TODAY AND SAT. . Prime Rupert DaUg f-ltVos Friday, April 8, 1943 4:35 THIRD ANNUAL MASS DISPLAY ' UNIVERSAL- INTERNATIONAL II I l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) uiirsiiiiiiiiiiiiii presents LEANING SIGN . , IS RESTORED Visitors to Prince Rupert will no longer have the mistaken belief that Terrace is 95 miles up in the sky, thanks to a civic improvement effort by. a small group of Junior Chamber ol Commerce members last night. The group, headed by Junior PFOPI FS STORF. ' ! mm YYONNE DeCARLO DAN DURYEA ;;f v, 5 m mm ROD CAMERON : smm & yOUR HAT ! ! mW EASTER HELENA CARTER . &.i!B,IN One of the highlights of the Civic Centre's activities is the annual Rup-Rec mass display which is scheduled for April 11 and 12 this year. The participants in this display will number 400, ranging from pre-school age to the housewife. The range of events will include singing games by the tiny tots who number 80 members, and will be divided into two groups with one performing on Monday and the other on Tuesday nights to the V MNM $2.95 - $3.95 - $4.95 I Chamber President S. O. Fuik decided to replace in correct position a tourist sin at the corner of Third Avenue and Mc-Bride Street which had been leaning at a drunken angle as a result of manhandling by vandals. Following a meeting of the mm FIT FOR A QUEEN ... PRICED FOR EVERYONE RUPERT Z PEOPLES STORE Z n n n ir k" n !.?? sp'" fundamental gymnastics by the convention committee jwhi'-h is Ladies' Keep Fit Class, present-' organizing details for the B.C ed on both nights. I regional convention of the The following program has Junior Chamber of Commerce of Tin ii been arranged: Singing Games Rup-Rec tiny Canada, the committee found themselves filled with zeal for civic improvement and found hammer and nails. PYRAMID OF CHEOPS i pyramid of ciu,,. Limestone, diortie and mud 'the Umo at Giz bricks were used to build the tains 5.7UO0O0 st.' tots. Pianist, Grace Brown. Vaulting and Springboard Rup-Rec Teen Girls and Boys and Rup-Rec Junior Boys. With an admiring look at their handiwork, someone commented: CATHOLIC LADIES ELECT OFFICERS .Mrs. E. Tclseth Ke-cloctcd Past Year Busy and Successful Reports on a wide variety of beiyjvolent activities and the election of new officers featured the annual meeting of the Catholic Women's League, held recently. Reports indicated a highly successful year from all standpoints. " New officers elected were: President, Mrs. E. Telseth. First Vice-President, Mrs. H. Young. Second Vice-President, Mrs. L. Doiron. Third Vice-President, Mrs. C. Schaeffer. Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. G. R. Brett. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. G. P. Lyons. Mrs. TeLseth was re-elected for her second year of service as president. Annual report of retiring secretary-treasurer, Mrs. W. Picrcs, revealed that the last year had seen an increase of fifteen new members and that there had been satisfactory activity from religious, social and financial aspects. A large number of parcels were sent during the year to Poland, Britain, Germany and Norway. Reports by various committee leaders inspired satisfaction. Mrs. G. R. Brett reported on Girl Guide activities and Mrs. L. Doiron on the work of the Women's Co-ordinating Council. Mrs. J. A. Smith gave an account of Red Cross work and Mrs. Walter Lahti on efforts to aid displaced persons. Mrs. L. Doiron and Mrs. J. Gar-on reported on the distribution of gifts at Easter and Christmas to children at Miller Bay Hospital. , Rev. Father Frank Rayner, O.M.I., took the chair during the election of officers. DANCE The Three Dukes, i "That sign will mean dome-thing thing when when the the highway highway Is is! cleared." cleared." today. Said Mr. Cassells: "Leprosy is not contagious. It is infectious. The disease germs must enter through a cut in the flesh. Hard work to increase the slowing circulation and plenty of good food to satisfy 'the appetite thus gained are essential parts of the treatment. Leprosy depresses the spirit and the antidote, the missionary said, was the word of God. The people bow down before I Fit IDA T PM 4:00 Ed McCura cmgs 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Sleepy Time Stories 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 MacMillan Club Quiz 5:30 Keyboard & Console 5:45 About Town 6:00 Musical Varieties 6:30 Malkin's Melody Money Time 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Feldler Conducts 8:00 Your Favorite Band 8:30 Welcome to Newfoundland 9:10 Citizens' Forum News 9:15 Emma Castor. 9:30 Prairie Schooner 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Legislature Report 10:30 Canadian Short Stories 11:00 Weather and Sign Off SATUKUAY AM. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick ol the Hits 8:30 Murning Devotions 8:45 Little Connect 9:00 BBC News Commentary 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 Melodies for Junior 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 World Church News, 10: 3Q Concert Favorites 10:45 CBC News and Com'ty 10:55 Weather Report 11:00 Musical Program 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:45 Personal Album SATUKIJAl P.M. 12:00 Saturday Magazine 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 Musical Program 1 :00 Hi-Roads of Song 1:30 Time for Music Rup-Rec Junior Girls. Pianist, Barbara Tcng. Exercises and Tumbling Rup-Rec Teen Girls and Rup- DARK AFRICA IS PICTURED Why devil worship In Africa ? Rev. Samuel Cassels of the Sudan Interior Mission gave the answer graphically in word and colored motion pictures Wednesday niRht in First Baptist Church. The films pictured African women dancing for the dead and carried the audience through a series of revelations uf darkest Africa. Native war dances, leprous men and women, demon-possessed people and tribal customs portrayed Africa as it really is 1 ' tMHIIIiiuu I w m mm m- t 3 rwiTASUIKKUni X TA1 TIL I J 1 umwtiuiintKr ! those who have become devil- Rec Junior Girls. Rhiifc'lumler f Borden Street School, Grades 4, 5 and 6. Badminton and Ping Pong Civic Centre Club Members. Ground and Ladder Pyramids King Edward School, Grade 5. Square Dances Rup-Rec Teen Girls and Ladies' Keep Fit Class. Rhythm Drill Borden Street School, Grades 4, 5 and 6. Springboard Tumbling King Edward School, Grade 6. Fundamental Gymnastics Rup-Rec Ladies' Keep Fit. Grand Finale. Plumbing Troubles? r'f' i possessed. They do not worship the person but the demon who is believed to dwell in him. Consequently numbers of Africans strenuously endeavour to become filled with demon power. The humorous Scottish evangelist brought the evening to a close with powerful challenge from God's Word. Speaking of the prevalent half - hearted Christianity of the day he quoted the words of Jesus: "Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say?" The congregation also learned that there arc still twenty-seven mil-, lion people in the Sudan who have never once heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 1 XM I ' tjj CALL , Jspl BLUE 846 i "I The grand finale depicts th" public appeal of the friendly milk bottle which Is standing on counters in stores and banks every day. A silver collection IJbU W U LBLU. HflJ SAANICH Plumbing & Heating will be taken to aid in the fin ances of the Rup-Rec classes. The admission to this displav is by free ticket to be procured at the Civic Centre office as lnrfT Qc thnv Incf T'no snrMlv (1 pssf, $ tv SHAhES OF 1 VS TEH YEA 11... Commodore Cale HOLLYWOOD cafe I is limited as the 400 participants i f have been given first consider- j i ation, enabling their parents to i Jt'OMPLETLLY RENOVATED .- "Belter Than Ever" . Most Up-to-Date Cafe in fMJ m attend one night of the display. the City OPKN HIOM 11:30 A.M. to 3:311 A.M. ' " 1 Ttme (P JotMWsj Wc Specialize in Chinese IMn CIU SUEY - CIIOWMEIS FOR OLTSIUE OUDKKS FB0KE 1 I'rime Itu perl's Finest Eating I'lacc BROADWAY CAFE BEST FOOD BEST COOKING Best Food and Service in City Phone 17 for Send-Out Order Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. I -lii'iouH . . . w toaaty-rrisp in milk! Yen, frethT liccnuwi they're Kellugg'i Bran Flakes ... ( Try thorn at no ritk! Doubla your nmnpy bark if you don't agreo Ke!kKCs re fresher than other bran fl(tkiH. St-nd empty carton to KclloKg's, Dept. 4-A, Ixindon, OnL WASHER !) VANE SIU'KK ACUTA1 WITH Helpful, too! Contains the 4 nu; out. Tin LIFE TIME MK(IIA SAFETY WKINCM brun mnuy need to ke-p regular. regular. The old pianola is a far cry from the gaudy juke-boies of today. Hit-tune tastes have chanfced, too. But, now as then,' Princeton Beer is top favorite. THOR GIVES YOU MORE Point fur Point- Dollar fori' Here's the BIGGEST Washer Value h Only $150.7 a Specialty CHINESE DISHES FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 008 WEST THIRD AVENUE NortheinlB.C. Power W A PICKET FENCE TO MEND OK A HOARD WALK TO FIX? . , . lor Repair or Building Supplies PHONE 3G3 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. , Builders unci Contractors 1'IIONE 3C3 CHOM-; 210 PRINCE RUl'EHT, li. C. Mother Knows ABestl Mellow . . . full-bodied . .". and of unvarying, downright goodness . . . Princeton Beer continues" to be a "must" with all who really know good beer. For them, the iaste-test tells the story. (0XR kitchcM,too.r., . IIS ' l 1$ A. WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 wmEWBBMmami -nWV sparine HKe NtYi I A5tSKAU' . w wn vt r Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions I n PRINCETON BREWING CO. LTD, PRINCETON, B.C., A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD, OI'U STOCK OF lti:iKOOM SlITES IS COMPLETE. Oriental Walnut Butt Walnut Avodirc Bleached Colonial Maple Birdeyc Maule Prices from SI 50 to Si2!l8 Phone 775 We Deliver 327 3rd Ave. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED 19-1 . r mil " 1 v.j A Thu advertioemcnt is not published or clayed by Ur Liquor Control Board K. E. MORTIMER u, uy me government ot British Lolumbm. 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) IT MMf V)Viy)b V APRIL 11, IS LAST DAY OF AT "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER"