Seeu At . . . iMohawks Line-up Prince Rupert Doily ftewa Monday, March 27, 1950 , r V -. "'4r. STSF Civic Centre Here Announced fTVrnrrTTCl he March ' ART CLU3-VlK-n r sirs' Thursday, meeting "is In'Ui i ' BASKETBALL SURPRISE Kitimnats Force Jets The California Mohawks an- i nouneed the;, aU-star lineup for their northern tour in a' telegram to the Jets Basketball Team received last night. The! College aggregation will have) To Vancouver (today I G. Guy. G. McKenzie, H. D. Savage, n. H. Minshell, J. Thorn, E. Traune. To Sandspit today t Allan studies will be set who v.'Vi to Ur;,v ; charcoal, pas;"!s three still life ; up and those ; one will bi in and mm J. i. S. .s Faure's talk will the sc.- ;ion ol p.rt naie, nmpn ammi ; or 0js j,; Lindsay. I come after Fob HamiHon of University ol ; ' Oiegcn, Al Harju'r and Len Sondergarft from Fresno State, I From Vancouver Saturday t Work. Miss McNaughton, Mrs. Hons- This mor.thMi.'i F.uire hus pro to lixteiul Themselves ' Winninsr of Northern Ii. C. Title No Cinch After All Don Kramm of St. Mary's Col- inn Rnnsilrl Attnatpr Mrs. Tur- ...m. .i tha I f v.., . , - - p.ilCU.a IIU Willi rnuin-ii vji mv. lep Jack Marcus representing! San Francisco College, Johnny Chalfant also from Fresno State and Jack Liija of san Fiancisco. t pi-mfe Runert Jets carry a three point advan- Ditt, irans Runern, ft. uiuamiei.-., Sllb,et, ur ;irchitei ;u!e. She will Mr. Goodrich. ! explain the rules by which pood. From Sandspit (Saturday) j architecture is recognized, then Miss F. Hilton, Dr. Duncan trafe lhe different si vies from Black. . , i Egyptian !:roi:;..h to G::hfc with descriptions of binkiinps of each A. i .if This advertisement is not published or displayed J)y the Liquor Control tUJoard or by the govern-' rnent of British SCOTCH WHISK , The team is travelling to1 . . the soconci game of the Northern British "ZroZ. SjColumbia B. C. play-offs tonight by virtue of their steamer Prince Rupert, arriv- 49 ' t0 46 victory over the Kitimaat Athletic Club Sating here Wednesday. They will , . . t The ocais earnecl their victory the hard be accompanied by Coach Bricn "'"".J .,, tn to tu the f fm- :n. swegie.Au exhibition game has! way as Kitimaat outplayedjhemjight up been arranged at Ocean Falls al quarter. The Jets scored - on Tuesday nigiu and they will' two quick baskets at the start on and Robinson in the last StIARKET OISTIIUD. BUN0E0 AND tOTTlfr j type, and storifs ;o iiaiatrale the ilife of the people of the times. An aiuii;.o:uU treat is in store j for members ar.d vi&itoi s. Ten of . Uie thirty pictures of the Jean ?? Park Cameron exhibit have ar- Fresh Iruit Bananas, lb. being mis ixinuii ADDies. cooKiiia. j '" -A rived hv,nr-c Maes. 3 lbs ? riYUI. plav the Jets Wednesday and or the fourth. to iaKe over penou. eacu 33 to 32 only to have aonata. Thursday. After a series at Ket-1 lead at chikan and Metlakatia, they will I Kitimaat snatch it right tack. The overall game can be sum- REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Kurrr. si'oreu ciiini iwn'w v muu uy t " ' Of -A hold a even point lead, Kiti-' sport fans, who claimed It to Smaat again staging a brilliant: be one of the best basketball play Bo-Me-Hi next week on their southbound journey. Th? Mohawks played at Dun- -4 ltUiVlE. irm Lemons, laree Cal. div. 4- brought from Toronto by the Ait Grauefruit -J Club for the. Hobby Show, April Oranges (Navel) -- , . rjtti,es 3 2u, um some pu unv.