i 1 PKOVINUIA-LIBRARY i A A. A. PEOVLNCIAL LIBRAST, PL mi 118 ORMES DRUGS iW IK I ICT03IA, B. C. HAV 3150 W DoJiyiDelivery I NORTHXRN AND CBNTHAL. BHl llflH COLUMBIA W8PAPSR : V CABS Iiihlihwf nt Tunada'a Most Sir atejri' Pcifir Port "IVince Rupert. th Key to the Great Northwest" PHOHE 81 VOL. XXXIX, NO. 11. PRINCE KUftKT, -, oni Dituni , onnunni it, jjju. r tun vtnio Gale Sweeps Over Conference Ln Canada. Does DamaoeiAdjourned r n J,H " r. Vancouver to CMiwack Formula lo be Drafted by Lesal Committee to Drali Constitutional Formula ONTO (CP) Gale force winds ripped Central Canada today, disrupting telegraph t,r services, uprooting trees and causing un-;;ge to property. i'uiil weather is also reported from w i d e- OTTAWA f, The historic j Highways Are Blocked By jTremendous Snowdrifts .ctions of the United States. , 1 Dominion-provincial conference ! j adjourned after the heads of the j .country's eleven governments J agreed to tackle the complex j : problem of drafting a formula lot j j amending the Canadian con-! :sUtutlon in Canada. ) ! The conference reached j measure of agreement that many ; observers feit would not be pes-' Cold Yeather h Unrelieved VANCOUVER (CP) The Royal Canadian Air Force today planned an airlift to replenish supplies of the Royal Canadian Engineers camp near Chilli-wack, 85 jniles from Vancouver, where 500 men are marooned. With Eraser Vallev roads blocked by snow- sible. It tosses the j.roblem to aj There to no continuing commlluc composed' VANCOUVER CP- immediate rehel in s.ght for the-0f severely coid weather condition-; the e;f.VCn attorneys-general" of! eleven govt' niincnts or their j mid-January blow lilildiUKS. t.'W 1" .Ws and s" douu their moorings to skelter in tne st-Kiver in the Kingston ,Ble areas which are ,fl, solid at this time t Boats ,, )i iv. o Nainu t'an-t boats Willi 'lircc I. missing since Junu-!ii lenottcd by tilt' drifts up to fifteen feet deep and as much as: 6,000 feet long, the camp has only sufficient food for one reprpsentauvs. These will at- tempt to coi n late the views of j all governments on the proper j formula lor future constitutional amendment. U 4t w s which resulted In the mercury ii'kinji a rceovd-!nailung dovn li: Ilritisii Colimbiii Iherometcrs. flir mercury at the International airport here cj'oppcd ajraln t" llirec d'";ree. rbjve 7.eio, equalling the fro -d -bitten records e-f 1037 and 1913 Colder tern per? - er Hie angry wln- ,(olnx' up l,r(':ss linie-' tu"',s Pl"i!" 'J Kincolith Church Elects Officers KINCOLITHChrlst Church Kincolith recently elected its officers for the year, choos-, ing Solomon Doolan as minister's warden and Ernest Angus as people's warden. Sidesmen are Chris Trimble, Empire Games j For Vancouver! j VANCOWF:. O -A move t j v.hlp Vancouver's sno-1 facilitie j into shape to put the city in th- j IRAN PARADES U.S. MILITARY MACHINES The fighting men of Iran ride in U.S. troop-carrying trucks as they tak part in the military revi ew staged in Telieran on the anniversary of Aw-baijan'.s recapture from Russian-backed rebels. Military help given by the United States to this oll-rieli kingdom has made it, a formidable power In the Middle East. The Shah recently visited the U.S. seking still more military supplies for his little country. ter liad dumped fr m 2'2 to 8 indies of snow snarllnc omnrjni-(ations over ti:e .southern coat ol Brithh Columbia. Five lnehe ol jiiiow fell ai, Abbotjifo r! in the Fraser Valley and three inches nt Vancouver. Vlctoii.) schools were rluoi'd scari'h by an RCA . bused Dakota Is st.lll leaving Vancouver 'uri' noon yesterday, roJiMimed the scureli i)ir,. then returned to H took off attain nt .nuniing. iti-iiis are preventing ';; ol Uv British C"l- - and the British Col--;m.s rout carrying out down owing lo lack ol attendance j ontcaw er enuiusiasiic wiu-i. as Van -oiiver Maud and tluv! Mayor Charles Thompson an-Lovicr Mainla.id continued to "U"cel he vlil call a mcetin-shiver uider the northrast ' ",xt w'( k f'"' s""tl a uurpo-se. '1- B A S A '"' JSC 4 f Hockey Broadcast All Set But No O.K. Yet Received Here Prince Ku,,eit Chamber ol Commerce was in receipt of a communication today from the j executive assistant to the Minis- j ter of Transport at Ottawa say- Ip: That "Arrangements arc prac- t caliy complete to carry the Sa- turd iy nUsht iioekey broidcast ever CFPRyet there was no au- t.orizatiii alhe local station tto to carlv thi.s";lternoon to carry the nr.feram "It only remaii"-:." said the let - ter. "for the Imperial Oil Co. to -ive its concurrence and there is every reason to believe that this will be forthcoming." The commutiication brought, to the attention of Chamber that. One oi ttie tnissiii'; i"ds runlns as Um site ,'yr the 195 J Briti-.li Empire Oames 30! under i av ye:;te'.-iy; Civic and sport' I Toronto ant! Hamilton have al ready bid fo'- the 1954 Oames which are in line to rome lo Canada. Ho Change In j Cold Is Expected j No'Cllange ,n the weather (.' be expected over the week-end says the eauier man who pre- chefs clear skies and chilly ar Hp-:;i nt but the name r i- s' ill not available. W'S bTOCKS ill prevail.. According to Digby u s not expected to bring more Island, minimum overnight tern- than a brief increase in cloudi--erature b' twirn 4. and 7 a.m. j ness as it passes over the district, 'da.v wts 9 i.bove. ?ix degrees ; There is no sign of any immed- rs an inte-im .irrangement, there y as no ob.iectli n on the paj't of It I'e Depaituur.t to the broad-flurries, casti'ii: over CFPR of sponsoit-d prof rams which are carried over ; '. .; KultetiwA dav. Sub Loss Is Probed ; lot British Navy Prepares to ; Bring ll.M.S. Truculent to Surface , CHATHAM, Kent. England, 0" j The Royal Navy today sought to salvage tlie submarine True-lent and began investigating the wreck, that sank her with loss o'' ' ixty-flve lives Divers went dovn it daybreak to sec liow the 1.575 on submarine could bo raised from her silly grave. She lay 51 feet under th? .surface of the Thames Estuary shipping che.n--el, some tiftv miles cast of this lavnl base. , A Navv liuar.'t inquiry was sche- ! 'ul"t' for a .Titling today to in- j fstl ".He hew the Truculent canie i be rammed and sunk Ttnirs- j 'av night by lhe &43-ion, ice- Hx-eking- SweoUTi- motor tanker 'torn Stockholm. The Navy said officially hist n... ! 'erislied in the sinking of the) Truculent. Hope -was abandoned "or 55 missing men. believed en-'umhed in tht'Y.iUK tm the muddy Tliatnes estitii rjr ' bed. and ten bodies liad bee n s'vcn'uo by the sea. Fifteen lu.d survived. The Admiralty simultaneously "laced an arrest order on the Swedish tanker. She is to be h"ld uitil her owners post bail to cover the loss of the Truca:t:;t Old Country :: Football :: Lnglish League, First Div. 0 Arsenal 1, Huddersfield Town 0. Birmingham City 1, Sunderland 2 Blackpool 1, Aston Villa 0 Bolton Wanderers 3, Liverpool 2 Derby County 1, Burnley 1 Everton 1, Portsmouth 2 j Fulham 1, Manchester City 0 I Manchester United 1. Chelsea 0 Middlesbrough 2, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0 Newcastle United 1, Charlton Athletic 0 West Bromwlch Albion 0, Stoke City 0 Second Division Barnsley 7, Grimsby Town 2 Blackburn Rovers, 3. Leleest . City o ., Brentford 2. Bradford 0 CarclUf 1, Bury 0 - Coventry City o. Preston North end 0 ! Hull City 1, Chesterfield 0 Leeria United 3, Tottenham! Hotspur 0 Luloii ToWn 1. Queens Parkj Rangers 2 . i Sheffield Wednesday 2, Plymouth Argyle 4 Southampton 1, Rwansea Town Westham United 0, Sheffield United 0 Scottish League, Div. "A" Aberdeen. 