PROVINCIAL LI2?.A?.I, VICTORIA, 3. C. I Ir-ZV-yBluc mm mi Cabs i NORTHERN AND CENTRAL. BKttTSH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ORMES DRUGS Daily Delivery PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVII, No. 97. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Inited Nafeioins Move To End P Commission Going To Work to Enforce Peace ty Logger Is Drowned Down Coast Won HIS APPEAL DISMISSED LAKE. SUCCESS (CP) The United Nations moved today towards use of emergency measures to stop the 'Palestine strife after, apparently, shoving into the background the question of political differences between Jews and Arabs. A three-country consular truce commission is to First Car Gets I ; 1 hru To Terrace 1 Following announcement of the public works department yesterday that the Skeena River Highway had been cleared of snow 'sufficiently to let motor traffic through, came word that a truck belonging to Gordon Little, East Kwinitsa sawmill operator, had been able to drive from there to Terrace. Some local motorists are expected to essay their initial trips of the season from Prince Rupert to Terrace this week-end. ality i bo to work in Palpst.ine wit h ( hp Dklorak I.osts Friday OTTAWA, if The appeal of Rrld Robinson against a deportation order branding him a communist has been dismissed by Minister of Fisheries James A. MeKinnon. Robinson, who Is eastern vice- SEAMEN ARE NOW AWAITING TRIAL job of supervising Ihe truce 'order Issued last Saturday by the Security Council and to date ignored by the combatants. , a 21ycar old logger lglit to Hie city Friday following a drowning The eleven - member council mi! camp al uie neaa i h " mu organizer oi me truce commission set up the last night. alun Inlet, urenvine inn-iiwuoiiai union oi wnne, The vcitim was William i A . f ' ' . " WELLAND. Ont. fc Thirty-four members of the Canadian Seamen's Union are now lodged in jail here awaiting trial on charges of trespassing following their arrest Thursday by 35 to 40 police officers, the majority Royal Canadian Mounted Police, at Thorold after they had stormed aboard '.he steam- Mill and Smelter Workers (CIO) may still launch habeas corpus proceedings appealing the minister's decision. 228 Ninth Avenue East, his life when he fell 2 4. Employment Picking Up .alius log "l the boom- nl ol the Grcnville Log- More Pay For Gov't Workers ,4 t" icr s jury a, an inquest is morning by Coroner f b,. Stephens decided that Marked Improvement Seen at er oienelg and attacked crew N. V. I. Office Here j members belonging to the rival Employment continues to pick Canadian Lake Seamen's Union, up in Prince Rupert, according Tney are 'remanded in custody tn National ITnpmnlnvmftnr. in- for Olie Week. :ame to his death acci- - it" MYSTERY WITNESS IN REUTHER CASE DETROIT O Officers whisked a mysterious witness Into police headquarters yesterday as they pressed the manhunt for a gunman who tried to kill Union Chief Walter Reuther. Nelson Davis, admitted communist. Is now In custody for rrrr v.1- . Mf to testimony given d Anderson and Orvllle surance Officer E. V. Whiting, Didorak's working com- The winter slack Is definitely Salary Increases of- About $25 Per Month For 3,00 OTTAWA i(l)The Treasury Board today authorized salary increases for a further group of 3,600 civil servants. The list affected includes nearly every government department and men and women with salaries ranging from $1272 to $7,500 a year. TODAY'S STOCKS over and a steady improvement Didorak was un one of hat drifted free from a is to be noted. The fact that there are now 258 male unem ch was being made up k at Uie head of the ployment insurance claimants and 110 female, whereas a couple Courtesy 6. O Ji'hnatou Co. I .fat. WmWJWWMWAWW Vancouver " Bralorne 7.75 B. R. Con , .02 Vi B. R. X . .07 Cariboo Quartz 1.40 n was about M icel of months ago there were over In general, the Increases, retro e ncn he slipped from 700 speaks for itselL active to last October 1, amount 11 into the water on two Reopening of the fishing in to about $300 a year or $25 per month. dustry should about dispose of any serious unemployment situ FLOOD CRISIS IS AWAITED Much of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Still L'nder Water WINNIPE-O While the Dentonia .02 Grull Wihksne .05 Hedley Mascot .55 Officers and men of the Canadian and Roya' Navy units taking part In the combined fleet exercises in the Caribbean, participated in a la riding operation on Peter Island, one of the Virgin Islands group as their 12-day program