Ptfnce Sloptri Daflg JSett Friday, April 8, 1949 Local News Items... Civic Centre Dates . John Sundquist sailed Thurs-1 General Meeting, Prince Ru day afternoon on the Prince1 nrrt Rnrt At Run club. Civil Rupert on a trip to Vancouver Monday, April 11, 8 (It) Centre, p.m. ROTARIANS SEE RIVER FILM A colored film titled "River of Canada," showing the picturesque beauty and industrial usefulness of the St. Lawrence lluiliiiiiiiililluilliliiilliiiiiiliililiiilUiiiliil FUL-KNIT CARDIGANS MISSION BAND SPONSORS TEA Children ol the Explorers group and the Mission Band of First Presbyterian Church were hosts io a large turn-out of ladies at a tea held Wednesday afternoon in the church hall. The function was convened by Mrs. W. H. Wilson Murray, leader of the groups, who was assisted by several iaulcs of the congregation. The children acted as servi-teurs during the afternoon, while Mrs. John Bremner and Mrs. H. Calderwood were at the urns. In Pre-Eastcr Sale of Infants Shoes 25 OXI-No Exchanges, No Refunds The Stork Shoppe. (84) NOTICE Hollywood Cafe is now open from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. (85) Would Audrey Hewton of 453 3rd prize at S.O.N, bazaar last fall, please claim her prize before 10 days. lt Deep Sea Fishermen's Union regular meeting, Sunday, April 10, 2:30 p.m. Mem- SATURDAY Spurts p.m. 2:00 Teen Age Badminton. 2:00 Adult Casual Badminton. 7:00 Teen Age Badminton. Basketball League Games 6:30 Junior. . 7:30 Intermediate. 8:45 Senior. 10:00 Women. River Was shown by Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton at the Capitol Theatre BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Thursday afternoon as an en Conrad School P.T A White Elephant Sale Tea and lIomebers please attend. Important. (84) VERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" PHONE 116 Saturday, April 9, 2 Cooking, p.m. 100 pure wool cardigans in all the new popular shades. Light Grey, Powder Blue, Light Fawn, Camel and Maroon. All sizes. tertainment feature following the Rotary Club's weekly luncheon meeting. Guests at the meeting were Edward Mapson, Vancouver; Harry Herget,' Edmonton; Commissioner John Shirras, Vfctoria; Gordon Mc-Lellan, Vancouver; Frank Hen- C.N.R. Carmen's Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. Friday. April 8. Passengers sailing south from Prince Rupert on the Princess Dancing 9:30 to 1:30. Everyone ( charge of the kitchen were Mrs Refreshments. Ad-; Jnn Currie, Mrs. James Haddon, welcome, Norah Thursday afternoon In Terrace; G. Cloarec, Perow; J. Cloarec, Perow; J. Mills, PriesN sr., and Mrs. W. Spark. Good music. (83) mission 75. cluded Mr. and Mrs. J. Mathie AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver N. H. Bill, C. R. Canning, A. O. Raymore, V A. Bell, L. Green. From Vancouver I. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. L. Self, M. McLean, Mrs. J. Marchant. pARRiVALS Hprenn Vnnrnnvpr nnrl Walter' Smith. of Vancouver who have been in the city for the last week, staying at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Tip Nichols, well known local railwayman, who suffered an Injury to his eyes while at work, Members of the groups acting as scrviteurs'were Janet Spark, Sonja Jensen, Jacqueline Johnson, Dorothy Taylor, Cathie Fin- i-rince Kupcrt ly; S. Finney, Quesnel; a Sus-ton, Quesnel; Mrs. L. Finney, Quesnel; Mrs. A. Welns, Quesnel; Mrs. W. Osborne, Terrace;' R. Barclay, Prince George; I. M. Wcins, Quesnel; W. M. Dupont, Vancouver; E. Hill, PrinC? George. Classified Ads Bring Results! Reservations are going very ls making a gradual but steady I jjrs. Galbrailh, Per-Lt, Port Edward; Mr. Van layson, Jimmy Anderson, Robert fast for thn hir iniirK!nn n . improvement, tie was in couver for a while returning to O Cuthill ana iamuy, n MacKenzle. . 11 Knulson, Lynn Erikson, Robert Erikson, Jean Finlayson, Jimmy McDonald, Joan McLeod, Norma l.:n; u- the city a few weeks ago. Harry Bowman, Canadian National Railways colonization and Morgan, Lois Antrobus, Pat Ann Antrobus, Lynne-Lou Maclniyre, and Linda Maundrell. Rev. and Mrs. George Sendall helped to receive the parents and friends. Llmberlost Lodge, June 25. Hurry and phontf Union Steamships, 568, and avoid disappointment. National Motor Service, Prince ,rge; Mr. and Mrs. u tork; W. H. Spencer, McLeod, Anne Chrisison, Bill Marchant, Bobby Gordon, Bruce It Pays to Advertise! Johnston, Shirley Morgan, Alan 5D Construction and General Laborers' Union Local 1427 Special Organizational Meeting Carpenters' Hall, Frascr St. SATURDAY, APRIL 9 -2:30 p.m. All Interested please attend era BRES immigration agent for Bnusn Columbia, arrived in the city on last night's train from Prince George on a business trip. He plans to return to the interior on tonight's train. Latest word from Vancouver is to the effect that Mayor I xtro good-looking. Rupert, your International Harvester dealer. Invites you to listen to a special Canadian broadcast of "Harvest of Stars" featuring James Melton, world-famous tenor, with outstanding Canadian talent, Sunday evening, April 10, over CFCN 7:30 p.m. M.S.T., CJOR 6:30 p.m. PJ5.T. (84) table shaves with $7.95 PARKH0USE PULLOVERS Smart English type pullovers in soft botany wool. Camel, Maroon, Powder Blue, Pasel Green, Light Grey and Fawn. All sizes. $6.50 RA BLADES '3 Nora Arnold continues to make a'j favourite in ' end low price. a splendid recuperation following a recent operation. Her Worshio. now. on two months 104-12 for 25f5 John Mulronry left on this leave of absence, is in residence In a hotel near the Medical and morning's way freight for a WKATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Priutine 4 Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies J0M19 piinF? nth cek-end trip to Terrace on m IL tor business in connection with the forthcoming international in ft Dental Building where she Is receiving daily post-operative treatments. Federal grant toward the re race mm& dustrial edition 1 of the Prince Rupert Dally News and the Ketchikan Alaska Chronicle", which ls being sponsqred by the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council ; . ! conversion of the former military wing of the Prince Rupert General Hospital was $G,000 or roughly one-third of the total cost of $18,000. The provincial government also made a grant of upwards of $6,000, thus divid They ire most popular, tt1 Crunchier. Gojden-good. Adored by children! Found the 4 to 1 rice . Mrs.' Leo Doiron,, accompanied JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue onrmiiig U payable In advance. Please rcfralii trow vipU'juo. by her daughter, Nllss Margaret Doiron, . sailed ye.4crday after a - (OK SALE cereal favorite in recent survey. Get FOK KENT ing the total cost about tnree ways between the two governments and the board as indi MO ft. Gillnct boat Kellogg' s Rice Ik II. 8.G beam. See at noon on the Princess Norah for Vancouver where,' they will visit for a short thnjc before continuing their journey to Louis- Krispies SIS BlllBlIl louts. 187) FOR RENT Comfortable Bedroom for lady with kitchen privileees if required. Close in oonosite Boroen fit Srhnn kihlliiiiitiiliiiiutiiiiuillllllUilniil cated in the Daily News report at the first of the week. iii-isn rarco a-ion Kentucky, In Louisville Phone Black 258 or inquire at ville iwlbase truck com-"th Galion Hoist and Mrs. John Linney and her two -)l'(icii bL (tlM tncv spend Several weeks as Wood Steel tuon ump Body, 5-specd room suite, 330!lnc guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hal FOR RENT 2 Dlh West. grandchildren, Anne and George LaSette, will leave on Good Friday bv Diane for Queen -Char- (Hi) (Burnett, son-iin-law and daueh- -sion, 8 2a - 20 tires ual rear and spare. ter of Mrs. rjolron. r a jbjS FOR RENT Nice rooms. 330 7th Ave r.t condition. Driven BEST! 4otte Gity-to spend Easter with MOTHER KNOWS sleeping West. 185) M miles. Price $3,200. Aasscnd Bios. Phone (871 FOR RENT Apply 801 Sleeping Borden St. Room. Ui Mr. and Mrs. Fred Labeite. Mrs. Linney will fly to Vancouver on business and return via Sands-pit to pick up the children and bring them back to Prince Ru WANTK11 THE ar- .. . ,, , lE-Marcuni Automatic I Player radio combina-luitcl style, like new. price. Phone Sisonablc 1 t84i .-15.11 P. VivianMar- pert. PARKING LIGHTS ACTO MIltKOKS AI'TO ROBES FENDER, FLAPS SPOT MOIITS (.KILL GUARDS SEAT COVERS FOG LIGHTS Announcements All adTertiKnMjt i mm column ' will b cburged lot aim month at f canta a wurd Pre-Ei.ster Concert, Lutheran Chi Arch, Friday, April 8, 8 Orange Spring Sale, April 13, 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Apa 14, Borden St. P.T.A. Sale and Tea. WANTED - Furnished house or npailtment by quiet couple. No children. Apply Box 505 Daily News. . (83 ) WANTED 1 or ton Truck good condition. Phone 356. (if) 'inc. New condition, -wtion invited. May at Harry Loves' Ma-ijp or apply to A. H. 21)03 Seal Cove (86) BOB PARKER'S F-E Half-ton Vnrr WANTED Troller, 3ii' to 40" in first .class condition. Give price and all particulars first letter. Cash. Box 507 Dally News. ' 86) -Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors BHBHBIalHHHMHa! FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Houses built under the N.1I.A. Tlan 20 down payment-balance iu easy monthly payments ever a period of 15 to 20 years. ; Free Estimaiecs FOR FURTHER INFORMATION rilONK BLACK 221 - P x 1678 1000 miles. Phone L. 84) UPTOWN SERVICE STATION P-E-Boat Mrlisle. 4(l'x METAL YVOttK TO DELINQUENTS If your subscription is in arrears and you do not receive your paper, please 'do not blame the publisher, the news boy or the post office. Just do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operation of subscribers in this regard would be appreciated. It would save a lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Subscriptions arc payable in ad-, vancc. You Saw it in The News. PHONE 731 Dostish boat with Second and McBridc fi dc seen at Dodcc . Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Tea, Aj;ril 18. ( Presbyterian Spring Sale, .April 21. , Anglican Spring Sale, Saturday April 23. j Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, "Quire Co-on Credit PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET M E T A !. WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-ine. Lrtmirneau Hi Sons. 029 Ocorsc Viereck. (84) l-E-C. C. M tii,.ol Sixth West. Phone 543. (ttt : condition. Box Ncws. (84) HELP WANTED ! April 27. kWANTED Young Man to learn Rotary Club Daffodil Tea, Civic Centre, April 28. dry-cleanms trade. Untfin wanes. Apply Pioneer, Canadian Laundry. '8ti) l.h Real Ease" mat-f sormg. I,, UCifcct MfOO. Hot air fur-?xl as new. with ac- Surprise the Kiddies with EASTER CANDIES AND CUDDLY PLUSH I1UNN1ES The lady of the house will be pleasantly surprised too if you present her with Easter decorations of WAXED ARTIFICIAL LILIES and DAFFODILS. And you will be surprised by the gay colors our DYES give eggs. St. Peters ! Y.PA. Musical! i complete instal- Show, "Spring Fantasy" Civic Centre, April i2f. S20U Pile Sufferers "lack 511, 714 (tf) The United . Church Spring Sale, May 5. Don't tell us your piles arc hopeless. Thousands of former suffers tell us they had piles for 2n vears. some longer. They are E-Ncw and Used Fur-"SiTv CAr Catholic Girl Guides tca-hoinc cooking sale, 2:30 to 5. Curd Party. 8 p.m., Catholic School Hall. May 5. WANTED Experienced or inexperienced Waitress, .pp'.v Broadway Cafe. (86) LOCAL ROAD FOR EM A' M for . Provincial Public Worfjs Department, Prince Rupe.t. B.C. Akc not to exceed A!. Must have general knowledge of highway construeU.i a n d maintenance; ability to drive truek; a pood working knowledge of machinery used for liuilnltMiance ami minor con-. struction work, and ability to keep costs and. proper time sheets. Initial tvage rate $8.00 per dav. Appl.y in writing in instance, to District Engineer. Cout House. Prince Rupert. B.C. before April IS, 1949. 80i EVERYONE NEEDS' A VACATION Everyone can have a vacation now because you can have it on the instalment plan. UMBERLOST LODGE invite your enquiries regarding this arrangement. Phone 563 Chairs. Nou, aM ' a- .satisfied PYLTONE produces results So it can for you. One bottle will prove its action in your stubborn ease or price refunded at once. That's our guarantee of the new PYLTONE TREATMENT. PYLTONE goes directly to the internal cause, ' that's the reason for its success. $1.75 at all druggists. ;"verin.. t ,.7. "" Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. V. Gyro Klondyke Night, Civic Centre, May 6. C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hatl." rre.sbyteriaiv Missionary Tea Church Hall. May 12. 1.1, i"' l""t prices. 3 "C. Furn turn f'.i NOW AVAILABLE Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. "'Vrolel, Se- I,. W. Kergin. RE AL ESI ATI- I . II.M.C.S. Haada Chapter I.O.D. JE. Tea, May 21. Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 20, Mrs. W S.. Kerghi., .MELODY'' H FOR SALE 4 room furnished house cIoko In. For particulars Phone Blue 909. (tl FOIt SALE Boautfiul spacious Sonja Ladles Tea May 28. home on Seventh Ave. 4 bed BS ii. .. . . IP.M. WOiLPMQSS The Lightweight ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW LIGHT STURDY COMPACT l or All Types of Operation in the Woods Experience proves the dependability and fine performance of the P. M. CARRIED IN STOCK AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Ave. P.O. Dox 772 1)E LUXE WALL TINT . . . . . ' This improved kalsominc with ' v"-7-j lts "1:iny attractive colors, is " JpJJ ideal for the walls and ceilings . of vour home. i I . " '""Jii. n so rooms, concrete basement, hothouse, plastered. Rarden. 2 lots, garage and many, othec features. Armstrong Agencies for details. Phone 312 or Green 297. 85 U1's'71ll 2nd Ave. W ' M85) '.S-Washin,, ...,.... 75c Package DekxeDdivery Phone 383 Prompt and Efficient Service AFTER 6 P.M. CALL Anything Black 419 Anytime " 285 Anywhere " 893 LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND wHiTE-GOLD SEAL LABEL FOR SALE $1750.00 Down for 8 room Wartime on double lot complete with Mc.Clary Rango and oil heater. Balance in easy monthly payments. Apply Robert E. Montador Ltd. (83 ToST AND FOirND ten Apart- reet. Anu.usL "'catcd. IMaHaBBBHBMnaa LOST Black Piaver Book. Will finder please Phone Green 81)0. (80) for All Types of Priming I15i FOUND-Wedding Ring, owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad.. (tfi I'll!,.... ' Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. LING ilw TAILOR NOTICE! Clothes remaining in this sliop and unclaimed after one year are to be put on sale unless customer advises us to hold longer. Please give number. LING, THE TAILOR 820 Sixth Street P.O. Box 386 -""UrtAL OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME STATIONERY KM SUNDRIES GREETING CAMUS PENS' ANU PENCILS SEE WANTED A! PLICATION'S WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS FOR 1949: CAMP MANAGERS BOAT CREWS ONE SKIPPER J. CLAUSEN & SON RUPERT MARINE REALTY B0X 518 Prince Rupert, B.C. r'Bcr. pi?.. )lu"i scal- rarffl?. in- R.' 71 Co.. Major ""ly si; Hit. MACIHNEltY N ATION a17lYKN6 NN AMtil? We offer complete line if equipment for Sawmills. Roma n u f a c t u r i n g , C on t r a c U) rfs , Link-Belt Speeder, Adams, Littleford. Owen, T. L Siuith, Clark, National, etc. Full information from National Tor- 1107) MWi Printing Co. nr. rUs. Bnv Phone 231 Bcsncr Block "holies m Dally (88) Machinery Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. . tit)