VICTORIA, C. 1C-5 . i ir-.. ' 1 oer.iEs chug Daily Delivyer NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSF ATZTt Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest.' PHOHfc 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 4. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1919 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 ui 1L C: II- Fi Mress vveaner Jignjjis nymg Hen Schools Here to Cost Hearly $900,000; City and Government to Share Cost On a Fifty-fifty Oasis I ! - J V fjfMany Parts of United States; millions of Dollars Damage Done I CHICAGO (CP -Distress signals flew over wide lis today , on Unjted States weather maps. The tilt victims were.the Rocky Mountains and West- V I Estimated cost of building Prince Rupert's proposed two new schools first section of the new High School and a new King Edward School will be ! $897,000, according to preliminary figures presented ! to the School Board last night. Cost of building the ASKED TO TALK ABOUT HIGHWAY J-'Ta TV lV? e'4 Plains states, fair southern state, and rich citrus aV,s of Colorado and Arizona. The snowbound r Ikv Mountain add Plains States struggled against i V i f seemingly If surmountable odds J i nftirrv iTr 'ln an atle.ii.ot to recover from Hearing that Hon. ii. c. car-jtwo new structures will be shared equally between ! son, minister of public works, is ! , city and district taxpayers ana 1 AM KM K All the winter's worst blizzard ' ' St ' ' ' 1 ' I . i ,1. i the provincial government. The Flood waters are spilling from latter's 50 percent will be in swollen rlvm In Mississippi f 1 TEACHERS' the form of a grant. MORE SLIDES AT KWINITSA Alabama, Ttnnessee and Geor- Th r . the :.-. r , forclng thousands from money for tl.o n:" s:1.":..:. ir homes isolating several ' M DEMANDS 1 I juration prceedings will ii Line Exoecled to Be Cleared be in the neighborhood of $500,- com communities to address the transportation j ard customs bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade on Jan-iuary 12, the Prince Rupert i Ciiamber of Commerce has sent j a wire to the minister suggest-i that, when he discusses the ': subject of British Columbia's j road requirements and the gov-; ernment's plan, he may have -'something of interest and en M More sub- f,-eezintr temDera- Today After Twenty-Four . .....i... Urin.iA - - 000. It is expected that the bylaw will be prepared for presentation to the ratepayers early (-nun Dn" ""-v tiii-cs have nil. Caiifornia and Hour Blockade GLAD HAND FOR NEW YORK RANGERS' NEW, COACH-Frank Boucher (left), formei coach of the New York Rangers hockey team, co ;gratu!ates Lynn Patrick (righ)t, who moves in as the new coach from his present job as coach of the ifew Haven hockey team. In centre is Neil Colville, who will replace Patrick in New Haven. Boucher becomes manager of the Rangers. This mutual admiration session took place at a luncheon at Leone's restaurant in New Yor':. rr A vi I Will : wic oi.nwy - In the industry are estimated at of tlie wage committees this year. The $897,000 figure was presented by the Vancouver ar $20,000,000. Three slides of snow, rocks, trees and general debris within a distance of 800 feet about seven miles east of Kwinitsa had iti, tun croups to reach couragement as far as the northern transprovincial high- chitectural firm of Sharp, European Medical Couple Take j INSTANCES ARE ay No. 16 is concerned. the railway line biockeu since Tnompsoni Berwick and Pratt, yesteroay afternoon until press 'u is a preiiminary figure and time today. The eastbound train, .,,ui((,( i nriinst.mpnt. as the Lou Boudreau Is Named Best i The Chamber fesis that it Stajf Positions at Miller Bay ; " 4 merit on demands by the Meiers lor new salary sched-v'l'fior 1949 involving a higher of Pa-V' $ its initial meeting .of the g iist night, the Board re-.fl a request for arbitration rvf I'. Adlcm, representative (fl'se teachers, on the basis might be more appropriate to wnicn left here ,ast evening, was plans are finalized make such a suggestion to the gtm at Kwinitsa while an extra The Board moved last night to minister in advance instead of n(T nf iwpntv-five men with' t T,..f BEING ASKED Associated Boards of Trade of Central