V Ftince Rupert Daily Hews - Saturday, January 14, 1950 calula Tea Bags arc handy v: lii afternoon tea for y.'ir f HOTEL ARRIVALS ; u. o. weaae, supervisor o! fish- J. T. Beckett of Columbia Cellu- ! n id A O AQi fi ii f iiiiii t cries, returned to the city on the lose Co. .returned to the city m Clillcotln last tvenlng from a trip this morning's plane from a brkl ivkff Prince Rupert O. Bakken, A. D. Mitchell, -U. HLndmarch, M. Bertram, D , lunuiwiaie on onicial business. business trio to Vancouver. ! . . I Moose Whist drive and tlanee 1 Wei announce llic opening of the Dew Drop Inn. Formerly Central Lunch. Under new management. All home cooking, BAGS every Saturday nieht 8:30. (It) Mrs. Eva Mennell and ter, Kristin, arrived from Ladner pies and cakes. Mrs. Ethel Sun Wotherspoon. W. O. Raptis, B. ' Brown, T .Brlggs, T. Outteridge, ! N. Desaul tilers, O. A. Rogers. W. N. Clarke, I. M. Gombar, Vancou- ! ver; R. Balon, Connor Creek, Alta.; S. Sass, Phelan; J. D. I Campbell, Edmonton; H. Bloom- j field, Eamonton; John Fraser, Watson Island; Pat Carey, Ter-! race; II. MacDonald, city; II. P. , Tliompson, Prince George. vo pay an extended visit with her ber g (12) ' 'i ll" 1 ' on$truction & General Laborers' Union Locall427 I unemployed members of this Local, are urged to con- rol the members listed below and leave your name I i ; S. ' f. t siiier and brother-in-law, Mr. . and Mrs. R. Txiorinson I A" au,as"m of "' W as Rus" tained by D. C. Evans, an em- Al Shipp, abtrlct welfare of- ll'loyec of Creinhun and Archi- ficer with headquarters at Prince bultl Watson Island, when he was Ocv, re, arrived in the city by injured on the job yesterday af- the Chilcotin yesterday after- ternoon. The Columbia Cellu- noon on his way back to the In- V'se ambulance took the victim terior after a trip to Van' ;ver to General Hospital. The First on e.icort duty. j Aid office at Watson Island re- ported the injury as "not serious." Fashion raft Hade To Measure SKATING SHEET ON MORSE CREEK READY A snow free, clear skating rink Irrss: Shop Steward"; 2. C. L. Moe; 3. B. J. Smithson; 4 C. B. Lovin; 5. J. Taylor; 6. F. A. Racher ' riorc convenient, you may phone me at Red 997 or a line at 640 Fulton St. or P. O. Box 1838.. muloyed members are reminded that unemployed J. L. Charles, chief engineer, i awaits anyone in the city aller western division, Canadian Na- ( Thawing Pipes gic to skating. Just recently two tional Railways, left by last evening's train on his return to Win A, nr.lv 30c per month. . CLOTHING ! nipeg after spending two Is Lasting Job , here in the course of an official members of the fire department j cut a hole in the one foot thick ', Ice at Morse Creek and, with the j help of a city pump, flooded an j area of about 200 by 100 feet, j , They report the new layer as Fraternally yours, F. ABBOTT, Treasurer (181 TOREADOR TRIUMPHS IN LOVE'S TROUBLES Above are the principals in a romance that is keeping Spanish aristocracy agog At left is beautiful Angelita Perez de Soane, 18-year-old daughter of the Duke of Pinohermoso, whose elopement with 24-year-old Luis Miguel Gonzales, right, known to bullfight fans as "Dorain-guin," was foiled by Angelita's ducal father after she had slid down some bedsheets to flee with the toreador. The duke got the law after Domlnguin on a kidnapping charge, but Angelita insisted she wasn't kidnapped, so the charge was dropped. The charm of the handsome Dominguin seems to have worked on the duke; for the word is going around society circles that he may let Angelita get her man of blood-and-sand after all. clear and smooth and open to the j . 1 I I II , ",i1aH .ilTVf nnjl rfov n,lH af n f western tour. He was accompan- Prince Rupe rt's water supply d by St. John Munroe, district was still in crisis late Friday as engineer for British Columbia, ' booster pump.? were able to keep jwho returns to Vancouver, and the flow running into the mains jC. A. Berncr, divisional superin- but not in sufficient volume Ui tendent, who Is going as far as fill the reservoir on Acropolis Prince Georgj. j Hill which h.:s been dry since i ' i Wednesday n;"ht. '; charge. f Annou ncements 'fi Canadian g If. i isii i f r i iii i if f Legion Card party 'JfUJUJJLL3Ly Beating Lower Skeena Snows BUY YOUR SUIT NOW I DURING THE FASHION-CRAFT SALE, AND SAVE !$i500 TO $20.00. I O Smart Styling Jan. 18. Ca:d tournament, Catholic Hall, January 19. Scotch Dance January 20th. I ' to normal and it wa.s really possible to get acquainted with people. It was hard In many ways to leave here and he was sure that he was taking away more tnan he was leaving. In addition to Rotary .Mr. Stu- ; art, during hij residence in the Is payaoic In advance. Please refrain from IAdvcrtMn? ; Classifieds, 2c per word per Insertion, minimum Birtb Notices 60c. Cards ot Thanks, Deatri Notices, Martin Stuart Leaving City Honored by Rotary Club Before Departure lor Vaneuuver While keeoiiiK a close watch ! ' on the main line flow into the city from WoodAorth Lake, water. I works crews are working over-j time in the c deavour to keep u i with frost stjunu'ies at man? i places on the eily lines, i All over tin city people art j ' without water in places of business and hones clue to freeze-up.s either in their own premises Si Canadian National Railways 1 KPfrT'lAt. IHHPtJlV bmjRI.K T'RH'K ihad drifting snow conditions In Oddfellows Hall. W. O. T. M. Card Tournament, January 2G. All Welcome. Salvation Army Native Home. Birthday Tea and Sale, Jan: 26. LOSl AM) rOINU D OF THANKS city, has been active in United Church and Parent-Teacher Prince Rupert Rotary Club said good-bye at the weekly lun- I the lower Skeena Valley c m- ! ple'.ely under control late F-idav 'ithoiifih snow jilows were still 1 being used to convoy passenger' 1 trains throujrh the drifts iml Fine Tailoring Your Choice of Fabrics ' At GRcATLY REDUCED PRICES or on city lines. LOST Brown leather wallet, small sum of monev and na-rx-rs. name Dean Thomas. Phone ureeii "20 12) UfcLP UANTIJf I I MAIX It is a field dav for nlumbcrs :cheon Thursday to Martin Stuart. Canadian Legion Easter Sale April 5th. Cathedral Sale April 13. : to express our sln-1,-. !o the manv friends ti'.i'ir kindness, sym-( floral offerincs dur-a icss and death of our . I h'T and trnndf Jther.: I c Soeclal thanks to; .4 .''.brook and Dr. W. a. ' ' fl3vca. Mel and Anton.; flOK SALE '; i freittht trains were having some 'Hi'l'ivc In riHnl" tliot llo ri-lu-nrlr i 1 1 tr Canada's present population is estimated to be 13.a43.000-an increase of more than two million t iuee the 1941 census. CHIROPRACTOR i ' I HELP WANTF.D - A)i)liealiois,e-ews miaht pet some rest, will Im- received bv the under-; . , , . sier.ed uu to January 20th for A jussfn-rr tram, whi-r. uosiUon elerk in Citv Knuln- .WvH luive arrived at 10:15 on SL&S'in on Th'dav nlpht from the Fast. handwTilina. staUme a u e.