4, Celtic 0 Clyde 1, Dundee 0 Ileartii 1, Tiilrd Lanark 0 Motherwell 0, Partick. Thistle 2 Queen, of the South 2, Hibernian 2 Raith Rovers 2, St. Mirren 1 Rangers 3, Falkirk 0 Stirling Albion 1, East Fife 1 U J..I111 nt, , l.ttl I ; 1 1 ; Vaneouver I 0:i Vj . 9 40 OS I VUiirlz 1.25 j OVt ' I.lSCDl 2f Kustein .00 ', 3 r Border . .03 'a l.i'2 02 '2 "1: 1.1(5 ; ciiiliT 38 vcr 11' j U 1 a Goid 08 i'y 03 mudian 4 40 11 21 1 CO 7.50 I-eiluc 1.42 "1 13 00 ; 09', 2 1 80 i't'ie 4.30 38 :iiiadian 0 1 i 9.05' Toronto 081 3 l" 12',2 53 .2G'i 13 Pamullnn 08 . !,:: .117 1 .:v. .:.7 i iiv.iM ' lloAl.nil:. . ; a:, . . .35 1 '" , " Tonight - Or Else the land line lrom Prince Ctcor?e providing the Canadian Broadcasting Corporrt ion will pay tc the Department of Transport the tolls it collects rem the advrrtl sers f jr use of the lines. It. wa understood that the Corpoiatior had accepted this suggestion ant that its commercial depart men jwas in the process of putting r j into elfect. 'i ' The arrangement will mean." the letter concluded, "that ok people of Prince Rupert and Uk ; surrounding area will not be de- 1 prived of a comincrcial broadca' j service pending completion of fl- I nancial and technical negotia j tions between the Canadia" ! Broadcasting Corporal ion anc" j this department." Meantime, E. T. Apple A'haite M.P. for Skecna, promised that if the hockey broadcast, is . no' carried tonight, lie will immediately take the matter up agair bv wire with Ottawa. i 4 RCSSIANS UVIT AGAIN LAK ESfCTESS The Russian delegation today walked out of (he I'niled Nations security council for lhe second time (hit week after failing to oust the Chinese ' Nationalist delegation. This time Jakob Malik, Soviet deputy foreign minister, said Russia will nol participate in the council until It expels Dr. Tingfu Tslang, lop Nationalist delegate. High tniled Nations quarters take a srrious view of Malik's statement but no official comment is given. CRASH KILLS 13 FORT BFNNINO, Georgia A glider, winging in for a landing, crashed today at the near-5y Fort Lawson air force base, kilHr5 twelve student paratroopers and (he pilot. Five other men were taken to hospital with serious injuries, r Northwest Is i Hit By Storm SEATTLE a A snow and windst'orin roared into tliei Rocky Men nUun area from tb" Pacific Norl-nwesl. Oregon, Wash ington, parls of Idaho, California and northern Nevud' reeled under blustery wether. Blulard conditions ure general in Montana and Wyoming. HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast San Francisco 4, San Diego 3 ua- tinl near zero tempera-1 turej. Kt'.:t t ;n''lies of snow fell i at Pachena P;int on the .du'h- j vest coast (;f IJrlUMi Columbia. ' SiTiilhcrs. in the Bulkley V;1-1( y of the central Interior, re ported a new 12-year record at it below. Pvince Oeorue sa the liiercury ri m :ii at the 30 below zero level uh'.ell was n'.t as cold ps II ha.i already ix' n there earlier ln the winter. Clrar kics ar.d below zero temperatures arc 'rjeneral In Hie m '-' of interior areas. i j i Middle States CHICAGO '?--Danger or more j Howling contii.tied ycMcrdav a j n ore ruin splashed over a wide belt and thrtaiciud further dam-uue In many mid-West areas of j the United S'aies. More than 000 persons have fled their homes from surging livers ami str.ani.s in Illinois. Indiana Kentu'l:v and Missouri but hundreds of others have f-Mised to mov; to higher ground. Is Now At i ABOARD THE FLY 1 NO Ali-KOW ! 