-, have ueen Veeetaoies sent ahead for publicity and those f?fl6rv lo - i Rhubarb. 2 W I -jft present on Thursday will be the tteels, Dunch ,v first to see them. Turnip bUnt . : ' Park Cam. ion is one of Soinach. 2 ibs. cello Canada's younger painters v.ho.c Radishes, bunch : ;,, , ,, ,,VeK-.- RETURNS PREPARED comeback to tie it all up at 41' fames seen this season, to 41 The last four hectic min-' Lineups: saw the Jets again in th; KITIMAAT F. Wilson 4, C. ith vitinmt. ficrhtlnor Smith. Ross. Woods. Williams 2. fmuir, California on Friday r.Uu trimming the Dunsmuir loggers by a 63 to 39 margin. R. E. MORTIMER S24 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) This advertisement la rt puhlishcy. nr 10 . ,r like fury to overcome the ad- C. Wilson 15, R Smith 4. Orant . JVlU'MllUUHi.'. Head Lettuce j"iu" vimLii iMi.Md ur nv int put ... years have been exhibited hi all oi r.nusn unumbia Cookinsr Onions, o os 1 naniifloupr. lb Schedule 01 23c the leading galleries in the East- vantage but Prince Rupsrt 18, Amos, Kooinson iuwi mnQnrf n han ,n (o in bv i PRINCE RUPERT JETS I - 'Tomatoes. Colif. lb cm Canada and have been CHIROPRACTOR ) thre. nnint ' Holkestad 9. Spring 4, Lavigne P.iKhnoA lh -O 33-3tS chosen for the Royal Car. sss Mixed Bowls It Is hard to say . whether the 5. Flaten 7, Scherk 5, Arney 8. j .47 Academy travelling exh: I Tomatoes. No. 1 lb 1 Potatoes. 10 lb. : Cucumbers, lb vn.ohl Viirrnw. ID. H'.O'i lnat' nave travelled from Halifax 'nii-i;h lb 16'. lo Vancouver. r pici.nrt.-s have Mixed Bowling League schedule for the remainder of the season: v Jets were more surprisd than Morgan a, ueynon, uavia the fans. Both players and Total 49. spectators hadn't given muchj Preliminary for the Kitimaat's chance in tween Jn eliminary pre-game predictions. In fact, a- eg &nd HJgh Schoo, Canned veeetawes . , pn w,nlvht flr!.i i,, x.,0y. John F. L. Hughes. DC. Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLt'E 44". for Appointment llOt KS X0 30 a m. to 12 30 pm. and 2 to B p m. r.vf.Mxr.s Mondnv and Friday. 7.30 P m. for those Unable to rome durms the daF RECEPTIONIST in attend March 22 - Headpinners vs. good many regUiar Iims stayed J .oa " l1 Dill Pickles cal Cut Green Beans! fev 17 assortert placci as tht SlUi'-iu No 5 Peas, lanc-v Collegiate, the Leningrad Gallery W BeS?setrtiT H .16 and Bing Crosby s home in H,:iy-a Bns- rK;ea.rnts-2for:35 wood- ! girls, the league winners prov- ;:.icey'x; Noble and Wick nome Decause iney ieit n, wouia , . th, tliptf .. stiU smierlor Pu hovers; Sport Shop vs. Sil-!be no contest. They should be . the students ln spile of the thelr seats to- PumDkin 2 for ver Strealvs: Pioneers vs. Blow- clamoring ior HOME ECONOMICS COURSES: Wl MITCH!H ance aiwmooua. rigorous training program of 1 the High School team. The fin- cuts; Manson's vs. City Trans- night because Kitimaat ought Eileen Cross will no doubt feci fer; wharf Rats vs. Northern (to be right in until the finish al score was 22 to 10. Jackie Budinich starred for Peoples 1 jftratifed when shesecs the large : lights: Handovers vs. Velvets: if they play the type of ball number sirred up for her iiaior- CP A. vs. Bob Parker; Conradsithey demonstrated on Satur-Jing and Home Fuvnishiitg courses ; vs. Watts Nickers; Booth School t! ay The stake is the right to beginning April 3. .vs. Ideal Cleaners; Cantels vs. 