Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, J.mimry 14. '.U ms crvice$.ElC1iwc1xB FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANCl For Your Interior Painting and Deco " -Call SPENCE & MATUlK Phone Blue 215 " - ' '! 2331,, .. 1?P , '-!!" "'"".t in- .i..mmi..t ..I pim.e K,lfrt ll conit.t.miM ifmpn .i-.a n-M-tlvrn unrl ccmml British C'olitmbii (Authnnxcd k (,!, Cl:-s Mall. F'u.u Oflirn Dprartmrnt. Ouawa) Pm1i!1 rv-ry aftornoon Sunday . except b? n '"mrt?C r T'S '"V Av",,e Prt"'' lf.rt. KittW, Columbia. ovVAi!iftV7wei?.!r.'1'"r- PEV. Director. "mBmrkr - MEMRKR Or C ANADIAN PRFSS APDIT BUREAU OF CIRCt'LATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION .... '. SUBSCRIPTION HATES T CaiTlcr. r WcfK. .(-: Per Momn. 75c: Per Tear, ID 00 Sitfh iifr-. BJ MU, Per Month. 60c; Per Tear. 5 00 'Si' 1 i m FINE PRINTING First United Church 036 Sixth Avenue West Prince Rupert, BC. Rev. Lawrence G. Sirber SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1950 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Children Story: The Mill On the Hill. Sermon: Roots and Fruits. Anthem: All Beautiful The March of Days. Poetess To Speak Here Gifted Nana imo-born poetess w ho has been an invalid for much of her life, Audrey Alexandra Brown is coming to Prince Rupert next week to address a dinner gathering on Thursday night of the WomrTi.'s Canadian Club. She will travel on the steamer Prince George, arriving Wednesday morning and leaving Thursday night on her return south. Miss Brown made her first Impression in the literary world with the publication in 1031 of a book of fresh poetry entitled. "A Dryad of Nanaimo" since which she has contributed to magazines and other publications vith poetry and prose. S RFfiAl PRINTT I'HOXK 2 1 222 Sn., Bill Scuby's First Presbyterian Churcl, I Preacher: Rev. M A. Mark i Director of Music: Mrs. E. J Smith I SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1950 Morning Worship 11 a,m. Anthem Junior Choir: Show me thy way O Lord) Sunday School 12:15 p.m. Evening Wnrshin 7-30 nm Water Supply Vital . M AYOR RUDDERHAM is not long installed in 1 office before there is concrete confirmation of his statement at the initial meeting of the 1950 city council that the maintenance of the city's water supV pjy system is the principal problem that will face the - jiihis year. :i r It appears to be a two-barrelled problem first the putting in shape of the present main line, which everybody admits is in shaky condition and in danger of a major breakdown at any moment, and, second, augmentation of the water-carrying capacity to adequately meet all the city's normal and special iiirjx'quii-emcnts which "will increase during the years of Industrial and business expansion which lie im-.. "mediately ahead. " ' j)ry, ctld weather conditions of the past three weeks have focussed thought and attention on the 01 I'll SPECIALS II .1 . n I borSeesMaik wm preach at IHolds Building NOTE Annual Congregational! Continuation of the long told meeting Monday Jan. 23rd, 8 p.m. p nol(ling up new bu;kUng musKrar docks $2; Coney Coats (No. I rabbit) sizes 10-20 $ f Many Many More bale Values - BILL SCUBY FURS i ' 7:30 p.m. Evening worship. Rprmmv T.nst 'The Go.a.'Cl. Sundav Schools at the usua' times in First Church and Con-!rad -United Hall. Annual Congregational Supper jand Meeting Friday, January 20 at 6:30 p.m. In the Hall. Cold Weather construction work in Prince Rupert and projects are running behind schedule. Contractors Mitchell at Currie have not been able to do a tap for three weeks now on the two principal cur rent downtown undertakings the new Totem Theatre and the new Daily New building, botn of which are approaching tin concrete pouring stage. The normally mucky excavation sites an-now oeepiy frozen. Skiing On Ml. Hayes At a meeting of the executive of the Prince Rupert Ski Club this week in the office of Allan vital necessity of a good and adeouate water supply guaranteed at all times with sufficient elasticity to 302 3rd Ave. Box 1632 Phone Bled DIRECTORY Service In all rlnirrlirs at II a m and ::10 p.m.: Mtntlu? SrliiMd at l'-i : 15 e"Cit as wtmwii. ANCM.N AN (' M ill UK M. 4th Ave. W at Dunsmuir St. Holy Communion 8:30 am Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Canon Bahil S, Prockter, H A.. B D. Rector: (Blue 7r.3i MUST BAPTIST 5th Ave. E. at Young St Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobua (Green BIS) IIRST PKKSHYTI'WAN 4th Avenue East FIRST lMllll 636 6th Ave. West Kev. L. G. Sicber (Green 613) ITI.I. OOSPIX TAHI KXACI.E 202 6th Ave. West Pastor: C. Fawcett (Green 331) SA1ATION ARMY Prater 6tiet CO.: Capt. W. Poulton Directory Class 2 :30 p m. Sunday School &:00 p.m. (Black 3691 ST. PAIL'S MTIILKAN 5th Ave. at McBrlde St Pastor: E. Solland (Black 610 ST. HULKS ANGLICAN Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Kodson Sunday School 1 1 :00 a m. Evening Prayer T.30 p.m. t Bui' Krt.t LIK BtPTIST 629 6th Ave. E Pastor. Leonard A. Thorpe Services 11 a m. and 7 30 p.m. Sunday School 12 15. Gift of Apples 'Made to Britain j KELCWNA fl" British Colum-I bia fruit growers have made a I gift of approximately 1.000.003 boxes of apples to Great Britain rather than have the fruit rot in warehouses, it was announced by A. K. Lloyd, piesident and u?n-eral manager of British Columbia Tree Fruits Limited. Value of the gift is about $1,500,000. First shipment leaves New Westmin- ster January 15 Classified ads bring results. I Victoria L,rf,xrrf, mfJIIJ BROADWAY Ci! meet such emergencies as that of abnormal weather " "conditions. Scarcity of water in a city not only makes the place unliveable. It is attended with the spectre of the community's possible destruction by fire. "Yes, Mayor Rudderham is right. Water comes ' first. ' PACIFIC DEFENCE POLICY mm t mm Best!, t finest Cocl Hours 7 arc v For Take-Home Orders Phone 20C QNE WOULD THINK that with our lines being-drawn back in the far east we would strengthen our Alaskan bases as the first line of defense and offense in the nort h Pacific, observes the Ketchikan Chronicle, But the withdrawal of the air force from the Aleutians and possibly from Marks field at Nome ....ilidicates we, are going home again just at a t i m e when the Pacific becomes the hot spot of the shifting ..tVoW war. .' .". it Mr. Truman must be. given credit for bringing Armstrong, the president, George led that the ski tov Values for You L unch Kits Pyrex Ware Percolators S Pocket Knives Covered Roasters Thermos Euttl THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. I - the western world through a very trying year, with - .the siege of Berlin a thing of the past the Russian , . threats to oil-rich Iran easing and the North Atlantic treaty going into effect. He thinks a period of stability can be maintained on the foreign front if we .do not meddle too much in things that don't concern Wide-Open vs Blue Sundays Dynamite-Laden Argument Better Old Age Pension Needed us. It is important to adopt a progressive program for ; the far east, but our economic aid could not help China I the way it was wasted away. Chiang could not hold, I regime together because of corruption and the As if the government To tArt tKti Mau, VT. ', 1 - 1 fui rmnr h baked fresh ri K U r t K I BAKfcRlr ITn Mn Canadians have paid more Mian $13,000,003 in radio license fees in the last three years. NOTICE OF CAVCKI.I.ATION OI-' HIIItVl: Notice Is hcrrhv filven that the reserve afialnst th disposition ol crown petroleum an.: iiavurttrpas on Queen Charlotte Islands will be lifted at 12 o'clock noon February 1. 1H50. after which time applications for permits under the provisions of the 'Petroleum and Natural Oas Act" may be submitted to the Superintendent of Lands. Department of Lands and Forests. Victoria. George P. Melrose ljepmy Minister of Lands Department of Lands and Forests Victoria. B. C. January 13. 1U50. (Ml Saving Prices For Men & Boys M2n'$ SUITS pure voo! worsted. A reol bar-nain, perfect fits $37.75 Men's TOP COATS Medium Melton cloth,, smartly tailored bargain $21.50 Men's DRESS SHIRTS big selection from $2.75 Men's TI.ES dandv -vfts. Latest shades 'rnm 95c Men's SWEATERS - iHover and button styles, wools, all shades lrom $3.75 Men's TROUSERS for dress, all wool worstr nnnrl nc;t;ortmPnt from $5.00 ! Men's "U wool olai 5 iheovy SHIRT-JACKETSj ,oond shades. Reol : 1 ejrplin J5-95' lAn's SOX biggest i.,;on new designs, good quality, from 50c "CHIRTS Mw shades, from $1.45 -ovs' SWEATERS- -h; enrtment from $1.50 Boys' SUITS in gabor-j dine c'.oth, double; breasted smartly tailor- ; ed, baraain for .. $16.00; "Boys' PANTS, cotton i worsted, oil wool tweeds. -martly tailored ; from $2.75 Bovs'and Girls' STOCK-INGS and SOCKS : from 40c' SPECIALIZING In Designing and Remodelling it Russ" Gatzke CONTRACTING , Box J55S I'hnne Itlat k 27! o N 53 CABS " Stand: York Hotel, 3rd Ave. l!3r.l Ave. Phone 613 1 'communists may not be expected to do any better for a long time. But we must face the inevitable problem of Japan's population increase, the need for capital in the Philippines, for education and leadership in Indonesia, for capital and industrialization in India and for more food in China, and formulate a policy for the orient that is humane and realistic. On every side ... are exeat oroblems . and their solution will decide ' Whether the White and yellow race live peacefully Or ei)d up in a new and deadlier struggle " for living Space .and control of the Pacific world- ; 'aches without the argument of "Wide-Open vs Blue ; Sunday" that argument is now going full swing. It Jail stalled when Toronto voted in favor of commer- ' Icialized sports on Sunday. Promptly B. C's churcn , leaders got up in arms and warned they would fight commercialized Sunday to the last ditch. I ! a commercisiizesi Sunday, it I ; appearf' ls up l? the MoT- 'm Hbe n? commercialization of ; Leu- Sundays in this general, personally, or tne province. idature. The Federal Lord's Da .Another thorny question that Act rules against commercializa-Jias to be discussed by M.L.A.'s j tion1o Sunclay befor there'next month U olo-age pensions. can be a prosecution, the Federal B.C. s old-age pension is remark- HECULAR IJAPTIST CHURCH (Fundamentalist) 039 East 6th Ave. Paster Leonard A. Thorpe SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1950 11 a.m. Morning Worship Topic: "STEADY PROGRESS" (Junior Choir will sing) 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. (Classes for all Don't be afraid of the cold The church is warmi'. 7:30 p.m.-Gospel Service. Topic: "PIGS OR POWER." Special Music vfon. 7:30 Hi Young Peoples Wed.. 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting Fri., 8 p.m.. Ambassadors. WE PREACH . THE OLD-TIME GOSPEL - Panada's first telephone change was opened in Hamilton Ontario, in 1878 The first Caur-dian-made nylon w as produced at a Kingston, Ont plant on June 26, 1942. Report "V J- Negbjtt ' " " - didn't have enough head- pensioner may have another $10 a month of hi.s own. Alsa, pen- j sloners in B.C. act free medical I and hospital treatment, eve- i glasses and some dentistry. They may keep $250 In the bank and leave as much as $2,000 In rea' j estate to a member of the family , or friend. The people leally up against It are those between 5 and 70, too old to work, too young t get the old-age pension. Some retired B. j C. government civil servants are living on iess than $50 a month They must struggle along until j they are 70 when they will get i onie part of the old-age pension I to bring their monthly income tip fo $63. Thus a pensioner and hir i wife, trying to live on $45 a month Costing B. C. '. Government $6,-SCO.000 a year and Federal tfdv frrtment (or B, C. people) mor than $12,000,000 a year; 28. 5C neonle now npfold-a-re pension' 1 In B. C. has increased fr4m ?.( ft month in 1027 to $.50 a month j jump of 150 per cent. 0ammr 7 - Trilight Lamps, silk shades ' Boudoir Shades Boudoir Lamps Table Lamps, silk shades Government must have a fiat ably good, considering other pro-from an attori.ey-gneral. I" the vlnces $50 a month, and the Gainsdoy Ironers Y- General Electric Radios 19.95 to 2 should be in operation this com ing week-end. Last week-end about thirty- : five memoers of the club cnjr.yeu . skiing oil iv;ount naves. Some 01 , the more anibliious members went to the top run while otlier remained at the "Kindergarter-Run" which has been renamco "Sitsmark Flats." The trails to the ski runs have been market. bysome artistic signs designed b members' of the Club. ftegardless of the bruises re ceived by most people last vvek It Is hoped that on Saturday night they will be back for another week-end of chills u:.: spills. Of the 625.U0C Canadians over "vc-nty, 275.00'J now receive old t'. e pep.rk'tis j BALAGNO FLORISTS IPhone Green 7R1 Kox 11! L REAL LSI Ait INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMKU S24 2nd Ave. Near CFPR) EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODIXI.INO FOUNDATIONS Lei us help you plan that new home under the N.I I. A Plion Green 883 Box 5i. JOHN H.' BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue For the latest in IDEAS and modern MATERIALS -SEE ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies 505 McBride St. Blue 820 Single Burner Hot Plates Electric Heaters 9.30 to- General Electric Washers with pump control attorney-general refuses, nothing further can be done. Tnere is no higher authority to crack down on him. A provincial legislature may override the Lord's Day Act. For Instance, the B. C. Legislature could allow commercialization of Sunday and Ottawa authorities could do nothing about it, Thus, the subject of Sunday, and how it shnuld be observed, is charged with political dynamite, There could be a referendum and if a maiority of the peon!e voted for paid sports on Sunday the attorney-ireneral could close his eye to the Lord's Day Act. But this' might well be politically dangerous. Th? people might ap- prove a commercialized Sunday Baptist College ppn In Arfinn VVll III Ml 1 1 VII An interested audience at Reg-riirar Baptist Church Friday evening saw impressive views of how a theological I raining school is operated and learned of various activities in connection there- with. Rev. Leonard Thorpe, pas- tor of Regular Baptist Church here, showed numerous colored Blliles of Notrhwest Bible College at Port Coqiutlum. a residential training school for clergy, missionaries and workers. Scenes included classroom surroundings with the students in action at i " iivuiiim umi in iu! The Coquitlam college was started by the Regular Baptist NORTHERN B.C. POWFR CO. Brsni-r Dlork PRINCK Rt PFRT. B.C. SPECIAL! MR PASSENGERS Due to the late arrival of th CPA. flight from Vancouver yesterday, the Sandspit-Prince Rupert flight was held up al Sandspit overnight and arrived here al 9 o'clock this morning. From Vancouver (Friday i - R. Edward. J .T. Bfckett, S. Pachet, (- McLcod, Mrs. M. Person, To Vancouver (today! D. , R"S'''. Art Chapman. W. II. Clarke. T. Grover. . church five years ago, more prcially to train returning serv. ice men. It. has a canacitv fo? ninety students and there am low about thirty there. LaSt, lliCllt's mpptlnir -ao auspices of the Ambassador! Yomlg peopIe-s gl.oup of ln(f local Regular Baptist Church Sam Janz was chairman. ?aMc HIT in thory, get led up with it injan impossibility, at age 67, wil' practice, pitch the attorney-gen- i find that when they reach 70 eral and his cabinet colleagues to ; they get the equivalent of $120 p the wolves at the next election. ! month. At age 70 the $45 pension The government will never give ; will be split in two up to $$60 each Its blessing to the attorney-gen- j in the way pf r.!d-age pension, eral and tell him to close his eyes The time is coming when some to anything that faintly resem-! crovision will have to be made bles a wide-open Sunday. The for the 65-70 group. There If Legislature, while it will discuss j nothing for many of them to dc , the matter at next month's ses- j now but go on social nsslstance sion, will turn a cold shoulder to ; which is a new and fancier name any law that ",ill allow paid en- ! for relief, but means exactly th tertalnments on Sunday. same. And It's plenty poor plck- j Government officials here ( ins. ! say that, ii commercialized I Some old-ape vital statistics: 21)00 limrnh New -Used -Withdrawn YOUR CHOICE The Truman Bull Market ..-.Progress Prosperity Opportunity : 7 Tor red montVii I have been predicting that w or facing a fw years of peculation and a bull market I am calling it the Truman Bull Market Writ lor memorandum In which my reaion are aiven for predicting an era of prosperity and a bull stock market mi 1. W. C. SOIXOWAY, PtmM. I.W.C. SOLLOWAYand ASSOCIATES 0 for 11.01 20c each sports are allowed on Sundays, j j there would bs constant pressure j for other type of paid entertain-i rapnt movies, beer parlors, din- ces. even circuses. The govern- ment will have nothing to 00 , with that son of thing. At the ; moment it ls safe to say there 17 ROYAL BANK BUILDING VfiNCOUVER. B.a MeMc 1727 t