'lhe Flying Arrow ! steamed into the Communist i port of Tslnglao Friday after bid-dim', i ran well to its United States I destroyer escort tight miles out. For at least the no t week the American freighter will lie here repairing damage caused by sl.elliii';, from n Chinese Nationalist gunboat. The warship attacked the American freighter ou Monday l'cu the merchant vessel tried to inter the Vangt.se River on a vivat'c to blockaded Shanghai. 1 Sunday, January 15. !!).''! i High 10:3!) 21.3 lect; ' Low . 4:32 9.5 feet 1 17:42 3.3 feet ! Mrs. V.. Beckett returned to the eily on Hie t'lilicolin yester-lav afternoon from a holiday visit to i Vancouver. Sam Doolan, William Lincoln, Hubert Barton, Alfred Stewart, Charles Stewart, Herbert Hal-danc, Charles Lincoln, Charles Kakinne, Murphy Stanley, Albert Barton, Robert Stewart. James Stevens, Hubert Doolan, Matthew Adams, Douglas Venn Garden Stevens, Stephen Barton, Lawrence Smart and Eddit Nelson. Engineers Matthew Adam; Joseph Ti.it, Chester Benson, Benson oung, Hubert Barton, and Morris Ualdane. Jery Benson was re-electet church committee chairmai, -k? Battuii .ai.Jretari . . snd other members Berber. I P,olal1' 5"lla'1lB,art0n' ' Neistm, Hubert Haldane, Fran- cis .Watts, Ram Lincoln, Matt hew Ounicy, Alfred Stewart, Matthew Stewart, Ralph Clayton, William Stewart, Cecil Barton, George Alexander and John G. Moore. . , Choir Of if em - The Church Choir has'elecled Cecil Barton superintendent for the year with James Stevens as manager, John Moors conductor, ,Mrs. Emma Nelson &d";,r5 Mary Bolton, lady superintendents, and Mrs. Euusa Nelson, W. F. Stewart, Isaac Angus, William R. Stewart, George Stewart and Sydney Alexander, organist. OTTAWA AIRMEN WIRE VICTIMS EDMONTON ff It was two Royal Canadian Air Force men from Ottawa who were "killed Thursday when a Tiger Moth plane, which they were testing, crashed into a residential area. The plane landed upside down ou a roadway lss than fifty yards from several houses. The names of the victims were mado available Thursday night. They had been sent here especially for plane testing purposes. ' Edmonton Wins From Dundee .nUNDF.f. Scotland 0 Edmonton Mercurys last night extendet their winning strea,k in Scotlanc to three games with a 4 to 3 victory over Dundee Tigers. ' Th' Mereurys are Canada's represent a lives for the forthcoming work hockey championships. Earlier li the week, in the course Of thei exhibition tour, the Mercury had defeated Ayr 4 to 2. , U.B.C. Baskctboll dance;! Civic Centre 10-12 p m. ANDY'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 25c Gents 50c ilHIIilHpllli'iifflji!!"'1!;1!!' lliiullUlllUlllu,illll)iliiUll MiiliilWjIittWIMMB THE WEATHER (Synopsis) For the second sucee.ssiveda. whiter struck hard at British Columbia. Hardest, hit was the Lower Mainland section where near zero temperatures and strong northeast winds combined to give blizzard .conditions at most point,'; in the Fra-scr Valley. Temperatures at Vaneouver In-I ternatlonal Airport dropjM'd h. aero just, be tore dawn to set a i new record which was two deR- i ces colder U an Uic.urrjyjpus , teacheU in January 1907. Anolhei , Uveuk weather disturbance is ' moving soul het.st,w aid across the i province this ntorniiiK. However, ' i ! tint Mh-f from the current cold rpeli. ! (Forecast) North Coast Region Cloudy with a few light snow clearing this afternoon. Clear ! tonight and Sunday. Continuing ! e;;tremely cold. Llglit winds. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy 15 and 22; Sandspit, 15 and 22. Prince Rupert 5 and 15. Colombo Conference Parley Ends With Accord COLOMBO. Ceylon C The conference of British Common-v ealts foreign ministers ended j today with trie announcement 1 that their countries still agree on ': their approach to the mon (". i foreign problems. . j A commiinlfiue Issued a Her the i final confercni'e session said Ilia', i t)lf, xoreit,n m listers have agreed on : t 1. Recommendations for ceo-; nomic. development in south and seuthf aVteru Asia. Tlie.sc are to I Ik- submitted to the ministers ol home governments. 