i VOTERS' IB, - I?rrtff Run 0fT friBB Thursday, October 27, 1949 Mi. and Mrs. O. N. Moore arrived in the city yesterday from Vancouver. Mr. Moore will be in eharee of nil office of Consoiidat- FOR BEAUTY AND UTILITY T REASONABLE COST CLOSES MONDAY The Vancouver Run prints po'-' , ied Mining anH Smell i n ft r frairc r.f vr.-,r-. & u j ! McKerrkher flirif Registration period for new which is to open in the Canadian voters in the December civic Pacific office. . Mrs. Eifert. over the fo.Howlin: io.'iowmi: j i togiadHUouble caption: "Calculated Mr. and Mrs. William Crulck-shank returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a trip to Vancouver 11 Li v.u e, neanng its deadline The voters list will close at 5 the hearts of feminists everv .-..ser ot shell Oil Co., returned to the city yesterday on the fr trip ? to v"rge Vancouver. frm a busi" Card tournament. Cathnll All thicknesses in stock from to n At New Lower Prices . . Phone now for your copy 0f "Extra Living Space In Your Home" ' ' MAILED FREE p. m., Monday. Oct. 31. as pro vided in the Municipal Election1 Art. Br, where is the picture of a woman shipping master and a woman mayor." ' ' ' Tonight's train, due to arr.ve from the east at 10:15, was reported this morning to be run Hall, Thursday Oct. 27th at s! ANNOUNCEMENTS Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28 St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar Nor. 3. Card tournament, CathoBc Hall, Thursday, Oct. 27, 8 p.m. Moose Temple Card Party, It would appear that the 1948 voters i;si, wicn ht:j a record number of names in the city's history, will te topped this lbert & McCaffery! ning on time. There will be a meeting Friday at 7:30 p. m. of the Teen Camera Club; Civic Centre. All interested please attend. (252) LIMITED Tuxedo year, mre have been 14 new re glstratlons. However, there is still no complete record of how many PHONE 116 Inspector F. Woods-John son Proving policei aftc.r an , ' Hon trip to Burns Lake, Smith and Hazelton. returned to t'-e city by car yesterday aftirt.ojn' from the interior. onja lAdte" and S. o. N. Nov. 3. Civic Centre Bridge Novem ber 4. J. F. Edwards, superintendent .00 THIS TO- Lutheran Tea and Home Cook of the city telephone depart Fretty Feverish Baby :. Gets Needed Rest Thre is no nd to iiwnd wnrrid dmya find tiieplesM niKt wlicn bUy is frvtty, rmtleiMi or fevwinh dire to teeth in, con jtipution, strimach upset or Rome imilr minor ill. baby's Own Tablrts atmoirt al-wtkyu rive prompt relief bo that the little one soon becornm mfful and contented. lift by a Own Tablets have been the standby with careful mothers for over 50 yeara. Inexpensive, a weet-tasting promptly effective and always reliable. Easily crushed to a powder, if dettired. No "aleepy' stun no dulling effect, tiet a package of Baby'a Own Tnbiets today at your druggist and have them on hand to help you, na well aa yuur baby, ttct needed lest, OUy 26c T y lair All -o.t in i ment, was the speaker today at COilt AND Trousers the weekly luncheon of the - rri. Oct. 28 Tea 1 Home m.r.ti , . '! names will be dropped from the list on account of loss of p-o-perty qualifications or removel from city. n order to er.couraft .!s-trfction before Moncay, the City Hall will be cpen two hours Fri ing November 5th. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Nov Prince Rupert Rotary Club. 17. 30-5:30 p.m. Whst 8:00 O' clock dancing at 10.00. Refreshments-Music by Mike Colussi. (251) irince Rupert 8vmrthon ii. Regular meeting of Operating Engineers, Local 510, Fri day Oct. 28th at 7:30, at the Carpenters Hall, members of Local 115 are invited to at tend. (252i ftf drops of Vlcks V-tro-nol in 10Stril at bedtime . . .That's the fast, it tay to get relief from nasal day evening and for four hours Saturday afternoon for the receipt of names. Seven of the 14 new registrations are nouseliolaers ard sev en are license holders. Mooseheart night TU . . - Hi ... to inane ui training easier. lSI i,,u,ay Oct. 27th urcnestra Concert, Nov. 18. IO.D.E. Chapter's rail Bm-aar, Nov. 24 St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar. Nov. 28. Saturday. United Church Xmas Bazaar Dec. 1. , lit you can ice I va-tro-nol go to where trouble Is. It opens .in. HttltM , y k' V ,, p m' i New Low Prices for Apples Pram po . 