provincial llEf tAHX i p:v::::::l t t 1 . -1 f n .1. . . nvBioijia anli WW i;3riKAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NTWfiPAPrn mondyl (e crr Most p,cif ie port-"prtnre r. - m.N1m PRINC ERUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1849 n., irpllaime s : Sighted" On Mountain u lissiimg, A WSfl FOB Sflflgaaffl'BHJEPEB . M ' ' ' " I I Fate of Vancouver Couple Not Known VANCOUVER (CP) Today the Royal Canadian Air Force reported tlyit the light Fleet Canuck aircraft which had been missing since Monday with two persons aboard had been sighted at 10:50 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Lone Mountain, 40 miles southwest of Princeton and four miles north of' the WINCH. PREDICTS RITTFR Fl FTTIDM s on Great City Two Directions BATTLE IN CAMPAIGN SPEECH HERE WILLIAM BRETT AND FRANK CALDER ARE ALSO HEARD HERE LAST NIGHT wo British Police Inspectors Arc . Harold Winch, C.C.F. provincial leader, opened iiw party s election campaign here last night with an address before an audience of 250 in the Civic Centre auditonum in which he predicted tfeat the June 15 election will climax "f ho KffoMir : i. . lain In Incident Near Hong Kong . ;ijHAI I CI') A bitf Chinese Communist Shanghai may be on. The nationalist gar-i!id today that strong communist attacks rolled up on the southwest and northwest, at the one on the southwest was being held one on the northwest was beaten back. ' " vjffl -.7 '"-'tov uattiu ill me History c u,. . . of this province." . : The C.C.F. leader, a veteran! f f. , I of 10 ye'ars in the nrnviniQi I HinkuA In legislature, anticipated "a funny CHARGE one, wo, with the B.C. and the TJi I I federal elections coming lesslOCkflQ . . itt 1- i x tit"! J 1 ), 1 'i 1 1 1 . - r j mm 1 a 111 kM J i i; e 4T :; IRELAND CELEBRATES DEBUT AS INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC Here Is a view of part of the big parade that marked the celebration of Ireland's debut as an independent republic. Units of the Irish army are marching past- the Bank of Ireland.- once the Irish of Parliament, on College Green, to the saluting base Hi, the General Post Office, which was Irish Republican Army headquarters during the Easter week rebellion of 1J1G. Taking the salute here is Sen T. O'Kelly, president of Ireland. vu wccks apart. 'In the urovineial field vnn ha the Liberals and Conser vatives wed In Coalition saying 1 love you' to each vther while In the federal field they are bitter enemies," he declared. "Actually, they would like nothing better than to dissolve their shotgun marriage of 1941 but they know that, if they do. thev are lost." Mr. Winch arrived here Thurs day afternoon by car from Ter race after a speaking tour of in- tenor centres. Wit.h him nn iun platform were two of his party's luitiii-iii candidates, William tsreic or Prince Rupert and Frank Calder of Atlin riding. Major Issue facing the voters QtJJyiUah Columbia, Mr. -Winch asserted, is: "Arc we to have a capitalist or socialist approach to government in this province?" "Don't let anyone try to tell fabllslfaT .?? SOinB t0(Tf tablish a socialist government in, nn ii ., , , ,., clalists but we know that social ism cannot be established on a provincial basis. Our aim. there fore, Is to approach government on the socialist basis of a fair deal for all." , Mr. Winch charced that the Coalition government has as sumed the rights of the leeisla- ture by setting up an adminis tration which rules by order-in- council and not by vote of el ected members. "I have seen In t.hp last. i years the Liberals and Tories usurping the powers of Parliament through the device or orders-ln-council," he asserted. "Bill 66 (which would give a long-term tenure on water power to the Aluminum Co. of Canada) is the mast disgraceful bill In the parliamentary history of Canada. By their methods In passing that bill the Coalition removed from Parliament the right to deal with the resources belonging to the people of B.C." He assured his audience that the C.C.F. remembered "past sell-outs" of provincial resources "to the C.P.R. and to the Duns-muir interests on Vancouver Island" British Columbia's "taxation spiral" was attacked by Mr. I Winch ,i. ,,..! .J.. Meanwhile the Reds have knifed deeper Into central and southeast China although there Is little Indication of fighting 011 either of these fronts. There appears to be a hint that two landing operations Into Nationalist China's vitals were virtually unopposed. An Incident occurred at Hong Kong when two British police Inspectors and a Chinese detective were shot dead early today by pirates while they lay asleep In a police launch anchored In Mirs Bay, 25 miles northeast of the British port. The killing may be the first development In a wuvc of internal unrest In the colony. It was suggested. assiTeTourT docket light Seven divorce cases will con stitute the docket of Prince Rupert's .spring Assize Court session which will open before Mr. Justice Herbert W. Wood next Monday. No criminal cases are scheduled for the court session. The session will be the first one in years in which no criminal caxes are listed. H paralleled the testimony given by the police sergeant. UNAWARE OF REQUIREMENT In It, Manson said that he had no knowledge that purchases of gold must be registered at the court registry office. Letters sent by Manson to the Dominion Assay office, asking for settlement for the gold he had shipped In dicated mat he was unaware that, such records were required. Court Registrar Andrew Thompson, who testified that no such record had been registered at his office, said that he hud not been previously familiar with the requirements of the Criminal Code in reference lo recording gold sales and purchases. Frederick R. Mulford, manager of the Dominion Assay Office, Vancouver, who was brought here as it witness, said that he had received gold on January 27 In an express shipment but. that no covering letter of Instructions were Included. He said that he had decided to investigate the shipment to determine whether it was "new mined" gold or gold which had been sold before. (Continued on Page 4) LOCAL TIDES (Pacific Standard Time) Saturday, May 7, 1040 High 8:45 17.5 feet 21:40 18.5 feet . 2:48 8.9 feet 15:15 5.5 feet HEARD t D. MaiiMin In County Court iurt hearing of E. D. j-charse of unlaw-iiing "a substance unmanufactured or ;old" began before 0 Fallon Thursday, city jeweller, Is alive failed lo make v',i of purchases of 1 Enid du.'. I of an ilur or $3,00(1. timir se.v-.iou ycsler- jsinn evidence was J Crmvn Prosecutor t,, Di fence counsel ad said prior to the I'.'tet Man.Mi would uxiti his own dc-'ii IV km lug is n- if out of Uk ac-sl DffinlxT by Manic & of gold M who pave his 'W Duffy and of from Luther W. "Ifict miner. pIDSO'lllilllV Is h'd failure lo make tf muir of (lie nold VI it lo the Dom-O'fitf at Vancouver 7 fw reliiihii. i X Nterioii. who in - 'Jie transfer of t li wurt thai Malison be name of the man ;rN him the dust a"d that he luid ;iul his name was Mid thai Mun- ""H "ml, "Ororee" in Ids store about. 5 a,l'l "ffered to sell ounces of fi,. p)M "ffy thai. -Iin ,. lt(l in blivilm usually con- " MJ small inii-cliiiw "ilry business. Mo "if Cold aoit u,l, dll'ai. told him tiv.t 'I'm $;,no down, "n11 Dut as ,i,.,,ui. 'E il fw him n , Milium u ....... ... 11 lieiloil r """wm toiH . i,i '"in Iir lat Hie ..,, ,.. lCt the !' r""n'it; liouses to re- ITS"'1" (,f Duffy Putin,-! to, ,, '"'""ii sain. 1. ... "b"'Hi uui In court international boundary. There was no iign of life but the pilot of the search said "t looks like a walkaway job," suggesUng that he believed the plane was not badly damaged and that the occupants might have escaped. A four-man Royal Canadian Air Force para-rescue unit has taken off to seek the occupants Pilot Bill Orant of Vancouver and a student nurse of the Vancouver General Hospital, Slaela Cure of Cardston, Alberta. The missing plane was sighted on a mountainside. It had disappeared on a flight from Pentlcton in a snowstorm. The scene of the crash is 100 miles east of Vancouver. CITY ASPHALT PLANT DAMAGED The city's asphalt mixing plant escaped serious damage this morning through quick: action of the fire department after a flash fire set the new, I $17,000 machine abiaae as work-j men were warming It up to prepare a small quantity of street J repairing material. I ' "Tne"TiaST?7If cTWitch 'eridang- . ered two workmen, occurred I when a small quantity of water In a hot asphalt storage tank caused the inflammable mixture to overflow onto an oil jet i burner. Within a matter of sec- onds part of the machine, was enveloped In flames while workmen scrambled for safety. Use of C02 fire estinguishers and sand by the plant crew held the flames In -check until. the arrival of the fire department which used fog to extinguish the fire. Syd Alexander, a plant workman, received slight burns and Works Foreman George Geddes was covered with hot asphalt, as he lay on the ground beneath the machine working on a steam pipe, City Engineer Don Stewart said that the fire, which damaged several guages and burned several lengths of rubber hose, would delay operation of the plant for three or four days. A nearby portable asphalt