Britlih Columbia, which as!J'-'d the federal government from its recent convention in Juneau to oase restrictions on trade and tia-icl in and out of "o - - - imjau V. j. nan., uic aivm- A man-and-wife team of European doctors ; graduates of one of the famed medical training j hospitals of Vienna have taken staff positions at i wailing until after he speaks rotary plow and other equip Noses Out Bob M.ithias iis "Male Athlete"' of 19J8 , tectural firm, to pay a final visit to Prince Rupert before the plans are completed. and then critcizing what he has ment Waged battle against the had to say. j alitles untier the personal dir- ection of Superintendent C. A. new york, (p-lou Bond-1 tj,e Miller Bay Indian Hospital where they will work reau, player-manager of the j f, , f Qvf at lo,, the briefs submitted oy the bodies at a salary confer Berner "and Divisional Engineer ee earner were Canada, hrt' heard from the ministers of finance and na- The couple are Dr. Myron Lazarchuk, age 27, and GREETINGS Siioui Board Chairman Dr. R.I llonil reveuue. ine ministers world champion Cleveland Indians, was today named male athlete of the year 1948 in an Associated Press year-end poll The personable Cleveland shortstop barely edged out Bob PRODUCTION OF AIRCRAFT his'wife, Dr. Olga Lazarchuk, 26, a Polish couple who were graduated from the University of Vienna's Robert Koch Hospital In 1947 and came to Canada last September. , They arrived here from Ed- R. G. Davidson. It was expected that the line would be cleared by 4 o'clock this afternoon to permit the eastbound train getting through as well as the westbound which is due here at 10:45 tonight. The slides were up to twenty-five feet in depth and followed OTTAWA .(p. While Canada is EXCHANGED . - Municipal Chapter I.O.D.E. , Is in Session Seasonal greetings were exchanged at the regular monthly meeting of the Municipal (. i .;; toid the meeting that: arc asking U-r specific Instances lal new salary sehedulf set of complain',. The Prtow Ru-.;;. bv the teachers would! pert Chambrr of Commerce will win an additional $26,000 in! seek to provide Information in &UMs above 1948 and the ! regard to su ih instances ;c that Puii agreed that it could not the Associa Bc.rds may .fvf.t to grant It. j transmit Uk rnto Ottawa. Up Board moved that arbi- negotiating lor production of two types of American aircraft, IS ROBBED BY HITCH-HIKER Brazen Hold-up of Kelowna Man While Leaving' Vancouver ( CHILLIWACK, P -Police in the Lower Mainland are ins for a brazen hitch-hiker monton yesterday to assume there iSi apparently, no assur- Mathias of Tulane, California, Olympic decathlon champion. Earlier today Mathias h:id been named winner of the Sullivan Memorial Award as the year's outstanding amateur athlete. JUNIOR CHAMBER posts as sum aocwrs miuei ance tnat Eiie wui be able to , a SDcU 0 mud weather and rain Bay. Both are under agreement riml a market for part of heriwhicn came after recent heavy Chapter, Imperial Order, to remain a year. cwn output in the United States, j snows m that area., Heavy rain Daughters of the Empire, wmcn Some government sources con- has also been reported at Ter- was held in the ladies' lounge , Dr. Mjron Lazarchuk special- DR. LARGE AGAIN BOARD CHAIRMAN teed in internal diseases at i;s$ m should take place be-'w,! repref'iitative.s of the B. rustees A.ssoriation, repres-the Board, and the B.C. fliers' Federation, repres-1 g the Teachers' Associa-f The latter, w.i.U ,be ;wv.ip,d sirter thai It Is naive to think race. ol vic ""e weuueauay who held up Tom Elchuk, aged 1 Vienna and his wife in chil-L. . American firms which let! For over a month now snow evening. Mrs. Jens Munthe, re- W'J'l tK,;towa yrdayandUren-s diseases. Although1 Canadll manufacture ;-l h c i r! plows have been kept busy. "Icnt oT the chapter, was In the robbw! him of ( ummittei i for Schools I $20 neither have studied English, planeg wiJ, ahs0 agTpe to lcl gix inches of new snow ; was chair and wished Uie members Dotn nave some commanu oi Canada invade the home market ' reported at Kwinitea this morn- a very nappy anu prospeiuus I the Hoard agrees to arbi-jion and that the name of COUNCILLOR DUE Brent Murdock' of Victoria, regional