many of tne latter v.ho were (There were now 50,uoO of them Prince Rupert Daily News t"rhay, October 6. 1950 broueht back to a scwvl 1U" throughout, the world. They buy ! CIVIC CENTRE Blackwood On Bridge By Eosley Blackwood SALVATION ARMY (Continued from page their own uniforms, he said, and received no payment for their services. Some bandsmen were men with responsible positions.! The Army was particularly pleas-1 ed when sons followed their NOTES through coming to the cenues Some of them got there through drink, he said. CONGRATULATES Rt'PERT He congratulated Prince Rupert in putting its campaign over the top. He said many cities had proven themselves good fiiends My friend Mr. Dale is,nln en ln from dTm,? J , . , 'and Mr. Abel won with the Jack. One 01 those Old-time rub-j He cashed the king of hearts. The Civic Centre Bridge riJ father's example In playing in the bands. ber bridge players all the'b,ut "w whatever he does. MrJ V , i m Masters has to lose only on With reference to Capt. W Uioned the goo deffect the latter ! had upon Its patients. Then there were homes for children whose I own homes had been broken up j for one reason or another. Thare 'were also eventide or sunset 'lodges for the older people ii. I large cities, shelters for unfor to the Salvation Army and that poulton and his wife he was ex more trick On a spade return, THE WORLD OVER FOR ITS AGS AND MELLOWNESS way back to the days of whist. Mr. Dale knows all meets tonight. It Is expected that a large number of bridge enthusiasts will attend tht first meeting to discuss the plans of the club for the coming season. j The regular Friday nlht movies for the Civic Centre members will be held in the' Common Lounge. j Prince Rupert was one 01 them, tremely complimentary. He spokff He told of how the first cam- highly of both and said he had paign was for a comparatively worked with Captain Poulton small amount, but that this ytar , before, it was for $1,500,000. Major Watt told of voluntary , NEXT SPEAKER bandsmen In the Salvation Army. In the business session, Presi- Mr. Masters would trump hi dummy while throwing a losing club from his hand. If Mr. Abel breaks the club suit, it automatically holds the club loers to one. , Actually he led back the sevon of hearts. Mr- Masters ditched a small club and Mr. Meek won tunates who, either through their own fault or through circumstances, found themselves destitute. He said there were ! dent Bruce Brown advised the j meeting that the second follow-I ing meeting would be In con the angles. .On the hand shown today he deliberately went set 300 points. East dealer None vulnerable ( North (Mr. Pair) 810 H Q 9 4 2 D-AJ10 5 C J 10 8 4 WW (Mr. Mwk) Kast (Mr. Ahfl) 8 K 9 7 2 S A (J J 8 4 3 H A 10 8 S H K J 7 D 7 13 8 3' C q 6 5 S C K will snow you a hand where based on Humanics, Mr Dale dp.' with the ace, setting up dummy's queen. The club return was won cided not make a sacrifice bid and why. gJ?t AMD junction with the Gyros In order to hear MaJ. General Dan Spry, Dominion Commissioner of Boy Scouts. L. M. Felsenthal, chairman of the auction sale committee, urged members to get their dona by Mr. Masters with the ace. He entered dummy with a trump and got rid of his other losing club on the heart queen. Down to 300 points. Why did Mr. Dale deliberately ft 1 ' t i s V i f 1 umraitiiMiirniMiii'miiiiitriiWiiiiWi'iifc I I -t-5T tions Into the old Overwaitea . store at the earliest opportunity mnt& fcmith (MaHtrrn) 8 5 H 8 5 DKQ9842 C A7 2 Th bidding: East Kmilh West North IS 3D 3S 3D 3 S Paso 4 8 5 D Dbl. All puss so that they might be sorted and ' classified. The sale, he reminded ' 4 go set? Well, you can see that) Mr. Meek and Mr. Abel could! have made an