I . ....... ! '.r r-in i rtA 1ir 11 F Varav HAI.VATiny ARMY Prsaur StiJrt CO: Capt W Poulton Dirertary CiaM 2 30 p m. Sunday School I 00 pm. (BiacE li n PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and IntrritediaV Parti Each Thursday t 1115 p.m. ' cie Dw-armn mv ran hviina auu ; vatinn Ofinii avaiiaD.e lo rxxir 1 - - v .... ... ........... ., though he has only met me ' -'tnfuJ manknd. Paul widely undertook to take cart of th re- 1 lonoe and thai for a few min- tays: "Jesus, and Him crucified " j lr 8nd ioult a,tr th shipping ! j ; uts. Truly I appreciate the in- I beg leave to take Paul's ct u- SoitwasshippedtoEev.il ! herltance that is mine and feel words and offer them them to to vou.: Shades B. 8ing, Prince Bupert. gT. P41 V9 I I TIIP.RAi 6th Ave. at MrBrlde BX. Putor: 8- 6ulland iYo Canadianizing IN' THE FACE of opinions of three such eminent commissioners as those who brought in the recommendations following the incidents on Canadian naval vessels, comment here would appear to be al-m presumptuous. The findings were more drastic and Ihe recommendations more fundamental than fcomjr might have expected. By many, no doubt, expressions of discontent among the men of the navy might have been dismissed so much loose talk. It is significant that the commission found there was justification. Not only Canadianization but democratization and modernizing jf the Canadian Xavy would appear to be in ordr and, such done, justifiable cause for complaint would, doubtless, be removed The Canadian Navy has, doubtless, suffered from the effects of its sudden wartime expansion when inexperience of officers would be inevitable and pusser methods would be transparent. Canadianization of the Navy should be readily achieved after the officers have been duly instructed in technique, organization and discipline and better understanding and harmony is brought about by removal of some of the artificial and needless distinctions between the rankg. Management-employee relations are much stressed in business and industry. They would appear to be as desirable in the services. Implementation of the-commission's report, already largely under way, would eliminate conditions which led to the troubles of Magnificent, Athabas-kan and Crescent. in the Methodut f very much the responsibility to' as mv Christian ambition. mv;Cnt Installed mantain such hitch standards, life's Duroose. Mav I challence Church. V'S l Xt)Rf ,1 binatiunv n,i:tm 1 MFN'S RUVfuVJ fittinr I MEN S MKKmvl Full lini-d ' I MEN'S COURT ,, I f,,"M..p. i, u I 1,1 " I MEN'S nr.rss ru.i assort mm 1, p,r!M., Snm m a pair iti . MEN S WOOL I WORK UNTS-Ui 1 Special from J For KETCHIKAN tlt:NEDAY MlOMt.HT For Reservation KT. Pl.Tf.R ANGLICAN Seal Cov Archdeacon E. HofUon Sunday School Hi an Enmg Prayer iMi pm (Blua 3T From whence come these 1 11 fellow Chrstians in Prince Ko one in Princa Rupert at the high standards Come they Rupert and the areas served by moment appears to know how not from the text we have read the Daily Newt to think serious- long this organ ws In Mctropoli- tnrrtfkt Ha On1 n'hlnk ...... T It.. . . . . I . . , ' . - . I ... 1. . I . . 1- . . . I : . : Write or CaU CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT n f ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL ..vj niinii icAk 1 01- iy juoui u need lor us uj De.tau mcuiuuisv ciiurcn, victoria, jfer you. my readers, as myin the place where we believe or where it came from originally. ( Christian credentials. Paul s use our beliefs and doubt our But fur several generations it has f the legal language is so x-doubU.to ( be emphaUc to all terved in Churches as an Instru- act and exacting that it leaves'men about Jesus, to offer no nier.t of praise in Christian wor- r.o room for controversy. He, apologies for His great de- fhio. POPPY SUNDAY, NOV. 6TH All QnH Rcmomhranpo uiu wme .... irom Diase uiaoc Atnemi. nbiimia. mands lllilllUS uixm UUOI1 mankind, niailKina. and ana ti IO ti,u TliU HimHou b,,Ho mnrnlno o. Rov . ' 8:30 i 11 a.m. Ho!y Communion ihe seat of education nad ohil- at all times rememhpr that nnr t .. a-.. .m j..i... - " bu.iriiic w. oiruri ill uruiiBLC Preacher: The Rector osophy Athems. the im nm-w .hmiW ho- . .. H?r:VJ.i:t.VJ the organ to adnrn the wor.ihm i.ju p. n m m tvensong FvonaAnff Ar & Cormn sermon Alnns. nuiens, t. me h super-appeaser. Forbid it Lord that I should rf God in First United Church Special Preacher: The Rev. Canon he had seen the statue ... , . . 