Sports Tuc-sday, August 31, 1943 s OCCER TUFF... TTodlanjj in ' ' AMATEUR SPORTS! P. T. BARMM RIDES AGAII OTTAWA Old Phineas T. Barnum, the circus man,-, was right. There is one born every minute. And Ottawa's prize examplt CHIEF PORT Callao is -the chief port Peru. . . , '." ' the bill was a small type state-1 ment that said "Anyone Who Can Redeem 'this phoney cer- tificate is a Magician." j Across the bottom of the bill! Mobley Cup Standing V UeltliNotloeai Funeral Notice, Marrtag. n" E"g,agWSPLAy 7 DOUBLE PRIC1 m .dvanoe. Please refrain from teleohotim. r Tofrrtt j rv tiro 0 tViA nrw-ii aa ROW DEVELOPING NOTICE W L D F A 120th Eatery .2 0,1.7 3 Can. Legion .... 2 10 7 4 It nfiiau' - L----r , FOR RENT is the candy stand clerk of this - J J gkates Amer. dlMh rrf V to "Pay Any Sucker Ten a vcu viuiiAj uui una i iiau j Hi( School . 0 3 6 13 1 The league statistician was k-lKWse oo FOR REN T Suites i0r rent. MONTREAL, 0 George C. Machum, president of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada, . i Baseball Scores National Brooklyn 6-6 St. Louis 6-1 Boston 1, Pittsburgh 2 American Detroit 0, New York 3 Cleveland 10, Washington 1 Chicago 9, Philadelphia 6 Western International Spokane 9, Wenatchee 4 Yakima 3, Salem 2 Bremerton 5, Vancouver 3 Victoria-Tacoma postponed. Psclfic Coast League Hollywood 3-7, Seattle 0-4 Only games scheduled. wi.ji.g m yesuerdavs Mnhw Furnished, nice, clean, warm. 1142 Park Aw. Phone Qree,i 224. (20Gi ! Monday called President Cup standing and he hearrt upon Dolls." . I ' By strange coincidence, the man who cashed the bill at the! candy vendors bought of all things twp all day suckers and received $9.65 in change1 terms. ftw'J " 26 Pigott 8 Ave. (2061 A. Sydney Dawes of the Can- about it . as a matter of fact stage money written all over it. The bill looked genuine at each corner, in that it had the figure "10" in big size. From there on, it screamed "fake" as loud as any money can scream. Across the top of the green bill was "Unique Skates of The Dallv News wishes t draw attention to th rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable In ad- 1 vance at the omct at time ' of presenting copy for adver- J tislng. Those desiring to ad- ( vertise In this manner in the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from , , telephoning classified' adver- ' Using. . . ,- Wartime he heard about it before he I Olympic Association to resign immediately if he wishes even saw the paper He knows 1 now that players and support-! . T.Unue "underminin8" ers do read the n:,rer PI n Mu oI C with plans to set up L room nd disappeared. FOR RENT Cabin, furnished, nice, clean and warm. 1142 Park Ave. Phone Green 224 (2UGi ,0i Ave. West. jO after 8 P t f v w .-. 11 I" the Olympic body as a separate he is uiey only say so when wrong. sport organization. FELT MOORISH INFLUENCE Spanish decorations of the Middle Ages frequently com- FOR RENT Furnished 2-room suite. 1235 Park Avenue. (202 America. In the centre was the portrait of a man who was named "Wash In Ton." Near Machum However, the c n r 1 ' Al tne time. bined Moorish and Christian ue standing is ahnv t. 0UUinea to. the Canadian Press the middle of the left side of motifs. FOR RENT Housekeeping room with hot and cold water, in town. 013 3rd Ave. Green 780. tft will be four-Point program for the seen that it will be nec essary to play the postponed deV,elpment ol amateur sPort-game includlne "Immediate to-the between the Battery and steps Canadian WaM mod,nlEtion of th Legion to deter- mine the winner nf thp u,,m : amateur code insofar as compe- ' Uf wonThouse. new u $3000. Phon.' (201) Bmrh kitchen ..,!rKiin suite; one NEW BUSINESS AT VANDERHOOF VANDERKOOr Another new business is in the process of being established in Vander-hoof. Ernest E. Reinke has rented the Taylor Brothers FOR RENT Attractive 5 room is con- apartment. Quiet surround Cup. The date has not been set titlon wilnin Canada yet but it is expected that the cerned" executive will