I THIS AND THAT Prince Rupert Dailp r-Jftos LtD. Saturday, March 13, 1&48 ara Local News Items Covering Uiree-year to- Wilson. was in- w no in a. COUSIN OF KING DIES LONDON 0i Princess Helen Victoria, granddaughter of Queen Victoria and cousin of King George VI. died in London today. The Princess was 77 and had been In failing health for several months. Advertise in the Dally News! mishap CFPR Radio Dial f240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night 8:30. (It) Truck Drivers and General Laborers meeting, Sunday, 2 p.m., Carpenters' Hall, Fraser Street. 62i Port Edward, is re-covering from his was hurt when the A.M. SUN DA X rioi.iB " jL. was w Edward. Cash for old eold. Bulger's. Legion Ladies' Banquet. Monday night, 6:40 sharp. (63) Easter Reservations Have you made your reservations for Raster Day Dinner, March 28, at Civic Centre Dinningroom, yet? Better Phone 231 today! tf Meeting of Horticultural Society, Tuesday, inarch 16, 8 p.m. Civic Centre. All interested in gardening, members or , not, please attend. For QUALITY, STYLE and SERVICE . . . FASHION HOME Tsimpsean and Tyee Lodges, A.F. and A.M. Masonic Service, St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sunday evening. Assemble in Cathedral Hall, 7:15. Sojourning Brethren invited. (62) Remember the date Friday, March 19, for the Rebekah Annual Fashion Show. Shoes by Brown woods. (62) the Best! es SEE 11:00 Cue News 1 1 : 03-Capitol Reports Ott. 11:30 Religious Period-Tor. F-M 12:00 New Vorfc Priiliiarmonic Orch. 1:30 Church of the Air , 2:00 Musical Program 2:30 CBC News 2:33 John Fisher Reports 2:45 Weed-end Review 3:00 T.B.A. 3:30 Weather Forecast 3:35 Musical Program 4:00 Music in Nature CRAFT. . . UCTROLUX Joint meeting Vessel Owners and Fishermen, Monday, March 15, Fishermen's Hall, 7:30 p.m. Members please attend this important meeting. (63) Made in Canada aovV BETTER THAN EVER m Attention Did vnn know ItFIER home cleaner, moth exterminator 4:30-Everybody's Poetry that you can now get Chicken in tv,P w,,ff tn tnkP nnt at rivip 5:00 Record Album household jobs ELECTROLUX accomplishes HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert D. Candow, Vancouver; C. McKenzie, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. P. Holmes, Port Angeles, Washington; R. M. Murray, city; H. Luck, Sandspit. ter and quicker. Immediate delivery, roll COMPLETE DETAILS PHONE . HULL at Prince Rupert Hotel Centre Diningroom? Just Phone 231 and we'll have it ready when you call. (tf) Cfp Mrt.w Adam ryrt lor 5:30 Music In Three Quarter Time 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs 6:30 Familiar Music 7:00-Stage 48 8 :0& Readers Take Over "We like Junior to feel he's our equal! VET HOMESTEAD r TIME EXTENDED Suits for Spring that are smarter in appearance and better in quality. New shades of brown, grey, and blue, the most attractive in . years, make our Spring arrivals outstanding. You may be sure of expert styling, correct fit and top quality when you buy a Fashion-Craft suit. LONELY ISLE BRIDAL PAIR'S HOME Remote Langara Island on the north tip of the Queen Charlottes will be the home of a Manitoba couple who were wed here this week. The bride was Miss Merle Wilton, of Glenboro, and the groom Donald M. Crawford, of Killamey, now posted with the Department of Transport weather station at Digby PRINCESS LINE VICTORIA, ff. Veterans will iSKKf mwx I be given another year to take up homesteads in British Columbia under an amendment to the Pre-emptor's Free Grant Act introduced in the Legisla Island. Gromsman was Thomas Hetherington of the Digby Island weather station staff. ture Friday by Lands Minister E. T. Kenney. The deadline was extended to June 13, 1949. The rite was- performed by Archdeacon i.-jason in St. Andrew's Cathedral in the presence of a few friends. Next month, the couple will KAYHI WINS Mr. and Mis. iiuiton and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sjursen. also of Digby Island, were guests. A reception followed at the WM HOOP TOURNEY to VANCOUVER and way ports Every Monday 10 p.m. to A L A S K A Ketchikan, Wranjell, Juneau, and Skajway Mar. 21 and Apr. 1 to ALERT BAY and Vancouver March 15 and 25 to Langara Island, where Mr.) Crawford will be in charge A the radio and weather station. I home of Mr. and Mrs. Boas, 226 Sixth Avenue East. The bride was given in mar-j riage by Armine Boas and worei LADIES: HEAD THIS! KETCHIKAN Ketchi-can High School defeated