I Navy Week Prince Ruperl Daily News Tali sort of food. We paid far- ! mers not to produce i We don't do anything so vis- hie iafis, alienors, chains, pulleys .etc. .rigged for servivee Beside, there will be on dispUy a torpeUd, the We raft iioelf, Carey floats, guns and oih-r Friday, ncf.ber 6. 19..0 UWy- cruie tday. Bat cur ?0v-.' ll rk-ll-r jernments directly or lndireetly J gUul.m igenne same resu:i in a sncKer.j naval equipment. i more hypicntical way. Um i r ' 1 It An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlncf ; Ruperf and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A. TJNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES Open to the public from 1 to 3 p.m., there will be naval offlceu and men present to explain the display to visitors to the drill hall. j They set up 'price support programs" which take vast sur- vluses off the regular market iThus on tne one hand we havo millions of people who live In Navy week at H.M.C.S. Chatham to date has been mainly a matter of good hard work. In preparation for the winter's training program, work was started last week in constructing panels depicting different aspects of seamanship to be placed about the wans of the drill hall. The interior of the hall is being remodelled. At first It was feared the work 1 thp cities unable tr biiv thr by Carrier, rer Week, ZOc; Per Month, 73c; rer Teai. $8 00; By Mail, Per Month 50c: Per Year J5.00. The wedding of Lois Anne McGregor to Stoker Oerald Lout Saturday evening and a churci. parade to St. Andrew's Anglican By ELMORE PHILPOTT j ba-slc necessities of life, like ... ' i milk, butter, meat, vegetables. Price KUnarolind : fruits and woolen clothing. . ! We have the farmers, who I OVERHEARD some j produce those foods etc.. unable church Sunday will be a suitable ending to the week. i 'or We Can Save You hnnsewive talking the u.e ' t0 buy ciy made Products be-i could not be finished ln time to nousewneh UUMng nsf q thg rlsJng pries j hold "open house" Saturday but otherdav about . a threat- j 0 added effort on the part nf ail vnaA vi'Io in trip nrifP nf ; UNDER ANY KIND of sane hands makes 11 look today as if eneu Ile in uit pin.tr ; , svstem thp farm, thP hall will be shinshane bv to- "vl TV l 'ear MEN'S WEAR MEN'S SUITS The latest in ck,i. POLES pilr-a jro tftt worthwhile rerulla ! last. Thit'g tle simpl rMa fi Pylln'i SrrAt nr-4', N ttcf what jn hnn 'o f. this tortwrr, mr Iw long fitting and ilul.lwri jrAtir turn, mWth ha th nrr ia lb Pyltun Treatment (ft fiqmd Ukm by aintlO, nrtt rrt botll lrfM tM nf the pnrt MuruM at on. That duP fruirnt f Pyllona't autJitjr, 11.75 at all atedera dvttgcisU, I T I Western Europe Defences "T HE DECISION of the twelve Atlantic Treaty I States to create a single integrated defence force for Western Europe is important and without precedent. But it was not unexpected. It is a logical consequence of the Treaty itself and of past experience. The force to be created is not, one must stress, a ''European Armv" in the sense of the resolution the new popular Fall shadesNow C t MEN'S TOP COATS-RPni a' wuuiu ue guaranteed and paid morrow. The only thing to mar a fair price for all he produced, the effect will be a qutwitlty ol He would never suffer disaster equipment in one corner of the because God had given him too hall that has not been released big a crop. ; for placement at its final des- Hut nj sane government tlnation. weuld ever permit the foods for j , Panels will show riggings for which the farmer was fairly, masts, emergency rations from milk. One mother who has strapping teen age boys in her house, has been buying four quarts of milk per day. She has made a vow that she will cut down to two quarts per day if milk prices are boosted again. What amazes me about this log. Right for the .eotUeTZlr Now ,,"0 MEbN'S RA,N COATSZ-Hg; " MEN'S DRESS PANTS I fully paid to rot ln warehouses ,- : rr z oc caves or to ue unharvested! They would sell them at any passed in August bv the Assembly of the Council of !"az ge ln which live Js prie, or even CilVE them to the ' Expertly