1,'",,wea y Pro- for Halloween-Fancy Macs, ay ccnreMion. T ! ran breathe I W I I HE HE'S . . can net the Callum pre7din" Grade, JaCk Kemp of RocW. Sas- ineT, ; 8, an m Moose $2.79; Delicious, Fancy and C katehewan, has arrived in the plearTHn'S,ChPter Grade' $289- PlaCe yUr Ci" thewin"r w"( h WOOiJ Crange Ladles Sale, Dee. 7. sleep you need. Salvation Army Home League Sale of fancy work and home c uc""c" uu UUACa 1 a,ia wrs. 429 this is a free evening 77: . 1 Telset, Fifth . -oi) DOXes. KHliAKUOWNS. I Avenue West. cooking at Sons of Norway Hall Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. 1 Joe Runyon, aijeti 57, terror- PYTOVN . ! I Smart, Double Breas" Tuxedo Coat and Trous Stock Sizes .... $75 j Single Breasted Tux? With Silk Vest .. $83 ; Made to Measure Tux; Coat & Trousers $83' s"-epy nttie resort village, tramping back and forth across the street., He fired seven or eight charges from 12- I UP V 3F0RD, Mich it- A ruage shotgun throuh the riddle an'd farmer shot windows of two taverns, averns here and then' Z. 0,o)l uftcr wounding1 Advertia :n tne DMly News! ,iison a mad spree with' ... iS Ai i i TSIW 5 Sli IPlf t Pl ,Tf, D !fS. p.uj "If i You saw it m The Newsl CANADA'S LEADING TOMATO JUICE We have a limited min ' . of Tuxedos in stock,'! if we do not have size we can promise qtf delivery from the facM Advertising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from m?. Classiiieds. 2c per word per insertion minimuin . Birth Notices 50c, Cards ol Tha.,ks Lath NoS . Vuces, Marriage and Engagement Announcements- il SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICK ' H MFMOKIAM WA.V1EU Jack away esory of Mrs. a who passed ::hi. WANTED Housekeeping room cabin or Apt. furnished for couple, no children. Phone Blue 923. (25d WANTED TO RENT Your apartment, suite or small house, furni.shed or otherwise, will receive care bv this counlp un one coat of B H "Frwconette" covert nnsiglnly Valtomine. wallpaper . . . five you pay walls with a satiny washable surface. Driea to the . touch in a coupl o! hours. x hearts she is always jss. sweet memories .;tr ruine, we who lov-it sincerely, still is death just the name, afand Jack, her moth-: dauahter Margret. Hit. SAi.fc SMITH & ELKIH PLUMBING - AND HEATING i Phon 174 P.O. Box 27 Occupancy Nov. 15th. Apply iU-LIke new. I bed 1 oil stove, McLarv i 410 shotgun. 30-30 I famine, Philco mantis .McBride Street Phone 311 2 ola dressers and 1 I x and accessories. (2531 r'u'un-ru-iri.ii-njij nox qui uany News uoo WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 ' room furnished suite, close in. quiet couple. Phone 552 room 10 between 6 and 7 p.m. (25U WANTED Metal, copper, brass, and car batteries. See B. C. Furniture. Good prices. (254) SITUATIONS WANTED WORK WANTErCcapable wo man to look after children in daytime. Phone Red 59 (254) IIKI.F V.'..;i.; HAX-2 beds, 1 bed chest- 't Radio and record ' "x. Table and -s ntle 6 5. snap. Ownor :Wton. 336 9th W. Af- 'P.m. (1531 f SALE-McCIary oil range, ' is1 . table, good is !!Hth Ave. E. (251) SALE 1936 Ford Sedan. PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Stock-taking Arrangements radio, $450. Can be BOYS AND GIRLS Opportunity for earning, after school hours by delivering Daily News routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply at Dally News office. (ti) i tumo Station. 