Prince Rupert Daily News . Saturday, Jurmary , 1350- - Beynon 2, Arney 5 r Sunberg. s. R,h,..u ''jao-Me-Hj. ""T" Oil. - i Feb. 25 High School vs. Boy i Jan. 30 Scoiians vs Cold Stor- Scouls, Kinsmen vs. Rupert Hotel, age. Undesirables vs Ambassad-North Star vs. Fashion, Co-op ors, J.C.'s No. 1 vs Can. Legion on the Ms and 18 on Ihe Chiefs by referees Comadina and Dominate. This is the third game for th Jets this senson. and they played 1 Spring 7. MorwM V .JI WOR LEAOlt I In the prelimir, vs. Bo-Me-Hi. J.C.'s No. 2 vs Commercials, Ores it as a team, with no ouUtand Basketball Time Table I Scout swampy n,"" , Jan. 30 and 31 -House of David Bo-Me-Hl. -s. Rupert JeU Series. : Fob. 28 Peoples vs. High i Feb. 4 Stones vs. High School. School, Merchants vs. North Star Sea Cadets vs. Kinsmen. North Brownwoods vs. Co-op. cents vs Home Oil, Thorn Sheet . Metal vs Brownwoods, Manson's! vs D Si S, Philpott Evttt vs Ru-' pert Motors, Mallets vs Triple 1 ARE WE CHAMPS? ing stars,-their victory being won by good all-round team play. Rupert Holkestad was high man Basketball league "schedule for SLar vs- Fashion, Co-op vs. Bo-, Mar. 4 Reserved for any post- j Stones by a S8 to 12 (Becker getting 12, J. ,'ber 9 for the winners'." i high for the losers I scouTs-R.Wpbb;;' !l, Hodgklnson 1 '. the remainder of the 1949-50 sea-, MeHl- -ponements. Senior son Is as follows: j Feb. 7 Rupert Hotel vs. Stones, ; vs. Brownwods. Jan. 14 U.B.C. Series, Rupert H'Sh School vs. Peoples, Mer-j " - Bo-Me-Hi . ' Blain s vs Grand Cafe, Stones vs i ; c.p.a. Feo ts Blain's vs W. I Stages,! with thiiteen points, and every man on the team contributed to an earned victory. For U.B.C., Faptis played a fine game, sinking nine long shots, Ileal Conquerors Of Scherk, Kristmanson j Flndlav. Beckor n - Hotel vs Kinsmen chants vs. North Star, Brown- woods vs. Co-op. Jan. i ooy m.uuu .. u,i Mens Bowling t i t v . t,'. L. 1 1 TJ i . . .. .... , 1 . . . Stones vs Grand Cafe, D & S vs j CPA., Mallets vs Rupert Motor?.' Scotians vs Triple Cs, Thorn I Sheet Metal vs Cold Storage, J.i cnooi, reopies vs. uom s, Mer- rcu- 11 uj 1 STONES Stewart. Parnall 2, Marshall j Atkins, Jeffery 2, BrC,' 6. Total 12. Ciiiiasla's Sloop llest chants vs. Fashion, Bo-Mc-Hi Scouts, Hmh School vs. Sea Cacl- Bo"; League Schedule vs. Brownwrxxls. " cla. Merchants vs. Fashion Jan. 21 Stones vs. Sea Cadets. Me-Hi vs. Brovmwoods. Locals Down U. 15. C. Chiefs 17 to 43 In Opener Of C.'s No. 1 vs Ambassadors, J.C.'s No. 2 vs Can. Legion, Crescents vs Commercials, Philpott Evilt vs Home Oil, Btow:iwoods vs Manson's, Undesirables vs Montreal Bakery Robbed of $5000 and toping tr e evening' scor lng with 22. The Chiefs were only able to convert 7 of their 24 foul shots, Rupert getting 15 of theirs from 24 possibles, actually winning the gams on their superior shooting from the foul line. Lineups: CHIEFS Raptis 22, Wother-spoon 6, Hindmarsh 7, Bertram 4, Mitchell 2, Briggs, Brown 1, De-aulniers 1, Gutterldge. Total 43. JETS Holkestad 13, Flaten 5, High Settooj i. Rupert Hotel Feb. 14 Stones vs. Boy Scouts. ! Jan. 23 Ambassadors vs .7.1. FashlonVs. North Star, Bo-Me-H. Don's vs. Peoples, Fashion vs. .Stages, ' Oddfellows vs Grand vsl Co-op! . - North Star, Bo-Me-Hl vs. Co-op. Cafe, Blain's vs CPA., Stones vs Jan. 24 Sea Cadets vs. Boy! Feb. 18 Rupert Hotel vs. Sea D & S, Manson's vs Thorn Sheet Two Came Raskcthall Series Prince Rupert Jets won a 47 to 43 victory over the University of British Columbia Chiefs in the first Scout.vDom's vs. High School, Cadets, Kinsmen vs. High School, Metal, crescents vs Kupert moi- I escaped with ysoootos, Feb. - 13 1 the office of GenerjiB. North Star vs Merchants Co-op North Star vs. Merchants, Co-op ors, Scotians vs Brdwnwoods, vs vaiu- game oi uieir tu o-time total point series at tne ivic ve. Brottwoods. jvs. Brownwoods. Philpott Evitt vs Triple Cs, Mai- fellow J- c.'s No 2 vs Ambassad- Centre ast night Wednesday night in Vancouver the .Mn 95 winsmon v R'ines Feb. 21 Sea Cadets vs. Stones. 