tailored Europe. It is, rather, an ' Army oi Western Eur- cmy are undoing with one handeopl'e 1 neccsary t0 have them ope" if one may use the word "army" to include all j what they do with the other. ccnsumed. You can justuy food subsidies to eet food to I SEE THAT OUR government human behms-but not to keen again owns 23i2 million pounds focd fr,m tnem : ot butter which it has bougnt , , IN ORDER TO KEEP PRICES i FROM FALLING. j i Canada is a mere piker com- ' Egypt Offers pared with the U.S.A. The latest DRESS and SEMI-DRESS PANTS-All J Priced $4.25 tot MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS-The latest, model good quality Shirting. Now $22sJ MEN'S JACKETS-AII wool. A big Now $6.95 toj BOYS' WEAR ! BOYS' LONG PANTS of hard wearing rj Just right for school. Now j BOYS' DRESS PANTS Nicely tailored p fit; Now $5.65 h :, Million Men I official U.S. figure shows tha "CHISHOLM' Cabinet Ridio-PhonograpK Junior end Senior Hijh School Studcnb of British Columbia If yotf can writt t SS0 wofd nuy, you may win this jrtnd Radio-Phonojraph. Your choict of other fint piiitt if yon don't want tht radio. Full detail about tha contest, fite litaratura lo help you gat started and complete prlie list . . . lent on receipt of your name and addreu printed on tha form below. Mail it now before yo roreetJ i butter In cold storage on Sep services. That, for two reasons? The new force will not be entirely "European" since it will include U.S.A., and possibly Canadian, contingents. Nor will its creation have any political inmplications. It will not imply any move whatever towards political '.'integration" of Western Europe towards anykind of federation. The important role of the Americans in it is proof enough of that. Not even '"the most starry-eyed federalist has yet suggested that the U.S.A. and Canada should become members of a European federation. This is a hard-headed, practical proposition based on the inescapable conclusion that it is sens Uember first was the highest in j LAKE SUCCESS 0 Egypt was i history no less than 237 mil- ' reported Thursday tfs have offtr-Uion pounds. Of this huae ; f d to contribute an army of j hoard the government itself ; 1.000,000 to 2.000.000 men as part I owns 190 million pounds all ; of a permanent international I bought to keep prices from fall-i fo:ce if the United States and jlng below a certain level. I other United Nations mnmber I 0 I will supply arms and .equipment. w . UIIU TMIVIVA) All WOC' warm. From .. Thia MMjr'emlnr U in nr4 by th Fntp mnA Fmp Industry o HritUh tntiimfn to remind rlia fwNna JMralMls 0 the inervuHttg impnrtmnrm of Ih Imdumirif mnd th maor roU il " "r V a ka Ilia in thU grrmt prariiu. TAKE COrTEE, wnicn is now . ine oner is unciersiooa 10 nav? selling for $1 to $1.05 per pound.' been made on the condition that ' Prices of coffee have more thn British troops be withdrawn 4i I-SO from Egyptian soil doubled in Braal and otlicr ; great producing countries since P3C MEN'S SHOES MEN'S WORK SHOES Strong, sturdy Now from $4.95 MEN'S DRESS SHOES Save monevon i ... n 1 Tl Ml w - From $6.25 to ( IN June 1949. The reason for th.s we are informed by experts is "the law of supply and demand." The current crop of cheap grade coffee in Brazil is about 2,750000 bags instead of the old average about 5,000,000 i bags. C.ANAUHN PI 1.P PP.R ASS'N. (WKSTKHN BRANCH) COMFORTERS MIS Durolnkm Dld. ttmanr, B.C. nl Ottftt lofurmatiua and Utratttr !! , ( Lovely Satin Comforters of all M Double bed size. Now from ....