arrange for the J-?sgg U; one double phone Black 277. (206) lUt-piate, oouoie game at a meeting to be held'. ! warehouse building at the rear I of the 'Vanderhoof Garage for . -JK .i - E ( :-,..4 c-v M $-'Wvr ..... ;:- sheet metal shop. Since his 37 Blh Ave. East. (20.M iSport Shots FOR RENT Two-room apartment, and single sleeping room. Apply 221 5th East. (205i arrival in Vanderhoof from San as soon as possible. The Canadian Legion wul need to defeat the Battery to win the trophy and the way these two teams have been playing lately this Francisco, Mr. Reinke, who has K h p aireooled had extensive experience in tonduit and tins doors and sheet metal work of all kinds, game should be a real battle. Close association with John has received so many requests to do odd shppf. inhs he iiaien Industries. decided to equip a shop as thej Barleycorn Is frowned upon by most Canadian coaches. But things are different in Europe. Hamilton's rowing leanders, FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. E01 Borden Street. (tf) FOR RENT Flat In Rand Block. Apply Maf Hellbroner, Jeweler. (tfi FOR RENT One sleeping room. 650 7th Ave. East, phone Red Stuart Shield The first game in the Stuart Shield is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday evening when rap lumber, ran-$10 per truck just returned from the Olym- only satisfactory solution to the demand for this type of service. This new business will be able to handle sheet metal work throughout the work. R'ue 836. l2QjP High School and the Battery : Pics. report that the standout meet. The winner will play the ' Portuguese crew trained on 1st the thine for Canadian Legion, who got a 1 'lne an fish 471. (tf) m. Metal Pram-1 And the English crew found that draughts of ale helped them to retain their weight. csrriage. Large easy rolling Jn( i Newly over-, cleaned. Phone I "Perfedie , . . Check V" Tes, and Sweet Cops ore perfect lie ... ia freshness . . . ia smeethaess . . . i taste. Yes, every Sweet Cos roe smoke is "letter than Ever". FORMERLY WIDESPREAD Turkeys are related to pheasants and, in three species, were formerly found wild from Maine to South America. bye into the final, on Labor Day. High School and the Battery fought to a three-all draw in their last game with the Gunners having to come from behind. The students are counting on going ahead and stay Pondering all this, Baz (Montreal Star) O'Meara recalls that the Montreal Canad- (205) FOR RENT 2 room suite furnished, Washington Block, 2nd Ave. Apply cottage at rear, or phone Black 490. 20fi FOR RENT Furnished 2 room apartment. 801 Borden St. (tf) JM 3 bed and LOFTY RANGE Nineten peaks of the Andes &&(... Metis like new. Phone Black 248. Uf ) Mountains exceed 20,000 feet iens used to drink beer In Jhelr dressing room back in the Bays when they were burning up the National Hockey League. Who knows but what a few suds in the gadders' training diet might not help the west win the Grey Cup once in a while? U PAINT ii and surplus WANTED jer gal. and up. in elevation. Football Schedule ing ahead tomorrow evening. Well, goals determine, and the side that gets the most goals will win. These two teams will meet again on Friday in the replay of a Gilhuly Cup protested game. ONIONS ON MONUMENTS Onions have been cultivated jjble including if.ured by CI.L , WANTED Bedroom dresser; also second-hand linoleum :n good condition. What have you? Apply to Box 378. Daily News. Muore, Martin- S'.eei nails, a'.l URANIUM DEPOSITS There are only four important deposits of uranium known to the world today; in Canada, ,xi Write Jur 1 Sept. 1 Battery vs. High' School (Stuart Shield). 1 .lemani, Posui from time immemorial and they ir.toCan. 