-.-seawall V NEW YEAR'S AT TERRACE (Continued ncm Page 4) 13rfnce Hupcrt DaHg netos Thursday, January , 1949 Terrace Timely Topics from Philpotl; Evitt Mrs. C. R. De Kergomrncaux, Terrace Reporter to the salmon. The general question of halibut fishing in the first annual dance and cabaret was successfully held, with a large patronage of beautifully gowned ladies and their escorts. Along three sides of the audi January ? IIOCKEY SCORES Paeiflcr Coast New Westminster 8,'San Fran-Cisco 3. Los Angeles 10, San Diego 3. National New York 8. Chicago 1. Toronto 4, Boston 0. 1949 will be taken up at a conference in Seattle, January 11. Several members of the school parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tumil- d Cc Ltd. torium, decorated tables for an This will be a meeting of the teaching staff were late return- son. i Clearance ing from Christmas holidays: I both large and small parties were set up and these were all International Halibut Fisheries Commission. and C. W. Alger, school secre-J' Alf Yoxall left this week for Can Suppl.'Tou With f lary, had 'to find substitutes. At, Prince Rupert enroute to Van- occupied long before midnight, when the New Year, represented by Irene Praa, burst through a SALE HOBBBBUBani SHIPS and LUMBER Includir? Fir, Cedar, etc. eouver where he will spend the next montth or two before returning to Terrace to reside. the elementary school were Mr3. Clifford, Mrs. C. de Kergom-meaux and Duncan de Kergqm-meaux while at the primary paper covered hoop to chase the The motor ship Hindanger, which sailed from Santos with 119,000 bags of Brazilian coffee, is expected in Vancouver Janu ary 19. The shipment, largest on record, equals 15 Va million FLOORING In Fir or Hemlock old year i Stephen Howlett) in to the past. Miss Annie Lips was a visit WATERFRONT With the arrival of the New school were Mrs. Squires and Mrs. G. Hougland. It was expected that all the teachers or to Pririce Rupert last week. Year a three-course turkey sup William Osborne left on Tuei-J per was served curing which a floor show was staged. Mrs. Mc would be back on the job by-Thursday morning. MEN'S WORK PANTS $4 NOW 82.95 MEN'S DRESS PANTS $5 NOW St.75 ' MEN'S DKE'SH PANTS $9 NOW After having held close to port tH T t . .j . . ..; ... . .i : .. . SIDING AH Types SASH anc DOOR and f Famous IWHILLS ALHERTA COAL n all sizes day morning's train for Prince I tin Vancouver uuuug uic vinii- pounds of coffee, worth $4,400,-000. More than half will be discharged in California with the balance for ports in the northwest. The day the shpi sailed, there was presented to Capt. S. Hovik a gold lapel pin, desig Adams, Mrs. Giraud, Miss Janet George where he will take de Wade and Miss Flora Melvin, Dudley O. Little1 has been con livery of a new car for one of his customers. in baHet costumes, were the T mas and New Year holiday season, herring seiners have been in exodus from Vancouver since the first of this week heading first entertainers with their fined to his bed since New Year's Eve with an ear infection. nating him a member of the "Kni'jhts of the Coffee B"ean." Mr. and Mrs. W. A. King re- lor the west coast of Vancouver high-stepping dance. Another dance, an old-fashioned minuet, as greatly enjoyed. Taking turned on Monday from Prince Ul&n& and the nonn coagt The A PHONE G51 J Sam Kirkaldy states that 11,- nuptri wnere tney spent tne $7.00 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS SPECIAL S2.45 MEN'S DUESS SHIRTS SPECIAL $2.35 000 lc postage stamps harj bwn part were Mrs. p. Q. Little, Mrs McAdams, Mrs. L. Johnstone sold In the local post office this and Mrs. son and Yuletide with their daughter-in-law, Mr. Victor King. and Mrs. O. Martin. Pianists for holiday season. migratory run Is almost due now In waters contiguous to Prince i Rupert and prospecting will now 1 become more Intensive. Weather j h& been. so stormy during the these dances were Mrs. C, Korrington and Mrs. Peeke Word has been received that Robert Birch of Vanderhoof Vout. A comic duet by Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spencer,' SpPnt New Year's .here with his! Pe.jke-Vout and Oliver Baxter who naa oeen Visiting in unio, j sister . and brother-in-law. Mr past few week that it would; have been difficult for the boats to get out even had they been here. went over well as did a duct by and Mrs. K. Keefer. . jo uer word ler UuarUun, minimum chrg. toe. Birth Notlow: ua. m" r i Oeatn ... r n Notice. kif,tliua r'unernl m . . i . . . Jimmy Proctor and Mrs. p expect to arrive home tomorrow ,'afCer making a leisurely trip. Cru of ThftK, Notice. MtUTlatc Grant. The final item was AUG nuiiuuiiixuicuu. 94, sHlJlAi. UiaPLAY, DOUBLE MtlCE Marion Miller of. Prince Rupert spent New Year's Eve visit 1 AdvertlUi lijiiyub.e In advance Please retrain from telepnonlng. -r - ENGLISH GABARDINE COATS SPECIAL $20.00 MEN'S TOPCOATS Odd Sizes SPECIAL ' : $15.00 MEN'S FISHERMEN'S PANTS " All-Wool $5.50 : MEN'S WORK BOOTS Solid Leather SPECIAL $6.50 MEN'S WKK BOOTS High Top SPECIAL $0.00 ; quartette by G. McAdams, H. Philip, D. Bain and Mel Peeke-Vout. Lloyd Johnstone, yice-presj' for KENT through the States and Canada. They went south two months ago and, while away. Mrs. Spencer had surgical treatment for a rare ailment. Though still ( AM) OK lfNKS ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller. the at thw men t:ialf of Halibut fishing off the coast of British Columbia lasted only 32 days last year, the shortest on record. It is being suggested that this year the opening date to ie I.' would like Rex Bowling Alley Open tq general public Sat 'pioH.-er Home dent of the Civic Centre Asso- FOR RENT One three roomed .suite. Furnished. Private bath. Amlv Washington Bik., or Phone Black 4!H). (4: of thanking , .1 i ihis mearJS weak she Is slowly but surely The High School students are f . . catit irtltu ."i.-wt ciation, called for a vote of urday and Sunday after regaining hfer healtlv making plans for a tea to be held on Saturday, February 12, in aid thanks to all the local organizations who had helped to make the affair such an outstanding! noons and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday eve FOR RENT Semi-furnished 2-' room Suite. 123a Park Avenue. ill , be 'declared June 1 Instead of t;arlier. If granted, there might I i be, it is said, fewer boats go out. Miss Connie Tumilson arrived I of" the Junior Red Cross. ip fa: owing -'' parcels, etc. to the men at fhiistmas time: lOl'E Women of the Moose fete Canadian Legion, the N Jin' Star Buttling Works, VwB i-u s Co-ordinating Council His Richardson. Mr. Shen- nings after 9 o'clock. chin4 : from Calgary on Christmas Day I success. Chairs, tables, , . , ... 1 in order to give more attention Ls Ni'W s Ev hrmifi'nt. visit.- i - and cutlery had had to be bor to make her home here with iier Clothes oys FOR RENT 7 room unfurnished house, close in. (. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. phone 57. i tf WANTED anfl ire nan ors from Kwinitsa Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Little, L. Newhauser and Mr. and-Mrs. G. Jackson. rowed and these had been wil-1 lingly lent by the other halls'"- in town. Commitees had been1 pleasing at Clearing Prices Jack. Minton. Pioneer's Home songstress, Mrs. H. . j mcrvisor. were in gooa lorm aim set up and it Jiad been these Seton BOYS' PANTS Phone (7 , WANTED Piano uuoils. I Green 153. the! dancing in the spacious audi ()K SAI P. few who had organized Ail-Wool, for dress and school torium was greatly enjoyed. whole a'fair. Great credit was Prince Rupert Florist? 300 3rd Ave. . Box 16 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions F. Bailey who had Announcer was ta. ivicAuai. due to Mrs W A N T E D Car batteries, car radiators, brass and cupuer; paying good puces See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. Big assortment. From' $2.75 CHILDREN'S SKI SLITS ALE-Fur Coat iRusiian small 13. good comli-1472 6th East. 4 Kueh a , aro al lne ooor.-wuic mi, prepared the ;oo jor Pure Wool, blue and brow n. Af.E 1041 Doclue I Station Wagon. WANTED Junk scran iron and scrap steel. Phone 543. Ui large gathering and who, with Mrs. u. J. womngion sum it too Head while B. R. Dodds at-kpi-vm! her band of willing helpers, hd it. nnii-kiu ffiniMit.iv onri tended to the table arrange- steel-Apply (41 Double knees. Reg, $10.50- th Avenue East. 5 room the' Mrs. Little was ments. ALE New and Used Fur- well. Mrs. Bailey was called for- between 9 WANTED TO RENT Hou.-e. Plume 064 a.m. and 5 p.m. 0 c. New tiritisn incua '7ijward to accept the hearty NOW $6.00 I BOYS' SCHOOL SHIRTS ( All Sizes SPECIAL $1.25 1 usher. Balloons and other novelties,! besides cow bells contributed to i (I suTcb ! ( yiArA less Than : rTfSi ' NServing! J 2fl& n i Now cups unci cancers i.il 4 tur $1.75; New House , New Bookcases, New nen Haimes, New Hard-, SlU'hllv Used Radios, iiriDliiines. 3 piece Ches-clci. Oil Burner Rane,es, ers. all kinds of other use- BOYS' PLAID SPORT COATS WANTED TO RENT For on year. 2 or 3 bedroom npurtmc nt or house. FumiiilieU iiiufrrrcd. Cull Hooni 53 I'riiioi JtiiiMit lintel, or phone Blue SU4. (4) SAM'S HELP & AGENTS M A.VI l.l thanks of all present. The turkeys had been cooked in private homes and most of the work done by the waitresses was on a voluntary basis. Frank Gavan and his whitje-jacketea "iinyuunutrv w:ih the T.5.E. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. . For KETCHIKAN ' WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT the din and confusion of the entry of the New Year and a lot of people 'M have lasting souvenirs In the photos which Edgar Hamlin took at the various tables. ' . Oeorae Little, pioneer lum articles ut low prices. B.C. N ITU HE CO., Black 324. Uf l Al.E -1U-18 4-ton Diamond T MADK-TO-MEASL'RE AGENTS - Sak'smeii-auents wanted to handle made - to - measure suits of tast-wllina: "APPLE-SKIN" finish ironical suiting. berman of the district and for j 3700 miks. like new Apply Hi ix im, l'nuce Kupcrt. (4) 11 SALE o tube cabinet ra- All -WOOl SF1SU1AU li $5.75 - . BOYS' LACE RUBBER 4 BOOTS All Sizes f $1.95 BOYS' SOLID LEATHER , SCHOOL BOOTS REDUCED PRICES GIRLS' UNDERWEAR All Sizes, Good Quality SPECIAL from 60c ; KNITTING WOOL Best Quality, all shades in balls and skeins 30c and 60c whom the town was originally j called Llttletown, Was one of , the happiest of the crowd there. ; He recalled the days when tall j timber stood on the site of the ! PERSONAL Dressmaking and; Alterations. Call 213 A 4lh Ave. East. 1 ifii HAVE "CL1ENT3 "with best of Vefefences wishinn lo rent 3i houses with 2 or 3 bedrooms. Fairly close to shoppinn cen Bis iuoih'v. Write ior FREE Sellin( Kit and slate experience ami rtvreiH-es Henry r auer, linU Yonr tit., Toronto, Ontario.. 