councillor of the BC. section of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of 'Canada, will visit Prince Rupert on Saturday, January 15 in the course of a 36 New Year with a word of thanks their new language. temperature of ing with above. as a rival. Others, however, point out Continued l-neharecl Dr. R. U. Large was unanimously re-ciectc'J chairman of the Prince ntupert and District School BoaiJ at its first meet The couple did not come to Board's arbitrator will be l a.s soon as an appoinl- Elcinik, who was returning to Kelowna, said that the bandit, kept up a "continual line ol chatter from the time he enter;:! his car after being picked up. The hold-up man had a large Canada under government-aid that the Americans only started fi is niaoc. ed "DP" status but by privately estabiish prou) air folces and ing of 1949 'ast night, retaining ; tour of the centra! part of the for their co-operation in the past year. Christmas and New Year's greetings were read from members and friends of other chapters in the Province. A contribution of $25 was received from a teacher at Miller province. While here, he will ider the School Act. scttle-t of the dispute must be v by February H in order ive the Board time to in- SITUATION IN PALESTINE Ii5 STILL GRAVE a position which he has held for the last three years. meet witli the Prince Rupert j Lugcr-type gun. arrangement with friends. Since their arrival, they have been in Edmonton, having spent two months at Charles Camsell Hospital there. is going to need lots of planes. Two aircraft now under negotiation for Canadian production are North American Aviation's F86 jet fighter and Fair-child's packet transports, a flying box car type. tae awarded salary sched- Because the personnel of the Junior Chamber executive and; Board remaned unchanged fol-jbe guest of honor at a general; lowing last December's elections meeting on Monday, January u into the years school esti- LONDON, it) Britain said Bay Hospital to be used in the yesterday that the situation on i work of sending parcels to Brittle Palestine-Egypt frontier t tain. This will permit of an SCHOOL TOTALS DOWN SLIGHTLY members ag reed to retain their . 17, He will be present at a char-former co.mnlttee positions, J ter night ceremony for the new-; thus gtvinr, continuity to the ly organized Junior Chamber, work of las', year. Following are j He will then proceed to Prince continues grave, although me added luxury m the 15 or more rill A mo irriMo it 5 t ,v parqels that each month go to Britain from the I.OXt.E. in Prince Rupert. It was reported that the sum "main body of Israeli forces has been withdrawn from Egyptian territory. A Foreign Office spokesman Attendance at the City's four George from where he will fly to Vancouver. NEW HOSTELRY IN NEW YORK NEW YORK A one million dollar inn and restaurant with rooms for 350 guests, a de luxe suite, terraces, outdoor pools, golf courses, barbecue grills, motor courts, will be built opposite the Franklin D. Roote- public scliiols showed a slight drop in December under the November level, reports of prin-. told a press conference that the of $205.75 had been turned over Israeli withdrawal has given to Mr. Wilkins which closes this "local relief to a still-obscure relief fund that was sponsored RECORDS SOUTH f NKING, (P A Chinese Mjire wit li connections close to thf government said that Chi- Kai-Sliek had ordered re-mf.i; of govcniment recorrls n( tiu propTty of personnel wtDiward to Canton and NO FLOURINE TREATMENT YET the coniniiUvs: Finance W. J. Scott, Mrs. E. W. Becker. Buildings- A. B. Brown, Mrs E. W. Beckrtf, Personnel Mrs. E. W, Becker, W. J. Scott, A. B. Brown. Grounds- h J. Dominate W. J. Scott. I cipals read to the monthly meeting of the School Board Prliu-c Rupert school children i last night indicated. Total en- velt shrine at Hyde Park under a lease signed with a corporation bv Elliott Roosevelt. The shrine lohnent for December was 1,159 a.s compared with 1,164 during the previous month. will not receive the "fluorine treatment" for the prevention of tooth decay in the immediate future, at least. The School situation which continues to cause anxiety." Israeli indicated today that it was prepared to comply with the new United Nations cease fire order although it had no intention of giving up newly won positions on the Egyptian frontier. At . Booth Memorial High School Committees Booth Memorial JhKh School Mrs. E. W. Becker; Wing Edward School, A. B. Brown; Conrad School, A. J. Dominato: Borden Street, W. rtn.'irri ni"ht rlwirlcrl !i:iinsl, . is the tomb of the former president where, it was hoped, tht.e would be permanent seclusion and strict privacy. enrolment was 440, a ...... ., ibehoo pursuing tne matter a iter ui ' r - i - ' : i " " " . t t ' N x t f t , ' - J ' ' if I " ' , -i J J ! 