12 to (253) Ml 3 piew actional ield and easy chairs, le. Chean iitom'i More people drink Libby's than any other tomato juice in Canada. There must be a reason why 4 out of 5 shoppers selected Libby's "Gentle Press" Tomato Juice in a recent test in 81 stores there is . . . it's the tomato juice with the garden-fresh, "gentle press" goodness. Matchless in flavour because Libby's patented "Gentle Press" extracts only the You can taste the delectable difference and while you enjoy it, you benefit from the vitamins A and C of which Libby's is an excellent dietary source. These are the vitamins that help to maintain radiant, glowing health, and an insufficiency may lessen the resistance of your body to colds and other infections. It's a good health rule, and a pleasure, too, to drink at least one glassful of Libby's every day. wwing. 330-'2nd (254) AGENTS WANTED t SIT D . i le model likel top-rate line of electrical ""uiirtuit; rnone Hea; nnviiifl.o Hiiwt. t InriiiKlrtul Mcall 1373 Overlook(253) pur?t, sweetest juice from eld-ripened tomatoes. faTlCy xnmercial and institutional accounts. Repeat business. Exclusive districts. Draw against orders written." Box 60ii Dally News. . VIUtllNWUlIC snare nhnni v.nt. IT.! 'nmne recent-' -uwuiea. fhone Blue 527 : (254) KOR KKNT FIRST IN FAVOUR -FIRST IN FLAVOUR SALE 120 Rnc. . Jl The Stores Depts. will be closed for business f I ' j on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Novem- t t ber 1, 2 and 3. All orders for delivery Friday, ? November 4 must be in not later than Monday, October 31. I J Monday, October 31 ends the present trading 5 jajajpa period and members are requested to have all ac- $ counts paid on or before that date. I eomiaion. Blue 825. (252) FOR RENT Sleeping room, respectable young lady. Box 005 Daily News. (255) FOR RENT Room and board tor t.un men K1S 3rd Avenue. .SALE - Wlilt. - i NIfh.i. , -n"WKe ..V""", aesk lamp. 1020 () (tf) :sh calibre. specially FOR RENT Sleeping Phone Red 807. converti 'L'lP d room (251) swjhi Mark 3 " '..sportlnii 0' REAL ESTATE l'"rid.amm.'.V I !2-52 i i iTLWT-. Limited Vr,M, "'".. 'or jaoio and "e 'clouded U HwiiifiiM wtis fartory. SciDe Kales FOR SALE Newly painted 4 room wartime, with back porch, bunk-beds for children. Fully turnisned in excellent condition and on large lot. $2,000 down. Apply Robert E. Morrlador Ltd. (25() MISCELLANEOUS ill. Uf,en St. Ottawa (280) TODAY YOU CAN BUY W,.M9WN NAMES Shovels, l''Mri. . r"Kur,e8 A ft I, ... ToDa'LittlefordBro. CLEANER CUTTING SAWS Your saws will cut cleaner, j truer, faster, if they are filed (ts snrfS?1? Clamshell GENERAL ELECTRIC B ... V1 Rck Grannies: by machine. Mechanical precision, quick service. Brin your saws to us. oaw Service 160 3rd Ave. E. (255) PRE-STOCK CLEARANCE 5ALE at Kaien Co-op HARDWARE JM 71 Refrigerator FOR SALE rt Lo L'r,ucts: Nelson tt(Snow Rpn S f!'r Stockpile S: Sc,raners and n , Sllni u.knal All Steel Hey Kids!! i Get Ready For j Hallowe'en : For : j Fire Crackers, Masks ' Roman Candles, Rockets ' Make your choice at . . . G-E REFRIGERATOR OFFERS ffUble 8a"" f.; National lnform,Hand Conveyors. FOR SALE Furni.shed 3 room trailor, aecmodation for 4. A snap. Blue 508; (255) FOR SALE Wick Oil burniiiff ranfie in good condition. All cream enamel with warming oven. Phone Red 894 eves. (255) Dependable service at low cost. FOR ONLY .'ncim. '""y uo. i.t.H 7 cubic feet of space. (tfi Sealed in steel mechanism,. All-steel cabinet. - i Plus all modern features. $337.50 fcHar Used Furnl-New?,f fflc Fix-P? Ranged1 wol Kit- Hanclror. Cribs, Jacks 2 Saws- New Log. wn Rugs, w Jea Wagons !tn siiirhtlv luirt ON DISPLAY AT UNTIL OCTOBER 29 ONLY . CONG0LEUM RUGS BAROLEUM and REXOLEUM RUGS YARDS GOODS FLOOR MATS INLAID LINOLEUMS All LESS 20 on regular retail price PHONE 179 BOX 1127 251 THIRO AVF.NITE FOR SALE 1947 three-ton Fargo truck with power take-off. hoist, and eravel box Mileae 24.348. Price $2400.00. Call at 247 1st Ave. Ease, or phone Blue 884. (254J FOR RALE Used doors, windows, lumber, Phone 543, Call 629 6th Are. W. (tf) NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. LTD. BESNER BLOCK TRINCE Rl'PERT, B.C. PHONE 210: STEWART, B.C., brlre w "lack 324. ' itou saw it in tne Newsl