'represent this Northern district I The tailin iiisi list is Jthnost uu P R. Plumbinr. Royal Blues vs. I in the B. C. Senior B Play-offs. Business and Professiona with 9 points to her credit. The game was clean, only 9 per-S(als called on Peoples and 8 on the students. Lineups: ARRIVING DAILY ; i It was a good game to watch 1 Handicaps, j Much 29 Handicaps vs. although both team3 were off' to capacity. This course wi'.l t-v in the Hobby room each afternoon for two weeks. . PEOPLES-Budinich 9, Howe From the Eastern Style Ce Pottle, crai uieaners; veivcis vs an-: in ineir snooting, rrince Kuperi ,5 Damas' 4. Bill, Bussey, wishing tL ,f'ls; R5'al Blues vs Hangovers; j had command of the rebounds . T'najn 4. Total 22. The list of those bod Parker vs. Watts - Nickers; ; at each end of the floor and thlsl HIGH SCHOOL Matson 1, C P A. vs. Booth School; Con- accounted in the main forip..vih wpVwtnr I vkeenrd 2 take the home furni l ing coum each evenins i. so Jong that i. has been decided to i;.-:e the tmal. rads vs. P.R. Plumbing; North ' their final victory. Kitimaat Greenwood, Keays 2, Paul 3. , i-iKin v. Diunuuit, m.icey s : provea vo oe a sman-passing Marshall Total 10 I Manson,'s; Wharf Rats vs. Head-1 and - brilliant ball-handling ag- ', gym. Horn there will be rom lui tables, chairs and ch.. terfiQlus o: pmners; Pushovers vs. t Silver j gregation. Thir floorworkj SKIRTS Celanese, wools ond&; $4.95 to $10.95 COMPLETE YOUR EASTER OUTFIT with of BlouHes,Glove9 and Purses. FOR THE CHILDREN AND YOUNO MISS; Dresses in Taffeta and Silks $395 to 00& For all your Smallwares, yarns, and shoe : downstairs store. whatever people w'.sh to repair or recover. A'so there will be room for any number who ju..t wish leva tch Miss Cross' demonstrations. It is fortunate that, as the local stores have such attractive supplies of materia!';, it will be oLreat-s; wome ana wick vs.;irougnt much tavorable ap- Pioneers; Sport Shop vs Cityjplause from the spectators! Transfer. , j who gave the visitors plenty of ' ' April 5. Sport Shop vs.. Wharf support. Rats; Silver treaks vs. Noble) The refereeing was good.! and Wick; Pioneers vs. City Johnny Comadina alid Fred; Transfer; Manson's vs. Head-: Calderoni kept firm control pinners; Pushovers vs. North. i and called fouls about evenly,; To Advertisers To Insure puollratlon of display or classified advertising. ?opy for same must be ln the office of the Daily News by 4 pm. the day previous V advertising. Requirement o the mechanical department make this role necessary. DOM'S DEPARTMENT 1 jxwsible to choose one's project j Lights; Blowouts vs Macey's: , with 18 on the Jets and 15 on even after the course has begun. ,' Conrads vs. Royal Blu'es; Watts- ' Kitimaat, who lost Chris Wil-i Nickers vs. CPA.; Booth School! ' vs. PiuniDers; cantels vs' Miss F. IliUon R.N., and Dr. Hangovers; Bob Parker vs Handi- ! Duncan Black of the Prince Ru- caps; Ideal Cleaners vs Velvets, i pert Health Unit returned to the! AP"1 12 CPA. vs. Hangovers; 1 Bytown Machine Works I MIKE COLUSSI Sales Service and Part P.ano Technician Simplex Gas Engines Pianos - Tuned - Repaired PHONE BLACK 3S9 h p J85 h p. 210 4th Street , . Cummins Dependable Diesels Catherine Laurie 65 h p. 550 h p. STENOGRAPHER Inqulre about ur 'ng tcnB- 401 Third Ave. West Warranty and Service (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) . Phones: Green C67 Days J New Residence Phone . Number Red 964 I MARGARET McLEOD j OPTOMETRIST 1 DR. P. J. CHENEY Room 10 STONK BUIDINO DENTIST I SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK P.O. BOX 1184 QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels nd Worn Soles MAC HANDYMAN SHOE HOSPITAL HOME SERVICE Box 774 Becond Ave GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all rro CMC rUK bALt k,nds ; First Class Garden Dirt roofs chimneys $2.50 yard oil burners : Reck & Dirt Fillings $2 yard phTO.BIuH8l (MJ P.O. BOX 1670 . MARCH AND 0ILH VORTEX OIL BIT city by plane Saturday after visiting Queen Charlotte. Island points on unit business. Handicaps vs. Booth School; j Bob Parker vs. .Ideal Cleaners; P.R. Plumb, vs. Royal Blues; ' Conrads vs. Velvets; Watts -! IRON FIREMAN S Nickers vs. Cantels; Noble and ' Wick vs Headpinners Northern Adveriiae in tr.e Dally 3ews: Plumbing & neatinr' RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Used Cars and Trucks $435 Down buys 1947 1 V2 Ton G.M.C. $445 Down buys 1948 V Ton Chev Panel with station wagon seating SPECIAL 1939 1-ton International $300 total price , Lights vs. Pioneers; Pnshpvers 1 vs. Blowouts; City Transfer vs. j j Wharf Rats; Sport Shop vs. Macey's; Silver Streek vs. Man- SMITH & PHONE 1"4 son s. April 19 Pushovers vs Sport Shop; Wharf Rats vs.' Silver ; Streaks; North. Lights vs. Man- sons; Maceys vs Pioneers; City ; Transfer vs. Headpinners; Noble, --SR0ADWAT C3 fRQM ST. JOHN'S to vancouver it's coronation across the hatich rN Of? -9 and Wick vs. Blowouts; Bob Parker vs. Conrads; Royal Blues vs. Watts - Nickers; Handicap vs. Cantels; Velvets vs Booth School; P.R. Plumb, vs" Hangovers; CPA vs Ideal Cleaners. I Truly a Treat tines' flea'' GEORGE RORIE & CO. ( Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled O. L. RORIE, A A E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 381 The wide variety of delicious CAKES will amaze and please you at For Take-Home Orders-Pk 1 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment i N H4 W I RUPERT BAKERY LTD. ip Bonded DOWN WITH SI 1 A.P. GARDNER & CO. Chartered Accountants A. L. BELL, C.A., Prince Rupert Hotel ENfil.ISII BQNE CHINA CITS and SAl Ci.RS . 7!c JOIN THE GYRO BEARD GROWING CONTEST TODAY . - .Enter 4 B & W TRANSFER Dry Kindling Wood 50c per sack Random Length Fir PHONE RED 182 Terrace March 10-April 1st Prince Rupert April 1st - April 15th Contestants must be cican j.-- -..rtB NOW llllLf' 654 PRIZES 1st. $50.00 2nd. $28 00 3rd. $10.00 1 DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1210 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed V- rYvO CONTEST CLOSES This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control ment of British VP MANSON'S CHINA SHOP ln nU, 4m 4imt, ulli. I Thu dertjitm- mi B4,Nkl A I J Lu -8rd Avens Green 960 Across from Liquor Store iimtr HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving " Beauty Culture ln all Its branches 204 th Street Phone 655 MATTSON'S . UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52t 330 Second Aventw Prlnc Rupert, B O. MAW i