1 .1 , T -. . I . r , . ... ALL-WOOL BLANK j in plain rrry. khik ;" at a vtry S. I from jBOVS- L ( t o t 1 Special . f ! Rnvui boast 'Save in the The combined choirs of the death of Christ thurch will assist in the wor r. Hives, frincipal, LjTton l" w,c """""u uoa. duiu 10 satisfy those who were unable Residential School. my God ship of praise, and Dr. R. O. g wlojst. The particular God or gods. ! me most morniBg frvlee wU1 bo to Is there any quarrel with UiLs -I sacrifire them .- .-HlliHII. r-" lr. attemot uimpi to 10 be oe "ail an thina. tnings t to on all , Were the v. whole u r realm of . na- Remembrance J, ,.,... Service with u , the BOTS- RAIMOiTi men?" It is not good nsychoJo- fittine. From WE SUPPLY STEEL . OIL STANDS OF ALL SIZES gy to agree with the man you ture mine,- . , ., . " ,. , the Ladies Auxiliary attending. "The That were an offering far too small. OUR CHIEF BLESSING BOYS AI.L.(H)t m meet, and thus win his friend JACKETS A GREAT DEAL OK TIME is spent in talking "Love so amazing, so Divine, Tw0 large views of Prince Ru ship? tA least so we are told on every hand even In this day A about Vain, 1 et VuiW manv Pvpr thinVr tVmt rain Demand my Soul, my life, my pert appear In a late issue of the i War Cry. One Is a panorama of Ood Bless you and make you townsiu? and harbor, and Ui God Bless vou anri mat. vnnr .i i .... j 01 preat enlightment on such matters. .' " ' ' 1 Paul, forgetting all his pre vious knowledge of men their foibles, fell prev to , uuirr urai.i cmeuy wnn oerp sea 8abbath of the Christian a -rich fisheries. The number of boats ww one, at your Church and in your seen In the picture is Impressive, same theory ami so preached hume and Incidentally is good publicity. . nwirns. is preacnirrg -was fc! failure and he came away flis-' First Presbyterian Church Dnector ol Music: frs. E. J Smith Morning Worship U a m. Sunday Schol 12:15 No Evening Service has a lot to do with pay envelopes? With all of us, the pay cheque is greatly loved, while rainfalls are heartily disliked. The making of aluminum, pulp and what not leads to pay cheques. Before there can be the product there must be rain that helps form rivers. Hence, dams, powerhouses and electricity. It's because of rain that engineers are today seeking plant sites in Northern British Columbia with a view to eventual Vast industrial outlay. Rain, more than any other single feature, is pictured as th's city's majn disadvantage. Why? For it's all so silly and wrong. It ought to be regarded as a blessing instead of affliction. CHANDLER PORTRAIT ET V. Film Finishm: - lL Flash Phot Taki-r t Phone Green 329 PRINCE RITEF..,E i. consoiate.To Corinth he coran with a renewed determination to stake his success, in winning souls for Ood, on the one great theme of knowins Je.ni! EXCHANGE DHI MS ON HAND ' Phone Hlatk SSI TH OM SHEET METAL LTD. But that is not ail he : says , for rd coal ' IT'S HARD, HOT AND CLEAN-BURNING Order Now Advertise n Uw I ne actus 'and Him crucified, Can we take this as an after " I , 9 I Of TASTY MEALS .' RexCa f'hinrse Dishrt a CHOP SL'EY inought, an interpolation,- a qualification? Nay but an emphasis on the central fact of the whole Chrlsian structure. Whut a titanic struggle joes on today to evolve a Christian dogma without a crucfied Chrst! Jesus died for Adam only-Jesus saves by love not