1 5 t UEX3ET PIAM Pay Half Before Xiims - Balance Next Year '--mk SPECIAL ' if f. ' Gift Wrapping SERVICE PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $1.00 PER WEEK STARTING FEB-1ST, 1950 SPECIAL LAY-AWAY PLAN $1 .00 HOLDS ANY ARTICLE TIL XMAS A rr: "worn THE, Vd . .. . llffi HE'LL-PRIZE! mm if 4 TO NATIONALLY ADVERTISED WATCHES BULOVA GRUEN OMEGO ROLEX HAMILTON ELGIN LONGINES WITTNAVER MIDO MAVADO -!: and Many w Mother and Dad holding secret conferences . .. Junior being very well behaved . Christmas is definitely on its way! Ve think that this Christmas will be one of the biggest, and happiest ever. And to make it extra merry, we've stacked our shelves to the rafters . . . filled our showcases 'til they're fairly bulging with nationally- known brands of "just what you've always wanted." Now the only question is, how to take the hustle and push ... the fatigue and short, tempers, out of your annual Yuletidc shopping tour. We've a suggestion. . , ; Shop at home, where you will be served by friends and neighbors . . . where you will be served best, because your salespeople know you! Shop at home because you save time and money and still can obtain anything and everything that's available anywhere else. Shop at home because you are supporting the merchants who are supporting YOU . i . through their interest in better schools . . . better churches . . . better public serv Bit : IP mm ft a Diamond Christmas Many Others PRICED FROM $24.50 tn $300 ices. USE OUR BUDGET PLAN And on Christmas Day, let's all go in church . . . rich in the knowledge that this Christmas J)y shopning right here, we've contributed to a better Holiday Season for ourselves and a better community for all! IS awl it will be a Christmas she'll remembui'.'kU mv, life ! The clear brilliance of a perfect diamond enthroned in a lovely setting is the most perfect of all jjifts. Choose with ence from our outstanding selection of fine jewels. S30 to$500 E. D. Ma mon ED FROM '" - I 31 USE OUR BUDGET PLAN "17 11 OFFER ON ALL VANITY COMPLETE SELECTIONS , . t OF SIGNET AND STONE RINGS ;; ; BRUSH SETS . . TRAVEL CLOCKS PEN AND PENCIL SETS FANCY SMOKING STANDS ELECTRIC RAZORS AND MANY OTHER UNIQUE AND IDEAL GIFTS THAT ARE SURE TO PLEASE AT PRICES BEYOND COMPARE SETS f f 2r iSu v 2 fit ,1 Atll- a? r.'. , y lRLS, CAMEOS, EVENING BAGS, lCI'H:';rS( PINS, RINGS, AND A ST OF WONDERFUL GIFTS That Certain Wonderful Girl TEA SETS WM. A. ROGERS 1881 ROGERS Priced from $12.95 and up FLATWARE COMMUNITY 1847 ROGERS INTERNATIONAL STERLING Priced from ?3295 a and uo .if. Jeweller FOR MOMS PAD Box 993, Prince Rupert Green 324 m & DAD