easy game at spades. If allowed to play the j hand they would have earned; more than 400 points the actual 0 Heat Your Home The Modern Way! wV? 1 them, was to be a week from j Saturday. The committee also wanted to pick out specific artl- trick points' as entered on MODUCtO SCOTLAND the score sheet plus the 'hidden'' cles they felt would be drawing A8amst the N ve diamond con- their advance-! cards in the advertising. Bill ;:ore representing ASSOCIATED SALMON CANNERS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Scuby read a long list of articles am- "-- ment toward the rubber bonus.', deuce of spades. Mr. Abel wonj Mr Daie knowlng he couldn't! with the ace and returned the! make prom 0n the hand, chose' queen of spades which was rui-!to take as small a ,oss as Doss.. i he said had been shipped by an 1 ex-member who had moved away. DtSTILLCRtCt m fed on the board with the five hle A sacrince of 300 pointll la! UNuvrr.ourmwtt kotuu of diamonds ; always justified if the opponents ' now took two have a sure game all other Mr. Masters p, rounds of trumps ending In hu things being equal. own hand and led the five of j But are "other things" always hearts. Mr. Meek played low, the equal? They are not. To morro .8 -55 :-7. M n.tM OWNCCS 1 J " ...H-l .-i, Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 2C pe. vord per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements t2 0O. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE (he LUXURY W 1 and moot to k and smooth tc t . " r. i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BIRTH NOTICE $mnt)llS PROCURABLE carriage. FOR SALE 8-room wartime (235p) house. ADDlv is uver- rewtant. Desy BOND To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. FOR SALE Doll Bond at the Prince Rupert Green 465. General Hospital, Oct. 4, a -- daughter FOR SALE 3,000 watt 03 nm oib) lOOK l. i30M G ic- eleclirc USE HOT WATER HEATING We Stop Your "Cold Wor" ifcHave our heating man coll o n d give you estimates on hot water or steam vdri'olif o( (kj fireplace, Morris chair. Blue LOVELY RESIDENCE for sale at 937 (238p)l Seal Cove. Fullv modern with I a hedrnoms Easv terms. Prince FOK SALE to suit tw( This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the .Government ol British Columbia. New FOR SALE-Excellent 10-t!e Rupert Realty Co. - . 234) ! Inquire! black walnut dining 'room' ! (jure. fo()tilo,sk FOR SALE OR TRADE building at Alice Arm. 610 6th Ave. West. Green 698. Phone-' suite with tea table, end ! FOR SALE 2 harbor view lots. (235p) , No 3 and No 4. Block 2. Sec tion 1. 1st Avenue West. Call! Green 959 after 2 D.m. (234pi j table and ladies desk to match, also India rug. Axmin-ster rug. 3 piece wicker set and bedroom furniture. Various other things. Mr. Hicks, 714 Fraser. (238pi tails. CAVATWILL'ft FOR SALE one Fargo truck I soecial long wheel base. Op-! tional with or without dump.; Also '48 Chrysler Sedan. Ex-1 cellent sharje- AddIv 32 Taxi. I HELP WANTED (242pl cloth of tomorrw IT-lT.:' & ! WANTED - immediately, dls-ttf) ; C CHEER'LY MAN FOR SALE Blue coat, size patcher. Apply 112. No Job Too ' Big No Job Too 'Small refused. reasonable offer Red 471. (tf) that's here taty Phone Red 84. ttfc) Don't Overlook ooking Oyer Our Fall Selection of Men's WANTED Dispatcher for eve-1 nins. AddIv 537 Taxi. (tf). Mrs. Mr Eve tve. 339 3J9 4Lh 4tft Ave Ave. West west. , , FOR SALE chesterfield bed. beds comDlete. un )aint. ed chest of drawers: used FOR SALE 1936 Che v. Coupe,1 Call BLUE 8 4 C SAANICH WANTED William f. Clothes of D; newlv overhauled ensine, good tires and bodv. AddIv jerry's Barber Shop. (234c) .' washing machine: sewing machine: kitchen stoves: heaters: hardware: scores of other useful furniture at lowest prices. See B.C. Furniture. Black 324. (tf) j PLUMBING & HEATING Cor. 4th Ave. and McBride WANTED Worklnz woman! would share house with an-, other. AddIv Box 809 Dally News (239pi j 'Oh Nattcy Dawson, hio! . Checr'ly man, She's got a notion, hio . . . Cheer'ly man! For over a century Lamb's Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow, it is matured, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest Demerara rums. FOR SALE- -Men's bicycle. Black' (234c) 236. DEALERS IN ALL TYPES of Suits . FOR SALE Small white enamel wick oil range. Grates for, coal included, $60.00. Light finish buffet. $25.00. lf09 8th East.. Blue 621. (235p l used eaulDment: mill, mine WANTED Young couDle require and 1 loBgina supplies: new and, furnished bed sitting room t?..mJ2w D!De1a?d ii,1;' with kitchenette, or apart- feuSs t6oen D&atMe?lds ment- Please ca aree?2315D5; Ltd.. 25 Prior St.. Vancouver., , . lir?J?' ..5lPHonePaciflc 8337lAtl' WANTED TO RENT Two or FOR SALE 1 adjustable dress Topcoats Shirts for rt form in good condition. $20.00. Write Box 807 Dailv News or -i i ill lAfpiit. (lto three bedroom house. Phone Art Oellvre a: Blue 394. (238) kali's Navy Sua FOR RENT Sleeping room, WANTED r , ....t t-u.i.. Elderlv ladv wanw Bins 4,?i laisci Blue 4JJ . UiSO b b slUin) Box. 803 D tun oALii One :aree blonde- (234p) News. finish knee-hole desk in ex-j cellent condition for office use, $35.00. Phone 348. (236p) FOR RENT Lleht housekeep- inn cru-tm Oil IPiftV. AuannB TOP MARKET East (2341 : WANTED KIP filTf 10.17 VnrA trnrV 2-1 This dvertnnm h ot published or dispbyed by the Liquor Control Bawd or by (he Guvcrammt of Briiiih Columbia. Front bedroom. ' (236p) ! Ties Shoes Hats ton; dollevs. lumber carrier, FOR RENT- and auto Darts, used tires. Blue 668. batteries, radiator, etc. Apply Midland Pines. Phone Black FOR RENT An old ut ttxmty. PRICES PAID for scrao iron steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc Honest eradlne. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron 4: Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B.C. Phone Pactflf 6357. (tf) Room to share, ! (tf) i Red 471. 739. (239p) i meh BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2) FOR SALE Used washer ' WANTED TO BUY-Used nlano The Pioneer Druggisii DAILY DEUVIM Phone 81 make. Applv Kaien oEasy coj FOR S ALE Botbdlne ana casn. rnone tsiacx ivi. repair shop with valuable (230p) waterfront lot nn How Hav I FOR SALE Enterprise ranee with Queen oil burner, Coleman oil heater and double ; burner electiic hot plate wlth: oven. Phone Green 826- 2113 ' Seal Cove Circle. (237p) ; boat shed 70' by 60' with four WANTED Sera o cast, brass erids. will take boats . un to 1 copper, batteries -and radl-54' by 14'. Small stock lumber, ators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th tools, bandsaw. circular saw,! west (tf) portable skill saw. sander, '. ' " drills, motors, naint sprav Sportswear Formal Wear and Baggage etc. all In eood condition. Full! LOST price $5,500. R. E. Mortimer. FOR SALE 120 Bass accordion. Like new- Phone Black 152. (236p) 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88. (237) 1 , LOST Between 432 W. 5th Ave 2 ! and Masonic Temple, a Mas- REAL ESTATE. NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Ling-belt Speeder Shovels: I onic Apron and engraved asA Cranes: Draelines: Adams Jewel. Keward- M. M. Stephens. (235c) Road Graders: Littleford Bros.,F01 SALE 5-room house fire-. uiacK top Koaa Maintenance; nap wic dhusc Eauioment: Owen Clamshell Inity. Terms. Phone Black 801. i Buckets and Rock Grapples: i (238c) ! T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: i PERSONAL 'Ok uiarK forKiiit xrucKs: weison ; nuua run bale 9 rooms, hcktrm nti-i ivr Bucket Loaders for Stockpile! basement, partly furnished. I tritirM nro homo i-.r Try Our Lay:A-Way Plan for Your on your next nil quick Plr tnlo sale. Phnno Phone; .iuu.iir-niii Priced for and Snow Removal: Rice Port- able Centrifugal Pumps: Na-! tional Draslinp Scraner and of hauling or contracts. Blue 981. (238p) Green 587. (238p) T, . . 1. . .. . VT 1 all Clcol mD CATV HTA.l.. J l.l CHARTER FLIGHT Gasoline Hoists: National i house. Four rooms and bath. : B h?.c. wLi Lre"PnxlK Portable Sawmills: National Phone Green 404. (2Mn)l u?!n'?s.w.ednesday- pet." 4th. Call Blue 917 for appointment Beaulah Heaton. 218 4th Ave. Fall and Winter Rotarv Screens and Conveyors. - Full Information from Na-1 FOR SALE Terrace .B. C. laun-tional Machinery Co. Limited, dry for sale. A monev makins W. (235c) fa CHAPTER FLIGHT PLANES oi Vancouver, B.C. (tf)( proposition. Details from BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS I CrVPVi PLUMBING ana Prince Rupert Realty Co., over Broadway Cafe. (238) 4 room house near bus stop with part basement oil furnace, two lots. fullv furnished, available at only $1500 down. 4 room house less than 10 years old on cement footings Ex Heating - T r r!i HI - POWERED SPORTINO RIFLES Larger assortment and better values. Write for latest catalog listing various bargain prices. SCOPES SALES CO. LTD., 326 Queen St., Ottawa, Ont. (tf) Sheet Metal work i r tnan- hflrit;' O o o o Private etc Oravel Roofing. Call 629 6th West. Phone 543. Letourneai Timber Cruising- To Get in Shape and Keep in Shape have a Steam Balh Often cellently appointed for those onn Ron? ,tf , MODERN Painting and Decorating Soence and Matutk Fhone Black 215. evenings or noon hour. P.O. Box llll. (tf) ; FOR SALE Kitchen Cabinets, i Chairs. End Tables. Coffee ALL INTERIOR AND that like comfort. Available furnished or unfurnished with ; terms. I 1 1 -t-i For IPC? INFORMATION RATES - PHONE 476 Tables. Chests of Drawers, Custom made Beds. Benches and NiEht Tables. Office-eauipment. custom made, Desks. Chairs and Cabinets. Support home lndustrv . . . buv direct. Christie's Woodbllt Products. Cor. 1st Ave. and McBride. Phone Blue 720. (27M) FOR SALE 1930 4-door delux Chev. with new G.M. heater, new tires on car plus 2 brand new spares. Verv reasonable Situated on two well located lots COMPLETE builders supplies on 5th Ave. East, this two fast service. Island Cltv Build-bedroom house has full con- lng Supplies. Blue 820. (18m) crete foundation with half 1 1 - basement, earage with lane I entrance. Location and sizej ArcnnT ' A vtq 1 a make this house Ideal for small family. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Small four, close In. newlv dec-; Tax specialist. 8. G. Furk orated and painted, fullv in-j Stone Building. Red 593. sulated walls and celling, tile (20m floor coverings in kitchen and - - bathroom, with oil ranee and BP QUEEN CHARLOTU tf OPEN AT 4 EVERY AFTERNOON UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NORTHERN SPORTS AND HEALTH SPRINGS .Phone 658 price. Terms accepted. Phone REPAIRS William F. Sfone ,Kilias 01 Red 985. Viif FOR SALE Well located taxi business for sale, or stand.for rent. Box 809 Dailv News- (238p) heater as new, available at $1500 down. AddIv Robert E. Montador Ltd. FOR SALE 3 cottages on two lots. Low taxes. 15 on investment of $6,000. Property In good condition. Prince Rupert Realtv Co.. Phone 6G7. Clothes of Distinction WATCH Repairs prompt efficient service. George Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction guaran-teed. OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Stove Service St Repairs O. D Ronson. Black U (lit FOR SALE Blue winter coat, size lo. .Kea u. iu 7