Anchorage last night for the Alaska basketball championship by a score of 30-31. The game was the second of a series. Unwanted hair removed Instantly a dress of blue silk jersey, withj. from fare. arms, lees with Flash , brown accessories. Attached to Hair Remover. Actually destroys the the Prayer Book which she car-, entlre halr Rbove and bflow the 6kln 1 . , , . , ( surface. Harmless leaves the Bkm Ined was a bouquet of red roses. Boft and smootll. You can't lose. I Matron Of Honor was Mrs. ; Money promptly refunded if hair . Armine Boas, wearing a black rJrZ. SgSS Advertise in tin Vu'.ty News! I 1.1 IT ilTT- 'iH ' 1 MM crepe dress With White acces- postpaid. ( C O D .'s Postage extrai. sories and corsage of pink car-jKAFEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 19) Announcements All advertisements In this column will be chari'd lur u full munth at 25 crnts a ord nations i Eox 22 SUitlon B Montreal, Que. - " , ' March 17 Catholic Sc1kx.i1 Hall j "in rem m Tea, Home Coi.kin. Apron and Novelty Sale, 2:30 p.m. Card Party. 8 p.m. Booth T. T.A . M.irr!) 17. Junior Chamber St. Patrick's Day Dance, March 17, Civic Centre. Presbyterian Tea. March 18. Presbyterian Church Hall. Rebekah taster Parade, Civic The Entire Lot Of War Surplus Material In Prince Rupert Area PHI KU. JACKSON Was Recently. Sold . byWar. Assets Corporation to the Army & Navy Department Stores, Limited. A representative of tn Comnanv is now in Prince Centre, March I'.l. j Card Party, Civic Centre. March 19, 8 p.m. Cubs and Sc-ouls W.A. Tea. Sale of Home Cooking. Conrad Street School, Saturday, March 20. St Peter's Y.P.A. Bazaar, Parish Hall, March 27. Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., Daffodil Tea. March 29. Sea Cadets and Jobs' Daughters Combined Show and Musical Revue, March 31 and April 1, Navy Drill Hall. Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Sale, March 31. Anglican Easter Sale, April 1. J.C.C. Smoker, Moose Temple. April 2. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, April 9. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 15. Rupert supervising the transfer of all material to the Ocean Dock Warehouse. Parties interested in purchasing any items on hand can do so before shipment is liade to Vancouver, contact Mr. Rov lackson at the i00 I Yes, Vvc a complete new - I !gzr" v' '-l - - outfit from Up to toe ... - I .' ;'.,'"-' ?t;N " T I &':K ' ' Vt ' $ Hi-res my wardrobe; Arf Xnf Nirww a Suit a Blouse I and all I -;-RffSnKv".ws''i 3 a Dress my Accessories ffr "i ' "' a sma" don payment Nfs ' ti " ....and I pay as I wear lr' 't 'iV 'V-'l Sweet 16's personalized ry DFHOT W fi . ivv ?i lis iiiiiy i Siii i H'He Runert Hotel. i 1 he lot consists of hundreds of thousands of dollars Worth of various items which may be useful for the fishing industry, mining, logging and construction com fnies, etc., etc. (Every item will be sold at a mere fraction of the or- Orange Tea, April 21. Women of the Moose tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 46 8th Ave. East on April 22. inal cost Rotary Minstrel Show, evenings April 23 and 24. Children's matinee April 25. United Church Spring Sale, April 29. St. Peter's spring sale, May C. Registered Nurses' A.ss'n Tea. Nurses' Home, Wed., May 12. Mr. Roy Jackson co Prince Rupert Hotel Representing J' 7 V Jk,!kvi MJ J IV R EJI $L JH.JLJia.il W V, j o NO interest! IK--" ' -I o NO carrying charges! r'v s t . i lY'il 't'i, NOW serving you at: J lV"CvNV 1 61-63 W. 2204 Main St. . Colu,l,ia 1 I n I Hastings St. , 4440 Strvol. New I f "s 807 Granville West UHli Ave. VVesiin!ii.-,tcr ' l 4 oITrV 1430 Lonsdale 727 Yates St., I X s sv J ,4df. " Ave, North Victoria C( ft v x s i Hastings St. Vancouver V Is : - - xsx s 1618 , Priiitz. Rupert rfU, r v. s! f Commercial Dr. kmssway and jr ft. Vs KA I 2315 Main St. Clarke Drive PorU,.i. Goinrf STORES LTD. REGINA ARMY & NAVY DEPT. VANCOUVER EDMONTON feacly Vet McLeod f) Ormcs Dross fOMLTKIST W Of'VIMrn 1 v i, o Euan m PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS-WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M., 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. SUPREME 0ASOIWF i mi , ' s kl T &3 W W V J ,; jouainu- Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday Daily cur delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. 'i ri ill r t-is-- .v" si mm mt.mF' PHONE 81 I '')" . . f ... . . -; ; - j -Sfj. I j- j ' in i ti nt j i " ' ',' r