-J finally nt in vl 1:43 Friday af- one of it-s who PPular members, but even thev are netting tired ls week to become lo-tractedcold 1avinB a and wishms fur relief in the pro- snap. ! caU'd in Vam juver. For nearly of 'Pars lo-al manager of the Twice the iormal flow wa-;sevcn if- Canadian Co.. Mr. Stuart citv gal- ter into m.uns-3.500,000 has been transferred to Vancou-pumped still booster Ions per day U being as rity residents evl- ver a as.-i.stjnt manager. With deiitly continue to keep faucets I Mrs. Stuart ar.d family, he will and mains running to prevent. Vancouver next Thurs-freeze-ups, iv was Mated at City day on the Prince George. Her-Hall this morning. i 1,Tt Yollnt? is llis successor here Tenders will be re-j the iiiHlersi-ined uo .cs Mt, nt Fndav. January iii:,rii.i.l xIh iK ni'J'VlO :?! ex-1 ! lernoon. A trjhi for ihc East 5ot uerience. etc John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Pb.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 412 foi Appointment HOIKS 10:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and Stewart. I) C, jout on time at 8 o'clock Friday 'll':ihif (hp first in n u-relf t;i Vv Eimlnecr Citv fr the purchase of one n Snan-on mechanics' i-ranuemenu to view I. in-iv bp made bv con-j tlie undiT-iiuned ut ii. Court House, Priner, J n c. Trrms .itrictlvj Holies! ur biw tender riled on .schedule. A wav- cii.spa : Mayor O. W Ruddrrham honed .as i-oiiipaiiy maiidHcr. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS WANfEtl freight, which was to have left e-jrlv Fridav morning, got out PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing - WANTED- Furnished Aut. or. this morning '.hat the city's supply can be maintained. ' However, the M.ivur said, the 1 1 I On behalf of the Rotary Club, ;R. G. Van de- SUiys. president, .with expression of suitable sentiments made the gift of a cigar- a to 6 r.m. i;vem.nu I Monday and Friday. 1 :30 p m. for , '. theme unable to come nurUig th f ; day. RECEPTIONIST n ttenri- j nee afternoons. fire fihtinir ;-itualio:i is no! so iic-js" Phone Red 3'JO. WANTED To rent fullv iii.sjx-u house or larue for 2 couoles. Piione Room 90. i- Fii(l;iy niuht ,:nd went throu;h for-' to Pacific, woikiutr the line ot. ( 11 It was staler) at railw ay offices good if the present cold weaClier to Mr. Stuart. He re- fi i red to the asset Mr. Stuart lu'd j Iron and Brass Oastlng Electric and Acetylene Welding that four train.- f f.rhei Otflnai Admin- tVI iAdminlf.tralr' ol the i I Axel Eric Berulind.. I Le. Prince Ruoert. B. I I UZ -Tenders will be re-A pv the umJcrsiiMK'd n ! I ol Moiirtav, Janu-.iry 5 , p. ! I he nureliase ol the rwl'T (lesrriLiefi Iran-S I r:il)ln situated t'nere-I '.i. tlier with contents. llUUIt MTCtl li m Iirm:ini'llt - I 1 " ' 1 ""'S Iv eradicated with Saea-Pelo ' had been dispatched rom here the moil remarkable dhcov-j a,t iht the plow at 7 p.m.. l ecps un. Should a lire occur use of chemicals might have to be resorted to. At present, enough water remain.; in low level areas to be of some help. The nvervoii is still empty and no chango if fereseen for the immediate future. ' i Cummentini: on Hie grim sit ua- been to the club and how he ev- j emplifiecl the principles and! friendliness of Rotary. Mr. Stuart said how lie had: enjoyed life in Prince Rupert : since coming here September 15. 1013, especially afler the w:r when condition. ud returned1 Cry Ol Hie i'lje. n;ir,e I i iw Kiiaranti-i d to kill the mots ol anv hair and contains no SPECIALISTS ON SAWM1LI and . , i MINING MACHINERY l.or-Bei-r: Rterji.' consist, of nilseel- drugs or I'lii'oiicals Lab. i7'. llranvitle, ver, U V VainiHi -' i Hi r a I fivr dozen trans rrf lis vim? at NW eorvr !r!tl'!f;',!!,,,lil !f!i!iiii:! 'SSSE& i (pillar na.ssen!:er at 8 p.m.. a li.sh train at 0 p.m. and tne way-irrimit at 10 p in Ail tr :t thnniKh to Panic wit hout I rouble. The plow left Pacific at 12 30 1 iMin todav fonowro by a through fieinht l"ivit' there al 1 p.m. and the relurrinu wayfreijjht at 2 p.m. The regular train, due from 'il 1.Hi-'H:i.,i,IIMu - i tion, Mavor Hudderham jaid the! on ChtickriwaJla Itlv-ii 1 mile- SV.lv PLItNO.NAI Watch for fhe NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH You get the Good Things first from the Chrysler Corporation High Compression Engines . Hydraulic Brakes Floating Power All Steel Bodies 4 "; ' Automatic Over Drive Transmission Fluid Drive '"' ', And Many Other Firsts See your local Chrysler Plymouth Dealer IWPKin MOTORS LIMITED - l.iXrni STEAMER city will have to take immediate action to increase the capacity of Iiearl ul Muck Creek; i ",., . miles to KW i-orner . SPECIALIST -Oil Klv V, nillrs to headl ciah.st. Service Cnk: NKlv 8 miles:' D. Ronson. s: W 2 miles to head' 0U0. Hurner Repairs. Piione Black (21) iins following the PRINCE GEORGE clay water nu present crisis. Creek: SWlv miles of Al's Creek: SWlv "s to head of Rise In fA'lv 4',, mill's to point TV Ml I iM parliiii'iil ef Acrkull lire j Tralrle I arm Keliiilillltatloit Art T K Ml U It 8 j Sealed, tenders will foe reeeived lrv tlie undersigned until 2:00 o'rhK-k p m.. neiim Time. January tlT. 1 1150. for the supply of ie unci Til -liQjis for constructinK a sprinkler Irrlinitlon project near Cuwston, 13. C. The following ere the main items of material n-quired: 1. Steel or Wood Ktnve Pipe. 4 Inch to 22 Inch dinmeter 35.000 It. 2. Tees. Bends. Crosses, Laterals ' . . 80 pieces 3. 4 inch Lot Outlet (Riser and irtwntL. , S7 onlv PLUMBING and Ueatimr the Eis! at 10:15 tonight, was Shr-et Metal wmk. tar and I i..pricd earlv this afternoon k: 'VjrlJmlh Ave"w hi he M-ven hour, and thirty min-Lelourneau nod Hons. i tl ' j utcs late due tc late connections i at Jasper Park which would brine IF VOU ARE LKAVINO or mov-' H ln at 5:45 ,omorrow morning mctirrmrnt. keeping! i aa lucent trapllnes -vale pronerty. Lati-40'. Lonsitudc-128' cs IN THR SUPKKMK COtillT OF IIIUDSH I'ULiUMiHA IN rilUHAlB IN THE MATTKH OK THB "AUMIN-l.sriiATION ACT" AND IN THK MATTEK OF TUB FSTATK OF TIIOIfVALI) KTOCKI.ANU. DE-CFASEO. INTESTATE TAKF. NOTICE that l)V order of His Honour Jnili' W O. Fulton. Lo-ril Jwir.p of tlie Supreme Court of llniuih Culumbla. I wu.s on the 5(h Ina to another home let Anu-j providing no further time is lost ISM stnetiv cash. Illnri-av ti nder not neces-I'PDted. rbes. Official Admin- SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermedial- Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNItiHl For Rosei valioni Write or Cull stroni; Agencies sen oio house For nromut attenlion uhone 342 or Ui een 2U7 teves ) , (Hi i Uie K.,tate of John 4. 4 inch Gate Valve. Valve Box and Key 63 only I liv of .linniarv. A. D 1950. "')- i,iinli.l Aclmliiislrntor of Hie estate on Harris, deceased, -e. Trince Ruoert. H. (15) Plans, specifications and tender if Thnnalrl KtiH-Klanrl. late of Strom f,,nns "for blddluK may be obtained to i Ilav. Hritisli Columbia, who nieu on WILL TAKK IN Children for Workinu Mothers. Phoue Hed 09. OR IU.M IhK Coal and wood i id eli-etrlc. rannette. Women of Moose Whist-Bridge Five tables were at phy Thursday evening al a Women of the Moose card t uirnamenl in th :oo.-e ILHI. Wldst winners were Mrs. J. Hoskins, and J. Mostad. Mrs. W. Rothv.ell and J. L. Brain weir winners in bridge. Senior Reuent Mrs. II Muncey was in o weeks. Daruaili. 3 to- ;lack 730. (13 room ii FOR r?f:NT Sleeninu . MeUride St. Phone 311 I LV KNOWN NAMW 7th K. Hed CITY OK DU'OT OFFICE PRINCF RUPERT, BC, . t't Sueeder Sh.iveli rra:;lli.es: AualU from the undersigned at his office In j Keplna. Saskatchewan, or from the: P. F. R. A. Office. Victoria Avenue. Kamloops. B. C. upon the deposit el Ten Dollar M0.00 cash or a cert- f Hied cheque for the amount payable to the Hecelver General erf' Canada. ' which deposit will be redeemable upon return of the plans nnd sped- ; fleations In (jood order within one month after tenders have closed. I The lowest or any tender not ne-rcssarily accepted. Ky Order ! ' L. B. Thomson. . Director of luhabilitation. 910 McCallum Hill Building. Regina. Saskitclicwan. ! FOR "hKNT- Electric iH'rJable sewiivt machines ""' leaders: Llttleford Bro.- the Kith day of September, 1S149, lit! Strum llav. ItrltiKlt Culumbla. I All persons Inilebtil to the said r.t,ate are required to pay the amount ol their indebtedness to me forthwith nnd all persons having rluirns against ! lie said KMate are required lo file thiMii with me properly verified on or before the lath day of February, UiftO. fullliiK which Utstribullon will be made havlne. eard only to sueh claims of which I shall have been not il ied. Hated at Prince Ilupert, B. C. this flih ilay of January. Wail (KJKDON FHASKH IXMUIKS Ol- KICIAL AUM1NISTIIA TOI! lUtlNtK UUfEHT. . C. (10) monl.h t'n Bill tolliuer oi (til Inn Centre. rSf r 1 v V - I v Hoad MTintenanc ut: Owen t'lamsiiei and Rock Umppies. ii!,h Concrete Mler3: urklift Trucks; Neisoi Loaders for Klorkolli 0. diarue with 'Mrs. R. B. Skinnc actiim as cashier. Convenor In J 'tlie kitchen was Mrs. O. Tweed j HL-eniii'i room or room, rimiie lll-.iek 1 1 1 1 FOR HKNT hoard and 601). Uenu'vul: Itlce I'orl- Headquarters for WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT Skis and Ski Equipment CC.M. Matched Ice Skate Outfits Campbell Badminton Racquets and Shuttlecocks Sleighs :v T'iiritui:al Pumps; Na-fJrt:uie Sirapers .md .misled by Mrs. ,11. Harrison Mrs. M. Hcise and Mrs L. Hol-1 slad. i Classified ads bring lesults. ei-kit-Hed till FOR RENT Two House; Imr rooms to rent iw " ehen if desired. Phone 4!)J National All steei Moists; National 3amlll.r. Nnl.tonal srrev(is and Coiivevori ooruidtioK irom Na-daelUnerv .Co. Ltd. rer. t. C. Ut) - Nt .fe tlseil Fund- 31 I! KM. Kf TA-"!: FOR SALE-4 room suited for small family, ted near schools, sonic ishiuus. Prince Ruoert Co. rilwarv ti Office t'lx- ctrie Limstei-ji. rMio.1- ! We Stock a Complete Line of house ' , sifiia-' turn-: Keall V 1 (IS) ; i house Corner Eczema A New Concentrated Prescription Found f ucers, slivrer Sewinu City of Prince Rupert TENDERS FOR PIPE INSTALLATION SEALED TENDERS, ni;iiK"d "Tender for Pipe Installation" will be received by the undersigned up to noon, Friday, January 20th. 1950, for laying approximately 1200 feet, 24" steel water pipe on the easterly side of ShawaUuns Passage. Pluns and specif icuUons may be obtained from the City Engineer. Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque in the nmminf of ten per cent HO'Vi of the'aiiumnt tendered. Cheques will be returned lo uii.succes.sful tenderers. Tlie lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. (in Chinu Pnhliiel.s ; ' . i FOR SALE- Four room S wil l noon uase in-ill. RECORDS VALUABLES CASH SAFER IN ATAYLOR SAFE BECAUSE Sturdy constr jetion throughout: solid welded -I. s'l angl frame; heavy one-piev i body sheet: in terlockiny longyiKind groove door and body llanjes: Bank quality combination leek. Iimo lebloil in ivilation, all combine la assure you the best prutuciu n obtainable against lire and (Sieves. You can buy ti'U maximum lire and thclt protKH'.-n. ade in Canada, in Tuylo: Solos. Avoid interior sales. Convenient trm ol payment il you wish. Write lor lull details. 'roiw. dibs. Disston Saws, Ne-v IoaKiniJ Heavy 3- ly RuofillR New Tei. WaKons ' KUL'S. Tvioirit.er Near McHrme jtuuert K,'jl11' (RADIO and ; PHONOGRAPH" lot. close in. Street. Prince Co. BooUs. Battleshlr Sliidilly used Pa at the lowest, nrlees m l: COMBINATIONS S( IIOOI S AND COLVKliKS r-ivtl. KKRVICK . c. " 'Uture Co.. Black 324 Eczema is an inflaminawrv n-i ennie condition of tlie skin Ui ! which there is redness, weeoinu. ! seal. na. enistinu. thickennm or r swelling. A new concentrated I nrescriution has been found to uive immediate relief. It nasi been thoroiichlv tested ano shows remarkable results even: ln the most severe eczema con-o.f.oiis and other skin troubles. The nrescriution is a clear, od-orless and colorless liruiid and aill not stain or mark. Avmli- EXAMINATIONS Pivi.'PAUK N()V for Winter K - T n 10411 Kl orle. Et Kx- cr huiiinioiid. Auply Ar- I- Cii c. c Bid'-' (h) OIU. (tf.l uiiiinalions. WriU- M. School. 301 Eiulcrton WinidiH'X, Man. ISII calibre converted Under New Management When you wumiI a satisfactory jolt, lei experts handle I it! Your radio was an ex- pensive commodity new: get j full value from it hy keep- . ins il i" good working order. o il SIHM-tJn.r r l i'K' "lodels: six "nn,1 ten Sec" this week's USED RADIO-SPECIALS FOU CAN RUN A HOME KhuU'r-irarten I help ". with our um Khiileruarten liistituw. "eaters. Money-back J 6rj TAYLOR UMiTtD TORONTO SAFE W0RK5 145 Front Slreut tusl Toronto CWlablihcd 1865 .in t-iolei-lon. UldK.. Winnip '' -hi rounds oin-.).0(). J.are ussort-1'lfles. sholi'iios. tin Manitoba. c siL'lit x el ,. llic stork sSso; I 'f latent foldor.s nod .ono Sales Co., 32-''feet. Ottawa. Onl. ration is simnlc. Affected parts are first washed with a purei soao and warm water, the pre-t i serintion Exoff Concentrated is then oatted on with a small swab of cotton. AdoIv muht and inorninu. You can net this pre-seriution from vour druKHist, simnlv ask hnn for 3 ounces of Exoff Concentrated. And if your ; skin is tender, cracks, or Rets : tlrv vou should -also obtain '? 1 ounce of Exoff Ointment. Cut ' this out to remind you or pass ; to another suflerer. NOBLE & WICK ''-T 1 1, p. Vivian' VANCOLVI.lt lUtAVl U SALES AM) SERVICE 310 West Cordova St. Vancouver, li. C. BEE GRANT BiueSlO none Ulack 107. CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finislilns Enlarging Flash I'liole.' luken al Hom Phone Green 3XD 216 4th S' PIIINCE RUPERT, B.C. l'lione 1U0 303 3rd Ave. 2UI 3rd Ave W. f"lu -ible Reri 471 1IV1 M.K- Lnrlies Bicvele. 1 16 1 "'-eii Ti