vnear M its close. While their landing parties were establishing a beachhead ashore, the five warships afforded support for the operation. Included in t he training squadron were U.M.C. ships Ontario (cruiser), Nootka and Crescent, both destroyers, and H.M.8. Sheffield (cruiser) and Sparrow (sloop). Two boats from H.M.C.S. Ontario are shown carrying helmeted Canadia n sailors into the beachhead for the early morning raid. In the left background is the cruiser II.M.C. Sheffield, while' at right is the cruiser Ontario. . ation remaining here and the i. Unable to stay on :iiiig stick the second jrij neci. ,iig to SwiUer, Didorak on ihe log for about 45 before he went under extent of celanese mill project development will make the dif muiiu uiy2 ference between a normal and abnormal situation. Hjwevor. John Parnell, flood-stricken areas of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba 4.25 2 65 .04 .19 1.80 08 Vx .17 STRIKE HITS JUNEAU MILL A labor dispute is being experienced with Juneau Spruce Corporation, the plant that Is shipping barges of lumber to Prince Rupert for train ship Pend Oreille ... Pioneer Premier Border .... Privateer Reeves McDonald Reno Salmon Gold Meantime increasing activity along the waterfront and at the various fish processing plants waited today for "crisis" stage Naval Ships Marshall In to see whether the situation has been taking up some of the APPEARING ON MORALS CHARGE Ewald William piucler, 54, a fisherman, whose gillnet boat Is of the camp, set the 16 or 20 minutes," ba-ime on how long it took rake a trip along the . work boat. iperiencod logger, Did-hired out as a swamp-camp, according to tes-Hc had been wearing would ease or worsen, more than 500 families had been rendered Washington homeless In the Drumheller Valley district of Alberta but the situation was said to be Improv ment to various points in the United States. A strike was called and there has been 1 picketing. The picket line was established by Local 116 In , t 1 Sheep Creek 1.05 Taylor Bridge 30 Taku River 54 Vananda 15 Congress ..i. .0234 Pacific Eastern 04 Hedley Amalg. . 02 Vz Spud Valley ., .12 Central Zeballos 00 Silbak Premier 33 Ing there with the river level j moored at the Cow Bay floaU, ; appeared in city police court this : morning for preliminary hearln? ! on a charge involving a 13-year-j old girl. A Bruce Brown is acting 'as counsel for the crown and 'Wis at the time of hin unemployed. City street work has been obsorblng some more. Employment in the logging industry is down for the time being at least owing to spring weather conditions through the interior but, in the normal course of events, there should be re-employment there soon. There are a number of jobless loggers in the city just now. Coming Here H.M.C.S. Ontario, Antigonish, Cayuga and Athabascan to Be Here During Summer Prince Rupert is to receive visits during the coming summer from at. least four ships of His Majcstry s Canadian Navy dnot the caulked leath- receding. The Red Deer River Secretary of Stale Returns to Capital to Deal With "Important Events" ternational Longshoremen and reached a 30-year peak on Wed Warehousemen's Union because nesday but subsided a little yes terday and then began to rise again. Oils-r Two dams were reported to . WASHINGTON, D C. it Sec- ; Rod MacLeod is appearing in jretary of State Marshall re- behalf of Snider. turned to Washington today to j deal with , "important cvente-jpj Qf Norlri which he said necessitated his i leaving Bogota and the Inter-j West 1 emtories from the Esquimau station, ac have given way at Saskatchewan cording to advice received at A scarcity of good hardrock miners continues. Good trained office help is still in considerable demand although there are many untrain usualiy worn by log- iy -as brought to the 4 afternoon by the PPi-n, Capt. Cecil Mor- Didorak fell into the 'second time. and failed r, Anderson climbed 'II that was moored severed yards away and search for his body. Tied, deceased Is suri sister in the city, Mrs. Mintenko, of 709 Eighth points yesterday with one of the breaks spilling an estimated 7,-500.000 gallons of water over the H.M.C.S. Chatham. Among them will be the light cruiser Ontario and two Tribal class destroyers American conference. uanv hivki? ,.a pioneer Marshall gave no Indication ed and Inexperienced young the company's management had refused to negotiate with them for jurisdiction over loading of the lumber barges. E. S. Hawkins, company manager, announced that the Juneau Spruce Co. had filed charges