. c '4 Prince rUipcrt Dafip J3cus ana !!l'!!lin:r!!ltllfl;!flltlllMM!t:(m! '!i!rMtlltlttt1tMI"tl'mil!lill! Thursday. January 6, 1949 IONEER- P. 'ERSOJSALITIES M F f . j rT. IB I ! II 11 ff II t I x s an v k ! i a, ax- m , - mm m it mm mm mm a m w m a DR. QULNLAN New Years At Terrace , I argr Legion Dunce and Ambitious Farty at Civic Centre - TERRACE The Yuletide season has come and gone in Terra- e and things have now settled dorm to normal after a weekend of gaiety. Preceded by seven.! large house parties, the dances to usher in the New Year drew record crowds, both Prince Rupert's first dentist, Dr. W. J. Quinlan, had his of 1 fice and residence in & plain , littl house, located well back J j from the newly surveyed Second g Avenue in thif early summer of ' g 190. The Quinlaa home was I Si situated in the general neighbor-! I hood of where the radio station I si is today located. On every side I S3 ml HI if . 'A: Ai ; jei-hG&SlW 1 i of Second Avenue stretched the ! If recentry cleared muskeg. Therein ' was plenty of room to grow. H On day, old John Houston,! fly getting out his paper down ooP Rupert Road, sent his lately ar-j!j rived reporter from Seattle topi ht Is being packed and dancing continuing until almost 5 a.m. At the Oddfellows' Hall, about 20 0 people atetnded the customary annual Canadian Legion ctence -where well-known local musicians kept the dancers busy all evening. In the orches: tra were Mr. Palmquist, T. Turner, E. Turner, J. de Kergom-menx, Rawley Beecher, Alan Diibeau, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kir-kaVly, Bud Kirkaldy and R. Bccher. Mr. Durh am and W. W; rner acted as a - nnouncers. " At the door were F. Morris and M. Dubeau. Refreshments were see Dr. QuMa who. was sec re- ; p tary of some local organization. 1 O As the secretary, he had certain I F? OF2THIS SEASON'S the : 9 information necessary in rompletion ol a story. iU Th newspaperman's tap on'k the doof was quickly answered. ; 1 COATi AND DUES "Are you Dr. Quinian?" ;p ' served in the Leeion Innnap hv .ni. j 4 A : o- -'j inner uj nnu uown. tho members of the Women's, when questioned if he was'M TZ ,f toe npervMon- secretary of the association infl of F. Hall w and Mrs. A. Kir-; Jr qnestton he Wandly observedjfl '' fT,a . ,, '. - , i with the faint suggestion of a m w."eL a"er! tinkle in his eye, that he knew iSS . wteRs nf of careful preparation. u . , i 2 THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE REAL SAVINGS BECAUSE WE ARE BEATING THE GUN By HAVING OUR ANNUAL JANUARY SALE NOW. PRICES HAVE BEEN SLASHED TO GIVE YOU EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. COME IN, SEE WHAT WE OFFER, COMPARE THEM, BUY ON THE BUDGET PLAN. (Continued on Paje Five) "But I am not Drenared to M i swear, at the present moment. !S ' BUILD B.C. PAYROLLS" MIR COATS PacihI that I still am," he concluded. g ' Frior to moving north, he had H lived in' Victoria. He was great fil company and widely known. He ' H took an active interest in the!j formation of Prince Rupert's ;S first Rifle Club, and was promi- 1 13 nent in the general life of the H new city. j jf A good many positions in Prince Rupert mora than 35jB years ag were still unfilled and ; fll competitioia was lively. Appli-! S Creamy-Rich Pacific Milk CONEYS (Dyed Rabbit) From $99.50 CANADIAN SQUIRREL Reg. $4-19.50 $35IMH CANADIAN IUSKRAT Only $350.00 RACK PELTS IMITATION LEOPARD (Rabbit) SHORTIES Reg. $139.50 $99.50 cants had a habit of soliciting S - lev si-mi support. There was one poten-i S MOUTONS Only $110.(X) FUR TIIIMMK!li COATS tial office holder who wa.s in- terested, not in being subject to I jj orders, but to Riving thetn. He ! wished to be head mar in what- j j ever sphere oi duty he found i H himself. It was necessary for j jj him to be at the head. j You'll like Pacific Milk's creamy-rich texture. It's irradiated to give an extra measure of goodness and it's vacuum packed to keep indefinitely! Try some today! PACIFIC MILK GROUI 2. $39.50 . India's annual requirements ! ga In adtated and Vacuum Packed l o maehloe tools are estimated i.-l!MM ' at $37,000,000. i iM GROUP 1. Reg. $59.50 $35.50 GROUP 3. Reg. Reg. $75.5) $15,50 GROUP 4. Reg. $85.50 (iltOUP 5. , Keg. To $125.01) m$0 aveivionevon . i.o or 4.f2MM 1I0UDAY... IlSlfiSSSiS BEAUTIFUL WOOLENS uu Ac. GROUP 1. Reg. $13.95 $8.00 GROUP-3. Kpr-i-nife - I m'"$ $10.00 Reg. $18.95 $11.00 MM. 'ir I I I-f . GROUP 2. Reg. $16.95 Crepes, Moires, Taffetas Etc. 3 Where else could you get such a nourishiag dink for so little money;' Serve Aunt Jemima oftn! GROUP 1. Reg. $13.95 PANCAKCS w aucx-WHtARL tiffular t m 3 n Ik. ECONOMY ' GROUP 2. .- J CVpf-. .-Ii V $8.00 Reg. $tfi.9.V $10.W) - ?ff -,;ff V : .... f ' n l UNTRIMMED COATS GROUP 3. Res'. $19.95 , $13.00 Dishes and Glassware $00 JEa Am REGULAR 335.50 REGULAR $39.50 REGULAR $45.00 $25 Were DISHES among your Christmas wishes? If Santa passed you up, call at the Variety Store and look over our stock. BREAKFAST SETS, 20 and 32 pieces. DINNER SETS of 66 pieces. A fine selection of GLASSWARE, as well as TEAPOTS and COFFEE POTS. 1 ill $( TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BARGAINS AND BUY ON SWEET SIXTEEN'S PERSONALIZED mm d (f i aIW is: vff 3raAve. W. -: Phone Rea 400 NO INTEREST O NO CARRYING CHARGES TENDERS 4 DLdDHJ! 1IE i BROKEN SIZES Slt ' i Sealed tenders marked ''Tenders for Purchase" and mentioning Proposal Number wilt be received by tiie undersigned up to noon THURSDAY, JANUARY 13TH for the following: PROPOSAL NO. 1 Purchase of Clinton Rooms, Fraser Street, for demolition. Purchase to cover large front building only. PROPOSAL NO, 2 Purchase of Lot 26, Block 31, Section 1 and all buildings thereon, consisting of Clinton Rooms and eottage at rear. The Clinton Rooms cannot be repaired under existing City regulations, but must be torn down and rebuilt. 32-00 $4.00 REGULAR $3.95 E CREDIT JKH' OF QUALITY ' REGULAR $5.95 II. C HELGERSON LTD. (5) Bx 593, City PRINCE : j I ! 1 iit'im RUPERT, B.C. t ' ''"'"iiWIlllUlliillitlllDllilllfliiiilliilllillil!, 'i'lllli!!! IIBlli iiiiiiiii iinniiniiiiii1 illiHiNiililllHil!;! mnra mm mm . : 'i