Prinet ftuptrt Daily Mtwi Monday, March 27, 1950 HOTEL AKKlVALS Today 4 - 5:30 - 6:45 Last Show 8:15 p.m. Frank Buck's BRING 'EM - BACK ALIVE Prince Rupert A. A. Anlilla. Ocean Falls; A. "RETURN I BAD Ferguson, H. D. Savage, II. II. Minshcll, William Randall, D. Denham, Vancouver, Mrs. A Ottiwell. Kincolith; F. Hardie, !Langford;- William Tkachuk, ' Watson Island; A. J. McCall, Ter 3? U J-jirr n;!(:r?-..; GDfflS BARBARA STANWYCK -j WENDELL COREY race; L. A. Johnson, uigoy island; Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor. Mrs. J. B. Leite, Miller Bay Hospital; H. Martinson, Port Ed "ThelmaJordon PAUL KELLY JOAN TETZEL ward; F. Williams, F. Roach,; I Winnipeg; F. Freigang, Capt, J. j ; K. Sorko, Peter Monk, Bruce ( ' Hooker, E. MacDonald, Vancou- j , ver; Otto R. Lane, Seattle; A. f Grant, Butedale; D. H. Boil k in, . Digby Island; Mr. and Mrs. W. Peterson, Gibsons; R. Nichol, I Nanaimo. I ' B. Routh, H. Bean, Mr. and Mrs. D. White, Ketchikan; T. A. V. . J : 1 J -l I WORLD FAMID roofline and wide corner windows. The large living-dining room area is 17"-8" x 11-8" and Is adjacent to the kitchen. The bright and airy kitchen Is well lighted by two windows and is provided with ample cupboard space. The two bed-rooms, which are ideally located on the same side of the house, are within easy reach of the modern bathroom. A dividing cloitt-Wd.ll provides large storage space for each bedroom. There is also additional closet spact In the front vestibule. Large windows ensure proper ventilation throughout the house. - . The bungalow illustrated above is of frame construction and erected on a concrete slab floor. The exterior is of clapboard and gables are attractively finished with vertical siding. For estimating purposes the total floor, area is 785 -square feet; cubic contents 12,952 cubic feet. Tremblay, A. M. Scriingcour, Victoria; W. Robinson, W. Spencer, Terrace; Tom York, city; F. C. Penny, Digby Island; J. S. Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. D. Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. J. F Haugland, A. E. Macmlllan, Vancouver; L. R. Smith, Edmonton; Paul Duch- arme, Spurfield, Alberta; Mrs. J. .H. Sass, Salvus; Mr. and Mrs. G Hamyln, Fort William; Mr. and Mrs. G. Sinclair, Hazelton. I I fcTTi Natural wool! 1 1 e ec e flare- back coai. Slide" iii Dockets. Hieh collar. Fully lined m mi m ml 'Ahm. FOR SMALL FAMILY This two-bedroom bungalow is designed for the small family of three or four. Economical to build, this popular Canadian-styled dwelling has many distinctive features. Including a low, modern SHIPS and hiin j unit 1 b:iniwr-si wy - p B ttff - j WATERFRONT I , CFPR Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDonald leave on the Coquitlam Tuesday for a vacation In Vancouver. Mr. McDonald Is connected with the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Radio Dial . 1241) Kilocycles 8:30-wlusic for Modems 8 45-Llt Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary. o-h - Morning Devotion 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Sinai Mr. Kloti Gels His Fish Spawning Survey Is On (Subject to Chanee) i mi At WALLACE'S WEIL NAMED i Newspaper Advertising pays off MONDAY P.M. ; 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int j 4:30 Magic Advertures ! ' ! 4:45 Young Man With a Song 1 1, V J JW5 $24-95 Priced From 10.00- Ellen HarrU 10:15 -Mornlnt Melodies 10:30 -"Melody Time" ! !10:45-Personal Album j 11:00-Air Kindcnartw. : 1 1 :15 Roundup Time 1 11:30 Weather Report 4: 55-CBC News 5:00 Solo For Orchestra 1 It takes a cool and unperturbed ! gent to conduct such a big oper- j ation as the building of a $25,-' 000.000 pulp mill and Charlie 1 Kloti, project engineer at Wat- son Island, proved he had plenty of sans froid last Sunday for other things as well. It. appears that a big caterpillar, engaged in connection with Bennett and Whites water line construction 1 work, had become embedded ! after going off the rnad at I Cloyah Bay and blasting had to I be. resorted to to extricate it. Ointrfifa 26' . SINGER We repair all makes Sewing Machines WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates Phone 864 Singer Sewing Centre As romantic and skillfully fashioned as your gala new-season dress beneath! Our group of hem-length coats ... in a scintillating array of fine fabrics, colors, low prices! WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE 11:35-Recorded Interludr 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies lnisadvertisement is not publisiuxi or csri j iquor uoniroi roard or uy tie goverj of British Columbia 5:30 Album Leaf 8:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 "SaddlP Rockin' Rhythm 7:00 CBC Kews 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Georce Calannis Show 7:45 The Blue Door 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Guy Lotnbardo Show 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum 9:30 Producer's Workshop A party of youths were engaged in steelhead fishing in the crees alongside the road and, when warned of the blasting, scurried for shelter. But not Charlie. Reason was he had a beauty on the line and neither hell, high 10:00 CBC News DON'T MISS THE BOAT run right down and huve yourself a delicious SIZZLING STEAK DINNER at- P.M. 12 00 - ..iia-lJay V.eloo 12:15 CBC Newf U:2- Program ite.sunic t2:30-BC. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1 :00 Afternoon Concert ' 1:30-Bernie Braden Tells a Story 1 :45 Comty. A Grant 2:00-B. C. School Broadcast 2:30 - Records at Random 2: 45 -Let's Read About It 3:00 The Music Box 3:15-Western Five 3:30 Int. Commentary 3:40 Divertimento ' 4:00 Meet Gisele ' water or blasting operations was 10:10 CBC News PHONE 79 PHONE 79 going to interfere with the fin- 10:15-Provincial Affairs ish Amid a shower of mud and 10:30-Coilector's Items rocks, the redoubtable construe- 11:00 Weather and Sigr Off lion man reeled away. It was,. TUiSuMf-AM EBY & SONS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. PhivTC Green 883 Box 586 ft) a fine sixpounder. 7 ""Musical Clock TOO CBC New? 8:10 Here's Bill Gooa 8:15 Mining Song CIVIC CENTRE " DINING ROOM Reservations Si Take On E3E Pjanttanj rhonf W ml BIG PRIZES 7 Union steamer Chllcotin Capt. Harry McLean, arrived in port at 4:15 p. m. Friday en-route to south Queen Charlotte Island points. Passengers disembarking here included J. Cook, W. E. Stevenson, N. Re-bin, W. Stubbcrt, F. Syms, Mr. and Mrs. P. Deane, A. Lcask and J. Hanson. The Chllcotin which was here again last evening on her return south, leaves the run after this voyage to be re- paced by the Camosun. PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing HOURS . Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE LEARN TO iiwiiliminfiiiwjiiNnini. iWIIlllfllWl'l!Wi,!M!i!iljll uiilii!!i.ilii'liiiil!liiiii.litUi!i;iiil!'u:ii'!lii wiiiii'irimiiiiiiiUJUiiiHii1 DANCE. .' 1950 Austin A 40 Devon Sedan G.E. Combination Radio G.E. Washer Ladies or Gent's "Watch Silver Flatware Set Two Travelling Bags Surprise Package? GET YOUR HONORARY MEMBERSHIP In Kinsmen Now AVAILABLE AT MOST STORES OR KINSMEN princeIupert SAILS FOR ' tin H- Phone today for information abmr Aunost together two Union Steamship Co. liners arrived in port about 6 o'clock laat evening. First In was the Chil-cotln, Capt. Harry McLean, from south Queen Charlotte classcs. Have fun meetlni? new friends l ilance the latest steps in modern dancing ' I Island points, sailing at 9 p. m. Prince Rupert Dance it Phone Green 491 Mary MacDonc!' Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday t 11:15 p.m. FOR KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations lor Vancouver and waypoint.s. A few minutes later eame the Coquitlam, Capt. John Boden, which sailed at 11 p. m. for Alice Arm, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning to sail south at 1:30 p. m. LOW PRICES NOW IN LTTE3 WANTED rmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Quantity of good quality Spruce logs and or lumber. State where Ovaiiable, price and other particulars tp Box No. 632. FINE CRAFTSMANSHIP Sheet Metal Work and Welding CALL BLACK 884 Thom Sheet Metal Works For the Best in Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT BC. Watch Repair' SEE - GEORGE COOK. JEWfLLB ' i For tlie past tew days, three Fisheries Department vessels have been engaged in a herr- i j ing spawning survey. One of . I the vessels, the Bablne Post, Capt. Neil McDonald, is also engaged in an organized seal hunt In the Butedalc area. Inspector ion board is Joe Fielding. The 196) You'll be Satisfied B..x 1188 1 . FEEL LIKE L0AFIN'!!! other vessels out on a spawning survey are the Arrow Post, Capt! Jack McCall with Inspector Harry Grainger, working arouncj Bella Bella, and the Sookc Pott. Capt. George Fritz, with Inspector W. Strachan, in the Skwrna River vicinity. Venetian Blinds Steel or Aluminum Slats in a nice variety of pastel colours, with tapes of matching or contrast-;ng shades. Phone and have our estimator call and give you a price. We CONTRACTOR 6.95 & 7.95 BUILDERS and WE DO ALL TYPES OF REMODELLING BUILDING : : I Plain piQin or r i C. P. R. steamer Princess Koran, Capt. Graham Hughes. Double Strapped measure your windows and stall the blinds. Kitchen Cupboa Floor Sanding Asphalt and Rubber I arrived In port here, at 4:15 Saturday fm'on from Alaska, nailng at 5:30 for Ocean , Falls, Vancouver and way Re-Roofing Concrete and Foundation Work Storm Windows (EBHJ Tile Laying points. Passen'eif embarkina phonf here included Leo Dolron and Call at 215 1st Avenue West FREE ESTIMATE3 Payments May be Arrant McBride St. Phone 311 I J. Pcdersen for Vancouver and ; W. s. Lythgoe for Ocean Falls.' i