2. Recommendation;; regardi:);.' , conditions for peace .settlement with Japar These, too now go back to it. dividual governments. ; t.OSI(i VltOI'OSITION WOKINO. fciiKlawi h' - Wok ing's most popular jniblu- bov-'lu' i-rei'n tu'ik in .W,2 last. vcar. But it lost money, 'lhe groundsman's wages alone were 1250. UBC-JETS BASKETBALL TONIGHT 8.30. RKKIvKVM) SKATS Available Rt served $1.00, Rush 7ac Students 50c .varmer t.rm the previous night, At 4 p.m. yi trrday. tlie mer- "ury read H above. A weathe-j disturbance is moving doAii the eoa. t but only rlcucls with little no pre rii-it.ii inn is expected by the we-'Oieriv-an. r.ei'dints over the week-end will remain much '.he same as .'irhm the past few flays. Trains Crash, Two Are Hurt CHATHAM 0 - Collision between two frcir.ht trains early today resulted in injuries to two railway workers and caused dam age which may reach $10.00. The injured arc Fred Hatch and Lloyd Jones, both of Chut- j hum. Investigator said that a Wa-j btish train plowed into the renr of a Canadian National railways j freight. I Hatch and Jones were mem- j utT.s ol tnc crew ui inc waousn i train and were injured wiun I hey jumpi'd from the locomotive. Hatch suffered head injuries and Jones sustained a broken m ill and shock. Two Fatalities Die Of Cold In Vancouver VANCOUVF.U (P -Two death;. ! arc attributed to Vancouver' j great cold wiu- v.hi"h is rcueh-.... ... i ...i ..i i,,..., nig imprcreticnwu (iwiwinum i;us ):liard e-:ifli(ltilis raii'JC iu ' front the Frascr Valley. ! In sulJtu'bau Noilh Vancouver iAiina M. Alc.tlidi r, 80-year old ! - iii nsl er who friends said was too I KM. IB VVNCOUVKH VANCOUVFIt - A new low temperature mark for Vancouver's nteteoroloRleal history book was set just before dawn today when the official trier niomcter at Vancouver airport dropped to zero. This was two degrees colder than the previ- ; cirs low mark set in January, t 19(17. j KAIL WAdKS HltaiER -MONTIIKAL The railways told a federal conciliation i board Friday that wages paid J Canadian railway workers were higher, on the national average, than (hose paid workers in Industry as a whole. A railway statement, before a board heading a dispute with two nu'jor unions, said (hat average hourly earnings for oil Canadian manufacturing last May 1 were !R.c and at (be same dale average wage for uon-opcraling railway employees, who nw seek shorter hours and more nay and the checkoff, was 103.2c. HiO.tldO UAMAUK KI LOWNA President Geo. Fitzgerald of the Krlowna Fruit Growers' F.xchange last night said (hat $900,000 was the damage caused in yesterday niorn- ; ii!g'! fire which destroyed (he Rutland cold storage plant. The plant was valued at $600,- 000 a-rd 114,000 boxes ol apples which also went up iu smoke, were worth $300,000. ..A short ; circuit in electric"! power line is believed to have been the cause. Cold weather helped ' to defeat the efforts of firc- Mr,: -. . let ( w)-. ttT.'.v.m ll;t;!' i He, l,.il;e 'f1 ' Ur, hnke "v ( uek:, hull, 'If!; ' "rt row ,:it .07 1 .08 ; i, .13 .or. .75 -.0"' ' .0 i .1 1 I 3 t; S ' 2,r I ' 07 in . I i 1 !' .(IV: onio .1)7 Ifouyn .. . "7 Gordon 2 15 ock 2 r-2 i River . ;'1 Miller '1 Miss Audrey Hunter sails by , proud to ask for an old age pen-Ihe CliiicoUn tuniorrow nifht on sion.-w.i.s i'ou.id dead lrom cold her return to her nurses' train- I and hunger. Chilli a!v a baby died at In" duties at Vancouver General i In Hospital after a holiday visit in I birth after Us mother. Mrs. Berjl ,tth he! narents. Mr. ! Pemier, had fcten carried to hos- pital on a steicher. Canada t and Mrs. G. A. Hunter.