of unfair labor practices against the I L. W.U. tn Seattle. That the Juneau Spruce Corporation may close Indefinitely has been re-emphasized by F. U. Card, personnel director of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., who Is serving as labor relations dir of the Northwest Tcrruorles, countryside. Street cars In Re of the "important events" which po(),c Fk,,(, aR(,(, G8 of Aklavilc people looking for office work. including the new H. M. C. S. Athabascan which has not yet glna have been stopped by 8 Inches of water on the streets ne saia required nis return uut , dlC(J m nospilul hcre Thursday, officials expressed the view that ; He was onc o he firsl wnile he was home not to deal with j , t d ,ore thc Na. At the Manitoba town of Em reached the coast. The warships are coming in the course A. P. Con 20 Calmont 60 C. & E 5.90 Home 7.75 Toronto Athona 07 Aumaque ,. " 16'2 Beattie 63 Bcvcourt 36 Bobjo 12 Vi Buffalo Canadian .12 Consol. Smelters 109.00 Conwest 1.08 Donalda 72 Eldona .89 Elder 49 Giant Yellowknife 4.00 erson on the Minnesota border but to! (Headless) Valley. Dur- 1 1 i .,f r. any any parucuiai particular crisis v V!),.m:l .1 I .L 1 1 w . l. at-li i, iiub iiji wu v yjJ j ... . . tnnt o nrnh time un wn n:ivn tie- . . . ....ii. u- "psi. His parents re- nlri thn Rpfl River nushed be- '" - - - .am Ills career in uie noiui ne sKatchewan. uummcivcu .... .w " had iiacj been been policeman policeman, yond its banks. The main street Marcn z of the town is swamped by the explorer, trapper and trader. He is survived by his widow and .son, Dick, and a daughter, Mrs. Arthur Watson of White Rock. 011 the inquest were R Currie, foreman, Alison, R. j. Walker, c'ark. John Jenkins 0 Jankow.skl. ector during the dispute between the Juneau Spruce Corporation and the local longshoremen. Mr. Card said he had his information from the company's presi KINSMEN APPEAL OVER LOTTERY of coastal training cruises and will have on board, in addition to regular permanent force personnel, hundreds of reserve traineers. The schedule of visitations is as follows: May 7 p.m. to May 10 a.m. H.M.C.S. Ontario and H.M.C.S. Antigonish. June 4 p.m. to June 7 am. H.M.C.S. Cayuga. July 16 p.m. to July 19 a.m. dent, H. F. Cheney, in Portland. The latter had staled there NAVY OBSERVES SILVER JUBILEE O T T A W A The warships of Canada will be gay with bunting on Monday, when there will be the order "dress ship" In observance of the 25th anniversary of the wedding of King George and Queen Elizabeth. At noon, there will be a royal salute of 21 guns. RATE CONTROL ON COAST SHIPPING VICTORIA The provincial government Thursday re VANCOUVER 0.-Thr Van-; 1MMIGK AN I b IU couver Kinsmen's Club is takiim jj pLQWN OVER would be a shut-down, unless a settlement was reached within Ull tXl. IAJ UIC iii,i.U(iir in ii. at Victoria an appeal against a OTTAWA. ' h warning from the Vancouver meiit aiiinniiited The govern-Friday that a reasonable time. in Reid Earned police against the o)erating of a lottery in support of the Food for Britain campaign. rampaging river. In places flood waters are reported three or four feet deep. Some Winnipeg people have been . driven from their , homes already. Three lives have been lost as a result of the floocs In Alberta. Two boys were drowned and a woman was fatally injured when a bridge was dynamited. Disaster relief agencies were today marshalling forces to meet actual or potential damage created by the spring floods which-have been plaguing the prairies in the wake of heavy rains In Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The Red Cross has been put on a 24-hour alert and Is already moving supplie slnto the flood-strlckcn districts. '""'tary AssisUiii lrr f I'ishrries TiansCaniula Air Linos would fly 1(1,00(1 immigrants to Canada from Great Iiritain in 1948. The government lias arranged to eharler plains neceshury to fly the Britons into Montreal and Toronto. North Stars .carrying 48 passengers each flight, will be used. Additional immigration HE DEVELOPED CARBON PAPER Samuel John Moore, Canadian Industrialist and Bank Founder, Passes Away AA (P -.Thnm.iB Riri ""niber for New West- jected a motion of Hcrebrt Gar- God's Lake 76 Hardrock 15 '2 Harricana 06 Vz Heva 11 Hosco 30 Jacknlfe 04 Joliet Quebec .34 Lake Rowan 10 Lapaska 05 Little Long Lac 96 Lynx .08 Madsen Red Lake 2.50 McKenzie Red Lake 53 McLeod Cockshutt 102 Moneta -.28 Negus 2.00 Noranda 49.75 Louvlcourt 58 Pickle Crow 195 Regcourt .06 San Antonio 3.90 Senator Rouyn 39 Sherrit Gordon 2.45 