12 inch speaker, newly re-I, nicely (trained cabinet tood BwndiUort 8nai ttr FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B C. isli, guarantee $50.(10. 1345 ingot place. 4i and could point ; Civic Centre tre. Lease if desired GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS HOUSE Buyer wants to swap (out the location of all the large 31-MAN Power Sales Proposi- I tion New patented tofil mul- tiplies man's strenath 31 times. 2-minute demonstra- i Phone i6i a-SALE--1040 Pontlac. SI .small tour close in for 3 bed OFFICE SI PPI.1ES HOME STATIONERY SEE if SALE Lovelv Black ker Soaniel uunles. reas- i blv priced, aJl sued bv C. etumps on wnat Is now a smooth dance floor. How greatly the town has advanced since that day is a source of great pride to him, its founder. Advance sale of tickets for the Civic Centre cabaret were $470 with $60 at the door. tion sells 1 to dozens to rail-1 roads, transports, d u b li c works, shoos, factories, elec- tricians. police and highway) deiits., farmers. Every auto, bus. truck, or streetcar should carry one. Litiht. compact, low priced. Look at earning one month Maurice $4500; Mc- Kihuney. $150; Brown, $555, IDihh Printing Co. Glendewar Tootone. Reis-i bio Miiwniiie Kenneia ncois Lake. Burns Lake, tit' Phone 231 Bcsner Block room house. What offers? HAVE Small Four on 8th East. Stove and Healer included Immediate occupancy. See ARMSTRONG AGENCIES, 307 3rd. Ave. Phone 342. tai LOST LOST-Red Plastic Wallet containing $0.00, Students card and ictnres. Finder please leave at Bus Uenot. 5i FOVND FOUND At Post Office?" Gold, Wedding; Kins with three stones. Owner may have same bv callina at the Daily News office and paviiiu lor nis td. mi 1 ezi$& 1 ; 1 SALE Waterfront lot, .else Lake, with three med building, llix:!8, and H'ned verandah. $150 00 cash. E. T. Kennev, Lim-i. Terrace. B.C. (G SAI.E-Sniall four wartime isp. furnished or unfur-hed. 1341 Overlook. Phone snare time, Gran your territory now or wish vou had. Paleoseai Co. Ltd . Cornwall 4. Ont. lt " SITI AIIONS VACANT Opposite ANNE'S Health Unit, 852. (9i lAcillNEKY TUh SALE A rubber manufacturer manu-! facturing a lull ranee of i mechanical Roods, tires and tubes and accessories and ' rubber footwear requires the I services of a salesman to handle the territory lrom Prince RunfTi to Vanderhoof, pre-' HOME-MADE CANDY Phone BLUE 389 210 FOURTH STREET SAW better lumber more FOUND Cigarette Lighter. It itialled. Owner- may have same bv kieiufvins: and paying for this advertisement (tf) I un-to-date tvne National tame .Sawmills mannfac- ctl bv National Machinery KODAKS CAMERAS TO SUIT EVERY NEED Baby Brownie Special - , ".41 Brownie Target Six-20 .44 Brownie Target Slx-1H - S7-2 Kodak Duaflex Camera S14.56 Flash Attachment for Kodak Duaflex : $3.25 Kodak Vigilant Junior Six-20 j. .. ... $20.44 Kodak Vigilant Six-20, 48.8 Lens ..: - $33.88 Kodak Vigilant Six-20, f6.3 Lens $42.56 Kodak Vigilant Six-20, 14.5 Lens $61.60 Kodak 35 f3.5 Lens with Range Finder $107.00 Flash Attachment for Above Four Cameras 12.00 Argus 35 f3.5 Le-ns with Case and Flashgun S120.00 Wrath-all's Photo Finishing unanv Limited. Vancouver. .