1 205 1 Czechoslovakia, the Belgium Sept. 3 Battery vs. High WANTED Car oatterles, car radiators, brass and copper; paying good prlcps. See B C FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 on Egyptian are represented monuments. Congo and the United States.' ! School (Gilhuly Cup Replay). it Tfjrier shot- ) i. firfjen t con- SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES WORK WANTED bt 368 Dally Who, asks Elmer, Can Contend! I to 952. (205 ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY Commercial Classes. Day Class WORK WANTED Experienced bookkeeper can handle one or two part-time accounts Box 389 Daily News. 206 1 rs till be ur.tiersignnd With Fistic Abilities of Greco? September S-A-L-E m imLIAM F. STONE 25(0) Menu's Suits anid Topcoats Single and Double-Breasted Suits .' Sa'.lL-cav Keii- Tuition, $iz per month, open-ine Sept. 7. Night Class Tuition, $7.50 per month, opening Sept. 16. (205 ur the purchase HELP WANTED v''? 0! lot 1005, bout goes on as scheduled with out commission interference. Queen Charlo .'.e 'ther i:h im- LOST AND FOVND I aiuM thereon WANTED Housekeeper and cook for small institution. State salary. Live in or out. Phone Black 500. Box 418 (206 LOST Tuesday, Brown wallet containing money and keys. Finder please phone Seaman, Red 958 (tf) Highest or any cwsariij- accept- 'bes, Official Ad-Adminiitrator of f Percy Sharpe, WANTED A reliable housekeeper for a short period, for small family. Apply Geo. Little and Son Ltd. East Kwln-itsa, B. C. 205) Regular 35.00 to 45.00 SUITS and TOPCOATS Regular 27.50 to 39.50 TWEED TOPCOATS ft House, Prince I.AMI RffilTRT AM Re: Ortificute of Title No 27642-1 to Blocks Eighteen ( 18) and Nineteen (IB I, Townslte ol Mesnet, Map 946. excepting Lot "A" of Block Nineteen (1H), Townsite of Mas-set. Mnp 946 as shown on Reference PWn 1600. and Lot "B" of (207) By DAVE McQUEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer MONTREAL, f The Canadian Boxing Federation has sorted out the contenders for Johnny Greco's Dominion welterweight title, and Elmer (Montreal Herald) Ferguson says most of the gentlemen named have no more business in a ring with Greco than the Christians had in the Coliseum with the lions. "Gaby Ferland is rated No. 1," he says. "Let's not get ridiculous by going into that. Gaby being one of Greco's sparring partners. Joe Pyle is rated No. 2. Greco broke Pyle's nose and wrecked one of his eardrums in training . . . Tommy Spencer, who beat Pyle is, for some strange reason, rated at the bottom of the list." fust sea. Owner WANTED Reliable taxi driver Reasonable Block Nineteen (18). Townslte of I for 123 Taxi, Cow Bay. (tfi Ned or unfur- 50 Mttsstt. Map B46. as shown on Uef- I 17. 50 "UiK, five roomed ernce Plan 1601. BOYS WANTED Boys desiring Fm and pantry. News routes should leave thsir names at the office as vacancies may be occurring any da vmet location harbor. Ideal for Vf or DeDt. nf WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Nootka Packing Company ( 19371 Limited has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the ffrst publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In tleu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be Regular 50.00 to 65.00 SUITS and TOPCOATS Regular 40.00 to 55.00 SUITS and TOPCOATS "Her. Call t p. East, after 6 ,:" Red 728. (205) MAIDS WANTED for kitchen and ward work at Miller Bay Indian Hospital. Some positions are for relief work and may be made permanent if services are suitable. Regular Civic r" and Used Pur. But what really burns Elmer is that the Montreal Athletic hardware filial.. PHONE 654 ?5c Per Doxen Paid For Empties marie to me In writing. I DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Ruper.t B.C.. this 29th day of July. 1948. A D ANTWFW THOMPSON. Commission, after being a par 27.50 00 :l Suites. Kitchen ty to . all these incitements to Service Leave credits ar? i-I50: Bed manslaughter, proceeds to can i Carpet in eood granted. Apply: Matron, Miller Bay Indian Hospital, by phone or letter. (208) 'Nial and Kitchen This advertisement is not published or llsplayed oy the Liquor Control Board ol by the Government of British Columbia. N Wash Basin j Deputy Registrar of Tltt. (211) ' I.Wlf HIiCilSTKY ACT Re: Ortlflmle tif Title No. SS2M-I to l'i. Block SI. Kerf Inn 1, t'lty of Prince Rupert. Map 9'JS. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Joe Fook, has been filed In this office, notice 'f Typewriter In HELP WANTED Christmas Card Agents Let "Style Office Chalm- Regular 12.50 to 16.50 SPORTS SLACKS 6.65 - 8.95 Regular up to 29.50 SPORTS JACKETS 16.95 "1 Book Cases. ' household or. FURNITURE CO., cel next Thursday s non-title match between Greco and Larry Cisneros on grounds Cis-neros isn't good enough. Cisnero's fine record in 1946 and 1947 gives the lie to that, Elmer says. Furthermore, he lost his only 1348 decision to talented Jesse Flores, who's taking a crack at Ike Williams' world lightweight crown next month. How Is It that a scrapper like that is rated lower than Greco's "lozical contenders." some of Craft" be your guide for larger sales and commissions. Write Style Craft Greeting Cards, 2166, W. 5 Ave., Vancouver, B. C. 20B) Is hereby given that I shall, at tne expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of RELY iNgJL ONUS Title In lieu of said lost certliicate unless In the meantime valid objec fooms and bath tt.000. Priucfl WANTED Dispatcher. Apply (tfi i;y Co. (206) 112 Taxi. 300 PAIRS MEN'S BROWN AND BLACK OXFORDS All Sizes. To Clear f,Jd qualltv ctoir $6.95 WANTED Housekeeper for pe for six-room whom have been knocked out tion be made to me in wi-iung. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prtnce Rupert, B C. this th day of August. 1948. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON Deputy Registrar of Titles. (216) IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" F.Blue 782. (205) two weeks middle of September. Please phone Black 802 or write Box 1664. (206' '"ft. speed hnnf several times In preliminary bouts? Elmer hints darkly that the (tine. Can K WANTED Dispatcher, 537 Taxi. (tf) Let us fix your leaky fixtures NOW before more expensive repairs become necessary. Phone 108. PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING AND HEATING Bud Schuman (Old Post Office Building) "V. occu Dk. Apply 640 (205) PERSONAL commission's thumbs down on Cisneros was really due to a feud between the chairman and promoter Raoul Godbout. Anyway, Godbout says he Is taking court action to see that the ALSO AT CLEAN-OUT PRICES SPORT SHIRTS, DRESS SHIRTS, SWEATERS SLIPPERS, SOX f OK 6 ALE PERSONAL Will the person who owns the house at 1902 Ito. I. . IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP PETER CONRAD SHEREMETA TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, made the 17th day of August. A D. 1948 I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Peter Conrad Shere-meta. deceased. , , ALL PARTIES having claims against the said Estate are hereby iumDer more Us the modern Rmllls mo .... 8th Ave. East, please leave name and address at Dally News Office. Interested person inquiring if available for sale or rent. (It) RUPERT MARINE REALTY .mi Machinery "utea, Vancouver, (tfi FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE ir. VOhE THE ABOVE AND MANY MORE SPECIALS ON SALE AT WHLLHAM H?. TOME 'Clothes of Distinction SALE STARTS 9 A.M. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotel, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, Just half way to Prince George. (tf) . j(J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Biz (4 Phone Green 975 required to iurmt.ii ' verified to me on or before the 30th AD. 1948 after a, ol September, which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. ALL PARTIES Indebted to the said required to pay Estate are hereby Se amount of their indebtedness t0DATEDrtahtWtne City of Prince Rupert in the Province of British Columbia .this 18tU day ol A"Kst' A D 1M8' FORBES. GORDON FRASER 6FFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Installations and ElT mvwa. land Gravel. Root-Pan ti s. MS. (W) PERSONAL The Terminal Lunch and Newstand Open all day, every day, to give you the best we can in every way. (tf) nuiijiiHnffiTf t SS1FIED AD!