'is is taken a.s evidence bv v that the Chinese presi-aml government leaders not expect a favorable re-Jii from his pcace-on-his-terms proposal to the 'iiimists. drop of three under November, according to Principal A. M. Hurst. There were 187 in the by the I.O.D.E. with the cooperation of the Daily News. A scholarship of $100 is to be given by the Municipal Chapter to a graduating scholar of Booth Memorial High School for 1949. Arrangements were made for the annual meeting to be held at the end of February. Mrs. E. Barton, Empire Study convenor, read an article from the October issue of the Canadian Home Journal about Mayor Norah Arnold after which refreshments .were served by members of the Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter. J. Scott. " UnlSn Boivrd of Health Representative, Mrs. E. W. Becker. WAS PIONEER R. G. Large, chairman, had informed them that he had been advised that cmployment'oP the technique might be "premature.' since all phases of it have not been investigated. The sil'i-gestion was made by Trustee W. J. Scott at an earlier "fantime, the recent lull in VANCOUVER SEES POWER SHORTAGE li"K in China was broken senior High School and 289 in the junior. I At. Borden Street elementary .school, enrolment was 222 with an attendance percentage of 91, Principal J. S. Wilson OF OKANAGAN la i!'Rlil when the Comniuu- THREE DEAD IN VANCOUVER The British Columbia Electric Co. has warned electric light and power con- AIRLINE CRASH I i Conrad Street's enrolment was turners to go easier on ineir Aged Mother of VV. L. Armstrong, Formerly of This City, Passes Away Mrs. Ada V. Armstrong,, the mother of William L. Armstrong former local freight agent for Canadian National Railways RIO DE . ANEIRO, ff Three '211 and the percentage of at- consumption. Otherwise, "brown- tendance was 9G, according to 0ut" conditions may have to ot jsif M.iri.ed a !are scale bom-'j aient of Tientsin in what ' behoved to be the startinii H" ew campaign designed to Etke also at Peiping. Two Thousandth Atlantic Flight V1 ON THE A L - A transCanada ' Lines North Star landed J11' toduy to complete the 'Ui Atlantic crossing since yJt delivery of North Stars In resorted to or curtailment ui supply imposed. Although there has been much snow th e has been a lack 6f rain in Vancouver's power-making sources. PREFERS ARCTIC HOME Mrs. Florence Drudge, 42-year-old mother from the Quebec hinterland, took her first look at civilization in 23 years and said she wanted to go back to her isolated home at Old Fort Bay, Que. Flown -to Halifax with her criticaily-iii baby, Willard, the sad-faced and bewildered woman, awe-struck at the change in city life since her last trip, is shown seated outside her son's hospital room. IC.P. Photo) LOW VEGETABLE, FRUIT PRICES COBOURG, Out., (P M. M. Kubin.son, secretary of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Association, told the Northumberland and Durham Apple Growers' Association here today the province was now entering a period of low prices for fruit and vegetables. He said that apples were the only conimiicli'y thatx remained unchanged in (lie report of Principal T. G. Batenian. King Edward had an enrolment of 280 and an attendance percentage of 94, Principal R. G. Moore reported. There were no reports from rural schools in the district. persons wer; believed killed after a Brltisu York aircraft had crash-landcij in Caravelos Bay early today. No imme'.