blood-Sin is a matter caused by Uhe mind and there Is no Albert & McCaffery! LIMITtn LIMITED I ; KEflULAK BAPTIST CHURCH ! "Fundamentalist) I 639 East 6th Ave. 1 Near High 8chool Pastor Leonard A. Thorpe (Blue 248 1 SUNDAY, NOV. 6, 1949 11:00 a.m. Morning Service. Topic: ' WHV AM I VOIK PASTOR." (Junior Choir Will Slngi 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 1:30 p.m. Gospel Service. Topic: "ONE WAV-SINGLE LINE TRAFFIC" Rnprial Umlc ,U;ll nnort.t Hove you done anything about replacing your earning power should it stop? PHONE IK CHOW i t OAL LIMBER BHLDING SIPPLIES Second Avenue uppuaite Prince Rupert Hoti I 7:00 a jo. to 1:30 am - Pbone ns for OuuU' f 1. First United Church 836 Sixth Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. Rev. Lawrence G. Sieber mm Real peace of mind comes with the know, ledge that one's affairs are in order ne matter what happens. There's a Mutual lite of Canada plan to provide a new Jource of income in the event of untimely death or at retirement. Consult our local representative. I - ... 4H. 1, . Won. 7:30 p m. Intermediate Young Peoples. ! Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting IT'S A HIT PARADER IT'S THE New 'AL JOLSON SINGS AGAIN' AI.BCM FK0.M HIS LATEST PICTIRE PHONE 79 Itlallarr 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Dedication of new organ and Remembrance Service. The Canadian Legion and L.A. Branch 27 attending. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Sermon : Tale of Two Cities. Guest Preacher: Rev. R. j. p. Morris, Christian Education Sec Profecfion of tow Coif Thurs 3:30 p.m. MLssirfn Band. Frl. p.m. (Commencing this Fil l "THE AMBASSADORS ' Senior Young Peoples) THE OLD-TIME IITX WAD 0CE WATH100, ONT. phanuar GOSPEL ti YOU'LL FIND YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE HERE REPRESrn.-TATIVEs retary. Sunday Schools at First United 10 a.m. and 12:15; Conrad Hull: INCLUDING SUCH FAMOUS NUMBERS AS "I'm Looking Over a 4 Leaf Clover "After You've Gone" "Give My Regards To Broadway'' "Baby Face ' "I Only Have Eyes for You" "Chinatown my Chinalown" "Is It True What They Say About Dixie" "I'm Just Wild About Harry" Per Album $4-75 1 p.m. .wwmm wpiiion, uistnct Agent, 475 Howe St., Vancouver R. E. Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rupert B C Will Robinson E. T. Kenney Ltd.) Representative, Terrace BC B.C. Christian Science Society Second Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. Branch of The First Church of Christ Scientist, In Boston, Mass HOURS WVfkrlavB 0 Jl m. lo !) P.m. BE WISE THIS CHRISTMAS -GIVE Sundays . ..... . 12 Noon lo 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to !) P-n-.. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVEN THE FULL GOSPEL TAHEKNACLE 202 Sixth Avenue West Sunday Services . 8unday Morning 11:00 Sunday School and Bible Class 12:15 Evangelistic 7:30 "BE SCHE VOIR SINS WILL FINP VOU OCT" We have a splendid Sunday School at l'rince Rupert's Evangelistic Centre Pastor, C. Fawcett Green 331 Subject of Lesson Sermon: "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" Services Every Sunday at 11 a.m. Sunday School Convenes at 11 am. Wednesday Evening Meeting Second Wednesday of Each Month at I p.m. Reading Room Open Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. Aluminumware .... TO PLEASE .... The 'Missus' M THERE'S A KING FOR EVEKV PURPOSE You can have the Electrical Gift of your choice put away now for Xmas CALL IN TOMORROW WHILE OCR STOCK IS COMPLETE AT THE of 1' See Our LARGE NEW SELECTION Latest Diamond Styles ,.... and Bby MAIiCHAND OIL HEATEKS VORTEX OIL miKNERS IKON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations SMITH & ElKIMS LTD. NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. BESNER BLOCK PHONE 210 MANSON'S PRINCE RUPERT, B.Q. STEWABT, B.C. PHONE 174 FHIKNDLY JEU;;R BOX 274 .J0im 618 3rd Ave. W Box 1118 Pbone Red 100 nao - -