spreader had one of its rubber tires burned and a wooden platform was badly scorched before. the flames were reduced. Mr. Stewart credited the quick , action of the fire department in arriving at Uie scene of the fire with saving the plant from more ' serious damage. He said that the plant is being readied for immediate quantity production of asphalt for street rebuilding as soon as the weather permits such work. " ASBESTOS TROUBLE ASBESTOS, Que. A twelve-year-old boy was reported In-' jured by police tear gas bombs and several cars set on fire yesterday as striking miners and sympathizers cut Asbestos off from traffic and resumed picketing of the Canadian Johns-Manvllle plant here. Pickets have set up blockades on highways leading Into town to prevent non -strikers from going to their jobs at the plant. At Montreal Deputy Director Hilaire Beauregard of the provincial police said yesterday that one of his men has been kidnapped and more than ten injured by striking asbestos workers in the town of Asbestos, Quebec. He called for all possible reinforcements from Montreal and Quebec. A FX. B.CKS C.S.U. TORONTO Toronto District Labor Council (AF.L.) last night indirectly gave its support to the striking Canadian Seamen's Union (T.L.C.) by criticizing the handling by the federal gevernmenl of the deepsea shipring dispute. ST. LAI-RENTS MANIFESTO OTTAWA Prime Minister St. Laurent is expected to define general election issues from the Liberal party standpoint in a 30-miimite broadcast over the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's Trans-Canada network next Monday nighf. He is scheduled to speak irom Ottawa at 7 -.30 lo 8 p.m. ARRESTS AT ASBESTOS ASBESTOS Flying squads of provincial police rushed about this strike-bound industrial town today, picking up miners , believed., i h. been involved in yesterday's violence. Inspector - General Norbert Labbe, provincial police, said "the total of those under arrest is now near 100." The striken are members of the Syndhate of Asbestos Workers' Union, officially sponsored by the Roman Cath- oiic Church., ROYALS BEAT WHEAT KINGS WINNIPEG A second period goal by Captain Bob Framp-ton gave ths Montreal Royals a 1 to 0 victory over Brandon Wheat Kings last night in the fourth game of the best-of-f ive Memorial Cup finals. Montreal now has two victories and Brandon one with one game tied. MAETEULINCK DIES - NICE, France CounA Maurice Maeteiinck, 88, world-famed playwright, sometimes known as "the Belgian Shakespeare," died in his villa here today. Death followed a heart attack. FACES STRIKE PARALYSIS DETROIT The world's second I largest automobile manufacturing Empire faced paralysis today as half of the Ford Motor Co. employees 65,000 workers walked out charging speed-up tactics by the company in is'iembly line production. The company denied the allegation. MIKE JACOBS QUITS NEW YORK Mike Jacobs, domi.nator of professional boxing for many years, bowed out quietly today , as his Twentieth Century Sporting Club relinquished promotional rights at Madison Square Garden. Jacobs will be the director of a new corporation which is being formed. RELIEF OF FOLIO BUFFALO A drug bringing quick relief to polio victims was announced today by three New York physicians. Pain and cramping, severe in the early stages of the disease, is prevented and the muscles are relaxed. MINERS FOUND DEAD CIRARDVILLE, Pa. Four mluers, tiapped in a burning anthracite mine since last Tuesday, were found dead today by a rescue squad which had waged a two-day battle to save them. U 1 1 1 US III ; Russians Trying to Enforce Berlin Tie-up Until Last -BERLIN 01 German police today enforced the Russian blockade with gunfire, six days before the barriers are due to be lifted at midnight next Thursday. A wild fusilade from German guards on the boundary east of Berlin failed to halt an automobile racing mto the American sector under cover of darkness. Another shooting occurred on the - e&st nf Rnrii during the night but the details are not Known to the police. BOARD PONDERS WAGE INCREASE FOR JANITORS A "Pathetic" view was k . ...., rimte nupi'it ocnooi quest from a delegation of jani tor-engineers of the city's four public schools seeking a wage increase of $10 a month but the board has still-to decide whethe or not the Increase can be granted. Complicating the request is the fact that it was made after the board's estimates- largest in the city's history-have already been turned in to the city council for inclusion in annual estimates. The board, therefore, finds itself in a position where it is unable to budget for that purpose. Spokesman for the engineer- janitors. S. L. Peachy, of Booth Memorial High School, told the board that the request had not been made earlier because he1 believed that under the terms of their 1948 aereement with the board, an increase would be given automatically when the teachers' salaries were raised. However, in view of rising living costs, the engineer-janitors who are members of the steam engineers' union, felt that a wage increase of $10 a month is necessary. Lower waee levels set for engineer-janitors by th5 1948 agreement are less than those received by laborers, Mr. Peachey said. Hard unairman Dr. R. G. squeeze enough money to meed 11.. I r - . 