-te official confirmation of casualties was given, but it is b lieved there arc 11 survivors. It was understood that the plane, boii'Ai! for Rio de Janeiro, carried U persons nine passengers an a crew of five when forced dovn between Ba-hal and Victoria. THE WEATHER Synopsis Unsettled weather conditions persist over British Columbia today and tomorrow. Colder air lias moved over the northern portion of the province and snow has been falling over the north coast and northern interior where yesterday It was raining. This colder air is expected to move to the southern section of the province later tomorrow. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Northern Section Snow with scattered snowfalls tomorrow. Wind westerly (15 m p.h.K Colder. Lows tonight and highs r' m"' T( latn 3100 cross- nave been completed by here, now located in Edmonton, passed away Tuesday night at the ripe age of 87 and the funeral will take place Saturday at Armstrong where she had made her home since that Okanagan Valley community was established last century. Burial will be at Vernon. Allan Armstrong of Prince Rupert is a grandson of deceased. Mrs. Armstrong was born in Montpelier, Ohio, in 1860 and came overland in the eighties through Oregon to Phoenix. Later, wfth her husband, she Congress Confirms Truman's Election WASHINGTON, D.C.-Housc of Representatives yesterday approved the electoral college returns following the No'.-mber T v Ml"-'' the Inception of fOlflC. fiyi,,,, j,, 1!(.12 Mm.y price. ' - m mm inuiiim-anLs have ar .Jf1 fr0ln Hie Uiilfi.-d Kingdom presidential election. Tlve stand NEW DANCE ' COMMITTEE A new committer to convene (he weekly dances and whist parties held by the Sons of Norway Lodge was named Wednesday night at a meeting of the organization in the Sons of ing was 303 for President iiu- REDS ACTIVE IN SIBERIA Russian air bases arc increasing along the coast of Siberia, writes F. L. Kliickhohn. formerly I una i ernianence Not Yet Known E. muii and 189 for Thumas Dewey. i l-OCAL TIDES May Have Fallen From Dry Dock rossibillijf that Henry Jensen, mlsslii;,; plater foreman at the local cry dock, may accidentally In-ve slipped into the harbor wat" strengthened today 1 'rkl, ITS,- moved to Vernon and Armstrong where the family home iy. January 7, 19-19 of the New York Times and now a member. of the staff of Colliers. Civil Servants' Salary Increases J& - 0:50 liv 19:00 tomorrow Massett 31 and 33, Prince Rupert 27 and 33. Southern Section Intermittent rain todav. Overcast with ,1(1.0 feet 15.5 feet 7.0 feet 9.2 feet Norway II. ill. The new committee consists of Hans Petersen, Nets Gunderson, Oscar Giske, with a report by" a night watch OTTAWA- -Dr. H. E. Foersler, director of the Pacific Biological Station at Nunaimo, has told the annual meeting of the Fisheries' Research Board of Canada that it has not yet been ascertained whether a repetition of the albacorc tuna run off the Queen Charlotte Islands may be expected- Further investigations are He is said to be one of the few men to really know what is going on behind the Siberian iron curtain. He claims that, in Siberia, the government authorities are had since been. In fact the town of Armstrong was named after deceased's late husband, the late W. J. Armstrong, who passed away In 1923. He was the second mayor of Vernon. Deceased, who visited here for about a year In 1945-46, ' Is sur- man that I' had been informed by the Missing man that he; showers, mixed rain and snow-tomorrow. Winds southeasterly (20 m.p.h.) today, light tomorrow. Colder tomorrow. Lows to- Percy KnuLsen. Pat, Dean, Mrs. John Pedersen, Mrs. J. Prit-chard, Mrs. Oscar Giske and Mrs. Alfred Ilenriksen. First of the weekly dances will 9 II OTTAWA Salary increases lot some 15,000 civil servants In Ottawa will be Included in tu January 15 cheques. A second cheque, covering accumulated salary increases back to October 1, will be issued some time this month. noiirimr five times more money. and men than ever before and . i. - x OA HAURY ADASKIN lanious Violinist C,VIC CENTKli 10NK11IT 8:15 P.M. was going down to inspect a small boat at one of the wharves. There were several icy places In "he vicinity. Jensen has been inking since Tuesday morning. that this money is expended for vived by four sons and one nigni ana mgns vomonuw oi daughter. and 38. be held in the S.O.N, hall Fri air bases. day night. 1