(tfJ METAL WORK ferably as a side line to one , callina on all mills, mines, general stores and garages. I Commission basis. Address all Tenlies with full detail lo Gut-ta Percha & Rubber Ltd.. 526 Beatty St.. Vancouver. B.C. Bl'SINEgS OPPORTrXITIES- IMBINQ Installations and :-nrs. SHRKT MKT A! 'IRK. Tar and Gravel Roof- m&tffi' llm 0EMERARA l.eioiirim.ini Dr. Snns. (129 NEW ROYAL-HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold ' Water hth West. Phone 543 Itfi WAR SURPLUS GOODS Corner 2nd Ave, and 4th St. Good opportunity for someone to Hum u Mi.k xiiii tr. I.Kn TKNUEKS will be receiver! Minister of forests nt Victoria, not Inter than 11 am. the 25th start Second Hand store. Goods consist of pots, pans, pipe fittings, shovels, bed-sprines, bolts, nuts, stationery, office supplies, and other items too numerous to mention. Open for inspection 6th f Jiimturv. 1(14!) fur the nut- 'it Licener X4435. to cut PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 26J P O. Box W , 1,(1,1 f b.in. of Bnruce. HemloeK '(lar on ourt of Surveved Tim- l.ieenee nil o, south shore of to 8th. Come and make your offer for everything. Clarence Dixon. Arrow Bus Line. (6 HH II FRED FKEE ffl ''fM& " ' Ann, Cunuliewn Inlet, yueen "tl.e l.Mund Lund District.. 1 yeurs will be allowed lor re-! f timber. ther iiui't iitii.e ,.f thn ri,i,.f 4 -n. Victoria. B. C, or DLstrlct J '"T Pi'ince Rupert,' B. C. ! Ig j LAND RfcO tSTRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 25731-1 to lxit One 1'hoiiSHiid Three Hundred and Three tliio;)), Range I-'ive (5). Coast District. WHKHEAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate, of Title Itsned in the name of Anthony TnreKCiienko hnx been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that t shall, ut the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of aald lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Ot flee. Prince Rupert, B. C this 14th dnv of December. WiB. AD. ANDltEW THOMPSON, Deputy Hetiistrar of Titles. luw JA s Phone 654 jy A ) 25c ptr down piJ for tmpti . E5ri -i?op A A , l.b.Ud by .ny 9 C. Brewery OAV (s. V' A ( Thi. .dvrti.tmnt it aot publUtad t MatllTCd" V iiPn ' , di.pUy.dbtlitLiqContiolB8.td4 , - V, ' ,i f, , t J - bythtGpv.mmt(BiilColumbi. . t HDfl M -, voiuw ;vi?'$ r SAVOY tuu wm9 I I HOTEL iiiMiifiil BARGAINS for quicl Sale 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe J941 Dodge Station Wagon Both vehicles in good general condition. Can be seen and demonstrated at Rupert Motors Ltd. Corner 2nd, 3rd and Park. Avcs, PHONE 5(16. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS to VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camositn Sunday, 11 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS S.s. Coquitlam, Jan. 14 and 88, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Cosuitlam, Jan. 7 and 21, 10 p.m. , ' An Extra Room two where the attic used be added accommoda-"s will greatly increase e value of your house. ' MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Bilders and Contractors PHONE 3fi3 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue iiiuiipiiii n wm Carl Zarelli, Prop. THONE 37 P.O. Box 844 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT (Just East of Upsett's, Waterfront) FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Ruoert Aeent Third Ave. Phona M8 Phone Green 975 i . .' . . .1.1. L - J -- 3;' I I L.. i.L I C nntrnl Box 548 US advertisement IS not puonsnea ot uupmyeu uy uik. i- h""' the (jovernment ot britnh Columbia. - Board Dvaiu ur or by uy uit wn..i . 1'-' ii m