1 ule ui a raise. The school budget this year ex"ppdcd $200,000. Cost of the it4uci"'ciu increase to uie uoara would be an additional $600. NEW SCOW-FERRY LITTLE BROOK, "N.S., iff) i here for ferrying automobiles and trucks across the Tiverton-East'Ferry route at Petit Passage. The scow took three months to build. TOD A TS CourUry 6. D. Vancouver Hayonne Brnlorne 015 B. R. Con 03Vi B. R. X 10 Cariboo Quartz 1-20 Congress 04 Iledley Mascot 22 Pacific Eastern 05 Pend Oreille 4 10 Pioneer 3 30 Premier Border 02 Reeves McDonald . 2.05 Reno 05 Sheep Creek 1 23 Silbak Premier 34 Taku River 30 Salmon Gold HV-i Spud Valley 08 Oils-, Anglo Canadian 395 A. P. Con. 21 Atlantic 05 Cahnont 41 C. to E 5.70 Central Lcduc 90 Home Oil 1150 .Mercury 10 Okalta 2 40 Pacific Tete 2 75 Princess 27 Royal Canadian 00 South Bra.eau . 10 Toronto Athona .14 Aumaquc .152 HALIBUT SALES FRIDAY Nornen, 12,000; Oldfield. 15,-000; Embla, 16.000; Viking No. 1, 16,000; Signal, 19,000; Tramp, 17.000; Steffan 15,000 and Sea Maid, 6,000, Co-op. Unimac, 16,500, 15'ie, 14', fee, 1 1 Vic, Cold Storage. Sea Pride, 5,000, 15c, lie, 11c. Cold Storage. THURSDAY Canadian Daly lit, '17.000; Robert B., 28,000; Mae West, 22,000; North Cape, 1,500, to Co-operative. Connie Jean, 20,000, offered 15'2c, 14'2c and 10V2c on ex change, went to Co-operative. STOCKS Johnston Co. Ltd.) Dcatfie 47 Bcvcourt 24 Hobjo 14 Buffalo Canadian .11 V Consol. Smelters 97.50 Conwest 1.00 Donalda 40 EUlona 01 East Sullivan 2.54 Giant Yellowknife 6.00 God's Lake 36 Hardrock ; .K,y2 Harricana - .06 Ifeva .08 1 Iosco 21 Jacknife 04 Jollet Quebec .30 Lake Rowan 09 Lapaska 092 Little, Long Lac 75 Lynx .14 Madsen Red Lake 2.98 McKcnzie Red Lake 41 McLeod Cocksluitt 1.03 Moncta 43 Negus 2.44 Noramla 54.25 Louvicourt 10 Pickle Crow 2.05 Rcgcourt .'. 04 San Antonio 4.05 Senator Rouyn 38 SherriC Gordon :.. 102 Steen Rock 1-40 Sturgeon River 16 Silver Miller 37 THE WEATHER Synopsis Clear and mild weather continues across southern British Columbia. Cloudy skies prevail over the centra: and northern sections of the province. Very little change Is In prospect except for clearing skies in the Cariboo, Prince George and Bulkley Vallcty regions. Slightly higher temperatures are expected. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy today and Saturday. Winds light. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow; Port Hardy 45 and 55, Massett 40 and 55, Prince Rupert 45 and 55. TODAY'S BASEBALL American League Chicago 6. New York 2. have63Dcrcen , ,Laree poinlcd out tllat the fh, ,n 8 utZne P board this year submitted the wZL? h n y frm thC larBest budSet history prndlng power of the people is and, sincc it wa8 alrcac, tn tlR unsound economics. hands of clty councll aller. mis year we have a provln , atlons could b made. , clal budget of $93,500,000, of, "Personally," he said, "I am which 63 percent is raised by in sympathy with your request. taxat ion of the spending power I would like to see you get $10 a of the people by the sales tax, month across the board. We will gasoline tax, liquor taxes and have to re-examine the budget Other illiooshs. Much nf flml lu and see if it. is ruissihlp ts, ION DYKE UIGIIT X to finance social lecislatlon. The ....... ... .... . nin-uuuig power oi the people Is directly affected by Dominion and world economic conditions. oiiouKi a slump come our rev- enues would drop at a time when they would be needed most." I Mr. Winch advocated that the Dlllvilll'P .1.1 ,...1 it... i.L.t. I 1 N PlnMr. RUPERT UN l ' V . 'u AN,) mANS - (iAMIN' est A scow s,w. weignn welchiiMt approximately approxi.nateiy f percentage possible from the; ,uJ45 tons was rettntl completed nrLi, point noh.t, of r production, from the Htn. ' 1HK YEAR IN DAI'S OF '98 STVLE " ftll f 11. n 3 II" f.,,.r SWIMMING POOL PROJECT combination of natural resources and human energy which constitutes real wealth." (Continued on Page 2) V.V.... ADMISSION 5c . 5