Prince Hupftt Dailp 'rectos Frtcay, April 8, 1S49 V 1 ST-" STEWART r j The Women or the Moose ; ! their ceiebrated organization the anniversary with a whist of ; HERE'S TOPS IN STYLE and VALUE drive and dance on Saturday in j the Moose Home. Mrs. R. Bar-! wise won the ladies' first prUe I and the Mrs. consolation S. Kirkpatrick prise. Sam took See what we have to offer. Compare ' Kirkpatrick was the sigh man. . with other offerings and you'll be with William Boedecker taking j ; the consolation. The drawing convinced that you can get more for ; lor two beautiful book-ends v:as i i won by Mrs. H. Rozare of Hy-, your money at Sweet Sixteen. ! cier, Alaska. The supper was. as i usual, excellent. Arrangements i were in the hands of the sirs CELANESE care committee. GABARDINE It was thought here that ; spring had at last arrived with ; the advent of a few robins but i the weather man stepped in last ' week and brought another lis inches of snow. Just to reniSKl ; that winter is not over, at liit here. . i BIRMINGHAM HAS OLD TIME 'FLU BIRMINGHAM. Eng. The worst influcnzza outbreak in 23 years sees no fewer than 60.000 O -Ijl ft a .1 ' :.iV UITS and COAT SEEK OIL IN MANITOBA MELTTA, Man., (F The first deep test will be made for oil and gas this summer near Lyle-ton In southwestern Manitoba. The area forms the eastern corner of a vast triangle in which subterranean rock formations are favorable for the discovery of oil. The setter, a type of bird dog, received its name in England. confined to bed in this city. Fori the first time isolation wards! Angello Bugnello arrrved fr-ini ; the south last week and was . accompanied by Evan Harris, have been opened for 'flu cases. One in every ten of Birming TT ham's bus and postal employees! are lusted as ill. People who did' not even have a sore throat have been collapsing in the streets. ' former superintendent of the Morris Summit mine, the latter to an examination of t!v Dunwell holdings for southern interests. . . bring Iruineu to croucu, or sei, not to stand on sighting game. Better Elnglish By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What ts wrong witii this ! sentence? "When the officer Choose from the smartest of styles in Western Canada and get the colour you desire, be it a grey, blue, wine etc. You'll find it in our selection. This offer is real value so do not miss it. SMART, STYLISH U W approached, the boys ran every which way." 2. What is the correct pi enunciation of "delude"? 3. Which one of these words is mis-spelled? Calisthenics, calcimine, caliope. 4. What does the word 'furtive" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with gr that means "characterized by fantastic exaggeration"? Answers 1 1 lei I. Say, ' the boys ran in all directions." . Pronounce tk-luri, e as in me unstressed, u as in fuel, accent last syllable. 3. Calliope. 4 Sly; secret; stealthy. "He made a furtive effort to attract the speaker's attention." 5. Grotesque. 50 ! FROM II M Classified AO. Bring Results: Here's the ever popular shortie in newer, smarter design. Wearable on every occasion. This is outstanding value at this price. t tk lit M EX'S I'XDFRHT WP., . 1 y man s. Shirts and Drawers, medium wei-ht. Garment SPECIAL S2 works boots PARIS HEADS DA YTOJS. LECKIE MEN'S WORK PAXTS Blue, Outstanding Value in Sanforized. All sizes. SPECIAL S2T, EVERY GARMENT ADVERTISED MAY BE BOUGHT ON SWEET SIXTEEN'S CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS MEN'S I'NOERWEiK Jersey Dress binations. All sizes SPECIAL s2-. I MEN'S DRESS SHIRT GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AH sizes, assorted SPECIAL S2.3 PHONE BLACK 6 9.9 This is rfally a Bar-Cain so don't miss il-fhry art heaulifull) styled, in a color ranee MEN'S DRESS nivrnTs P.O. BOX 731 All sizes. SPECIAL W INDIAN BLANKETS Iir SMART NEW size. SPECIAL S3.93 I MEN'S WORK SIIOFS Solid leather. All sizes SPECIAL S6.45 Hyde Transfer Gabardine Dresse ' MEN'S GABARDINE Iavts Custoi,- made, with SPECIAL SI0.7.1 ORDER BOVS' PAXTS Wool anil PHONE 580 AND 'ASK FOR Cotton Worsteds, all sizes. Well made, from, SPECIAL S2.7S $1Q9 Priced Specially from LADIES' STOCKINGS Good assortment. From L SPECIAL "VICTORY" By the Ton or by the Sack We offer you unsurpassed values In this group of smarting , .... T1 1 1 - W cases, mey cannoi ae eauaUed in Vancouver, so pe - FILL YOUR BIN'S FOR ANOTHER SEASON early because they'll go quickly at this Rric$, LACY, FROTHY For j. Construction Alterations Repairs J . BLOUSE 1 vmtbK & bKIDDEN j j CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 5 S Floor Floor Sandine Sanding a a Rnerhilt Specialty 5 You'll adore these beautiful blouses In becW- f tiful crepe. See thorn and you'll be tempted 14) to buy several at this price. 2 9 Red 56 i P.O. Box 721 WW f ' j; ',! J f " ' - I ' ' ' if ) f . With SW OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Ren Cafle- Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CIIOW MEIN VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1.30 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AXD PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. for soirrn qcekn C1IARLOTTE ISLANDS s s. Coquitlam. March 25, April 8 and 22, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QIT.EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SJS. jCoquitlani. April 1 and 15 and 29. 10 p.m. FRANK i. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5CS 3514 I m I 8econd Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 ajn. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS r 1