1 ipi.s ets vs vs cold i.nin storage, ftuiraue. unursxi unaesiraoies uuius " t i net 1 ?. . 11 -t j - ' nere. The stall 0! ( as herded iiuo a , vs commercials. nieis won a Do to o ciecision over me tanaauu RmWt. wti v Rmi Kr-nnis m..Hle:h School vs. Doin's. Fashion vs Can. Lealon. J.C.'s No. 1 vs Philpott Evitt (Continued on Pase 5) shion vs. Merchants, Brownwoods vs. Merchants, Brov.nwooUs vs Commercials, J.C.'s No. J vs Home i Champion Cloverleafs team, the first team to beat j them since they won the Canadian title. This makes , the Jets the unofficial, Canadian " -By CHIC YOUNG Blondie On the Spot. 3LONDIE Wise Words For 'champs, a derision, of course, . . Skiers tied up the score by some brilliant shooting on the part of Raptis, ul 43-all, "Tut the Jets outplayed them to score 4 more points, to the unbounded Joy of the fans, who were all too willing to concede a U.B.C. victory at the end of the first quarter. U.B.C. had no excuses to offer. B0s JACRn PAMl. SNOW si' in a. that won't stai d up in basketball cireles but is very nice to dream of at, least. Anyway, if they can't lay claim to a Canadian title, the fans will long talk of the night that the Jets beat the team that beat the Cloverleafs. It was a good game, with the Chiefs starting out strong, pot- 7 1l SEE I'S NOW FOR EQUIPMENT Swedish Laminated Skis Boots, Poles Waxes Harness Cables Etc. The Chiefs exDected to win and ting their first 6 shots without a : Coaen 01e Bakken had told the miss and ending the quarter with bovs thfv .,.. at,nf1 thp aft.r I ; "iiil';;;!!'!1'1;!::!!:) I 17T7iJj I W17!? i---Br '"BLONDIE (CARiTsI t 5uPPO?e(om,NO,DEAP-- EMf T)(thEink BOTTLEsl ''LKV -' E.JS I KuA riNTH(:tJ COMEBODV'S ) K'OBODV KNEW IT.' A RIGHT IN Tf?CNT 1 'i. - MV ) V WMEf?6 VOU SPOKEN IT A ( USES IT BUT AND I'LL OF VOU DEAfv, ' ' HI - ' O I CAN C-, T ' JounTw 'N LEFT IT 1 Sy vOU j- BET THEKt's) vvHERE IT L OF mia CU'LV. ( ctUNo J oc J C -T C JZJ NO INK IN ( BELONGS j -y ' Don't Let It Happen Again! 11 pWI !fcW-J I -3 VY :- ' ll'X CH. ITS ONLV VOU. DA3WOOP.' 90VETIMES I THINK NOCj) i-fl...- ;vv r , . iJL -A&d , SAVEKIESJlH A IqO THESE THINGS JUST f iWs&a ' v I .ut VV&y 0r- :vPBeJ &rffl THE SPORTS SHOI 622 W. 3rd Ave. the game dance if they won by ten points. Instead they were bundled off to bed and were out this morning for a workout at the Centre. Bakken was well satisfied with the refereelng and a 16-10 lead. In the second quarter Prince Rupert started to come up and were only lagging at the half by a 23-22 margin. Again in the third quarter Prince Rupert led the way, outscoring the Chiefs declared after the game it was by six points to lead going into better than Vancouver arbiterin! j the last period 37-32. With two with the Rame being called ac-: minutes and ten seconds of the ( cording to the rules. TVenty- i I Pro fessional ami Busk game remaining ,the Chiefs had one personal fouls were called PIANO DECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACIt 758 972 10th East MARGARET M OPTOMETK!; Room 10 8TONE BU1E PHONK BLUE m p.o. box im HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all tU br&fichea 204 4th Street . Phone 855 -He's The Stubborn Type! ,f f GEORGE RORIE Public Accountants a tors. Income Tax f DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 785 P.O. Box 1401 compiled Q. L. RORIE, A S. B. LAIRD, 8 ( Besner Blook P' HANDYM.' HOME SER GENERAL CONTR'. ' - QUALITY REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ate. Building and ROOTS - CHI OIL BURNF PHONES Black 334 P. O. Box If SOMETHING NEW IN THE WAY OF SPORTS The newest contribution to winter sports stem.; fn Vienna, Austria, where bicycle racing on ice has been introduced. The weird contraption used in the game is part bicycle-part blades. The bike ts equipped with a regular ice skate instead of a front wheel, and the rear wheel has a rubber tire with extra deep treads for gripping the ice surface. As soon as a sufficient number of enthusiasts can obtain the necessary machine and the skill, ice-cycle races will be inaugurated for the winter in Vienna. Wilhelm Pohnetal of Vienna demonstrates the new ice-cycle which is gaining a foothold in the Austrian capital. ; Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince, Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green G87 Days New Residence Phone Number Red 904 B & W TRA! Cord Wood, Cedar Kindling wood 50c PHONE RED VvV.vViiW.WAVAW.'A i'll ne(? SPE'ltirv pop ip ouX never ' I'VE fZ H CSME 1,a5 IP ST' -HA!i ) ALPXANDEP ,U-N'5veC HAD A VWO MAKE HER Lr,?i.. T I v t TVI?. CANCV AND J JAXJr SHEA Qtp, SPEAK TO ME r VRVS,TEM J ' H f-r FLONN'EPS r-Y '2rvM speak FiT?jJyj -vr J 1 He's Still In Swimming! ' f ' .jl i I "' Tj!7iT: irurrMi7Tvn) ( r 'J ( SWELLS GCOD--mavB J ( THEV MUST BE hO.'E. ' ) f remember i puvstfp? IS TphoBeVv t& V 4YhpDeoE OR THESE 7AX1L9N'T VJE WT vOu'aT ThELAKE TMf . ELBERT 2 1. C FO(? SUPPEP? r-r f ( E ANVTri.NS COOKING J SUWMEI? BFFOP?- LAST AMP - ' T ' IWITEP US TO fOP IN 'y; No Private Life. (LATE AGA'N EL'MSTEAO' ,T- REALLY) ijMAT K'IMD ws C"TWEf?S WAS TELLING J ( PlEAE OOnT CRV ,1 VOuF? 'PE'SA BlONDiE HOW VOU MADE N TRY ) 1 THEPE'S 'NO EXCUSE r ( OF A MAN APF wR piTHERS I'LL r V- FOR THIS ' rJI'T' FA1-'r-'-SMe''vni OaOjuTVTO MER FIRE THE COOK BECAUSE J rr tO BE FARLV i-"! I k vf v 1" BPEAKFASTr fT- 7 TT I l' The Whiff Counter Attacks! !. . BlOndie wont -j ' L-J rbppTrEAir Put i'm g-.unG to make (bjtOj ; 'anvav.imAT15 LIKE TMIS-.BUT A EVEPV HUSBAND HAS MYSELF O 00 rftWT LIKE f CTLF DFFENGC 5 - HAVE A vem v ,v "a p)GWT TO EAT AN ONION ) k- n , ONiON , Vt-l-tN y FOC an onion yAV sandwich once ' , (Sandwiches " r- 7 SANPVJiCH rV-'.' N IN A WHILE & ? ' V-'rT-' vN-JtV n: rTf ' ri'f i' ftwiw KAIEN TRAN II your subscription is in arrears and you do not receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the newsboy or the post office. Jut do a little straight talking tc yourself. Co-operation of subscribers in this :egard would" be appreciated. It would ave a lot of trouble and everybody would be nappier. Subscriptions are payable in FOR ROCK AND DE Bytown Machine Works Sales Service and Parts Simplex Gas Engines 34 h p. 185 h p. Cummins Dependable Diesels 65 h p. 550 h p. Inquire about our long term Warranty and Service BASEMENT & LA Phone Blue 981 or El ; Always Prompt and Courteousi J We're Here to Serve YOU M A TTS0N' Commodore Cafe! UPHOLSTER:t ..a Dfll pnone Blue oio -i 330 Second A "Hospitality and Good Food' .Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders ' Pr!nc Ruptrtj Sheila Sling PUMP ! 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr.' pop VOt' Grey ROCK & CONCRETE A WORD TO THE WISE SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 Si 24 Besner Block Telephone 212 Evenings by Appointment CALL M. J. SAUNf New, Modern Fq All Work Gum- Call RW) Blue ' jWTit DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 p.o. Box 12i A.P. GARDNER CHARTERED ACC0' A. L. Bell, CA. P"1 Hotri Approx. Hi'lf;: t Jan. 13-31 -Prince Feb. 1-10 fKeiiil f Bella Feb. 11-April 15-J" pert, Terrace P By Julia Arthur JUST ARRIVED $11.95 FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED Srd Ave. Box 638 Ph. 357 For the best in Guaranteed Radio Service jfCM'C RADIO lvm 0 CLINIC For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue t2 Newspaper advertising pays off in dividends.