Prince ttuyrrt Dailp ttctos ! Thursday. January 6. 1949 the au.spiicr Canal Lod..( Mooe, and ! t Canadian 1ji., . t Now in Progress the M.iose and th, , ' make the dunrp'-, . caps, horm, wllstleM Wallace's STEWART NEW9 Latest from Portland QmalMining Ceiitn CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR .MARKED BY SUB-ZERO WEATHER BUT SPIRITS WARM AND GENIALITY PERVADES AIR a,lti LUlucm COJJtrifc,., enjoyment arid a!S3 fort, of th, ., :3 ;large lumperu nre I winners being P. ir. St. Laurent v,.n -T, rt w Ain't Including "Mud In Your Eye Foo ijriiii.scn of Rto. 161 Ince carried on t0 ! could be heard wherever one went. Midnieht Mass at St. 'Burs or the niorin Felix Catholic Chucch and the tyCh a few jf In spite of sub-zero weather Christmas and New Year holidays were celebrated in traditional manner. There was a nip in the air but there was also a nip in the glass which was cheerfully passed around and as cheerfully accepted. 'Here's tae ye," "Skoal," "Bon Sante" and all the kindred expressions. midnight service at St. Mark's Church were well attended. Werq -really pleased! No foolm! You've had a chance to read about Vancouver Department Store Sales. Now look at Wallace s Prince Rupert Sale and Compare. Yes, we said Compare. Value for value we don't believe any Vancouver sale can hold a candle to a Wallace Sale and we believe you'll agree with us after you ve seen for yourself. Come on down tomorrow and join the crowds at Wallace's, of course! New Year's Eve dance was held in the Moose Home under ilwent first footing." flily and Bobbv Etl-to:'4her with a Dold, have been vu: tliei-i parents anJ; dayleft fur Or, M j Vanmiver on the MoiKay. i AT THESE LOW PRICES ALL SALES MUST BE FINAL - ALEX RU5SWURM, STEWART, PASSES NO EXCHANGES. STEWART Alexander Russ- conducted by the Canadian Le- n ( glon. C. G. Tran. sounded the Ladies Coats Msk Laura Haul,!;-Ca.v aftr visiting wih' ents d.ring the hulija. Ladies Suits Ladies Dresses wurm, for many years postmaster here, passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. C. E Gibson, after a long illne"Ss. He was 75 years of age. Mr Russwurm came to Stew "Last Post." Mrs. C. E. Gibson, sister' of the deceased, and W. R. Tooth were the chief mourners. Mr. Fatier Ro 'XT. Rj'V, GROUP NO. 1 M II k U'll riYl 1C rilMJl..H V. . c ..... - . GROUP NO. 1 Reg. Price' fi QC $12 To $14. V ' m Reg. .Price $35 To $47 . L,uin,ra ujr ant Johnny L, f wife and two daughters and one on the (uiiomiu Mv I son and another sister, Mrs. D. 'spending the Ch Un I "' Baker, who reside in England, with f ien.g ti. . $24-95 art from England in on a visit, shortly after his retire-met from the London and Counties Bank of which he was a valued employee. At the time he GROUP NO. GROUP NO. 2 THURSDAY-nu. 7 p m C? A T ii . ... THURS. TO SAT. had no intention of staying but. , am. i.w . M0-G:&0-h Reg. Price $51 To $61 Reg. Price $16 To $23 $8-95 Reg. Price )A Qff $44 To $64 . ..V ALL ONE PRICE ONLY 25 BETTER QUALITY SUITS HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO OWN AN EXPENSIVE SUIT. IF SO, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. SUITS THAT WERE ORIGINALLY PRICED AT $44.00 $52.95 $58.50 AND $63.95. ARE NOW ON SALE AT WALLACE'S FOR ONLY $29.95 ...TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF GABARDINE AND FINE WOOL COVERT CLOTH. IfacTOtaiJ aooui GfiY andlicBisJiqfjr as tne years passed, he became an active participant in the air-fairs of the community, serving as secretary of the Stewart Board of Trade, secretary of the ortland Canal Lodge, Loyal Older of Moose, chaplain of the Stewart branch. Canadian Legion, warden and licensed lay reader of St, Mark's Antilles n icf gfi NOWS YOUR CHANCE! WALLACES ENTIRE COAT STOCK, SIZES 12 TO 40, GOES ON SALE REGARDLESS OF FORMER PRICES. TAKE YOUR PICK. FINE CREPE BETTER DRESSES IN A SMART CHOICE OF STYLES AND COLORS, AND SIZES TOO. EXPENSIVE DRESSES OFFERED TO .YOU IN ONLY 2 PRICE GROUPS. A Church, manager of the Stew- ti irt Public Utilities Limited, and is Justice of the Peace. His quiet and courteous manner en- $2.95 GOTHIC PANTY GIRDLE $1.95 $5.75 GOTHIC FOUNDATION hips 