$51 But the hidden joker in thus i glbi explanation la that coffee producing countries have all' along been interfering with this ' ible to do in preparations of peace time what would have to be done in operations of war time. It would be sheer folly to wait and improvise the essential machinery at the last moment. The details as always will be troublesome to work out, but the principle is, decided.. It, is. simply the application to peace time pianniAg of, methods "which experience has shown to be essential for the conduct of war. : 'The result will be agreat increase in the preparedness o the Western' world to deal with' any attempt to invade Western Europe,' and not merely. '. an increase but a, visible. Increase,-. That is just sf. important. For the object of it all is not to make v ,var, '.not .even to win war, b,ut to prevent war by demonstrating in advance to a potential aggressor .that aggression would have little chance of success. so-called "law" of supply anif lll no stroogtMl iXjJjL cemand. At this very moment Brazil has in storage six pillion bags of "surplus" coffee. Even in the depths', ' of .the great depression ol the 1930's. 'Bra'zif never hacT more than 10 million bags of this so called "exportable .sur This advertisement u hot puousnea or displayed dj a KITCHENVARE ' ALUMINUM UTENSILS PYREX DISHES GLASSWARE OVEN GLOVES DISH TOWELS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE . plus' coffee. IN THE 1930'S Brazil burned vast stocks ot coffee or dumped them in the ocean. In North America . we ploughed under cotton, cremated vast numbers of young pigs, and destroyed RENTALS SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY , "That God would open a door of utterance unto us, i to speak the mystery of Christ." Colossians 4:3.. I IICML. INSURANCE LJIAIC i j u j Mm yws. Wen p-1- I RETUR! r. . e. 7-, Wk OVER BROADWAY CI j 3242nd Ave. (Near CFPR) , I Mrs. Stiles to Live in Akron I Mrs. Lance Stiles, who has been a resident of Prince Rupert sjnee 1910, sailed on the Princ? George last night for Akron, Ohio, where she will make h?r future home with her daughter, Before proceeding East, Mrs. Stiles will visit for a few days in Seattle with her son, Albert (Sonny) Stiles, who was recently transferred there ln the ssrvice of the San Juan Fishing Co. Prior to leaving Prince Rupert, Mrs. Stiles was entertained by many friends and received a number of farewell mementoes. Moflat Gas Ranges 1. LOW cost Operation rrtmrwmf"' THANKSGIVING is a lime ol THAtIK-OFFERING $13.50 for 3 to 4 months, for cooking only. 2. Rockgas is clean : doesn't blacken utensils. Mrs. Dorothy Weber who la ac r A large number were at the boat companying her after a here. visit last night to wtstv her bon" voy- I age. Your Bank will be happy itarecpi'ye.on credit. .""!. you v offering for the work of any church! ' 11? Jli$Tj ' 3. Instant heat r- 100 , control positions. : i.' aHAtWttclivb Whjte Est- 4 4tmt Aajrgi-V-by lff f at,-, ''VS.' Just turn the button and burner at full heat. C . Rockgas Is six times hotter than city gas. 7. Oven at renulred temperature In minutes. Illustrated Model z Year in year out quality has I always been and will always z be the first consideration with 1 1 1 ' ISM l S i float your arch on a cushion of "cloud-soft" sponge rubber Others ners from Trom - SEE THESE GAS RANGES ON DISPL ..,4 TEA Ask for a Demonstration McRAE BROS. by DESCO ( -7 ", lw . fhij dvrtisement is not published or V ; displayed by the Liquor Control Board or , I jt ? ff J ' 79 PHONE 79 ! It's A Sure Hit! w , oy me government 01 Dnusn columoia. j : 1 1 ' I PUBLIC AUCTION SALE C WRATH ALL'S NOW Your Popular RECORDS In the Old Overwaitea Store PHOTO FINISHING See our Kodak Camera Line-up. flash attachments for all Cameras. I OCT. 14 SATURDAY 2:30 P.M. archet . A A a took vv WW. . - at the l Sf fain TV A sylph 1 y Kodacolor and Kodachrome filmr Developing, Printing and Enlarging. Youn will fc twa Proceeds to the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Civic Committee RUPERT RADIO and ELECTRIC Putrmanj . HOURS ; ' , Weekdays '"'""Jij to it j . .... 12 ' Noon Sundays ,, 7 p.m.tn 320 - 3rd Ave. W. happy ft in Rveltion. You'B FEEt .U risHul Ui'-T of ih rch-cushioo wiH FAITH IS CONFIDENCE Faith ln your personal Integrity, your wlllingnes, to PAY PROMPTLY, Is the basis on which the merchant extends TVMTwChauBe aCCUntS are Payable not lat the tne TENTH Of each mnnth Advertisement Courtesy of Northern B.C. Power Co. ivery itop. trt th cff;t .Ik on a cushiMka) plrfofm $ flexibt at your very own fool, ' Fashion Footwear SIXTH STREET AND L CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT