Princ Rupert Daily Newi Monday, March 27, 1950 pt . . . -.. . t I IT : -tlr' 0 A Reminder r., -,i '.... . - in orfwanre Please refrain frl...i .uvh oiiifi- 1 D- Dcnham, boiler inspector, ; isnfls p,--.: word -V-"--- per lnstn Insertion, m minimum nlmnm "" w- Mar 29, 8:15 2c per i n P' m m 8 a- n m Hall. i'i ,.V r-oc rarns r oi Thanks i nanus, Death ucuui Nntleon nouces. I - .ssificds. 1 " auumu me vu- tnilitlam C,,r,H .. .: , tii " ".. h Encasement Announcement: sZ William . ? "oun, ceing . I nicpi v DOUBLE PRICE k " ""'""" 01 Terrace m-re on offieal business. Announcements Hear and see artist-evaneelist Rev. H. O. Jorecnson. First Baptist Church nightly to April 2. Varden Singers' Concert, Wed-March 29, 815 p.m. Card Tournament, Catholic Hall, Thursday, March 30. Prince Rupert Bymphony Orchestra Concert, Friday, March 31, 8.15 p.m. White Elephant Sale Tea and Work . Clothing at prices thai will ECIM- : .. """u me uniicotln here Sun- 1 rrTU V , FOR RKNT for a visit to Vancouver. V Loyal1 Meetin w - .: . : ... FOR RENT Light a housekeer)- i r. and Mrs. A. A. McDonald McDonald r.f of 1 me room ior nutn single man ; this citv Order of Moose. Tuesday March 28, 8 o'clock. (73) were included am,m Dhnnn HfVl H 17 ( 1 .jiv wednes-1950. Walter 5 vears 11 d Master Ser- KOR KfcNT Housekeenine lthe Passengers sailing for Van-1 Room suitable lor two. 1332 couver on the1 c Chilc.ntin wnucown last in,ci . 1 eve- H. Wrhrht of the Social Wei (73) 1st Overlook. stand ning. fare office sailed aboard the j r',",( urs Ida I Home Cooking at 2 p.m. April 1. 1 Uth rm.,M Ave ,-,nrinct West Organizational meeting will. Princcss Norah Saturday after- i be held In Common Lounge, noon 'or Vancouver enroute to Civic Centre, Thursday, March s Kamloops n a business trip. I envillp. Court FOR RENT Light housekeeping room. 539 Sixth West. (73) FOR RENT Board and room or room. Phone Black 660. tf wanted" . Johnny's Snack Bar, under ! ou. o p.m. lor all women interested in formation of Women's new management, will now uonraa hi. uonooi. i '. " ' Y r Mission Band Explorers' pro-(OIHJ)(iriSOll gram tea, Presbyterian Hall.l ' ' April 4. - I ' I Canadian Legion Easter Sale !: April 5th. Blue Denim Waist Overalls ;: Jobs Daughters Tea and Sale, by Western Glove, Caribou of homecooking, April 6, at the . l, ... , ' Auxiliary or n Kupf J' i open from 7 to 11 p.m., featurin - WANTED Conscientious voung i General ueneral H,.nii,i woman to care for 2 babies Hospital. (74) for workimz mother AdoIv ... .... I. home of Mrs. A. Mitchell. Fourth u' ,u 1 'cuuny. u. Ave., west. $3.25 to $3.95 Bux 683. Dailv News. (77) cnaro Nelson of Nelson Bro- I outers, milk shakes. Telephone WANTEeCto buv "orrent Flsnerlcs. Vancouver, re- and take-out orders. (76) small house. 2, bedrooms, de- turned south by plane Saturday Mr nnrt Mro Vrtn r,.h,rAcn Mrs- Eric Richardson cent Dlav vard. Owner must after a business visit tn th tne ,Mr-and be wllline to accent DavmenU nm V ? - of Tlell, Queen Charlotte Is- 1 olv Box 683' r.Ne-."'. See "Cyril, the Glad", King 'couver. were in the city on the WANTED Two large trunks, of Happyland at Borden St. ' Chllcotin Friday evening er Phone Mj-s. Kelly. Phone School's OperetU, "Sunny", i route home. Green 241. (72 1 Monday and Tuewiav Anrii q Mary l.O.D.E. Tea, Queen April 10. I Hickory Stripe Coveralls'' "My husband loves to putter around the house." 100 h i). 6-CV-, Marine eas rP(i uc l ion", cooling Dines. '. n, In. brass V intermediate j, boxes. . oro-djbp. enmne 3 w bl K'k and ! Auulv Prince 11 men's Credit (76) I tchen Ubie. Cathedral Sale April 13. St. Peters Snrlnii Sule Aoril Priced at $6.50 Khaki Drill Coveralls Priced at $5.00 Frank Millerd arrived in the on't Suffer Needlessly From Th ' 20. ' . . . "t" " , T ,J..I on. Saturday afternoon's ana 4, in Civic Centre. Adults' " iawjjra o rawiorq mi lorturing rains Of i , . ). WANTED A lleht welirht top of 50c; students 25c. (72) iianuiur u. at oiewari, passea boat to put on row car. (77) plane from Vancouver, being here on cannery business. I Spring Tea, April 19, In the new Black 6UZ. ; through the city aboard the Co- (73) Moose Temple. -'-"';" J. Sweet of the Department iwrinicni oi of quii quitlam Sunday evening, return- WANTED - -Scrao cast, brass. Hickory Stripe Bib Overalls Priced at $4.75 and $4.85 Blue Denim Bib Overalls : - Presbyterian Spring SaM radiators and batter- Vancouver, passed ine mirth after a huKinu trin to coDoer. i.ti house in t muv be ar-196. 74) ies. AprU 27. Phone 543 or call 629 through the city aboard the Chll- Vancouver. Mrs. H. M. Whiteman and two ! children leave aboard the Co-quitlam Tuesday for a two weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver. Sixth W. , COUn Hundav after a hn,lnc dinette1 piece nt condition, I ARTHRITIS Tit DOI-CIN . . , now Available In thret co riven it-n t ftize. The coat is reanonaW . . , the result is prompt relief from the pais of Arthritis, Rheumatism and Neuritis. There are- no unpleasant after-effect, fot LtOlTIN is safe, non-toxic . docs not harm the heart or any other organ. Youi dniKgiiit has IHH.CIN. Get a bottle todaf and let DOLCIN help you come out from inder t he nhndow of uai n ! Beware oi imitations look for tha DOLCIN gree and white package! VK tablpts for 12.39 y) Uh4"(x fur $3.5 also availahle i N.iil.'B of t.'Mi tahleU. Uslein Limitsl Toronto Ml, Ontario. Hobby show APi. 27, 28 and 29. j by Western Glove, G.W.G. Orange Spring Sale and Tea, anc Headlight. May 3 $4.25 $5.00 -. to iw ' United Church Mothers" Day! f-.ww WANTED Furnished suite or visit to Queen Charlotte isinnrt land ' Mr" and Mrs- Georee Kennedy ST680V raUiiveNeweeren(72)- Points. passed through the city Sunday ' : . enroute to Vancouver aboard the HELP WANTED . . MU"S. H. E. Stureeon. Wlfp nf ir ICpnnnnv wqc fnr. k;ie cnairs. (721 ' Mr. and Mit. F. Schroeder leave on the Coquitlam Tuesday for Vancouver where Mr. Schroe- Sale, May 4th. , Camenters Overalls- tm oil raniio. iit,Lf wain tei younir man """'i' v me nero U3g- meny Buperiiiiendcnt of Mor- M a uuusKeeier. ior canana gu g camp, passed throueh pan's Iino r.amn at Cum- jder will commence fishing. Mrs. Gyro Klondyke Night May 5. kV Y G W vv--, G Western vvesrern Glnvr VjlOVC Presbvtcrian Presbyterian Missionary Missionary Tea Tea faekers Limited Phrinc r..... . . . .. - f I 7, . Prince Rupert aboard the Chil- shewa Inlet Schroeder will return here. i- 1 uw . , ... . n uiiiooara J - . coiin friday bound from Van-, and Headlight. $4.75 to $5.25 VlT couver to Cumshewa Inlet.. i frs. William Baxter returned Church Hall, May 11th. Son a Tea May 13. Eastern Star Tea May 18. Howard Cecil was picked up by city ambulance at 10:45 p.m. Sat- iew. Bargain reauirea. hrrmanent oosltlon ' u uij u uw unjuiuiuii iiuk i Painters' Overalls and... (72) ior suitable party. AddIv Ru- i-aaeiiBers irom Vancouver, eveninK from a ten-dav triD to urday In the 1400 block Sixth Dert Motors Ltd. (tf) disembarking fnr uwn-.. a ,r , , . , I , Priced at $2.75 Avenue East. The ambulance S.O.N. Badminton Dance every Smocks Saturday night. I ,s, also busi- 1 es. Apply to , . o iujti i Vancouver wnere sne went vo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES last evening, Included Mrs. J. M. ' Shauehnessv Mint arv "Hnsnitnl Painting & Decorating I I " " Leather Gloves -Hairdressinff busi- Baxter.' Miss P. Cairus-Cowan. Ior a check-UD. Mrs. Baxter serv- 177) FOR SALE- T-axi. $1.50 to $2.25 lent e'ntXderntotS: f TT" "!? T"' Ule Wdnance f For further uetails Phone 57. ' wllson. A sneppard, A. Skeb- the Imperial Army in L'riUin WALLPAPER HANGING Call SPENCE & MATUIK had been called after Cecil had been discovered lying In the ditch. Taken to the city police office, he was charged with being drunk before Magistrate W. D. Vance this afternoon. . Satin-Glo O. P. Tinker It Co . Ltd. U oania, a. j. waiters, R. Coekett. during the war. Phone Blue 215 233 11th St b. uabin and R. Bowers REAL ESTATE i ' WHY PAY RENT TO OTHERS" ti:ird RhiiikI h a Wisron- l .117 OverliHik. Blue 8o2 73 i fur ' ton. finable ofler. 37 or call nt (73) :-flainmenl of .o in Ter-mhtf Sinner if. FiniMier. 1 I mime stiwk. PHONE PHONE PRODUCTS for Walls, Woodwork, Floors and Furniture Thompson Hardware I Co. Ltd. 1 Passengers sailng from here last Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver Included P. Cole, J. Loiselle, J. Thiessen. Verne Miller, H. Hanson, M. Erickson, Mrs. S. Siegncr and child, J. Tenipleton, Mrs. J. Spaike and child, Miss M. Bradbury, T. Bannerman, G. Girling, J. Walsh, R. EMltchell, 'T. A." E. 5 8-7- The CPA. Canso, on its regu- I lar flight from Sandspit to Prince Rupert Saturday afternoon, landed at the Aero logging camp at Cumshewa Inlet to pick up Mrs. Stanley Stewart for transfer to the General Hospital here. City ambulance took the stretcher case to the hospital after the plane landed at 3.03 p.m. - Choice lots are still available here so olan vour future home on the -lot vou choose now. Consult us for new NHA regulations: Dlans. ideas, and the oroncrtv most suitable for vour familv. Chooose your homesite and build later. See Allan Armstrone at Arm-strone Anencies. Phone 342 at Oreen 297 (Eves.) (73) FOR SALE House, four rooms with bath. 1060 Eiehth East. Phone Red 836. (72) YOUR FUTCRE HOME MA Y BE AMONG THOlsE LISTED HERE. driver controlled Bm 107 T'T-. . . 17 3jt i riKun suite I Wilson and N. Pluro. REXAIR 3-in-l Mechan cabs The House of Dependable And Courteous Drivers (76; NOW HERE IT PURIFIES K .J t ' : .3 single bed. able. Phone (ti) 'm-i soring Mr RiKiiiian.1 Ruute No. 3,' ical Housemaid IT DUSTS IT MOTHPROOFS IT ATOMIZES IT SHAMPOOS RUGS 9 IT SWEEPS IT CLEANS IT DEODORIZES IT HUMIDIFIES IT SCRUBS Snide baker 4j0 miles. Sale. Phone CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing -i Enlarging Viash Photos taken at Home Phone Green 389 '' 216 4lh s PKINCE PKINCE RUPERT, RUPERT, B.C. B.C. v 116 Emlith (73) VACUUM CLEANER Phone Today for Free Demonstration m it a in i.v -r . m . i Black 998 140 9th E. . G. A. Gustafson rAnll Y ' Jj j 1. Two six room furnisnea houses in Rood locations: basements one concrete with furnace. Terms. 2. Good Choice of 4 room wartime houses one with concrete basement. Terms. 3. A four room cottaee with naraee near Conrad School. See ARMSTRONG AGENCIES now while the choice is still eood. Phone 342 or Green 297 (Eves.) (75,j FOR SAL&-41 Room Wartime at 529 on the htEh side of 7lh Ave.. East. Utility oorch at rear, suitable for basement, owner leavtna town,, 6omc terms available. 6 Room 3 Bedroom house on 4th Ave. West. Full Basement, hot air furnace, throutrh hall, classed entrance Dorch. fine lamilv home. Terms available. i $1000.00 down for laree four front and back porches added. We have a laree selection of listlnes. Let us show them to streamlined' 11 h.D. Mor-, one month -r comnlcte 307 Elevenlh (73) ' ath old male! .:i black mask J Clark. Port (72) j ", Vivian com- , "t 360, (72) I to m,.jui i MARITIMER IN COMMONS Gordon B. Isnor is one of the rf preventatives In the House of Commons fot the. tw'O-mcmber Halifax constituency. Mr. Isnor; an M P. since 1935, formerly was a member of the Nova Scotia legislature. Born in 1885 at Dartmouth, N.S., he now Is a merchant in Halifax. (CP Photo) r " wwmcuuKer ; ate. Kesnn- t?tn at Knox J5 Jpltv (781 PERSONAL Children for Phone Red ntT niTPHim RPTTrrT AT.1ST for .... appearance , .... long life .... low cost BP ASPHALT SHINGLES ": 210 lb. Thick Butts, Shades: red, green, green blend and blue-green blend delivered per square $10.15 , Black or Grey Green per square $10.00 170 lb. Hexagon, Shades: red and green .... per square $ 9.00 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 TAKE TOUR RADIO I IDAVAI (72) 1 Wick or pot burners supplied, serv ired or retired. Uncon ROBERT E. MONTADOR LTD. Monarch, fully TENDERS ditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service. Gordon Ronson Black 906. H8) RADIO CLINIC '.iier. seat prance and ft. Box 10. (77) f CANNED F 0.0 D S 1 IlLll 0 FOR SALE Tenders will be received ud to noon of Tuesday. Anrll 18. 1950. bv the undcr-siirned for the purchase of Lot Nn 26" Chain PLUMBING and. Heating - 1 Sheet Metal work. Phone 543 or call 629. Sixth Ave West. H Letourneau and Sons. (tf) recoil shmu. F'rtcs. Almost BLUE 992 ' 90 Day Guarantee For Satisfactory Service ; , . "'Ave. (72) complete new 11 the 24. Block 5. Subd. U.U oo, Plan 818. Stewart Townslte, Cassiar District, toeether with imDrovements situated thereon and contents. Terms: Strictly cash. HlmhoKt np onv tender not 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 fs. Dins h.1V. a p f u i 1. Milk that whps file big jeweiJ T. -.7. . . necessarily accepted. . , ' G. F. Forbes. Official Administrator. Administrator of the 1 PS Jiu.pll,-T RUPERT CEMENT PRODUCTS LIMITED (72) flbv Cribs. Un- estate of Neil McDonald, .deceased. Court House. Prince RuDert. B.C J TENDERS Will be received bv the Prince RuDert Fishermen's Credit Union for the troller "Luckv" oowered with a 77 h.D. Gray Marine Engine. Machinery Installed new. In 1947 and used less than two months. Best cash bid of $1,-500 or over will be accepted. ' I74) ! Mnd chests, weetric irons "c heater, 'ther -articles ' the B.C. tf ni Ready-Mix Concrete Delivered to the Job urn P'tten:1 a, X- Carnation Evaporated Milk will replace, cream for many .purposes, including whipping. Carnation costs less than 'j as "much as whipping cream. Carnation whips beautifully, rapidly. Use same amount of undiluted Carnation as you would of cream. Follow These Directions Chill Carnation icy-cod by leaving in freezing tray of refrigerator until ice crystals start to form ; or put can under freezing coils in refrigerator overnight; or put can on Ice overnight. Have beater and bowl very cold. t Ruwrt FOR SALE Tenders will be re 1,. Lumber 0" vl Vr? lr. Used Call 29 4 - ""f) I IT.; Adam s Whip rapidly. For topping cakes ond desserts, beat in Vh tablespoons lemon juice and Vi cup sugar for each cup of Carnation. PRICES: include Darex the fifth ingredient in Concrete Four Sacks Cement to Yard - $16.00 per yard Five Sacks Cement to Yard v SUM per yard S 1 x Sacks Cement to Yard $18.93 per yard No Orders Accepted for less than two yards EQUIPMENT FOR RENT: Two wheeled rubber tyred concrete buggies Bbc per day ; ' Seven cubic feet capacity Single wheeled concrete barrows 50c per day ORDERS TO BE IN ONE DAY P1UOR TO DELIVERY Phones: Office 60; Plant 5tii f untenanppl Carnc " Clamshell oooa. - ,.Uness -. trearr. S,"iei.e Mlxor.: . IT; ceived bv the undcrslaned up to noon of Wednesday. April 19th. 1950. for the purchase of th following described nionerties beloneinn to tlic estate of Joe Declcco. deceased. Lots 21 and 22. Block 32. Section 5. Mao 923. Cltv of Prince Runert. together with Improvements situate thereon and contents. , wt lti. Block 34. Section 8. Man 923. Cltv of Prince Ru-, nprt. I Full particulars mnv he obtained from the Official Ad-Mninlstrator. Room 13. Court House. Prince Rupert. j Tprms: Strlctlv cash. Highest or anv tender not necessarily accented. , G. F. Forbes. Official Admin- istrator of the Estate of Joe, Declcco. deceased. Prince Rupert. B.C." (79) lis- .. '" ..i we son yrz ood rL .vA (tarnation IS i . rCD- rnrnu" r Stwkaiie Ivi 4 Rice J Port- fins-- SaH()nal In h National ea. " ... winter, .. ... nv ubD" 3 ,.Veep' ... pn-jK- sae 'u ymvevors i - - A CANADIAN MODUCT f rv ci Lo- ,"om i" Limited -Na- 1 t ttr JflOPS For For Style Comfort 4.95 8.50 FASHION FOOTWEAR