26, 27, z$ $3.95 leared him to everyone in the community. He was always eady 'and willing to do a service. Practically the entire com-nunity turned out at the funer-'1 to bear evidence of the res-'ect and affection which they 'iclcl for Mr. Russwurm. Services vere held In the Home wider the auspices of the Port-and Canal Lodge, Loyal Order r Moose, and St. Mark's Church. The Defending Circle $2.95-$4.50 LADIES' PURSES 95c $6.95-$ 12.95 LADIES' PURSES $1.95 $2.25-$3.75 LADIES' GOWNS-Flannelette $1.45 BRIDGE AND TABLE CLOTH SETS Vi PRICE $1.65 NYLON HOSE-Limited Quantity 95c $6-$7.35 RUFFLED CURTAINS-Per Pair $3.95 $2.25 LADIES' SCARVES-AI1 Wool ... 95c $1.50 GIRLS WOOL PARKA HOODS . .. 45c was represented by the gover nor, j. p. Garlick: actinn vicP- GOOD REASONS TO BUY AT WALLACE'S No. 1 There's Slill Lots of Winter Ahead. No. 2 It Will Pay You to Uuy for the Future at These Prices. Not Only Specials HUT extra" special That's Why WALLACE'S are Proud to Show You the Sale Prices and Regular Prices. -overnor W. 3. Wakefield, acting chaplain J. Wolstenholme. acting past governor W. S. Orr. md Mrs. Tooth. Mrs. Risen' Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Wakefield. Pallbearers were J. Haah-li, J. J. McKenna and D. Ged-des. representing the Moose Lodge, and E. Love, F. Lewi.'. nd R. Sharp, representing the Canadian Legion. Rev. C. L. Lmas read the erviee. Senior Regent Wilkinson led the choir, and Mrs. M. Dickson provided the music. Funeral arrangements were in charge of H. A. Stewart. The ceremony at the graveside was $4.25 GIRLS SWEATERS-Sizes 8-1042-14 $1.95 f CAIIEBFOODS $3.66 METALLIC CLOTH-Per ,Yard $1.45 $1.15 PURE LINEN TOWELLING Per Yard 95c $1.96 COTTON NET-72" Wide-Per Yard 45c $1.10-$1.32 COTTON PRINTS-Per Yard 45c $3.95 INFANTS' BUNTING BAGS; $1.95 85c BABY BLANKETS Pink or Blue 45c $3.75-$4.25 BABY BLANKETS All Wool $1.95 HERE'S THE FAMOUS AH chiropractor" COLEMAN ;btc Iters OIL HEATER fcfnv imii! SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLES! 10c 25c 45c 95c AND $1.95 IT'S WALLACE'S for ALL-YEAR-AROUND VALUE That (Jives You Direct Radiant Heat John F. L. Hughes, D.C, Ph.C. 21-22 Bcsner Block Phone BLUE 412 for Appointment noma ' 10:30 a m. to 12 30 p.m. and 2 to 6 p.m. fcYF.MNfiN Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m, fm those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance alternoons. rar ;ry and Circulating Warmtf . . . Roth at the Same Tir (4 SNOW SUITS All Ages . iv . GIRLS' COATS AND COAT SETS $4 KINGCOT First Quality See them Now - AT Ml net '.',c .51. s4 MtBride Street PHONE 311 Gitorr no. i Ages 1-2-3 Reg. Price $3 to $8.50 Arts 3 years Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete. Reliable and "Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Thru 14 years DIAPERS Per Dozen . . $2-95 SALE PRICE 84-95 wQfX YARD GOODS $3.71 CHINCHILLA Width 54" - Per Yd. v, m VT 1 I fc. R'g- Price M ;i ytW $15 to $28 DON'T BE CAUGHT SHORT! and the next time you stop in for gas, for our free Inspection Service. "Buby" your car during the rugged season for healthy all-year-round motoring. 9oc-$1.05 Infants' GROUP NO. 2 Ages 4-7 Reg. $11 - $15 Slightly Faded All Colors $2-25 WOOL BONNETS CHOICE 95 iti: Greer & I A. irk.. SALE PRICE 6-95 TTED 45c ALL WOOL ) $1.34 PLAID SPUN $1.50 Polka Dot RAYON $1.88 PRINTED LAWN $1.81 DRAPERY BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STAT (.ROUP NO. 3 Ages 8-12 Reg. Price $15 B ridden CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS This is real value. Ninety-five percent of these coals were $20 and over. Buy lor next year, too. I $1.75 INFANTS' SETS SHEETS AND 95C PILLOW SLIPS SALE PRICE 2nd and M( Bride $7-95 on YOUR CHOICE PER YARD 95c in CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Wen It's the Rex (Caie ... for Tasty Meals 1 I m ft i i Aft ? Of V A 771 oiurse Chop Suey Chow Mtin Floor Sanding A Specialty Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avprmn nnnncll. 13,1 r, DmiDl'l. Ttolel ISSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBII3BIIEaitZIIBIIIH 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Oi RED 561 P.O. BOX 721