Steep Rock 2.01 Sturgeon River 16 Silver Miller 28 H.M.C.S. Athabascan. Aboard Ontario will be approximately 600 officers and men and on Antigonish 150. Cayuga and Athabascan will each be carrying about 200. Capt. J. C. Hibbard, D.S.C. and Bar, commanding officer of H.M.C.S. Ontario, while here, will conduct an inspection of the local "Captain Cook" Sea Cadet Corps on the night of May 7. been aoDointert grave, c. C. r . - Mackenzie, re- "l,l;ry assistant in i.hP 1 a 1 1 n g to coastal shipping us lcriPK charges. Mr. Gargrave asked the House -ii. wauica ij,, r"1'1' He Is a mrmhor TORONTO ifi Samuel John Moore, aged 89, industrialist and bank founder, died here Friday. to petition the Dominion gov ROBERT HAND PASSES AWAY Robert Hand, retired logger, engineer and fisherman, died on his boat at the waterfront last night at the age of 73. A resident of British Columbia for the last 30 years, he was born in Tennesee. He is survived by his wife In Seattle and several children In various parts of the United States. During the war he served as an engineer with the American Army here. ernment to create a board simi Mr. Moose became famous when lar to the Board of Transport 'mational Pacific "sherics Commission nmadcred Parliament's ;'1 "n the fisheries. 0 of Parliamentary as- rrries $4n0n npr Similar conditions to Mani Commissioners or to extend the offices will be opened in the United Kingdom. JEWS ARE NOT UNBUCKLING NOW JERUSALEM it "The Jews have just begun to buckle on the sword and will not unbuckle," declared David Ben-Gurion, Zionist leader, in speaking last, night on the eve of the ! powers of the present board to toba and Alberta were reported prevailing today in Saskatchewan where some towns report regulate fares and freight rates In coastal waters of British afdiuon to $6,000 for lemix' rit.i7.pns m arnoned with their Columbia. r f Parliament. Columbi; homes surrounded by water. Mr. Gargrave said that thous a already has he revolutionized world's bookkeeping systems with the development of carbon paper. Hn was founder of the vast business appliance manufacturing empire which was named after him. AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver R. H. Parker. From Vancouver G. Frizzle, W. Thompson, H. Stuart. From SandspitH. Thorn, H. ''wmentary sliin t MayK. w of Victoria, ands of British Columbia citizens living in coastal areas are completely dependent upon coastal steamship companies for to the minister of celebration of the Passover by 700,000 Jews. THE WEATHER ELIZABETH AND PHILIP HONORED LOCAL TIDES Sunday, April 25, 1948 High 2:11 22.5 feet 14:58 20.0 feet Baseball Scores Tacific Coast Seattle 4-1, Hollywood 3-1. (First game 12 innings, second tie). Sacramento 6-2, San Francisco CLOCKS TO GO AHEAD TONIGHT With non-conformity of Canadian National trains and steamships owing to their international and interprovin-clal connections again presenting a confusing note, daylight saving once again becomes effective in Prince Rupert and British Columbia as from midnight tonight. One steamship line the Union changes to daylight saving although, later in the season, the steamer Chilcotln on the Alaska cruise run will operate on standard. transportation and freight. During the past year fares and freight rates had increased without regard to the public Low 8:42 1.4 feet WINDSOR it Princess Elizabeth and her husband, Prince PMiin u;orp rerpived Into the I'orecast Prince Rupert, Queen Char "ETCHED, DROWNS 20:44 6.0 feet Helin. 2-6. I'Oimcr, knightly Order of the Garter by King George yesterday in a ceremony of regal splendor. The Princess was dressed In the tra-jiiii n,,nio mho lined with ,.d carles C. Lind- lottes and North Overcast with showers today and Sunday. Winds light. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Sunday At Port Hardy 42 and 48, Massett Premier Johnson said he had been Informed that the coastal steamship companies were having a difficult time operating uuuroan van Bur- CIV IC CENTRE ANNUAL HOBBY SHOW ART EXHIBITION APRIL 28 MAY 1 Exhibits received on Monday ONLY, April 26, 2-10 p.m. our- oud drowned in a Los Angeles 5, San Diego 2. Oakland 7, Portland 2. Western International Spokane 8, Vancouver 1. Salem 14, Yakima 1. Wenatchee 3, Bremerton 2. TBCom.a 8, Victoria 2. "lied illed ditnU UitlUliai JJLll ir Plunepri last night- wnlte taffeta. The Order Is the r"l off the road-1 Empire's highest rank of chiv- ! 40 and 48, Prince Rupert 40 and and it was not "for this government to tell the Dominion government what to do." 48. airy.